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Race results

  1. sleepy-kraken-6871 EB Ancient Cave Randomizer Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st sitake1010 #0282 Finished 41
    2. ChefGobes #3642 DNF 5
  2. prudent-ness-7050 EB Ancient Cave Randomizer Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Kelie Semoun #3070 Finished 125
    2. ChefGobes #3642 DNF 208
  3. amazing-spitefulcrow-7090 EB Boogey% Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Brooke #3036 she / they Finished 151
    2. 2nd Sharpless #2240 Finished 157
    3. 3rd TheTerrificTracy #8002 they / them more Despite everything, I got there. Finished 91
    4. ChefGobes #3642 DNF 86
  4. brainy-manimani-9171 EB Boogey% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st attack_slug #7458 she / her Finished 37
    2. 2nd ChefGobes #3642 Finished 21
  5. outrageous-diamonddog-2188 EB Boogey% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Brooke #3036 she / they Finished 50
    2. 2nd ChefGobes #3642 Finished 31
  6. hyper-magiccake-8709 EB Boogey% Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st octopuscal #6048 Finished 115
    2. 2nd shookieTea #6998 he / they Finished 192
    3. 3rd Sharpless #2240 Finished 398
    4. 4th ChefGobes #3642 Finished 533
  7. obedient-ness-8257 EB Boogey% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st ChefGobes #3642 Finished 309
    2. DerrickGnC #8411 he / him DNF 20
  8. lawful-swamp-0475 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 59 entrants
    1. 1st Brogor #0954 he / him Finished 528
    2. 2nd Eriror #8787 he / him more 142/216, Master Sword, few awkward orders but no disasters. time to prac bomb escape again Finished 87
    3. 3rd daaanty #0264 he / him more death warps are pretty nice in hard pool lmao Finished 91
    4. 4th Doomtap #8874 he / him more Died to vitty 147/216 Finished 452
    5. 5th Illus #6451 he / him Finished 78
    6. 6th Ninban #5207 Finished 71
    7. 7th Lavender #2100 she / her Finished 133
    8. 8th Julloninja #3102 he / him Finished 44
    9. 9th Paraducks64 #0459 he / him more 155/216 Not too bad. Was scared of Ice rod location Finished 41
    10. 10th Bonta #2598 Finished 22
    11. 11th WaltherIV #4773 he / him Finished 35
    12. 12th tam #8418 they / them Finished 21
    13. 13th Schulzer #3184 he / him Finished 20
    14. 14th waterleau #8538 he / him Finished 12
    15. 15th Matkap #5663 he / him Finished 79
    16. 16th prieR57 #0778 he / him Finished 27
    17. 17th shadyforce he / him Finished 17
    18. 18th Akaelyne #9090 she / her Finished 41
    19. 19th saiontea #1652 Finished 65
    20. 20th WiredWicky #6756 Finished 105
    21. 21st Linlinlin he / him Finished 8
    22. 22nd LockeColeLive #8517 more Hard last location flute feels bad Finished 17
    23. 23rd compiling #0537 he / him Finished 1,097
    24. 24th oro they / them Finished 30
    25. 25th Phaaze #0640 he / him Finished 796
    26. 26th topplife #1955 he / him Finished 32
    27. 27th Kromb1 #1059 he / him Finished 134
    28. 28th Jeddoman #6705 he / him Finished 54
    29. 29th ShivaHaze #2350 more !appeal br0g0r ^^ Finished 19
    30. 30th Teto #2797 he / him more you can't route this worse Finished 78
    31. 31st Zaruvyen #7867 he / they more There's nothing more that I hate than verbalizing all the right calls and never doing them, smh. Finished 34
    32. 32nd Coxla #6913 he / him Finished 27
    33. 33rd Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 11
    34. 34th Ralen Tankir #4377 he / him more looks like i'm playing challenge cup this year Finished 40
    35. 35th OmegAtoisk #0588 he / him Finished 7
    36. 36th bsj #6516 he / him Finished 228
    37. 37th swedisharcticfox #7301 Finished 43
    38. 38th Maya-Neko #3953 she / her Finished 83
    39. 39th Homewrecker #4033 he / him Finished n/a
    40. 40th gus #1339 he / him more love me some pedestal love me some 300 rupee for me troubles Finished 30
