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Race results

  1. clever-heartcontainer-2842 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st Julloninja #3102 he / him more peepoClown bug net aga 2 and a free farm of gamma Poggers Finished 39
    2. 2nd incoherent #6156 he / him more 3 locations left before go mode. actually died on gauntlet with 15 hearts blue mail. cursed Finished 26
    3. 3rd Gammachuu #1618 he / him more Fear and Orange are the real winners forfeitting 194/216 Finished 20
    4. Orange #7624 he / him more Net died. Decided I would FF if it did not come back by the thirty minute mark. DNF 12
    5. fearagent he / him DNF 11
  2. quick-booyah-1746 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 54 entrants
    1. 1st mrmartin #9054 Finished 40
    2. 2nd emosoda they / them Finished 43
    3. 3rd SPTKira #1408 more whats going on? im never this good Finished 261
    4. 4th Flee #0246 he / him more First sub 3 POG Finished 159
    5. 5th Aceslayer111 #9361 he / him Finished 67
    6. 6th Marco #4636 Finished 61
    7. 7th Sponge #2155 Finished 20
    8. 8th MrMario7788 #4876 he / him Finished 26
    9. 9th SeYsEy #2150 he / him Finished 79
    10. 10th lolaway #7642 Finished 349
    11. 11th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 3
    12. 12th HasCoffee #9717 he / him Finished 1,639
    13. 13th Kaepora_ha #3725 he / him Finished 152
    14. 14th DylanMeeble #9138 he / him Finished 28
    15. 15th kryal #0888 he / him more pog Finished 431
    16. 16th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 8
    17. 17th DubuDeccer #0242 he / him more no Finished 93
    18. 18th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him Finished 12
    19. 19th Melrose #4744 he / him more To my SaltySponge: I suck. I don't want to play anymore, it's damaging to my mental and emotional health. GG, you knocked me out of the game entirely. Brag about it. Finished 2
    20. 20th Zemoo #4988 Finished 48
    21. 21st Feenie #6029 Finished 33
    22. 22nd furlim #4509 he / him more played so badly that I'll take this Finished 87
    23. 23rd Cuphat #2212 he / him more Would have been 3:23:44 if I didn't VC crash, RIP. Good seed though. Finished 2
    24. 24th RyuuKane #3246 he / him more 1) I'll stick to my PS4 controller then. 2) How the fuck? 3) AGAIN??? 4) KEKxecution from start to finish Finished 15
    25. 25th KayzoBro #2388 he / him Finished 61
    26. 26th zserf #4425 he / him more narrowly keeping the sub-4 streak alive Finished 19
    27. 27th DexterDoes #9771 Finished 49
    28. 28th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more da fuq Finished 15
    29. 29th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 24
    30. 30th BlueSoxSWJ #6781 he / him Finished 386
    31. 31st Cloudx7x #0022 more not pog Finished 18
    32. 32nd incoherent #6156 he / him more not pog. not pog at all. Finished 11
    33. 33rd VidyaJames he / him more for real this time Finished 78
    34. 34th Sawce_Bawss #0263 he / him Finished 18
    35. 35th AmazingShake #0334 he / him more best finish i've had, lmao Finished 184
    36. 36th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 2
    37. 37th renata #7226 Finished 8
    38. 38th Mihalo #1129 he / him Finished 62
    39. 39th Maplesstar #2947 she / her more I think with better execution I could have done sub 4, routing wasn't that bad so I'm happy! Finished 12
    40. 40th JindaWuff #7297 they / them more I got so excited that I missed the forest for the trees, as it were. Tragic, but fun. GG y'all! Finished 41
    41. 41st VenCorbin #0196 they / them Finished 88
    42. 42nd Niamek #6871 more **** this Finished 458
    43. icupspeedruns #0721 DNF 134
    44. Readrim #6625 DNF 72
    45. DgBarca #0570 he / him more Too tired to finish this sorry :( DNF 80
    46. Flouche #5543 he / him DNF 89
    47. navisayslisten #6621 she / her DNF 60
    48. Fig #4783 he / him DNF 100
    49. Barkshire #1794 DNF 71
    50. DoitiEtok #7450 he / him DNF 40
    51. Bitsy she / they more this seed was such trash DNF 20
    52. Jackmanqc #1401 DNF 24
    53. Hawketh #7993 DNF 316
    54. TBforGood #9601 he / him more Internet Died DNF 316
  3. sublime-slowpoke-0811 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st incoherent #6156 he / him more shoutouts to lens logic Finished 4
    2. 2nd Sharky2107 #6867 he / him more The Gamble did not work as planned. That was a seed Finished 8
  4. mini-boots-4945 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st etium #9246 he / him Finished 35
