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Race results

  1. tasty-sim-8798 SMB3R Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st MFP #8877 Finished 281
    2. 2nd TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 11
  2. puzzled-wario-6679 SMB3R Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st MFP #8877 Finished 558
    2. 2nd TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 18
  3. dazzling-kazooie-7907 SMB3R Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st stewie_cartman #9117 Finished 91
    2. 2nd AnimusUnited #6600 Finished 19
    3. 3rd TEEX88 #4981 Finished 142
    4. 4th DisasterKatti #1175 he / him Finished 109
    5. 5th TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 68
    6. CrEggSMB3 #0418 DNF 44
  4. priceless-layton-2950 SMB3R Beat the game Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st TEEX88 #4981 more lost my hammer suit in BC Finished 21
    2. 2nd stewie_cartman #9117 Finished 28
    3. 3rd TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 386
    4. 4th DisasterKatti #1175 he / him Finished 85
    5. 5th Rh4kor #4478 he / him Finished 97
    6. AnimusUnited #6600 DNF 66
    7. CrEggSMB3 #0418 DNF 57
  5. crafty-pacman-0065 SMB3 Warpless Finished recorded 24 entrants
    1. 1st ZoneV #8672 Finished 171
    2. 2nd Czikubi #9361 he / they more 2 extra bros 2 hands Finished 161
    3. 3rd ibuba7 #3213 more 2 hands Finished 95
    4. 4th stewie_cartman #9117 Finished 646
    5. 5th narfman0 #7757 more runaway bro, 2 hands, w6 star bro, grumble grumble :) Finished 81
    6. 6th MaCobra52 #8982 he / him Finished 38
    7. 7th TEEX88 #4981 Finished 71
    8. 8th Brocis420 #3006 Finished 71
    9. 9th roopert83 #2255 more welp went from -23 to +1:11 in w8 :( Finished 119
    10. 10th thebagler5 #5746 he / him more thechokler5 Finished 13
    11. 11th Rh4kor #4478 he / him more died two times , f*cked up statue room Finished 101
    12. 12th TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 2
    13. 13th ScarfaceNico #9776 he / him more +33 w6, +3:17 w7 Finished 52
    14. 14th DisasterKatti #1175 he / him more no Finished 26
    15. 15th AliceHK8 #6141 Finished 25
    16. 16th nissault #4195 Finished 36
    17. 17th Yatokami9 #1063 Finished 50
    18. 18th Hocus_thePocus #6029 she / her Finished 3
    19. 19th Col #3259 more Bowser's castle disaster Finished 248
    20. 20th njoammil #9768 they / them more this is my best time Finished 53
    21. 21st CrEggSMB3 #0418 Finished 14
    22. 22nd Jokubottii #6636 Finished 31
    23. 23rd beardy #2010 Finished 102
    24. TheBeastMonster_ #3870 DNF 93
  6. swag-cloud-2341 SMB3R Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 222
    2. 2nd Japezu #5669 he / him Finished 72
    3. DisasterKatti #1175 he / him DNF 35
  7. helpful-ike-5072 SMB3R Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st DisasterKatti #1175 he / him Finished 106
    2. 2nd Japezu #5669 he / him Finished 90
    3. TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him DNF 136
  8. jolly-ramuh-4279 SMB3R Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 131
    2. 2nd DisasterKatti #1175 he / him more uhh... Finished 15
    3. 3rd Konaxs1 #6351 Finished 646
  9. prudent-ramuh-3322 SMB3 Warpless Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 30
    2. 2nd Yatokami9 #1063 Finished 8
    3. 3rd Boy22Blue #0465 he / him Finished 7
    4. CrEggSMB3 #0418 DNF 8
  10. innocent-pit-0648 SMB3 Warpless Finished recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st MFP #8877 Finished 401
    2. 2nd TEEX88 #4981 more 1 hand, forced W4 star bro, lost hammer suit in 7-F2 Finished 114
    3. 3rd ibuba7 #3213 Finished 38
    4. 4th stewie_cartman #9117 Finished 1,293
    5. 5th ScarfaceNico #9776 he / him more why do clips even exist Finished 65
    6. 6th thebagler5 #5746 he / him Finished 2
    7. 7th TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 21
    8. 8th Col #3259 more Hammer bros pro snipers LUL Finished 1,036
    9. 9th nissault #4195 Finished 4
    10. 10th DisasterKatti #1175 he / him more yes Finished 28
    11. 11th AliceHK8 #6141 Finished 23
    12. 12th Hocus_thePocus #6029 she / her Finished 45
    13. 13th mmondii #7036 Finished 5
    14. 14th DarthIkaros #1479 she / her Finished 95
    15. 15th Brocis420 #3006 Finished 348
    16. 16th Konaxs1 #6351 Finished 6
    17. Rh4kor #4478 he / him more lost counting on deaths DNF 74
    18. CrEggSMB3 #0418 DNF 12