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Race results

  1. puzzled-chimpycharge-5179 DK64R Async of Sunday weekly April 7th Finished not recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st eddaket #1353 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd KingofYamimakai #5379 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished
    4. 4th icupspeedruns #0721 Finished
    5. 5th Obiyo #6484 he / him more i will never not look up what the barell in isle snide room is ever again. Finished
    6. Spike #7996 he / him more Had to leave for work but was in go mode at 2:12:50 DNF
  2. reliable-peanut-7498 DK64R Level Order Rando Finished awaiting record 3 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished 2,084
    2. 2nd barrie95 #8111 he / him more beginning routing bad i last locationed diving. and that lighthouse kasplat with water high pisses me off! Finished 1,688
    3. 3rd Hoyetly #2444 he / him Finished n/a
  3. artful-gorillagone-7392 DK64R Random setting race standard Finished not recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd barrie95 #8111 he / him more this was basically nsak on drugs Finished
    3. 3rd Obiyo #6484 he / him Finished
    4. 4th IceColdKilla300 #0051 Finished
    5. 5th UmedMuzl #9642 Finished
    6. 6th The Specialize #3743 he / him more Hour long Crown Casino. Prolonged by my inability to climb Production. Finished
    7. 7th Chuckstah #4617 Finished
    8. 8th Spike #7996 he / him Finished
  4. brave-armydillo-7879 DK64R Friday night weekly S3 testing Radical SLO candidate Finished not recorded 20 entrants
    1. 1st GenericDude1 #0174 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd KingofYamimakai #5379 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd eddaket #1353 he / him more too fast! Finished
    4. 4th barrie95 #8111 he / him more who needs strong kong, pineapple, ostand, or hunky? Finished
    5. 5th Obiyo #6484 he / him more crazy that i got 5th with this time, honestly not sure where i lost time outside of being 1 GB short for Aztec and backgracking to do slow gb lol Finished
    6. 6th MumboToken #6300 he / they more wasted time doing twirlless just for chimpy charge :( Finished
    7. 7th Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished
    8. 8th Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished
    9. 9th Alpha_Que_Up #8019 Finished
    10. 10th MegaPaul #6696 he / him Finished
    11. 11th The Specialize #3743 he / him Finished
    12. 12th OmegaVentus #4464 he / him Finished
    13. 13th VerdantAsh #1713 she / her Finished
    14. 14th AaronDobbe #2657 he / him Finished
    15. 15th methinkso #7428 he / him Finished
    16. 16th icupspeedruns #0721 Finished
    17. 17th MrBoltun #3608 Finished
    18. DrSamalander #9430 he / him DNF
    19. Kamerson #6793 he / him DNF
    20. Xyrak #3324 he / him DNF
  5. vanilla-galley-6347 DK64R Radical SLO S3 testing Async 4 Finished not recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd OmegaVentus #4464 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Alpha_Que_Up #8019 Finished
    4. 4th jrad #2147 he / him Finished
    5. 5th VerdantAsh #1713 she / her Finished
  6. amused-gorillagrab-6403 DK64R No Style All Keys (NSAK) Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st KingofYamimakai #5379 he / him Finished 57
    2. 2nd Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished 9
    3. 3rd Obiyo #6484 he / him more ggone casino yeaaaaaaa Finished 2
    4. 4th Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 43
    5. 5th VerdantAsh #1713 she / her Finished 57
    6. The Specialize #3743 he / him DNF 70
  7. grumpy-pufftross-7011 DK64R Loading Zone Rando Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished 2,954
    2. 2nd Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 2,540
  8. casual-bananawarp-1741 DK64R Standard random settings race Finished not recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him more Medals were the toughest part of that seed, otherwise it was pretty alright! Finished
