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Race results

  1. silly-crusher-3716 CBash Any% (No MM) Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st BadNewsNate #2925 he / him more PB'd with a time of 2:43:42. Did 5 no movement crystals and I would have got a sub 2:35. I had fun though. Finished 412
    2. 2nd 'Final Boss' UMI #6849 he / him more PB FOR THE BOIS Finished 509
    3. 3rd gocubbies #1924 he / him more 13:37 NEW record. Lots of learning CRASH IS SICK. new any pb today guaranteed or my money is wack. SHOUTOUTS TO SPIN-DASH. Crash is most polished character in bash. He rules and is sooooo smooth. Finished 130
  2. gorgeous-ocean-7183 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st BadNewsNate #2925 he / him Finished 5
    2. mightysam #9750 DNF 75
    3. "Dark Hole Man" Linkalian #8346 he / him DNF 2
    4. gocubbies #1924 he / him DNF 49
  3. splendid-plant-1108 YGOFM Any% (no rng manip) Finished recorded 16 entrants
    1. 1st LucarioZealot #7546 more Double MM, a WSR, and campaign DCJ from Kepura and DT from Seto 2 made this deck really good. 5 tries is pretty decent Finished 63
    2. 2nd Exarion #7561 more 15/10/4/3/1 WSR/1 MM. Good farm luck all around, but needed 6 tries to beat Seto 3. Finished 272
    3. 3rd matt13 #8291 he / him more using mountain on seto 3 successfully is a great feeling Finished 148
    4. 4th Rabini #9574 he / him more 10/9/3/3Umi/1WSR/1MM/1MBD jammy one Finished 232
    5. 5th Joester98 #1218 more 13/10, 2 equip, 1 umi, 1 mountain, 1 dcj, 2 wsr, 2 ath Finished 249
    6. 6th ThaRixer #0700 he / him more 14/12/3eq/3umi/1wsr/1dcj - 2 Nitemare deaths.. im so exhausted lmao Finished 5
    7. 7th Inferno #4851 he / him more Akihiron Finished 36
    8. 8th hippochan #6209 she / her more 1 equip in 60 a tecs. Insane 3rd try final 6. ATH+DE ftw Finished 59
    9. 9th gui93 #3687 more Can't get worse than this, almost 60 A-TECs to finally get MM (which played a big role on Seto 3 and Nitemare) Finished 71
    10. Blubber Bear DNF 58
    11. LendarioZ #4196 he / him more 55 a-tecs, 60 meadows to get 0 MM, 0 MBD and 0 removals. Had good f6 attempts at least. DNF 84
    12. chin2112 #9601 he / him DNF 142
    13. BadNewsNate #2925 he / him more Last week it was traps that didn't exist. This week, it's traps once again that didn't exist. Done with FM for a bit. DNF 8
    14. FabuTK #1064 DNF 601
    15. Flake #3648 he / him DNF 600
    16. ToshiLM92 #9483 DNF 598
  4. dizzy-dragontreasure-7185 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Rabini #9574 he / him more 7eq, 3MM, 3umi, 3wsr, hpd, metalzoa, funniest deck ever Finished 215
    2. 2nd Dadun #7053 more 6eq 2mm 2dcj 2wsr 3thunder dragons :D 8tier2 drags 2umi I liked this deck yep Finished 264
    3. 3rd xSaphy #7794 more triple double ultimate on seto, kinda unoptimal Finished 144
    4. 4th BadNewsNate #2925 he / him Finished 1
    5. 5th Jishkared #9669 he / him more 3umis 6 equips 3 DCJ 3WSR 0MM 1MBD 5th try final 7, bad a-tecs decent meadow farm Finished 140
    6. 6th hippochan #6209 she / her more No thtd, megas took a while, took like 13 keith BCDs for wastelands. Awesome 6,5k atk dark elf finish Finished 16
    7. 7th ThaRixer #0700 he / him more No THTD, Female deck - 15Female/12Rock/6Eq/3Wasteland/2WSR/2CC/3MM - Died to nitemare once as well. Fun race! Finished 165
    8. rialyy #6155 he / him DNF 94
  5. crafty-ocean-0106 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st BadNewsNate #2925 he / him more Remember when I had more equips than dragons for more than half of the race? Finished 15
    2. 2nd hippochan #6209 she / her more :( Finished 4
    3. 3rd Rabini #9574 he / him more 5eq/3wsr/1mbd 1st try f6 Finished 2
