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Race results
Any% (no rng manip)
12 entrants
- 1st Joester98 #1218 more 9/7/2/2, 1 WSR, 1 MM, BLS start on NiteMare, 15 minute PB :D Finished 91
- 2nd "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 Finished 466
- 3rd ENSGMaster #9334 more 12/9/4/3 Won on my one attempt with no Ults! Also No A-Tecs this time Finished 98
- 4th ElNoSabe #5151 he / they more 18 Dragons, 13 Thunders, 1 Dark Energy, 3 Dragon Treasures, 2 Umis. 8th try Final 6. Finished 1,112
- 5th Syura #4175 more deck was good, just too many ultimates :) Finished 13
- 6th LucarioZealot #7546 more rough farm 2 in this one. got stuck on meadow too long and won a trap around 5 hours in. Peggy was pretty nice with 3 equips in less than 10 atecs. Was a fun day overall, happy 25 years! Finished 23
- — Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him DNF 38
- — BadNewsNate #2925 he / him DNF 7
- — jan_susi #1783 he / him more No time to do more, also screw Nitemare. DNF 7
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 41
- — 0FE6F8 #0332 he / him DNF 84
- — Mixpimp #3652 he / him DNF 490
All Duelists (15-card mod)
9 entrants
- 1st TheR4venite #3110 more undone finish, was 02:05:48 - 3MM, 3 small EQs, 1 WSR, 2 Umis, 1 DM & 1 SK Finished 1,734
- 2nd loomer #5428 he / him Finished 204
- 3rd ElNoSabe #5151 he / they more I sure love losing 15 minutes to Kepura. Finished 387
- 4th Andilulu #9166 he / him more Horrible run: needed 6 Atecs to move on and died on Nitemare first f6 try... Finished 67
- — Tchelll #2536 DNF 15
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 25
- — rickyjay ghost of fm past #5781 DNF 56
- — JohnEBoy #6793 DNF 121
- — MasterMarz #4151 he / him DNF 524
All Duelists (15-card mod)
6 entrants
- 1st matt13 #8291 he / him more 4 free duel pegi atecs, campaign kaiba, 2mm 1bc 2de 2sk 3wsr 3dcj Finished 343
- 2nd Andilulu #9166 he / him more Got a lot of atecs, but a MBD after 1 Meadow farm and easy f6 :) Finished 728
- 3rd ElNoSabe #5151 he / they more Literally best Nitemare ever, won by him playing Launcher Spider while at 750 LP left and I killed him with a 3000 Dark Magician while he had a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon on the field WECANT Finished 895
- 4th hippochan #6209 she / her more i need to de-ass at this game Finished 606
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 195
- — 'Final Boss' UMI #6849 he / him DNF 304
Any% (15-card mod)
5 entrants
- 1st nerf #7257 Finished 98
- 2nd ElNoSabe #5151 he / they more First ever race, was fun. Some dumb losses as such Meadow Mage because no Thunders in half of the deck, then lost once to Kepura because I drew 5 Magics. 1st try Final 7. Finished 895
- — matt13 #8291 he / him more like 12 scamtecs DNF 22
- — ThaRixer #0700 he / him more Absurdly bad luck LMAO DNF 5
- — MasterMarz #4151 he / him DNF 5