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Race results

  1. grumpy-krool-0542 DK64R KEVIN blitz qualifier race Finished not recorded 22 entrants
    1. 1st Connor75 #8001 Finished
    2. 2nd KeiperDontCare #8389 Finished
    3. 3rd Riley #6863 he / him Finished
    4. 4th Konditioner #9278 he / him Finished
    5. 5th mikechamp97 #6291 he / him more Slam was last, got on Tiny Cabin. Solid seed Finished
    6. 6th deviouskyle251 #2927 he / him Finished
    7. 7th sp00kyHost #8872 Finished
    8. 8th MegaPaul #6696 he / him Finished
    9. 9th DrSamalander #9430 he / him Finished
    10. 10th GenericDude1 #0174 he / him Finished
    11. 11th Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished
    12. 12th Portal #8490 more Lost the 50/50 for slam in either Castle/Caves. Went to helm to get Handstand to check the barrel in Llama. Nothing. A little more luck would've been nice. Finished
    13. 13th Alpha_Que_Up #8019 Finished
    14. 14th someone6664563 #1509 he / him more I THOUGHT HUNKY ON BEETLE :( Finished
    15. 15th SassyQ3 #0023 Finished
    16. 16th wolfman2000 #0129 he / they more Bad news: forgot one check even though I typed the dang hint out. Good news: custom tracker is good enough to ship in beta phase. So...there is that. I'll take my small victories where I can. Finished
    17. 17th The Specialize #3743 he / him more By far the worse I have ever played in a Race seed before. Finished
    18. 18th derpydragon15 #2410 Finished
    19. 19th Kiwi #5771 he / they more That's a PB for me, so I'll take it Finished
    20. Bread-kun #7332 he / him DNF
    21. DominicDDD #8835 he / him more Unfortunately my game crashed in Castle Library :/ DNF
    22. Trikkums #3948 he / him more So mad, both slams unhinted and on checks I thought I had done, yikes DNF
  2. proud-triangle-1135 DK64R Season 2.5 Settings Finished recorded 35 entrants
    1. 1st Obiyo #6484 he / him more the best seed ill ever do holy shit Finished 176
    2. 2nd Kamerson #6793 he / him more This seed hasn't even been born yet Finished 83
    3. 3rd MisterE93 #8545 he / him more PB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finished 139
    4. 4th 2dos #0770 he / him more PB! Finished 475
    5. 5th Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 67
    6. 6th Portal #8490 Finished 1,625
    7. 7th GenericDude1 #0174 he / him Finished 80
    8. 8th barrie95 #8111 he / him more forgot i got triangle in castle surroundings which made me go back to castle. and gbs at end were struggle Finished 2
    9. 9th KeiperDontCare #8389 more lost 2.5 minutes to hoping that ANY of the checks at the top of Krem were a GB. had to go back and buy one. Sadge. Finished 120
    10. 10th psych #4318 he / him more embarrassing death in pufftoss (on the last ring) may have cost me my first sub 90 and a few places Finished 322
    11. 11th mikechamp97 #6291 he / him more JET SEED NEW PB Finished 24
    12. 12th VerdantAsh #1713 she / her more BRO when i choked my diddy phase i thought i was gonna lose another placement kill me lol. this is my actual pb this is so cool what a jet Finished 154
    13. 13th deviouskyle251 #2927 he / him Finished 65
    14. 14th MumboToken #6300 he / they more Holy Jet, no brains all execution. P.S. diddy lower cabin is cringe Finished 3
    15. 15th Synii #6419 Finished 70
    16. 16th MegaPaul #6696 he / him more obiyo :o Finished 241
    17. 17th Konditioner #9278 he / him more Need to get better at hunting for GBs Finished 363
    18. 18th The Specialize #3743 he / him Finished 15
    19. 19th adeleine64DS #9998 she / they more slow gb collection Finished 94
    20. 20th BeardBox #2223 he / him more Great jet seed but that was my downfall. Failed to collect more bananas quicker. Great seed though! Finished 43
    21. 21st Thundow #1557 he / him more no surprise people are still way too fast Finished 392
    22. 22nd zorulda #4963 he / him more i spent half the seed just trying to find GBs. First sub 2 and sub 1:50 tho! Finished 12
    23. 23rd Jazzors #3895 he / him Finished 73
    24. 24th Ballaam #7937 he / him more Obiyo, what the fuck did you put in your cornflakes this morning? Finished 147