    2. 2nd incoherent #6156 he / him more I'm gonna install a big flashing neon sign above my monitor that says GO CHECK BAT DROP AFTER YOU GET THE HAMMER Finished 8
    3. 3rd jkoper #0895 he / him more Interesting logic puzzle. Wasted 10 minutes rescuing old man with no items. Finished 8
    4. 4th DapperWormMan #4721 he / him Finished 44
  5. quick-cactuar-7186 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 38 entrants
    1. 1st Elagatua #6912 Finished 38
    2. 2nd Sora #4486 he / him more if only I didn't make those 834057 mistakes Finished 60
    3. 3rd Riley #6863 he / him Finished 39
    4. 4th JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 39
    5. 5th Aceslayer111 #9361 he / him Finished 64
    6. 6th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 11
    7. 7th MrMario7788 #4876 he / him more woops Finished 17
    8. 8th wordsforswords he / him Finished 43
    9. 9th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 19
    10. 10th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him Finished 27
    11. 11th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 85
    12. 12th SPTKira #1408 more barely got the sub 3, i made somewhat poor routing choices after a strong start Finished 213
    13. 13th T-RIS #3918 he / him Finished 41
    14. 14th F1ction- #7034 Finished 226
    15. 15th Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 52
    16. 16th Cuphat #2212 he / him more not sub-3 or top 10 but I felt pretty good about this one, good seed Finished 12
    17. 17th Sage #3585 he / him Finished 981
    18. 18th zserf #4425 he / him Finished 40
    19. 19th Feenie #6029 Finished 25
    20. 20th Marco #4636 Finished 258
    21. 21st mrmartin #9054 Finished 27
    22. 22nd Vargothlye #4236 he / him more :-( Finished 25
    23. 23rd JindaWuff #7297 they / them more I got super baited, but that was fun! GG, y'all! Finished 72
    24. 24th incoherent #6156 he / him more I should probably stop trying to predict where stuff is Finished 1,843
    25. 25th BalthyPluch #2903 more 3:30 AM, I think I'm tired Finished 46
    26. 26th Flee #0246 he / him Finished 50
    27. 27th VidyaJames he / him Finished 246
    28. 28th kryal #0888 he / him Finished 118
    29. 29th renata #7226 Finished 45
    30. 30th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more sometimes the seed just says no Finished 51
    31. 31st CrustyKyler #1089 he / him more just needed one more item at 2:30....and here I am now... Finished 26
    32. 32nd Stuck_man #6906 more Bad decisions, bad execution Finished 64
    33. 33rd MisterKarp #9404 he / him more not last ffs. almost done at 2 1/2 just needed to push harder and not get baited Finished 51
    34. 34th Rilik #3921 he / him Finished 49
    35. Gavaroni #9139 he / him DNF 123
    36. DubuDeccer #0242 he / him DNF 163
    37. Blaze1438 #8651 more WRONG button DNF 457
    38. AmazingShake #0334 he / him more wow DNF 119
  6. calm-snorlax-8065 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Aceslayer111 #9361 he / him Finished 45
    2. 2nd RyuuKane #3246 he / him more Gotta check'em all Finished 14
    3. 3rd Cfalcon #0137 he / him more took me 50 min to find the go mode item, went from Galaxy Brain to Small Brain just like that Finished 28
    4. 4th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more "In Logic: 1, me: not even surprised anymore" Finished 20
    5. 5th incoherent #6156 he / him more y'all had me worried in the voice call Finished 13
    6. 6th SplitzHappen #4093 he / him more Now i remember why I should just keep staying away from this game for a while!\ Finished 39
    7. 7th SloaTheDemon #3974 he / him more when you feel you galaxy brained the seed but you actually just smooth brain Finished 250
    8. JohnnytheJester #9234 they / them more I'm fucking this close to being done with this piece of shit game DNF 11
    9. CrustyKyler #1089 he / him DNF 23
    10. Natar05 #5752 he / him more looking for a reason to be done. DNF 40
    11. Afterlife121 #2825 he / him DNF 59
  7. artful-luma-6521 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st felixoide4 #9489 he / him more Now that's what I'm talking about. Finished 4
    2. 2nd DareDevinX #1691 he / him Finished 31
    3. 3rd Kevin_818 #9130 he / him more sub 4 streak continued? Only good thing I can say about that one Finished 54
    4. 4th incoherent #6156 he / him more felix's brain is too big for mortal comprehension Finished 8
    5. Cfalcon #0137 he / him DNF 84
    6. JohnnytheJester #9234 they / them DNF 5
    7. Dreadzandcatz #6124 he / him DNF 46
  8. lawful-zip-8138 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 42 entrants
