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Race results
PieDW Pokemon Crystal Randomizer Beat the Elite 4 Finished not recorded 19 entrants
- 1st gibby284 #7664 more blissey was a brick Finished
- 2nd Pikapals #8472 he / him more sometimes the union cave main switch works Finished
- 3rd Squire_Whipple #1644 he / him more Went back and hatched the odd egg and got a shiny :) Finished
- 4th Synii #6419 more Had a bad start having to beat Falkner with a tag team of Lanturn and Arcanine. Still managed to finish in the top 5. Happy with how this race turned out Finished
- 5th Ionic Karma #3034 more AYAYA Finished
- 6th Djibouti #9834 more the nidoKING Finished
- 7th CreekSmall #6622 more megnaton ftw Finished
- 8th Vandal #0371 he / him more yanma carried lmao Finished
- 9th Iateyourpie #4339 more curse hitmonlee w/ unburden was nuts this seed Finished
- 10th JT_Mad #3027 more mew was within an hour of first. not bad Finished
- 11th ElectricFortune #0414 he / him more Literally nothing was fast to start, Machamp was good enough with Hi Jump Kick/Surf/Tbolt, except against Grass/Psychic or Grass/Poison types Finished
- 12th Auro #8012 they / them more stupid egg bepPout but dayum it was a beast Finished
- 13th Ozy #3053 more thiccorita to baleef to victorybell lol based ruins of the alph Finished
- 14th lyrical #5645 she / her more ♥ jumpluff my beloved ♥ Finished
- 15th CalmayW #3670 she / her Finished
- 16th Eufy #8540 more spent an hour trying to find a main.. ended up with a super balanced kingler Finished
- 17th yarts #4028 Finished
- 18th pastel #9309 Finished
- 19th Nasty #7995 more Arcanine was a struggle... Finished