
Current races

Past races

  1. lazy-quake-5873 Co-Op The Replacements v Eat Lunch and Win Rando Finished not recorded 4 entrants wtfrosia - https://alttpr.com/h/xRv2RKnavl - (Shield/Mushroom/Hammer/Bugnet/Ice Rod) - Quickswap Enabled
  2. invincible-paradox-9201 do not record Finished not recorded 8 entrants dungeons - https://alttpr.com/h/oLyV7qzNGb - (Bugnet/Heart/Cape/Bombos/Mushroom) - Quickswap Enabled
  3. dapper-tempered-0254 Co-op Info Share Finished not recorded 4 entrants ALTTPR League - Aerinon and SeanRhapsody (Hylian Rhapsody) vs. Leviticus and Scrubcasual (Boomer Friendly) - Week 1 - All Dungeons Co-op Info Share - (Ether/Lamp/Bombs/Compass/Flippers)
  4. wild-shovel-5394 Co-op Info Share Finished not recorded 4 entrants ALTTPR League - adirondackrick and Synack (The Bomb Squad) vs. Andy and Fouton (PugTrio) - Week 1 - All Dungeons Co-op Info Share - (Ether/Shield/Book/Mirror/Heart)
  5. neutral-potionshop-9718 Co-op Info Share Finished not recorded 4 entrants ALTTPR League - Pikapals and Swerb (sealW) vs. EmoSaru and apathyduck (Yu-Tang Clan) - Week 1 - All Dungeons Co-op Info Share - (Hammer/Book/Bugnet/Hookshot/Hookshot)
  6. classic-agahnim-8632 Co-op Info Share Finished not recorded 4 entrants ALTTPR League - Hacksaww and TheBoulder300 (Will Pull Ped For Food) vs. Laoria and WindFox470 (Please Clap) - Week 1 - All Dungeons Co-op Info Share - (Heart/Mushroom/Moon Pearl/Mirror/Ice Rod)
  7. outrageous-zorasdomain-8570 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants adkeys - https://alttpr.com/h/rzGO7D1YGj - (Mirror/Gloves/Empty Bottle/Bombs/Compass) - Quickswap Enabled
  8. bonus-tempered-7936 Co-op Info Share Finished not recorded 4 entrants ALTTPR League - Megawott and Frostbite3030 (Phendrana Drifters) vs. DukeFireBird and Roach788 (The Immortals) - Week 1 - All Dungeons Co-op Info Share - (Ether/Flute/Quake/Flute/Book)
  9. crafty-somaria-7056 Co-op Info Share Finished not recorded 4 entrants ALTTPR League - Rywek and AsclepiosRod (Les French Canadians) vs. Alucard2004 and Veetorp (Stoops Troop) - Week 1 - All Dungeons Co-op Info Share - (Moon Pearl/Pendant/Bombs/Moon Pearl/Ice Rod)
  10. mysterious-silvers-8044 Co-op Info Share Finished not recorded 4 entrants ALTTPR League - Tabbycat54 and MrScruffNinjaTuna (Hyrule Track and Field) vs. Arusta and Timp (The Longshots) - Week 1 - All Dungeons Co-op Info Share - (Bombos/Gloves/Mushroom/Big Key/Bombos)