    25. 25th ShadyMyst #0794 he / him more I know I'm a bit rusty and had a couple mistakes but god DAMN ya'll! my struggle was getting my GBs at the end with half of my checks being trash ;-; Finished 64
    26. 26th methinkso #7428 he / him Finished 12
    27. 27th icupspeedruns #0721 Finished 99
    28. 28th SchwartzGandhi #4858 Finished 100
    29. 29th BasicEntropy #2985 more Would have DNFed at 30 minutes with how horrendous i was playing mechanically if it wasnt the qual. thats unfort Finished 473
    30. 30th Kyon2570 #8586 more Instrument Upgrade gang, also fun Chunky find. Finished 387
    31. 31st sp00kyHost #8872 Finished 498
    32. 32nd MorKs #2614 he / him more Big PB! Went from sub 3:30 to sub 2:30 in the span of one run! Finished 169
    33. 33rd Alpha_Que_Up #8019 Finished 155
    34. Meowskivich #5966 more lower cabin diddy broke me DNF 460
    35. quatmaniac #3815 he / him DNF 833
  3. graceful-krossbones-1382 DK64R Beginner Settings Finished recorded 24 entrants
    1. 1st eddaket #1353 he / him more awful hint placement, didn't write down the K Rool order until I had 50 gbs, and needed to leave helm for oranges. Rough one for sure Finished 135
    2. 2nd Pyroki #1004 more BEAN (Livesplit error - my first finish was the correct time) Finished 175
    3. 3rd sp00kyHost #8872 Finished 249
    4. 4th The Specialize #3743 he / him more Very unhappy with myself not doing japes boss when exiting the level right beside the portal, then proceed to forget that portal exists. Finished 71
    5. 5th Dynam #8414 he / they more my fear of oranges has been validated Finished 521
    6. 6th belleton #6490 she / her more bad early routing and late routing. Checked Japes boss too late considering the hints. Fumbled real bad around go mode Finished 652
    7. 7th MegaPaul #6696 he / him more gotta check them bosses more Finished 85
    8. 8th SchwartzGandhi #4858 more played endgame so bad, triple dipped aztec cuz i forgot it was level 7, also missed key 4 and triangle first pass cuz im dumb. Also shoutouts to diving being locked by ostand in level 6 Finished 147
    9. 9th methinkso #7428 he / him more Overlooked key 4 hint until the end oops Finished 112
    10. 10th Chimpanreeve #9719 he / him more LMAO nice Oranges Finished 89
    11. 11th Linkon345 #9408 he / him more lost so much time to forgetting bosses can be kong check. Finished 178
    12. 12th BazooKazoo #9812 he / him Finished 715
    13. 13th BlazenBezza #2117 he / him more Though races didnt have anything important on them still content on the time Finished 410
    14. 14th ALPHAMARIOX #7392 he / him more Gotta love oranges. Finished 386
    15. 15th Flash #4722 he / him Finished 343
    16. 16th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 541
    17. 17th Bread-kun #7332 he / him more I spent 40 minutes to eventually learn there's a dirt patch above 2.. Finished 213
    18. 18th SassyQ3 #0023 more took WAY too long to check japes boss, then double slam and oranges for mini game ugh Finished 183
    19. 19th PixelShake92 #4127 he / him Finished 13
    20. 20th TreySpyre #7679 he / him Finished 91
    21. 21st PristinelyUngifted #1316 Finished 51
    22. Synii #6419 more Huh? I thought Japes Boss needed vines to be in logic in 3.0. That messed me up very hard DNF 737
    23. JanusZeal #6026 she / they more Couldn't find mini monkey and don't know what I missed DNF 111
    24. Deder_ #0952 he / him more Had to go helm twice because I didnt think Id need the oranges lol DQ 149
  4. scruffy-galley-4880 DK64R Beginner Settings Finished recorded 23 entrants
    1. 1st Synii #6419 more In and out so many times of Castle to try to get Diddy out of there Finished 264
    2. 2nd The Specialize #3743 he / him Finished 405
    3. 3rd Oximan #8883 he / him more Mixed up Peanuts and RocketBarrel hint, had to go back for rocketbarrel Finished 471
    4. 4th Pyroki #1004 more Anyone else get hung up on Mini Monkey? Finished 72
    5. 5th sp00kyHost #8872 Finished 235
    6. 6th Tyvarius #5192 he / him more Imagine forgetting a kasplat in upper production for 30 minutes. kekw Finished 188
    7. 7th Chimpanreeve #9719 he / him more the SCENES when I found that mini monkey LMAO Finished 1,470
    8. 8th someone6664563 #1509 he / him more Shopping spree City Finished 252
