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Race results

  1. calm-pyramid-6966 ALttPR Beat the game Finished awaiting record 8 entrants
    1. 1st deritypeels #7100 she / her Finished 1,833
    2. 2nd Lanabean #3720 she / her more 155/216 nice rods Finished 1,957
    3. 3rd Deepfried87 #8531 he / him more 154 cr silvers in climb no mirror bait Finished 1,502
    4. 4th smercjd #0528 he / him more 174 - LMAO I made a MESS outta this seed xDDDD...but 2hr boots felt QQ = GGeveryone! ^_^ Finished 1,818
    5. 5th Homewrecker #4033 he / him more nice 1:05 hard LL glove to start the seed Finished 1,630
    6. 6th ARabidWombat85 #0401 he / him more 183CR. LL glove. Get hecked by FR. Finished 1,838
    7. 7th Akuma17 #3325 he / him Finished 1,511
    8. 8th death_taxes_n64 #4985 he / him more 188 spent 45 minutes just looking for rod sadge Finished 888
  2. dapper-hera-0423 ALttPR Beat the game Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
    1. 1st sozsozsoz #0181 he / him Finished 1,671
    2. smercjd #0528 he / him DNF 1,818
  3. gorgeous-hyrulecastle-5447 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him more Adorable lamp XD Finished 13
    2. 2nd faker jr #8870 he / him Finished 9
    3. 3rd smercjd #0528 he / him more 175 have to go sorry! GG all! Finished 2
    4. 4th Shinmaru #3292 he / him more 190 love to do everything but the exact thing i need to do Finished 10
    5. sozsozsoz #0181 he / him DNF 14
  4. reliable-beetorp-8013 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st smercjd #0528 he / him Finished 14
    2. 2nd cheffy #3717 Finished 3
    3. 3rd Akuma17 #3325 he / him more Wops EP Finished 4
    4. 4th Victotem #1469 Finished 36
    5. Hitman1382 #8796 he / him DNF 28
  5. puzzled-babyshield-2174 ALttPR Community-CrossKeys Finished not recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st IConIC22 #7299 he / him more CR 146 Finished
    2. 2nd DrDiabetus #6943 he / him more lass mal aus spass Crosskeys spielen wurde mir gesagt :) Finished
    3. 3rd CFate91 #7613 he / him more Einfach nein -> Boots geskippt...Somaria gedodged...Mire Big geskippt 189/216 Finished
    4. 4th LittleVaia #9313 she / her more CR 172 Finished
    5. Bumble #7458 he / him more Nach 30 min Hera Suche...kein Bock mehr DNF
    6. crackerito #3618 he / him more bsg für mm big DNF
    7. Skipsy #8089 they / them DNF
    8. smercjd #0528 he / him more oh my...danke alle, this seed sucked xD DNF
  6. foolish-lamp-6593 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st smercjd #0528 he / him Finished 8
    2. ARabidWombat85 #0401 he / him DNF 8
  7. lawful-bugnet-6859 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Lanabean #3720 she / her more 189/216 nice swamp with incredibly late flippers Finished 11
    2. 2nd sozsozsoz #0181 he / him Finished 10
    3. 3rd smercjd #0528 he / him more 199 cr xD oops Finished 4
    4. ARabidWombat85 #0401 he / him DNF 15
  8. superb-hyrulecastle-4395 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st StructuralMike #1449 he / him Finished 3
    2. smercjd #0528 he / him DNF 4
  9. trusty-bow-8773 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st breve #1524 she / they Finished 13
    2. 2nd Hitsuyan1337 #4395 he / him more scuffed hookless fs gt climb for nothing ;D Finished 1
    3. 3rd smercjd #0528 he / him more 152 CR - oh man I really need to work on execution xDDDD GGs everyone Finished 6
    4. 4th Blackirave #1438 he / him Finished 9
    5. 5th Muftaay #5896 he / him more I climbed GT with firerod+bow only, with low arrows. That was an adventure Finished 15
    6. CubeSoldier #1316 he / him DNF 10
    7. Brighteyed77 #3555 he / him DNF 6
  10. mega-boots-5284 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st DarkenedSky #5987 he / him more Nice specky clip seed Finished 3
    2. 2nd smercjd #0528 he / him Finished 2