    41. 41st MalXantholos #6990 he / him more 163/216 played like i never saw a video game before and full cleared nearly everything including TR double dip Finished 218
    42. 42nd StructuralMike #1449 he / him Finished 552
    43. 43rd magnohato #7620 he / him Finished 144
    44. 44th The Oogga #0230 Finished n/a
    45. 45th RickyofKokiri #6979 he / him more just full clear the seed. just full clear the seed. Finished 34
    46. 46th SeductiveSpatula #9378 Finished 122
    47. 47th BreathlessSleep #6416 she / her Finished n/a
    48. 48th maclaque #8149 he / him Finished 147
    49. 49th Nitro6003 #8701 he / him more sill early mistakes but overall not terrible Finished n/a
    50. 50th xel____ #0617 they / them Finished 41
    51. 51st lisandre_ #0366 he / him Finished 194
    52. Taale #3117 she / her DNF 132
    53. retronika #1643 she / they DNF 147
    54. Hazukitty #6329 more died to trinexx. it's too late for this. DNF 341
    55. linktothepastken he / him DNF 38
    56. ChefGobes #3642 DNF n/a
    57. Sinicide #0776 he / him DNF n/a
    58. smercjd #0528 he / him DNF n/a
    59. Eradin #1293 he / him DNF 833
  9. curious-ganonstower-8179 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 154 entrants
    1. 1st humbugh #0699 he / him more what the Finished 146
    2. 2nd Spleebie #6056 he / him more 111/216 Go mode at 24 minutes o.O Finished 681
    3. 3rd Teto #2797 he / him more 0:24 go/knowmode, 105 collection, first time lucky godroute in those qualifiers, time to throw the next 4... Finished 452
    4. 4th Justin Z #8921 he / him more If you want a better time, don't mirror before the eighth arrow hits Vitreous' big eye Finished 1,046
    5. 5th DarkenedSky #5987 he / him more That seed was a trip holy moly. Go mode at 23ish minutes Finished 2,678
    6. 6th HayfieldBay #6247 he / him Finished 160
    7. 7th inthenameofDT #4078 he / him Finished 503
    8. 8th Drac #6894 he / him Finished 533
    9. 9th asazas #5264 he / him Finished 1,097
    10. 10th Eriror #8787 he / him more 127/216, whew Finished 407
    11. 11th homemadebeer #3479 he / him more 116, death in tr hurts. bad mire area routing Finished 186
    12. 12th Yok #8247 more TETO THE GOD POGGERS Finished 287
    13. 13th tso15 #4732 he / him Finished 253
    14. 14th namefaker89 #6667 he / him Finished 750
    15. 15th ScottishBrave44 #2982 she / her more God Routed this, wish I had the execution of the top players Finished 4,219
    16. 16th DukeFireBird #0225 any / all Finished 842
    17. 17th Furaime #0958 Finished 196
    18. 18th Jesse_RS99 #2905 he / him more Jetiest Aga seed I've ever run - 127CR Finished 140
    19. 19th Skipsy #8089 they / them Finished 804
    20. 20th Ninban #5207 Finished 204
    21. 21st Krithel #1406 he / him Finished 174
    22. 22nd jmeasher #6324 he / him Finished 237
    23. 23rd Pennyroyal_Oil #1056 he / him Finished 537
    24. 24th rdwalshv #6267 he / him more 131/216 forgot back of escape and how to play the video game Finished 310
    25. 25th Dawnvenure #3911 he / him more Rust made me forget Ice Palace crystal switch. Standard mode PB :) Finished 895
    26. 26th Slumber Jack #3831 he / they more Spent way too much time trying to route in purple chest, RIP Finished 529
    27. 27th prieR57 #0778 he / him Finished 908
    28. 28th ObscureLifeForm #6340 Finished 159
    29. 29th Tripp #5534 Finished 522
    30. 30th adirondackrick #4468 he / him more 132 - Imagine checking that spot earlier... Finished 2,551
    31. 31st cheamo #8696 he / him Finished 92
    32. 32nd Phaaze #0640 he / him Finished 3,181
    33. 33rd dickson #6110 Finished 1,180
    34. 34th Coxla #6913 he / him Finished 159
    35. 35th Paraducks64 #0459 he / him more I regret not doing walk on water Finished 268
    36. 36th Eykir #2885 he / him more Who dies going to ice rod cave? Finished 271
    37. 37th WaltherIV #4773 he / him Finished 102