    9. 9th Bread-kun #7332 he / him more Shoulda skipped the boss fight saw the ability there and monkey brain rushed it. Finished 1,202
    10. 10th SassyQ3 #0023 more Ugh forgot key 7 Finished 96
    11. 11th Linkon345 #9408 he / him more quite a nasty mini monkey to diddy Finished 304
    12. 12th Froppy #8840 Finished 18
    13. 13th ed_x_7 #4430 he / him more wow I do NOT know how to deal with the creepy castle hands underground. apart from that I really should look up all the "castle surroundings" checks since it should NOT take 1:40 to get a diddy Finished 368
    14. 14th JanusZeal #6026 she / they Finished 101
    15. 15th Deder_ #0952 he / him more Gg that was fun, spoiler: forgot 1000% about the tree lol Finished 451
    16. 16th TreySpyre #7679 he / him Finished 244
    17. 17th Kiwi #5771 he / they Finished 10
    18. 18th Flash #4722 he / him Finished 290
    19. 19th Random Stranger #1872 more Not bad for my first time on the format Finished 25
    20. 20th Aurox44 #5413 he / him Finished 240
    21. Ranudin #9014 DNF 127
    22. ALPHAMARIOX #7392 he / him DNF 20
    23. Dynam #8414 he / they more got the wrong seed, oops DNF 419
  5. epic-peanut-0107 DK64R Beginner Settings Finished recorded 13 entrants
    1. 1st eddaket #1353 he / him Finished 194
    2. 2nd Oximan #8883 he / him Finished 1,957
    3. 3rd SchwartzGandhi #4858 more Stick around Japes folks Finished 107
    4. 4th sp00kyHost #8872 Finished 59
    5. 5th Felix DuBois #3365 more BEANLIEVERS RISE UP! Also gambling on which Castle UG check had gorilla gone and what the requirements are was interesting Finished 400
    6. 6th Dynam #8414 he / they more BEAN SEED but I hate Mad Jack (honestly really happy with my play for my first race) Finished 819
    7. 7th KingJoltik #2320 Finished 618
    8. 8th JanusZeal #6026 she / they more Was feeling really good until that path to Key 5 and then the path to Gorilla Gone, still was a PB though! Finished 255
    9. 9th Kiwi #5771 he / they Finished 17
    10. 10th ALPHAMARIOX #7392 he / him more Pretty rough seed, but at least I finished. Finished 329
    11. 11th TreySpyre #7679 he / him more Hey, did you know you can enter llama temple with CG? :thisisfine: Finished 13
    12. AlexanderHD #8749 he / him DNF 552
    13. Rojomage.TTV #1156 he / him DQ 552
  6. charming-chimpycharge-1091 DK64R Treasure Hurry Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st someone6664563 #1509 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd sp00kyHost #8872 Finished
  7. good-lanky-0083 DK64R Beginner Settings Finished recorded 25 entrants
    1. 1st eddaket #1353 he / him Finished 2,510
    2. 2nd Synii #6419 more requried rainbow coin to do ANYTHING in the seed. Very nice! Finished 2,280
    3. 3rd SchwartzGandhi #4858 more missed DK medal first trip in Aztec. did all 5DT instead of just banking on it being Chunky's. cringe pineapple hint. shout CoL2 Finished 2,099
    4. 4th The Specialize #3743 he / him more Outside of making 4 trips to 5 Door Temple, Felt i played this seed very well. That starting item chain was glorious. Finished 1,942
    5. 5th sp00kyHost #8872 more COL2? Let's goooo Finished 1,800
    6. 6th R1Dawg #6192 he / him more so uhh the hints hint towards things i might need did a little too much gambling Finished 1,668
    7. 7th Pyroki #1004 more Strange start. I view many points of what I did as examples of what not to do. Finished 1,542
    8. 8th MegaPaul #6696 he / him Finished 1,421
    9. 9th Tyvarius #5192 he / him more It helps to remember that the triangle pad near 2 is indeed part of the main Isle. Still don't know tiny toes either. Finished 1,303
    10. 10th methinkso #7428 he / him Finished 1,187
    11. 11th Froppy #8840 more i dont think we had enough kremling kosh Finished 1,073
    12. 12th PixelShake92 #4127 he / him Finished 960
    13. 13th someone6664563 #1509 he / him Finished 847
    14. 14th Aurox44 #5413 he / him more Stopped Timer while missing a Punch so it's a bit off, if a TO can look Finished 733
    15. 15th Felix DuBois #3365 more interesting start with tons of vials in isles. had all guns, very american seed Finished 618
    16. 16th Kiwi #5771 he / they Finished 502