    1. 1st Cola #5395 he / him Finished 44
    2. 2nd DrKirth #6888 more pog Finished 127
    3. 3rd Sponge #2155 more .forfeit Finished 22
    4. 4th Melrose #4744 he / him Finished 36
    5. 5th mrmartin #9054 Finished 15
    6. 6th Deriteys #5031 Finished 149
    7. 7th Konditioner #9278 he / him Finished 27
    8. 8th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him more So close to top5 Finished 36
    9. 9th DgBarca #0570 he / him more woops sorry for the snipe Finished 91
    10. 10th Erwan #1047 he / him more dude that seed Finished 159
    11. 11th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more nani the fuck? Finished 46
    12. 12th rockchalk #3494 he / him more did Kaepora roll this? Finished 28
    13. 13th emosoda they / them more unlucky af :/ Finished 6
    14. 14th prieR57 #0778 he / him Finished 39
    15. 15th aston1988 #7539 Finished 37
    16. 16th Pyra #2564 he / him Finished 1
    17. 17th Feenie #6029 more A tower of Ganon really... Very awkward Q.Q. Finished 44
    18. 18th incoherent #6156 he / him more someday I will be less than 45 minutes behind in a race Finished 23
    19. 19th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him more hardcore punished Finished 6
    20. 20th Cuphat #2212 he / him more I'm not sure how I could have played worse or had less fun. The last several weeklies have sucked ass for me and make me question why I am still doing this. Finished 9
    21. 21st Vargothlye #4236 he / him more Not having fun anymore. Finished 27
    22. 22nd seadan #9629 Finished 125
    23. 23rd LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 13
    24. 24th VivaLaGaming360 #7953 more Bad, slow, and also not good or fast Finished 35
    25. 25th T-RIS #3918 he / him more that was certainly a seed Finished 9
    26. 26th CrustyKyler #1089 he / him Finished 1,589
    27. 27th SPTKira #1408 more i did poorly and ran everywhere Finished 204
    28. 28th purble #1465 he / him more Fuck my life. Fuck this seed. Finished 20
    29. 29th Barkshire #1794 Finished 32
    30. 30th Rilik #3921 he / him more Garbage opening and then after killing my 30 skulls a big ass brown recluse came to avenge his spider friends and I had to deal with that for another 10 minutes. GG Finished 36
    31. KayzoBro #2388 he / him more Too much tired + heat doesn't help DNF 241
    32. Aceslayer111 #9361 he / him DNF 81
    33. icupspeedruns #0721 DNF 102
    34. Holysparkz #8553 he / him DNF 23
    35. Peace #0219 DNF 254
    36. Flouche #5543 he / him more FF/20 DNF 58
    37. tenacious_toad #5453 he / him more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ DNF 26
    38. JohnnytheJester #9234 they / them more Fucked myself over DNF 11
    39. DoitiEtok #7450 he / him more Blue screen in go mode. DNF 5
    40. Dragon #4967 he / him DNF 1,336
    41. DexterDoes #9771 DNF 1,315
    42. MarshMonty #4946 more internet died DNF 69
  9. fortunate-zelda-1563 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st RyuuKane #3246 he / him more TIP : rando rando, then 1v1 necro first to unlock secret power Finished 17
    2. 2nd DocHeaps #0671 he / him Finished 32
    3. 3rd Holysparkz #8553 he / him Finished 4
    4. 4th Dreadzandcatz #6124 he / him Finished 91
    5. 5th Kevin_818 #9130 he / him more pleasure playing 100% with ya'll as always Finished 33
    6. 6th incoherent #6156 he / him more Pepega Finished 4
    7. PurpleRupees #9084 he / him DNF 20
    8. SDGShawn #8194 he / him more emulator crashed. Fantastic. DNF 25
    9. Lex #1532 more Welp, learned an important lesson about routing today. Probably won't have time to finish up. gl people. DNF 15
  10. shiny-crash-3307 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished not recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Cfalcon #0137 he / him more that was weird Finished 3,374
    2. 2nd felixoide4 #9489 he / him more dirty cheater :) Finished 3,145
    3. 3rd Flee #0246 he / him Finished 2,185
    4. 4th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more When you do *redacted* before *redacted* Kappa Finished 2,031
    5. 5th JohnnytheJester #9234 they / them more It feels like I'll never be on the podium in one of these Finished 1,664
    6. 6th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him Finished 2,358
    7. 7th incoherent #6156 he / him Finished 1,754
    8. 8th Cloudx7x #0022 Finished 1,286
    9. rockchalk #3494 he / him DNF 2,122
    10. DoodleBit #2935 he / him more Other things on my plate. Have fun! DNF 1,731
    11. SloaTheDemon #3974 he / him DNF 644