    2. 2nd Obiyo #6484 he / him more this was a mistake Finished
    3. 3rd barrie95 #8111 he / him more dumb. dumb. dumb. Finished
    4. 4th GenericDude1 #0174 he / him more three trips to helm gang rise up (also man I do not like direct item hinting) Finished
    5. 5th Spike #7996 he / him Finished
    6. 6th Chuckstah #4617 more Fun times, trash seed Finished
    7. 7th VerdantAsh #1713 she / her Finished
    8. The Specialize #3743 he / him more I was in Go at 3 hours with Helm turned off, Refuse to do Nintendo Arcade. DNF
    9. UmedMuzl #9642 more Figured the seed out, but its getting way too late and I want sleep DNF
  9. comic-klaptrap-1000 DK64R Season 2.5 Settings Finished recorded 20 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him more o7 Finished 35
    2. 2nd MumboToken #6300 he / they Finished 53
    3. 3rd eddaket #1353 he / him more Good way to send off Season 2. Gotta have both the good and bad parts. o7 old friend Finished 20
    4. 4th zorulda #4963 he / him more i blame obiyo for this seed Finished 404
    5. 5th GenericDude1 #0174 he / him more rest in piss s2, you won't be missed Finished 4
    6. 6th Essin #9692 he / him more my hint-solving abilities are ass, about as bad as looking at Tiny hillside cage :'( Finished 618
    7. 7th Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished 551
    8. 8th deviouskyle251 #2927 he / him Finished 47
    9. 9th mikechamp97 #6291 he / him more Alta tweets, unhinted stuff, ggs season 2 Finished 9
    10. 10th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him more truly this was the final seed cant wait for whats in store Finished 792
    11. 11th someone6664563 #1509 he / him more UGH!!! YUCK UNHINTED TRIANGLE!!! Finished 485
    12. 12th wolfman2000 #0129 he / they more Bad news: forgot about microhints until the last minute. Good news: ended with the bean and 69 golden bananas. Considering how this seed went, I consider it a win regardless. Finished 524
    13. barrie95 #8111 he / him more g2g ggs. orphaned gal tiny medal and got key 5 around 1:30 mark DNF 88
    14. Kilvereis #3601 he / him more Trashiest S2.5 seed ever DNF 53
    15. IceColdKilla300 #0051 DNF 94
    16. adeleine64DS #9998 she / they more when life makes you long jump off the pile of gold coins, climb climb again DNF 65
    17. Jaems #7332 he / him DNF 186
    18. DanPyxel #1215 they / them more ouroborous ahh diddy moves circle ;-; DNF 557
    19. Hoyetly #2444 he / him DNF 562
    20. Obiyo #6484 he / him DQ 55
  10. gnarly-gnawty-6286 DK64R Season 2.5 Settings Finished recorded 19 entrants
    1. 1st Obiyo #6484 he / him more holy fuck, what a seed for the last friday s2. incredibly stupid Finished 58
    2. 2nd Alpha_Que_Up #8019 more the 1 wrinkly hint I didn't read...always something lmao Finished 401
    3. 3rd Spike #7996 he / him more AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Finished 7
    4. 4th Kamerson #6793 he / him more No, rando, I did not order the "all-you-can-clear" buffet :/ Finished 15
    5. 5th barrie95 #8111 he / him more why is it always the damn Forest medals??? Finished 15
    6. 6th MumboToken #6300 he / they more bye S2.5 no one will miss you Finished 5
    7. 7th MegaPaul #6696 he / him Finished 117
    8. 8th JohanSkullcrusher #6630 he / him Finished 888
    9. 9th Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 38
    10. 10th mikechamp97 #6291 he / him Finished 31
    11. 11th deviouskyle251 #2927 he / him Finished 7
    12. Pyroki #1004 DNF 136
    13. ghellyfish #9489 DNF 224
    14. 2dos #0770 he / him more Sara has been banned from making S2 seeds permanently. DNF 38
    15. R1Dawg #6192 he / him more I didnt sign up for a CoL double slam casino :( DNF 15
    16. AaronDobbe #2657 he / him more finding ostand broke me spiritually, I'm too hungry and brain-tired to finish DNF 6
    17. DrSamalander #9430 he / him DNF 167
    18. Charlesjarls #7237 any / all DNF 392
    19. Essin #9692 he / him more I did so well :( then 3am brain hit and i just couldnt think anymore and got stuck on key 5 and gave up DNF 391