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Race results
Beat the game - Tournament (Solo)
not recorded
2 entrants
- 1st faker jr #8870 he / him Finished n/a
- — plasmaGeist #7604 he / they DNF n/a
Beat the game - Tournament (Solo)
2 entrants
- 1st GFE #5633 he / him more 166 cr Silly seed. How dare you taunt me with the ped potential just to ruin the ride at the last moment! GGs Finished 25
- — plasmaGeist #7604 he / they DNF 62
Dennsen86 Community Race
not recorded
14 entrants
- 1st Dennsen86 #8686 he / him Finished
- 2nd Teto #2797 he / him Finished
- 3rd LostxXinXxPain #1614 Finished
- 4th OBenniO #9657 he / him more Bei Kholdstare gestorben und danach die Flöte bis zum Ende liegen gelassen Finished
- 5th Littledark86 #3438 he / him Finished
- 6th B_Jey #4525 he / him Finished
- 7th redi8 #8475 Finished
- 8th Lanux #8957 he / him Finished
- 9th rdsdb #3726 Finished
- 10th nemesismartyn #6113 more Aganim gemacht, weil master schwert+lampe.., misery mire gemacht weil flöte, purple chest war erfolgsmoment und hookshot cave. routing und execution massiv ausbaufähig Finished
- — NTapple #1924 he / him DNF
- — plasmaGeist #7604 he / they DNF
- — ToppiTV #4040 he / him more Das muss mir mal einer erklären wie man darauf kommt, zu hoffen das in der Hook Shot Cave der Hook Shot liegt. enomer Zeitverlust nicht mehr normal. DNF
- — XallGG #7747 he / him DNF