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Race results

  1. dapper-magicalbook-4721 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st cytown #5626 he / him Finished 4
    2. 2nd droois #6541 Finished 6
    3. 3rd thomjay #5571 Finished 4
    4. 4th Ryin7 #7486 he / him more 100% OW, 99% Items Finished 2
    5. 5th DEM_Gaming #1304 he / him Finished 11
    6. 6th Mordred #8245 more well i got about 10 minutes longer because i thought i hit finish Finished 47
  2. disco-bagobago-2692 Z2 100% All Keys Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Big__Slammu #5059 Finished 257
    2. 2nd TheGobOne #3197 he / him Finished 61
    3. droois #6541 DNF 395
  3. silly-stalfos-1076 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st cytown #5626 he / him Finished 5
    2. 2nd Mocco71 #8714 he / him more I bought meat Finished 13
    3. 3rd jessandy8 #9443 she / her more toot! Finished 9
    4. 4th droois #6541 more 2 min gannon, 16 min 9 Finished 1
    5. 5th Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 15
    6. 6th dk9146 #8136 he / him Finished 1
    7. 7th specialk3782 #4459 he / him Finished 16
    8. 8th YmustUhateME #3791 he / him Finished 7
    9. 9th Mordred #8245 more These seeds man. These Seeds... Finished 20
    10. 10th Stags28 #0096 he / him Finished 22
  4. hungry-zol-3159 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st CaffyJD #5138 more BOURBON!!!! Finished 16
    2. 2nd chessjerk #2898 he / him more 16 heart hype! #GottaHaveHeart Finished 3
    3. 3rd Mocco71 #8714 he / him Finished 13
    4. 4th droois #6541 Finished 6
    5. 5th jessandy8 #9443 she / her more what a nonsense ladder spot Finished 8
    6. 6th Bogie #4670 Finished 12
    7. 7th BBQdotgov #6060 he / him more RAFTMEAT Finished 6
    8. 8th PanzerDave #6328 he / him more 3 BAIT BLOCKS IN A ROW :V Finished 14
    9. 9th dk9146 #8136 he / him more Some things went well, several things didn't :D Finished 1
    10. 10th PedanticPotato #6037 he / him more Played Chessjerk %. Skipped the boomerangs, white sword, and any key. Finished 1
    11. MrDunlo #2713 he / him more made a bad mistake. i've marked all items in 1-7 but can't find 8. re-cleared a few dungeons and lots of OW and can't figure it out. DNF 26
  5. clumsy-stepladder-9708 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st ta909 #7596 Finished 5
    2. 2nd tabby_orange #2042 he / him Finished 20
    3. 3rd Mocco71 #8714 he / him Finished 3
    4. 4th dk9146 #8136 he / him Finished 10
    5. 5th droois #6541 Finished 13
    6. 6th potato_pony #5169 he / him Finished 14
  6. virtual-zol-2499 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st Angel FM #3750 he / him more Did 5 first LOL Finished 12
    2. 2nd BrewersFanJP #3858 he / him more Skipped a lot and apparantly it paid off. Finished 76
    3. 3rd potato_pony #5169 he / him more every item, every room in 9. paaaaiiiiinn Finished 11
    4. 4th droois #6541 Finished 2
    5. 5th jessandy8 #9443 she / her more Dave blessed this Finished 1
    6. 6th Eatmysteel #6324 he / him more lost internet halfway through then did everything last possible Finished 9
    7. 7th PanzerDave #6328 he / him more DID I DO THAT???? Finished 18
    8. 8th PedanticPotato #6037 he / him more RR/SA not forced to 9... just ended up in 9 Finished 4
    9. 9th Mordred #8245 Finished 48
  7. comic-manhandla-5615 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 13 entrants
    1. 1st chessjerk #2898 he / him Finished 17
    2. 2nd ta909 #7596 Finished 5
    3. 3rd cytown #5626 he / him Finished 3
    4. 4th Ryin7 #7486 he / him Finished 23
    5. 5th Eatmysteel #6324 he / him more Despawned a Gleeok head that seed... that was fun Finished 6
    6. 6th OpnoPoint #1070 he / him Finished 5
    7. 7th Mocco71 #8714 he / him Finished 1,988
    8. 8th droois #6541 Finished 8
    9. 9th syscrusher #6529 he / him Finished 17
    10. 10th BlessedBe_ #3629 he / him Finished 16
    11. 11th drjayphd #2478 he / him more NAME! THAT! BOMB HOLE! Special Championship Edition. Finished 9
    12. 12th YmustUhateME #3791 he / him Finished 10
    13. 13th Mordred #8245 more Could have finished 20 min sooner if i could get a bomb drop Finished 137
  8. adequate-eagle-3887 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st droois #6541 Finished 17
    2. 2nd Eatmysteel #6324 he / him more Found the right stuff when I needed to for a change, gg droois Finished 11
    3. 3rd PanzerDave #6328 he / him more Wood sword at...1:02, mags at 1:04 LUL Finished 1
    4. 4th Sigil711 #5203 Finished 7
    5. 5th Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 14
    6. 6th PedanticPotato #6037 he / him Finished 7
    7. 7th Nimanva #4223 he / him Finished 6
    8. 8th BlessedBe_ #3629 he / him Finished 792
    9. 9th specialk3782 #4459 he / him Finished 11
  9. artful-triforce-8388 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st droois #6541 Finished 2
    2. 2nd Ryin7 #7486 he / him Finished 4
  10. tactical-dftgkappa-8330 Z2 port run Finished not recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Ugondis #4968 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd droois #6541 Finished
    3. TravWhite #9066 DNF