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Race results

  1. gorgeous-hyrulecastle-5447 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him more Adorable lamp XD Finished 13
    2. 2nd faker jr #8870 he / him Finished 9
    3. 3rd smercjd #0528 he / him more 175 have to go sorry! GG all! Finished 2
    4. 4th Shinmaru #3292 he / him more 190 love to do everything but the exact thing i need to do Finished 10
    5. sozsozsoz #0181 he / him DNF 14
  2. innocent-zorasdomain-8364 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Coy #4033 more my goodness 199/216 Finished 8
    2. 2nd TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him Finished 2
    3. 3rd latebit #1301 he / him Finished 10
  3. dynamic-ganon-8189 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 20 entrants
    1. 1st GFE #5633 he / him more 166 cr Thanks for making my life easier, SP! Finished 28
    2. 2nd cheffy #3717 Finished 30
    3. 3rd ganonsgonewild #4489 Finished 3
    4. 4th PlasmaKappa #2065 he / him more send help Finished 11
    5. 5th Deign #3244 they / them more CR: 181 -- No lamp, missed torch glitch, but sub 2'd! Finished 35
    6. 6th magnohato #7620 he / him Finished 10
    7. 7th AverageFrustratedGamer #8364 Finished 10
    8. 8th Jaejo36 #6545 he / him more 179 Finished 4
    9. 9th WallKicks #2003 he / him Finished 16
    10. 10th homemadebeer #3479 he / him Finished 9
    11. 11th Deepfried87 #8531 he / him more 178 cr, late to boots kekw vanilla swamp small Finished 14
    12. 12th armlx #7548 he / him more sub2 boots Finished 19
    13. 13th deritypeels #7100 she / her Finished 1
    14. 14th Coy #4033 Finished 12
    15. 15th joshbittner #2329 he / him more 178, Idk what you do in this crazy seed Finished 12
    16. 16th Kotose #9617 she / her more 190 - Hookshot at 1:50 lol Finished 1,370
    17. 17th TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him more I quit. Finished 16
    18. 18th latebit #1301 he / him more I hate this game Finished 21
    19. 19th Kennen #0761 Finished 89
    20. Lanabean #3720 she / her more Apparently mismarked not only dp north but I somehow never checked spiral either. Should have been close to 90 minutes on this one. DNF 35
  4. puzzled-compass-1701 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st sk00pula #7804 he / him more go boots catfish for 1st glove dp torch, after ice dip with everything but said glove. inverted yo. Finished 24
    2. 2nd AverageFrustratedGamer #8364 Finished 1
    3. 3rd Jaejo36 #6545 he / him more 164 - LL'd book, mismarked Swamp. No tempered Finished 9
    4. TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him DNF 10
  5. curious-lightsaber-2149 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him Finished 10
    2. 2nd deritypeels #7100 she / her more 201/216 oi Finished 3
    3. 3rd Lanabean #3720 she / her more Imagine being in TR big go for an hour or so. Whoopsiedoodle. 197/216 Finished 10
    4. 4th Twiga #4290 they / them more tr bk from go at 1:30 cleared pretty much everything after that Finished 5
  6. scrawny-uncle-7520 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st cheffy #3717 Finished 9
    2. 2nd TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him Finished 3
    3. 3rd Jaejo36 #6545 he / him Finished 14
  7. epic-mushroom-5331 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 28 entrants
    1. 1st Goomba #5087 he / him Finished 27
    2. 2nd GFE #5633 he / him more Did you know you need a BK to get to trinexx? Finished 32
    3. 3rd ganonsgonewild #4489 more 196 xdd Finished 13
    4. 4th Flipheal #4110 he / him more 188, no somaria for IP and honest hookshot Finished 18
    5. 5th Clink #8743 he / him more shouldnt have taken the pendant toh bait at the end Finished 412
    6. 6th PlasmaKappa #2065 he / him more send help Finished 12
    7. 7th Magnit Handz #9960 he / him more 197 CR Thank you seed Finished 18
    8. 8th cheffy #3717 more 189 Finished 17
    9. 9th WallKicks #2003 he / him more 214/216 Finished 5
    10. 10th magnohato #7620 he / him more sure did find misery mire without the lamp and lastlocated that firerod, and then firerod entrance. would be nice to steal desert smallkey Finished 8
    11. 11th incoherent #6156 he / him more won the 1 in 9 to skip the GT retrip but did everything else Finished 5
    12. 12th Jaejo36 #6545 he / him more 181 - I'll be the only one with the desert small key for go. At least I didn't LL it. Finished 4
    13. 13th Coy #4033 more full cleared except gt climb Finished 2
    14. 14th deritypeels #7100 she / her Finished 7
    15. 15th AverageFrustratedGamer #8364 Finished 4
    16. 16th TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him more Somebody kick me out of next week's race and force me not to do it cause I am deadass tired of this shit Finished 1
    17. 17th Zaphikel #8050 he / him more 198 CR. Jesus Christ. Finished 2
    18. 18th PowerToMario #9178 more 201cr, Just Another LL Full Clear Extravaganza... Finished 2
    19. 19th Ahab #1526 he / him more Forgot Spike Cave existed Finished 2
    20. 20th Soyhr #7143 he / him more 202 Finished 4
    21. 21st Kotose #9617 she / her more 188. Super late to hookshot, did MM without lamp, LL Fire Rod, LL TT, and forgot a key for TR. This seed smacked me around Finished 1
    22. 22nd TracieM #6711 she / her Finished 1,205
    23. 23rd SilverOwl #7032 he / him more 201 Finished 14
    24. 24th Homewrecker #4033 he / him more game is more fun when not trying to race Finished 20
    25. 25th Kennen #0761 more im getting better :D Finished 156
    26. 26th Twiga #4290 they / them more 198 cr was one heart short at Spike when I first found it Finished 14
    27. werfjig #9785 he / him DNF 58
    28. Maniacal #6703 he / him DNF 48
  8. prudent-kakariko-6743 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st adirondackrick #4468 he / him Finished 17
    2. 2nd Hitman1382 #8796 he / him Finished 1
    3. 3rd TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him Finished 2
    4. 4th deritypeels #7100 she / her Finished 9
    5. 5th death_taxes_n64 #4985 he / him more 182, 4 or 5 trips thru DM and i still forgot/LL mimic sadge Finished 4
    6. 6th Yoinkerswife #4156 she / her more I finished Finished 9
  9. priceless-paradox-9357 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st dataplet #7164 he / him more that pearl sequence tho Finished 31
    2. 2nd Gylgamesh #5025 he / him more KEKW Finished 10
    3. 3rd TreySpyre #7679 he / him Finished 9
    4. 4th Magnit Handz #9960 he / him Finished 1
    5. 5th Shinmaru #3292 he / him more 504 the least fun i've ever had playing true pot hunt Finished 1
    6. 6th TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him Finished 2
    7. 7th deritypeels #7100 she / her Finished 5
    8. 8th Rozalyndis #8208 she / her more punished for not knowing Finished 30
    9. Kalvin919 #2450 he / him DNF 17
  10. dapper-desert-3068 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st Zenitschwert #6836 he / him Finished 25
    2. 2nd TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him Finished 11
    3. 3rd cheffy #3717 more boots go mode Finished 1
    4. 4th ARabidWombat85 #0401 he / him Finished 3
    5. 5th Lanabean #3720 she / her more imagine boots go. 170/216 Finished 5
    6. 6th Rozalyndis #8208 she / her more that'll teach me to skip west DDM Finished 23
    7. Vinter #4810 he / him DNF 20