    38. 38th VortexofDoom #1756 he / him more Go mode in a check you skipped twice early feels awful, 139 Finished 74
    39. 39th timp #4057 he / him Finished 399
    40. 40th Demo #8382 he / him Finished 360
    41. 41st Laoria #3232 she / her more 133 Finished 102
    42. 42nd kefffka #6024 he / him Finished 321
    43. 43rd KillerApp23 #1596 he / him more petition for guaranteed bomb drops in escape because not enough items i guess Finished 174
    44. 44th MrMario7788 #4876 he / him more i was not expecting top 50, ill take it Finished 1,454
    45. 45th oro they / them Finished 137
    46. 46th Zaruvyen #7867 he / they more 138 / Glad to near-PB, it's really the best I could hope for with so much time that could be saved. GGs! Finished 269
    47. 47th Ralen Tankir #4377 he / him more fml i can't qualifier Finished 69
    48. 48th MCCalamity3 #1457 more Other than 2 stupid deaths to Kholdstare and Trinexx not the worst I've played Finished 575
    49. 49th Kiara_TV #7706 she / her Finished 1,972
    50. 50th StructuralMike #1449 he / him Finished 1,006
    51. 51st topplife #1955 he / him Finished 106
    52. 52nd bsj #6516 he / him Finished 722
    53. 53rd HammerBro #0591 he / him Finished 229
    54. 54th TreySpyre #7679 he / him Finished 1,852
    55. 55th sandres316 #1736 he / him more 23-minute GoMode........ JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!! Finished 50
    56. 56th CPColin #3731 he / him more Know Mode at 30m and Go Mode at 45m nice. Three boss deaths not nice. Finished 1,556
    57. 57th JSR_ #2176 he / him Finished 1,672
    58. 58th Saber87_ #4733 he / him more Waterfall Fairy GoMode :/ Finished 81
    59. 59th Makinx #1068 he / him Finished 391
    60. 60th derity #9873 she / her Finished 69
    61. 61st Slowpoke316 #9174 he / him Finished 723
    62. 62nd zenarcane #6475 he / him Finished 1,371
    63. 63rd Josh124 #3585 he / him Finished 1,310
    64. 64th fcoughlin #7691 he / him Finished 44
    65. 65th AuroraSnerd #0011 any / all Finished 324
    66. 66th WiredWicky #6756 Finished 83
    67. 67th nobly #0149 he / him Finished 42
    68. 68th zelgadissan #0529 he / him Finished 24
    69. 69th HolySmoke #7065 he / him Finished 949
    70. 70th PlumeriaKnight #6762 he / him Finished 115
    71. 71st Yukikaze #5523 he / him Finished 27
    72. 72nd Maya-Neko #3953 she / her more hätte mal nicht nen Monat Pause machen sollen^^" Finished 2
    73. 73rd KhloePrower #0311 they / them Finished 16
    74. 74th SeductiveSpatula #9378 Finished 80
    75. 75th Joss #7649 he / him more That's what I get for not doing south shore right away. Finished 14
    76. 76th maclaque #8149 he / him Finished 104
    77. 77th BenCreighton #3844 he / him more Protip: Don't take a Ganon dive. Finished 106
    78. 78th Gridasham #3379 he / him Finished 31
    79. 79th Kynup #9473 he / him Finished 33
    80. 80th Roach #8759 he / him Finished 149
    81. 81st greycorvid #1708 he / him Finished 30
    82. 82nd Magnit Handz #9960 he / him Finished 179
    83. 83rd Nochibato #8778 he / him Finished 14
    84. 84th Thorneto #8247 he / him Finished 85
    85. 85th JamesFnX #9072 he / him Finished 14
    86. 86th sk00pula #7804 he / him more 25 minute go mode. Still took over an hour. No life. Take that however makes sense. Finished 38
    87. 87th latebit #1301 he / him Finished 68
    88. 88th Teknolink #7602 more This is why I hate jet seeds Finished 43
    89. 89th AverageFrustratedGamer #8364 Finished 81
    90. 90th norskmatty #9828 he / him more seed was nice, I was atrocious in TR/GT, nerves perhaps Finished 7
    91. 91st leejo #5031 Finished 327
    92. 92nd ninjembro #4032 he / him Finished 1,125
    93. 93rd Carnathfd #1313 he / him Finished 496
    94. 94th coolpapabell2282 #8872 he / him Finished 93
    95. 95th Mikenekopi #1225 he / him more Holy heck that was a fun Jet-Like seed! GG Everryone <3 Finished 58
