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Race results

  1. crafty-tempered-5656 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her Finished n/a
    2. RobG92 #4058 he / him DNF n/a
  2. tactical-swamp-7598 ALttPR TTT Community Race ADD Mode. Worst mode ever? Finished not recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st derdasch #5543 he / him more CR157. Seed gut getroffen, aber im Gomode echt viele dumme Fehler gemacht.^^ Finished
    2. 2nd NTapple #1924 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Blackirave #1438 he / him Finished
    4. 4th boothisman #8232 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Teto #2797 he / him Finished
    6. 6th DirtBubblE #9477 he / him more easy hera basemant skip into IR last location. RIP Finished
    7. 7th Tristan #3421 he / him Finished
    8. 8th CptnSabo #8048 he / him Finished
    9. 9th Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all more Wenn man zu sehr auf Tracker verlässt fehlte eine Kiste in jedem Dungeon dadurch die Karte einmal grau gespielt plus AD weil der IR Check abgehakt war xD Finished
    10. 10th LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her more Aga-Ledge gedanklich weggetrackt, also Titans lastlocated... Finished
    11. mc_thomas3 #9678 more Hatte nicht gekennzeichnet, das es ein "race" ist und hatte dann doch ein paar Tipps angeommen. Falls problematisch dann auch gerne fürs ganze Turnier sperren DNF
    12. Xargoth #7510 he / him more Capture Card wollte nicht DNF
  3. fried-lostwoods-7941 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Quaschynock #6971 he / him Finished 143
    2. 2nd LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her Finished 67
  4. banzai-uncle-1262 ALttPR Dennsen86 Community Race Finished not recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Teto #2797 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd Dennsen86 #8686 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd LostxXinXxPain #1614 Finished
    4. 4th crackerito #3618 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Littledark86 #3438 he / him Finished
    6. 6th DannylS04 #3647 he / him Finished
    7. 7th LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her more 190 CR und Green Mail am Ende... 14 Tode Finished
    8. Onyx #6970 DNF
    9. Papaschland #4532 DNF
    10. StepsDerSteher #2598 he / him DNF
  5. amazing-jetseed-6720 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st janb209 #7309 Finished 102
    2. LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her DNF 523
  6. tactical-rupee-4944 ALttPR Dennsen86 Community Race Finished not recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st Teto #2797 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd Ralen Tankir #4377 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Hyruler #8325 Finished
    4. 4th XallGG #7747 he / him Finished
    5. 5th LostxXinXxPain #1614 Finished
    6. 6th rdsdb #3726 Finished
    7. 7th Sydraves #8793 more Da hat bei mir doch mal viel ineinander gespielt, PB für mich :D Finished
    8. 8th DirtBubblE #9477 he / him more SW Dip for the win... ich habs nicht gemacht. ^^ Finished
    9. 9th Littledark86 #3438 he / him Finished
    10. 10th CptnSabo #8048 he / him Finished
    11. 11th Kico89 #6548 he / him more Beim fake flippern bei waterfall fairy erwischen lassen. unnötiger zeitverlust. Finished
    12. 12th Xargoth #7510 he / him more Leider ~10min afk Finished
    13. 13th Sinned #0398 he / him more CR 155 Finished
    14. 14th StepsDerSteher #2598 he / him Finished
    15. 15th Onyx #6970 Finished
    16. 16th LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her Finished
    17. 17th marciii #1413 he / him more Massig Zeit durch Tod in TT und TR verloren. und dann noch IP voll gecleart, obwohl ich im Go Mode war. Finished
    18. Dennsen86 #8686 he / him DNF
  7. messy-sage-7816 ALttPR Crosskeys Community Race @21:00 CET Finished not recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Lanabean #3720 she / her more 166/216 dumb hookshot Finished
    2. 2nd TGH #5053 he / him more "this seed has no respect for the player" (167/216, finding SP was go) Finished
    3. 3rd Zenitschwert #5158 he / him Finished
