
Current races

Past races

  1. gorgeous-ganon-7180 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants retrance - https://alttpr.com/h/NJMabLRxv0 - (Heart/Compass/Magic Powder/Ether/Green Potion) | Retrance Invitational Group C: Tstew14 vs WallKicks
  2. famous-trinexx-1934 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants crosskeys - https://alttpr.com/h/bYMNqlxkG0 - (Hookshot/Bombs/Bugnet/Pendant/Shield) | Goomba vs Linlinlin (G2)
  3. witty-chestgame-6036 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants ambrosia - https://alttpr.com/h/rzGOwAq5Gj - (Boots/Ice Rod/Mushroom/Gloves/Compass)
  4. witty-flute-4331 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants sglive - https://alttpr.com/h/z6GK0gP1Me - (Quake/Boots/Ice Rod/Shovel/Boots)
  5. clever-blacksmith-2589 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants retrance - https://alttpr.com/h/ZeM4ANVYvj - (Bombs/Gloves/Flippers/Magic Powder/Green Potion) | ALTTPR ladder retrance invitational | WallKicks vs breve | week 1 group C
  6. critical-moldorm-3031 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants Tournoi ALTTPR - Paraducks64 vs. prieR57 - Ganon Inverted Swordless Keysanity None NN None On - (Ice Rod/Boots/Mushroom/Magic Powder/Bow) - Restream(s) at speedgamingfrancais
  7. funky-paradox-5532 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants crosskeys - https://alttpr.com/h/29MQXk7EGD - (Pendant/Hammer/Magic Powder/Hookshot/Compass) | ALttPR Crosskeys Tournament 2021: Round 1 - Illus vs Schulzer (G3)
  8. calm-crystal-2105 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants retrance - https://alttpr.com/h/z6GK0g77Me - (Hookshot/Ether/Hookshot/Moon Pearl/Bow) | Retrance Invitational Group D - Andy v zenarcane
  9. sublime-ether-1620 Beat the game (glitched) Finished recorded 3 entrants owg - https://alttpr.com/h/7LyqwJxlM2 - (Hookshot/Bombos/Green Potion/Hammer/Hammer) | Glitched Weekly - OWG @ 2PM ET
  10. eager-lanmolas-9363 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants retrance - https://alttpr.com/h/g5yoKbdrym - (Gloves/Boomerang/Boomerang/Bombos/Bombos)