    4. 4th rialyy #6155 he / him more misplayed on nitemare cuz i lack several braincells Finished 40
    5. 5th xSaphy #7794 Finished 3
    6. 6th Dadun #7053 more died 4 times on neku :))))))) with 1 MBD 1 MM 4 equips 3 widespreads geki and 3 umi Finished 7
    7. marathonman #0412 he / him DNF 655
  6. cute-kepura-2271 YGOFM Any% (no rng manip) Finished recorded 22 entrants
    1. 1st RueNyx #9576 more double megamorph from pegasus, mbd on 3rd duel from meadow. triple ult from seto, triple mbd from darknite, and megamorph showed up each time OhMyDog Finished 2,045
    2. 2nd ENSGMaster #9334 Finished 604
    3. 3rd Blubber Bear more 12d/8t/2umi/2eq/1MM/1DCJ 2nd try F7, no ultis and MM showed up every duel Finished 165
    4. 4th matt13 #8291 he / him more the matt13th grave Finished 314
    5. 5th Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more For next time, do actual A-Tecs, also praise be Toon Gator Finished 18
    6. 6th Yagami_Light1992 #5068 more Prince Zpa saved Egypt! 17 drag,10 thunders, 3 equips, 1 mountain, 3 umi, 3 dcj. 1Mbd and 2 DM, and geki Finished 205
    7. 7th ThaRixer #0700 he / him more 19/12/3eq/1umi/2mtn/2dcj/1mbd - Couldn't get a trap so this run had no a-tec's lol. 1 Death to nitemare as well. GGs! Finished 85
    8. 8th Inferno #4851 he / him more won MBD at 2:40 2nd equip 6 hours in xd Finished 19
    9. 9th LucarioZealot #7546 more Nearly 4 hours in F6. All it took was easy modes on the last 4 so that the game showed mercy Finished 10
    10. 10th Joester98 #1218 more No 1600 dragons until winning one on NiteMare lol Finished 305
    11. 11th Exarion #7561 more 50 A-TECs, 6 deaths to Neku, what more needs to be said? Finished 262
    12. 12th Pie #8028 Finished 135
    13. 13th LendarioZ #4196 he / him more 15 hours of pain and suffering Finished 169
    14. gui93 #3687 DNF 426
    15. BadNewsNate #2925 he / him more It's official. 7-magic trapless was, and is better than Meadow farm. Don't get scammed like I did. Please, and thanks. DNF 21
    16. hippochan #6209 she / her more miserable and cant focus anymore DNF 53
    17. Rabini #9574 he / him more rather unusual how megamorph does not exist. lost to nitemare after all timer darknite duel DNF 74
    18. shadoweh #9080 he / him more 17/8/3/3 umi/1 MBD, just couldn't get past constant ultimates with no removal besides geki. No THTD race soon? -eyes emoji- DNF 11
    19. gocubbies #1924 he / him more 1st 3 hours 1 got 1 dragon drop: 2:52:xx from V2. MBD forced me to try f6; got to Seto which cool ig? God im tired DNF 13
    20. Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 58
    21. vedgie #4715 more 7 hours in, 15/11 3 umi and not a single equip (: DNF 535
    22. VyseOfLegends9001 #2802 DNF 533
  7. casual-widespreadruin-5524 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Codorna #2984 Finished 1,024
    2. "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 DNF 137
    3. BadNewsNate #2925 he / him DNF 4
    4. GFC #1564 DNF 2,124
    5. "Crushing Cards" QC #3989 he / him DNF 43
    6. Vnator #0045 he / him DNF 36
  8. speedy-fizdis-1401 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st hippochan #6209 she / her more 3 dead atecs into god atec Finished 21
    2. 2nd "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 more Nothing was amazing, but nothing was awful. Seto 3rd MBD, Nitemare 1 BEUD Finished 113
    3. 3rd chin2112 #9601 he / him Finished 19
    4. 4th BadNewsNate #2925 he / him Finished 1
    5. 5th "Crushing Cards" QC #3989 he / him Finished 24
    6. 'Final Boss' UMI #6849 he / him DNF 10
    7. Duelindemon #9483 DNF 41
    8. gocubbies #1924 he / him DNF 32
    9. MeCactusNow #4242 he / him DNF 37
