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Race results
Misc P4G Finished not recorded 3 entrants
- 1st asapaska #5027 more bathhouse bruh Finished
- 2nd hoxi #9766 more next run in 2052 Finished
- 3rd Lonne #8567 he / him more Fuck Shadow Mitsuo all my homies hate Shadow Mitsuo Finished
Misc P3P Finished not recorded 4 entrants
- 1st asapaska #5027 more Red shadow floors. FUN!!! Finished
- 2nd hoxi #9766 more emperor and empress can go burn in the biggest depths of hell for all i care Finished
- 3rd Lonne #8567 he / him more No full moon boss deaths POG Finished
- 4th Worldie #8867 he / him Finished