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Race results
Any% (no rng manip)
12 entrants
- 1st Joester98 #1218 more 9/7/2/2, 1 WSR, 1 MM, BLS start on NiteMare, 15 minute PB :D Finished 91
- 2nd "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 Finished 466
- 3rd ENSGMaster #9334 more 12/9/4/3 Won on my one attempt with no Ults! Also No A-Tecs this time Finished 98
- 4th ElNoSabe #5151 he / they more 18 Dragons, 13 Thunders, 1 Dark Energy, 3 Dragon Treasures, 2 Umis. 8th try Final 6. Finished 1,112
- 5th Syura #4175 more deck was good, just too many ultimates :) Finished 13
- 6th LucarioZealot #7546 more rough farm 2 in this one. got stuck on meadow too long and won a trap around 5 hours in. Peggy was pretty nice with 3 equips in less than 10 atecs. Was a fun day overall, happy 25 years! Finished 23
- — Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him DNF 38
- — BadNewsNate #2925 he / him DNF 7
- — jan_susi #1783 he / him more No time to do more, also screw Nitemare. DNF 7
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 41
- — 0FE6F8 #0332 he / him DNF 84
- — Mixpimp #3652 he / him DNF 490
Any% (no rng manip)
6 entrants
- 1st LucarioZealot #7546 more In less than 10 atecs, Peggy dropped WSR and back to back to back CC MM BC. Just absurdly great luck! Happy 24 years to fm. Cheers! Finished 19
- 2nd matt13 #8291 he / him more close race if u rly think about it Finished 15
- — Blubber Bear DNF 12
- — Joester98 #1218 more 2 MM, 3 NiteMare deaths :))) DNF 7
- — BadNewsNate #2925 he / him DNF 9
- — Terranigmahack #4566 more PegaSUS never gave me MM DNF 773
Any% (no rng manip)
4 entrants
- 1st Inferno #4851 he / him more always loved yami Finished 61
- 2nd LucarioZealot #7546 more Somewhere between 50-60 atecs for 2 equips and a widespread. Good thing both equips were MMs. 1st try F6. What's a classic blueeyesultimate? Never seen it Finished 5
- — Joester98 #1218 more Campaign geki from Shadi and DT from Isis, nothing in 7 hrs of farming, nitemare death at 9 hrs ggnt DNF 18
- — hippochan #6209 she / her DNF 2,146
Any% (no rng manip)
10 entrants
- 1st hippochan #6209 she / her more 14/7/5eq/2umi crazy 2 DT from Isis and 2 BC in like 6 a tecs :) No ultimates Finished 163
- 2nd Joester98 #1218 more 16/10, 2 eq, 1 umi, 2 mountain, 1 wsr, 1 mm, 1 dank magician, campaign red eyes and invig lol - chunky pb yeehaw :) Finished 79
- 3rd LucarioZealot #7546 more 11/10/2MM/2WSR/2Umi. Didn't get a trap/equip/umi drop until 4 hours in, but atecing was less than an hour. 3rd try Nitemare. ggs on the race Finished 2
- 4th matt13 #8291 he / him more started with mag lab deck Finished 1
- 5th ThaRixer #0700 he / him more 18/11 4eq 2umi 1 crush card Finished 52
- — Inferno #4851 he / him more 2 nitemare losses nt DNF 37
- — Rabini #9574 he / him more bro why you mufasa DNF 19
- — jan_susi #1783 he / him more "This deck is fine" also "I can't beat Launcher Spider", two sentences uttered within a minute of eachother. DNF 3
- — MasterMarz #4151 he / him more too tired DNF 5
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 93
Any% (no rng manip)
5 entrants
- 1st MasterMarz #4151 he / him more 4 equips, 60 meadow duels, and an extremely sketchy nitemare fight Finished 220
