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Race results

  1. wild-paradox-5325 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st skipfrosch #5987 Finished n/a
    2. Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all DNF n/a
  2. powerful-aginah-7603 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all Finished n/a
    2. RobG92 #4058 he / him DNF n/a
  3. tactical-swamp-7598 ALttPR TTT Community Race ADD Mode. Worst mode ever? Finished not recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st derdasch #5543 he / him more CR157. Seed gut getroffen, aber im Gomode echt viele dumme Fehler gemacht.^^ Finished
    2. 2nd NTapple #1924 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Blackirave #1438 he / him Finished
    4. 4th boothisman #8232 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Teto #2797 he / him Finished
    6. 6th DirtBubblE #9477 he / him more easy hera basemant skip into IR last location. RIP Finished
    7. 7th Tristan #3421 he / him Finished
    8. 8th CptnSabo #8048 he / him Finished
    9. 9th Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all more Wenn man zu sehr auf Tracker verlässt fehlte eine Kiste in jedem Dungeon dadurch die Karte einmal grau gespielt plus AD weil der IR Check abgehakt war xD Finished
    10. 10th LaBellaRosa #4181 she / her more Aga-Ledge gedanklich weggetrackt, also Titans lastlocated... Finished
    11. mc_thomas3 #9678 more Hatte nicht gekennzeichnet, das es ein "race" ist und hatte dann doch ein paar Tipps angeommen. Falls problematisch dann auch gerne fürs ganze Turnier sperren DNF
    12. Xargoth #7510 he / him more Capture Card wollte nicht DNF
  4. fearless-mushroom-9707 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Brogor #0954 he / him Finished 9
    2. Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all DNF 8
  5. perfect-agahnim-3120 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Hyruler #8325 more I hate jet seeds Finished 32
    2. 2nd Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all Finished 144
  6. pogtastic-bombs-1060 ALttPR Very eventless Casual Boots -no Stream required- Finished not recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Lanux #8957 he / him more CR 141 Finished
    2. 2nd boothisman #8232 he / him more guess who skipped a sword yet again Finished
    3. 3rd Hyruler #8325 more Both back of SW and fake powder bat were bad plays, so I didn't do either. Too bad they were the winning ones. Finished
    4. 4th Sukezss #1184 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Steinchen89 #4425 more noch sie so sehr bestraft worden auf den mushroom geschissen zu haben xD Finished
    6. 6th Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all more Flut schön last located, der rest lag dann auf dem weg CR 172 Finished
  7. clever-babyshield-9340 ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Finished recorded 14 entrants
    1. 1st Rayvis #1601 he / him more so many traps... Finished 2,072
    2. 2nd RoterAlarm #7024 Finished 1,801
    3. 3rd Arnie3000 #3931 he / him Finished 1,582
    4. 4th Dominik0688 #7163 he / him Finished 1,389
    5. 5th HolySmoke #7065 he / him more Den Hookshot original 20 Minuten liegen lassen -.- Finished 1,210
    6. 6th ToppiTV #4040 he / him Finished 1,039
    7. 7th Illus #6451 he / him Finished 870
    8. 8th Lanux #8957 he / him Finished 701
    9. 9th Teto #2797 he / him Finished 528
    10. 10th Headpin #8242 Finished 345
    11. 11th DrDiabetus #6943 he / him more Einfch Quake ll Finished 146
    12. 12th mr__navigator #9846 he / him Finished 84
    13. 13th Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all more Einfach Go Mode in EP geskippt Finished 380
    14. Hamster #9010 he / him DNF 833
  8. perfect-rutela-2913 TPR Standard Race - Defeat Ganon Finished recorded 29 entrants
    1. 1st Brasecario #7989 more i think GO mod before Time carried me Finished 602
    2. 2nd Ceddy #9014 he / him Finished 459
    3. 3rd Skystorm44 #0319 he / him more Won the race if poe 1 skip didn't exist GG (lost 5:18 min on it I'm so F bad) Finished 79
    4. 4th Jeez #7957 more Choked hard at the end, but nice seed could've gone a lil faster Finished 255
    5. 5th BearKofca #7366 she / they more Sometimes Lucky :) Finished 136
    6. 6th SwiftIke #0652 he / him more meow Finished 302
    7. 7th Ryuja #6053 more just rush faron field btw Finished 25
    8. 8th Norxiam #3605 he / him more I lost so much time cause i missed the wolfo jump at SCT Finished 285
    9. 9th Synii #6419 Finished 545
    10. 10th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more Had I gotten claw before going to the desert the first time, I would have finished about 20 minutes sooner. rip Finished 126
    11. 11th SpaceRawk #4581 he / him more did sooooo well until the dumbest chokes in AG Finished 1,046
    12. 12th Notablecass #7027 he / him Finished 93
    13. 13th Skinnydee17 #6028 he / him more We should get rid of Phase 3 of Ganondorf that phase should not be as stupid as it is Finished 264
    14. 14th BazooKazoo #9812 he / him Finished 610
    15. 15th Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 292
    16. 16th Letsklay #4197 Finished 98
    17. 17th Phantom5800 #8287 they / them Finished 127
    18. 18th FodderCannonn #8628 he / him more im never skipping ordon again Finished 131
    19. 19th Celestial Midona #1355 more Best race on season 1 !!! Finished 96
    20. 20th LanceH #8573 he / him more Had DR not screwed me over I probably would of gotten a few placements higher. Finished 61
    21. 21st peachedpocky #9832 they / them more new pb, sub 2:30! I did well with routing and listening to logic Finished 98
    22. 22nd iOliver #1400 he / him Finished 11
    23. 23rd Blanc #2390 she / her Finished 244
    24. 24th Tetsoya #1009 he / him more first seed finished ever x.x Finished 101
    25. 25th Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all more Sorry for the last minute registration, I had a duel shortly before >< Finished 26
    26. UnknownPigeon #0452 more missed a giga jet lol DNF 741
    27. Machie #1863 he / him more i got french boss name & hint, so i though humbaba was forest boss, missed the boom DNF 648
    28. Fahatron #5182 DNF 187
    29. Axl_SR #4756 DNF 28
  9. salty-hammer-8620 ALttPR Beat the game Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all Finished n/a
    2. DirtBubblE #9477 he / him DNF n/a
  10. gentle-uncle-3261 ALttPR Beat the game Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Nekoni_Hoozuki #6628 any / all Finished n/a
    2. 2nd OfficerMiauMiau #8525 Finished n/a