    17. 17th BlazenBezza #2117 he / him more Undone accidentally with Livesplit integration. Fixed for Tournament reasons Finished 383
    18. 18th JimboHFX #4814 Finished 261
    19. 19th Ranudin #9014 more I last locationed like 70% of everything, vines, sax, monkey, key 7 Finished 133
    20. 20th Sharky2107 #6867 he / him more Failed a trick that cost a bit of time, should of done way better than I did <_< Finished 1
    21. 21st TreySpyre #7679 he / him Finished 146
    22. 22nd Flash #4722 he / him Finished 308
    23. 23rd ozoo_2023 #5514 Finished 497
    24. 24th BazooKazoo #9812 he / him Finished 745
    25. Scooter #1921 he / him DNF 833
  8. invincible-kritter-6594 DK64R Season 2 Settings Finished recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished 44
    2. 2nd eddaket #1353 he / him more what an interesting seed! super lost in the middle and the end did NOT go how I thought it would, but we got there Finished 25
    3. 3rd MisterE93 #8545 he / him more Felt like a pretty straight forward seed, coconut hint took me to rocket pretty quick.I went into helm for bongo's hint. Execution was still pretty poor. Finished 115
    4. 4th mikechamp97 #6291 he / him more Lucked into Bongos and Rocket, wild seed Finished 230
    5. 5th Spike #7996 he / him more Very difficult seed that one, punch confused me and DK took a bit to find Finished 10
    6. 6th KingofYamimakai #5379 he / him more I played awful lol Finished 19
    7. 7th deviouskyle251 #2927 he / him Finished 80
    8. 8th AaronDobbe #2657 he / him more would've been a slow seed even if I played it better, dang Finished 19
    9. 9th Synii #6419 more found mini money at over 2 hours in. then finally got family% at 2:05 Finished 12
    10. 10th sp00kyHost #8872 more Couldn't find MonkeyPort for the longest time. Chunky caves banana was sneaky. Pleased with 10th! Finished 584
    11. 11th juckter #3112 he / him more whoops i did so many annoying checks that were not necessary Finished 114
    12. 12th ghellyfish #9489 more Three moves on TnS threw me off the path of RBB so I started searching everywhere. I finally found it in Chunky's Seasick Ship. I hated this seed. A giant middle finger right before the Holidays. Finished 369
    13. 13th GnarledGolem #0172 he / him more Couldn't find RBB for the longest time. My big take away is learning to track when I got certain moves better. Finished 11
    14. Kilvereis #3601 he / him DNF 37
    15. Danilio #9144 he / him more RB? DNF 103
    16. RedSectorAndy #2884 he / him DNF 5
    17. Sethvh94 #0365 more I couldn’t find DK or Lanky, I’ll do better next time DNF 13
    18. The Specialize #3743 he / him more Couldn't find Coconut gun, got tired. I need to figure out a better way to organize hints. DNF 158
  9. jolly-dogadon-5932 DK64R No Style All Keys (NSAK) Finished recorded 15 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished 1,007
    2. 2nd ShadyMyst #0794 he / him more wtf Kam?? xD i got lucky finding my 4th crown in helm BA. Never touched factory, didnt need to touch aztec. Finished 1,858
    3. 3rd Synii #6419 more Suprised I even finished top 16 after that Japes key Finished 848
    4. 4th barrie95 #8111 he / him more most dumb opening ever. 95 bananas to get key 2. dummmmbbbb Finished 1,511
    5. 5th Obiyo #6484 he / him more in my head i completed dk japes medal. i did not complete it. lost about 25 min because of that lmao Finished 235
    6. 6th R1Dawg #6192 he / him more fuck japes colored bananas idk otherwise seed was fine Finished 444
    7. 7th jxjacob #7820 he / him more crowns bad send tweet Finished 167
    8. 8th Spike #7996 he / him Finished 908
    9. 9th mikechamp97 #6291 he / him more 1 hour key 2, 2 hour family, somehow done before 3 hours... ggs Finished 747
    10. 10th Chuckstah #4617 Finished 584
    11. 11th Ce_Mec #8117 he / him more i was sure barrel throwing hint was for chunky lol Finished 415
    12. 12th sp00kyHost #8872 Finished 236
    13. 13th zengamingwithzen #9665 he / him Finished 270
    14. PA_Sword #9254 he / him DNF 313
    15. zorulda #4963 he / him DNF 312
  10. legendary-gnawty-3391 DK64R Season 2 Settings Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
    1. 1st sp00kyHost #8872 Finished n/a
    2. 2nd someone6664563 #1509 he / him Finished 670