- 2nd Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more MBD is that drunk guy who shows up to the party 3 hours late Finished 3
- 3rd LucarioZealot #7546 more Turns out MBD is a good card. Needed his 4500 to handle another Seto ult. At least he showed up unlike any sort of trap Finished 13
- — Rabini #9574 he / him more it's so dorover also 3 skull knights lol DNF 21
- — Joester98 #1218 more 2 equip runs are stinky DNF 19
Any% (no rng manip)
3 entrants
- 1st ToshiLM92 #9483 more 13/10/3/ 1 umi/2 mountain/3 Dark Magician/2 Skull Knight Finished 206
- 2nd LucarioZealot #7546 more 37 atecs for one DT and one widespread. Scammed again Finished 8
- — Joester98 #1218 more 6x seto 3rd losses, 3 equip opening hand on nitemare and still lost :( DNF 34
Any% (no rng manip)
5 entrants
- 1st Inferno #4851 he / him more 0 monster darknite Finished 83
- 2nd Rabini #9574 he / him more presinald trent Finished 90
- 3rd LucarioZealot #7546 more Deck took its time coming together as first equip didn't drop until 6:20ish, but at least it was first try F6. 4 equips with SK never came to fruition sadly :( Finished 18
- — Joester98 #1218 more 6:5x Nitemare loss :( DNF 46
- — MasterMarz #4151 he / him more bad luck+too tired = no good DNF 34
Any% (no rng manip)
5 entrants
- 1st Inferno #4851 he / him more big fan of rex raptor Finished 62
- — LucarioZealot #7546 more 40 atecs on Peggy for one DT, two widespreads, three umis, and a dcj. Three Nitemare deaths just won't cut it DNF 25
- — Joester98 #1218 more Sub 8 Nitemare loss DNF 4
- — jan_susi #1783 he / him more I bought 80% of my deck and still had nothing. DNF 27
- — MasterMarz #4151 he / him DNF 323
Any% (no rng manip)
9 entrants
- 1st JMiX #1289 more 15/9 2 DT 1BC 1MM 1SK 1DCJ and a scary final 6 attempt Finished 168
- 2nd Joester98 #1218 more 16/13/3/3, 1 MBD Finished 135
- 3rd ThaRixer #0700 he / him more Saw 0 ultimates somehow but died to Darknite twice. 18/10/4eq/3umi/1mtn/1wsr Finished 22
- 4th matt13 #8291 he / him more Why does nitemare get 2 tries but I only get one Finished 2,501
- 5th jan_susi #1783 he / him more Kepura does what Peggy don't. 14d/12t/3eq/3umi/1DCJ (Equips gotten on Isis BCD and Kepura Tec, DCJ and ATH on Kaiba BCD) Finished 24
- 6th MasterMarz #4151 he / him Finished 640
- — Inferno #4851 he / him DNF 107
- — shadoweh #9080 he / him more Anyone want some traps? Because that's all I got after 10.5 hours :) DNF 17
- — rickyjay ghost of fm past #5781 DNF 583
Any% (no rng manip)
7 entrants
- 1st Exarion #7561 more 13/12/3/3/1 MM/2 DCJ. First-try Final 6. Very unusual run that farmed Mai and Kaiba before going back to Peggy for ATH + MM. Finished 184
- 2nd ThaRixer #0700 he / him more 12/10/2eq/3umi/1wsr/1mm - Was on PB pace but once i couldn't PB anymore i went to farm for 2.5 hours only to get 1 widespread that i never used lol.. Finished 103
- 3rd Inferno #4851 he / him more 5 mbd in 3 darknites xd Finished 65
- 4th Joester98 #1218 more No 2nd equp for 7+ hrs again, no trap, 6 minute pb olo Finished 65
- 5th matt13 #8291 he / him more Takriminos, Kunai With Chain and Metalzoa all in my deck at the same time, several embarrassing misplays that I can cope and say were due to me being extremely tired, good race Finished 76
- — Rabini #9574 he / him more nah DNF 40
- — hippochan #6209 she / her more i tried DNF 18