    4. 4th Teto #2797 he / him more Hard LL hook so ... 189 CR :D || Late IP dip Finished
    5. 5th Dominik0688 #7163 he / him more Hookshot fast LL. Nur noch DP und PoD Bosse offen Finished
    6. 6th OBenniO #9657 he / him Finished
    7. 0sheo #9507 DNF
    8. Hardy #1306 he / him DNF
    9. JSR_ #2176 he / him more Oops! Where's the swamp? DNF
    10. LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her DNF
  8. sublime-hammer-5005 ALttPR Dennsen86 Community Race Finished not recorded 14 entrants
    1. 1st CFate91 #7613 he / him more Early Flute und Progess auf der Pyramide sind leider immer so ein Thema (CR 171) Finished
    2. 2nd Dennsen86 #8686 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Majinken #9744 he / him more 164 CR Finished
    4. 4th XallGG #7747 he / him more 174/216 last located ether Finished
    5. 5th Neo-Sanji #5833 he / him Finished
    6. 6th Shadynade #5465 Finished
    7. 7th Oeptown #6801 he / him Finished
    8. 8th Littledark86 #3438 he / him Finished
    9. 9th GameNRockBuddy #0618 he / him more CR172/ Ether GoMode / Ganon Fall / Moth death Hurray! Finished
    10. 10th OBenniO #9657 he / him more Last-Located: Buch, Hammer, Ether. War toll Finished
    11. 11th Lanux #8957 he / him Finished
    12. 12th LittleVaia #9313 she / her more CR 175 Blind tot, Ether fast lastlocated Finished
    13. 13th LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her more CR 179... Finished
    14. Blackirave #1438 he / him DQ
  9. lazy-firerod-6255 ALttPR Crosshunt Community Race - Async 3: https://avianart.games/perm/5y32UHgT5 ( MANY SOMARIAS and somewhere Quake) Finished not recorded 15 entrants
    1. 1st dataplet #7164 he / him more HUH Finished
    2. 2nd StructuralMike #1449 he / him more can you climb GT if your bow was hovered? Finished
    3. 3rd humbugh #0699 he / him Finished
    4. 4th CubeSoldier #1316 he / him more imagine dying in CT. wouldnt be me Finished
    5. 5th crackerito #3618 he / him more free mearl after 50 minutes lol Finished
    6. 6th Teto #2797 he / him more no mm and ep Finished
    7. 7th Drac #6894 he / him Finished
    8. 8th Shinmaru #3292 he / him more 181 just go to voo and you win. super fun Finished
    9. 9th Dominik0688 #7163 he / him more 19 Hearts^^ Firerod Go Mode. EP & MM Boss skipped. CR 169 Finished
    10. 10th Blackirave #1438 he / him Finished
    11. 11th AryaStark2942 #5333 she / they more more than 174. Eastern apparently exists. :p Finished
    12. 12th Tristan #3421 he / him Finished
    13. 13th LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her more CR169, lastlocating hook+hammer ofc Finished
    14. DirtBubblE #9477 he / him DNF
    15. OfficerMiauMiau #8525 DNF
  10. calm-link-4758 ALttPR Dennsen86 Community Race Finished not recorded 25 entrants
    1. 1st ElementXtreme #2338 more earlie pod gemacht dann kam der rest von allein CR 129 Temperd in gt geile sache Finished
    2. 2nd Dennsen86 #8686 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Darknesslink81 #8743 he / him more Netter Seed.^^ Finished
    4. 4th Lanux #8957 he / him more 118 CR - what the? weird Seed Finished
    5. 5th Dominik0688 #7163 he / him more Mitts Go Mode. Zum Glück ging ich direkt zum LSS^^ CR 134 Finished
    6. 6th Teto #2797 he / him more ich war nicht lss. pff Finished
    7. 7th domi_1337 #5216 Finished
    8. 8th NTapple #1924 he / him Finished
    9. 9th LostxXinXxPain #1614 Finished
    10. 10th XallGG #7747 he / him more 142/216 Finished
    11. 11th EdHexic #3955 he / him Finished
    12. 12th Herreinspaziert #3290 Finished
    13. 13th Andy_Nerd_Time #0399 he / him Finished
    14. 14th RoterAlarm #7024 Finished
    15. 15th Th3D4K4 #1256 he / him Finished
    16. 16th mormacil #5229 he / him Finished
    17. 17th Trustless #0407 more CR: 154 Bonks: 54 =D Finished
    18. 18th HunterFrank81 #4854 he / him more Wohooo, erstes Race gefinished! Finished
    19. 19th LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her more moonpearl lastlocated und dann ether... Finished
    20. 20th Megnsk #0397 Finished
    21. Bumble #7458 he / him DNF
    22. Coladose #3430 DNF
    23. Shadynade #5465 DNF
    24. Sydraves #8793 more Titan Mitts last located, was ein Quatsch :D DNF
    25. Yok #8247 more nie wieder lss skippen DNF