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Race results

  1. tactical-richter-6097 TP Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st bdamja #5312 he / him Finished 55
    2. 2nd FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 56
  2. funky-banjo-0661 TP Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st morgan #8480 they / them more real time 3:19:20, some kind of issue with livesplit integration Finished 46
    2. 2nd FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 63
  3. salty-dungeon-9093 TP Any% Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st Marco #4636 Finished 66
    2. 2nd DeanMachine42 #0160 he / him more big struggle holding together consistency. moments of greatness combined with attrocious game play Finished 6
    3. 3rd TheEtherNetBoyz #5101 Finished 13
    4. 4th FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 37
    5. 5th kipcode66 #1929 Finished 37
  4. curious-samus-7291 TP Any% Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st Nimzo #8636 he / him Finished 60
    2. 2nd TheGuyDownstairs #6147 Finished 43
    3. 3rd theprinceofnone #8238 she / her Finished 106
    4. 4th FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 131
    5. Jeez #7957 DNF 155
    6. Notablecass #7027 he / him DNF 59
    7. Ronano #7567 DNF 358
  5. helpful-rimworld-1499 TP Any% Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st bewildebeest #4894 he / him more On nintendont, loads locked; 2:40:45 IGT, so 2:58-2:59ish RTA on disc Finished 57
    2. 2nd EJ125 #0539 Finished 329
    3. 3rd PkFy #3811 Finished 912
    4. 4th Skyreon #6248 he / him Finished 63
    5. 5th FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 310
    6. TheGuyDownstairs #6147 DNF 55
    7. minimini352 #5951 he / him DNF 20
    8. theprinceofnone #8238 she / her DNF 36
    9. An_D #3901 he / they DNF 43
    10. Paperzlel #9794 she / her DNF 415
    11. Sparkle #6511 he / him DNF 413
  6. banzai-star-5568 TP Goron Mines RTA Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Simikins #9468 they / them more Sub 1, happy enough Finished 123
    2. 2nd FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 57
  7. bonus-togepi-4322 TP Goron Mines RTA Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 121
    2. 2nd gioghiost #6731 Finished 69
  8. perfect-brock-4514 TP Goron Mines RTA Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Anorakkis #1360 he / him more 2nd try EMS, bad early elevator, bad gate clip in GM Finished 51
    2. 2nd FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 379
    3. 3rd Baachan #3366 Finished 297
    4. 4th Kejs #8728 Finished 359
  9. magic-jigglypuff-0162 TP Goron Mines RTA Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Anorakkis #1360 he / him more woah Finished 146
    2. 2nd bewildebeest #4894 he / him more Nearly forgot two Faron bugs, jumped into water after getting KSS Finished 63
    3. 3rd TheGuyDownstairs #6147 Finished 192
    4. 4th FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 219
    5. 5th TheEtherNetBoyz #5101 Finished 5
    6. 6th Kitcot #1453 he / him more bleh Finished 608
  10. cute-crusher-5025 TP Goron Mines RTA Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st Anorakkis #1360 he / him more 40s goats and died in GM room 2, but PB Finished 577
    2. 2nd Krinoteder #2908 they / them Finished 1,726
    3. 3rd bewildebeest #4894 he / him Finished 433
    4. 4th An_D #3901 he / they more BiTsave didn't save Finished 196
    5. 5th Kejs #8728 Finished 1,170
    6. 6th Simikins #9468 they / them Finished 992
    7. 7th Pheenoh #9838 he / him more i train 1 hour for this Finished 819
    8. 8th DeanMachine42 #0160 he / him more good sewers, bo segment, and KSS. fyrus fight is easy Finished 268
    9. 9th link1183 #1007 he / him more bruh Finished 12
    10. 10th FirnenLegacy #8054 Finished 249
    11. TheGuyDownstairs #6147 DNF 318
    12. Jeez #7957 DNF 8