    96. 96th FloppyBacon #5798 Finished 92
    97. 97th Matkap #5663 he / him Finished 89
    98. 98th Knucksman #4812 he / him Finished 797
    99. 99th Homewrecker #4033 he / him more 136/216... WAY too many deaths :( Finished 833
    100. 100th Rhades138 #3907 he / him Finished 120
    101. 101st filistea #1921 Finished 779
    102. 102nd NYRambler #5308 he / him Finished 365
    103. 103rd skunkner #0974 he / him Finished 482
    104. 104th Falcon #0815 he / him Finished 153
    105. 105th Korivain #5476 he / him Finished 729
    106. 106th Corride #0763 he / him Finished 438
    107. 107th Palmenkott #1021 he / him Finished 1,818
    108. 108th Kaesden #7825 he / him more 172. hard last located quake. i suck at this. Finished 103
    109. 109th WesSideVandal #7031 he / him more oh hello there MS trinexx please don't hurt me *splat* Finished 214
    110. 110th thePa1ne #8901 he / him Finished 833
    111. 111th slapshotfred #5408 he / him Finished 256
    112. 112th DJ_DarkwingD #0992 he / him Finished 79
    113. 113th Kaede Rukawa #4676 he / him Finished 304
    114. 114th worldwide_wimpy #4815 more when fake flips would have saved you a half hour Finished 673
    115. 115th Benny Burrito #8867 he / him Finished 833
    116. 116th Professor Renderer #1319 he / him more 166/216 Ran of magic in escape twice, died on Vitty, lost time to pendant pod/eastern, but overall not a bad seed. Finished 118
    117. 117th YourUncleFinch #3746 he / him more 143/216, nice to know it was Aga-required early, but darn was my execution terrible (11 deaths) Finished 574
    118. 118th okayaaron #6434 he / him Finished 545
    119. 119th Taelin116 #6244 he / him Finished 833
    120. 120th PhantomRyu #5593 he / him Finished 900
    121. 121st anglhz #6037 he / him Finished 474
    122. 122nd Kan7os #8890 Finished 327
    123. 123rd Telmiran #6188 more remember kids, pendants are not needed for aga Finished 1,289
    124. 124th Brogor #0954 he / him Finished 922
    125. 125th alkalineace #3477 he / him more it seems forgetting lumberjack is not a good idea Finished 231
    126. 126th Darkwolf he / him Finished 267
    127. 127th LesleyPro_04 #2687 more Such horrible execution; died to Moth, Vitreous, Trinexx, Ganon and fell from Ganon twice. Since when has my execution and routing gone to such shit!? Finished 297
    128. 128th VixRyder #1476 he / him Finished 1,005
    129. 129th xel____ #0617 they / them more im way more rusty then i thought Finished 215
    130. 130th YEAHBUDDY0 #7855 Finished 242
    131. 131st Immortal Koi #7174 he / him Finished 141
    132. 132nd moar_deeps #5154 he / him Finished 833
    133. 133rd JohnnyGretis #2112 he / him Finished 1,021
    134. 134th Vinter #4810 he / him Finished 833
    135. 135th smercjd #0528 he / him Finished 833
    136. 136th joeygatorman #8114 he / him more What a load of pants this seed was, once I got to Trinexx. Had no bottles. Stopped having fun. Finished 833
    137. 137th ruzzelljr #0165 Finished 833
    138. shadyforce he / him DNF 162
    139. Lavender #2100 she / her DNF 435
    140. cox031 #2076 he / him DNF 343
    141. Lillifen #5034 she / her DNF 1,150
    142. Roonespism #1187 he / him DNF 400
    143. Unratütox #5868 DNF 372
    144. gus #1339 he / him DNF 602
    145. Kohrek #9665 he / him DNF 637
    146. professorpixie #5909 she / her more screw icebreaker, screw diver down, screw ALL OF YOU WHO ALLOWED THAT IN A NO GLITCH RUN, and especially SCREW THE REST OF THAT STUPID TR. DNF 170
    147. Sinicide #0776 he / him DNF 1,197
    148. EsperHubb #5908 more False start (Game Crashed) DNF 275
    149. Tigerton #8754 he / him DNF 348
    150. Nitro6003 #8701 he / him more urgh.... darn trinex no tempered sword.... i hate trinex master DNF 774
    151. tonytyoung #8727 he / him DNF 626
    152. ChefGobes #3642 DNF 833
    153. mathemaat #6629 he / him DNF 833
    154. OneHitObliterator #4965 DNF 833