  9. swag-dragontreasure-5452 YGOFM Any% (no rng manip) Finished recorded 23 entrants
    1. 1st Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him Finished 81
    2. 2nd Exarion #7561 more 14/9/3/3/1 MM/1 SK. No removal in 30+ A-TECs. Died 3 times to Seto 3, including top-deck BEUD with 1 card left. Finished 1,786
    3. 3rd shadoweh #9080 he / him more 15 drags, 10 thunders, 3 equips(none universal), 1 umi(that I bought), no removal besides geki, no traps. thanks for the race! <3 Finished 233
    4. 4th r4nd0mz #4053 they / them more seto wanted me to wait and let shadoweh pass Finished 196
    5. 5th ThaRixer #0700 he / him more 12/10, 2eq, 3umi, 3wsr, 1sk. Nitemare death at 4:50, could have PBed and won the race!! But not meant to be :D - Thanks everyone for joining, these races are so fun. Finished 341
    6. 6th Inferno #4851 he / him more Sengenjin Finished 164
    7. 7th Rabini #9574 he / him more PHARAOH ROLLS WORST DROP EVER, ASKED TO LEAVE EGYPT (11/11/4/1 umi) neva 4get the sub 1 7 thunders Finished 490
    8. 8th matt13 #8291 he / him more This matt13 guy is pretty good at FM, he just needs to work on fusions, guardian stars, deck management, knowledge, farming, text mashing, mentality, a-tecs, iso-modifying and starchip management Finished 275
    9. 9th LendarioZ #4196 he / him more 4 hours on f7 until Nitemare start with Crab Turtle Finished 77
    10. 10th quietdudek #7249 more 18/10/2/2/1 mbd, 2sk, dm, mountain, dcj, got fucked by double beud on nitemare lmao Finished 318
    11. 11th hippochan #6209 she / her more nitemare wall shadow start, died to a pugm start previous due to no thunder draw, and one absolutely epic triple beud from seto Finished 64
    12. 12th Joester98 #1218 more pb by ~2.5 hrs, thanks for fun race everyone :) Finished 727
    13. 13th LucarioZealot #7546 more meh. Rough F6 luck, but I also played bad looking back so I deserved it. Ggs to everyone Finished 60
    14. MrWinds #8374 more game too hard x_x DNF 49
    15. Theurnator #2649 she / her DNF 243
    16. tato #1976 he / him DNF 80
    17. BadNewsNate #2925 he / him more Screw cubbies for BC on 1st A-Tec and me doing almost 15 for zero. DNF 21
    18. jan_susi #1783 he / him more I have a green thumb and my hand is full of plants. DNF 27
    19. gocubbies #1924 he / him more Final 6 bad, me was worse! 16/10/2 2 WSR 2 GAIa isnt amazing but it got to SeTroll! ggs all DNF 21
    20. A3r1uS #0559 he / him DNF 27
    21. Pie #8028 DNF 107
    22. Mero #7893 DNF 113
    23. "Dark Hole Man" Linkalian #8346 he / him DNF 127
  10. proud-machine-0011 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st Exarion #7561 more No MM, but good luck otherwise. MBD + 2 equips to save Seto 3 duel vs. 2 BEUDs. Played much better with 9 hours of sleep! Finished 28
    2. 2nd tato #1976 he / him Finished 17
    3. 3rd Nash #7493 he / him more Doble fucking ultimate on nitemare, is this normal???? Finished 83
    4. 4th Dark_Rit #3303 they / them more laby tank supremacy Finished 3
    5. 5th LendarioZ #4196 he / him more I lost to a BLS start Nitemare, 50min later i could beat him. Finished 17
    6. 6th verticalsandwich #8693 he / him more got stuck in f6 loop, lost to bskull nightmare, went back to meadow loaded up Finished 751
    7. 7th Harpsichord #9836 he / him Finished 5
    8. 8th gocubbies #1924 he / him more 1st EVER 1st try F6! INSANE run and deck s/o to syphon and vactus and all of vc!! Finished 72
    9. BadNewsNate #2925 he / him DNF 15
    10. Yagami_Light1992 #5068 more 6 F7 Attempts are enough. 3x Seto3rd,1x Neku,1x Heishin 2nd and 1x Nitemare ( double ulti) DNF 21
    11. 'Final Boss' UMI #6849 he / him DNF 11
    12. MeCactusNow #4242 he / him DQ 345