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Race results

  1. speedy-toadstool-6772 SMZ3 Beat the games Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st Eykir #2885 he / him more 1:16 / 1:02 - 192CR - These seeds are the seeds where my routing pays off in spades. Finished 16
    2. 2nd sk00pula #7804 he / him more just plain forgot about ship peebs, changed everything decision i made after that, wrecked ship go mode last. ugh. Finished 9
    3. 3rd ObscureLifeForm #6340 Finished 9
    4. 4th nobly #0149 he / him more ALL BS who goes MARIDIA BULL SHIET also I hate u obscure ugg Finished 22
    5. 5th LesleyPro_04 #2687 more First Sub-3 on the current logic! This would have been better if I could have dark walked Mire, but a fun seed to come back to this Randomizer to regardless! Finished 8
    6. 6th Sevym #1003 he / him Finished 1,721
    7. 7th Caracarn #2574 he / him Finished 5
    8. 8th crazdgamer #4360 he / him Finished 11
    9. 9th HolySmoke #7065 he / him more Guess who didn't go to Maridia Finished 40
  2. swag-thievestown-9555 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 14 entrants
    1. 1st DrDiabetus #6943 he / him more 125 cr Finished 44
    2. 2nd Zenitschwert #6836 he / him Finished 18
    3. 3rd MalXantholos #6990 he / him Finished 7
    4. 4th HolySmoke #7065 he / him more Was für ein wunderbares Pendant Layout Finished 13
    5. 5th Ralen Tankir #4377 he / him Finished 9
    6. 6th Bumble #7458 he / him Finished 1,729
    7. 7th Tristan #3421 he / him Finished 15
    8. 8th schelleWorld #1983 he / him Finished 45
    9. 9th Lanux #8957 he / him Finished 2
    10. 10th NTapple #1924 he / him Finished 1
    11. 11th Arnie3000 #3931 he / him Finished 3
    12. 12th Hamster #9010 he / him Finished 12
    13. 13th Vinter #4810 he / him Finished 39
    14. 14th ToppiTV #4040 he / him Finished 24
  3. crazy-blind-2627 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 21 entrants
    1. 1st Titos #7297 he / him Finished 16
    2. 2nd Ralen Tankir #4377 he / him Finished 8
    3. 3rd HolySmoke #7065 he / him Finished 22
    4. 4th Illus #6451 he / him Finished 8
    5. 5th Kromb1 #1059 he / him Finished 25
    6. 6th Blackirave #1438 he / him Finished 14
    7. 7th Xargoth #7510 he / him Finished 27
    8. 8th Lanux #8957 he / him Finished 11
    9. 9th Tristan #3421 he / him Finished 12
    10. 10th NTapple #1924 he / him Finished 30
    11. 11th Hamster #9010 he / him Finished 9
    12. 12th mr__navigator #9846 he / him Finished 5
    13. 13th mormacil #5229 he / him Finished 19
    14. 14th RoterAlarm #7024 Finished 3
    15. 15th DaFritza #4583 Finished 24
    16. 16th LinkQ87 #2626 he / him Finished 32
    17. 17th ToppiTV #4040 he / him Finished 5
    18. 18th Steinchen89 #4425 Finished 790
    19. 19th Headpin #8242 Finished 23
    20. Dennsen86 #8686 he / him DNF 43
    21. marciii #1413 he / him more Hab es auf Biegen und Brechen versucht zu beenden, aber nach 7 Stunden war die Luft komplett raus. Nächstes Mal beende ich. DNF n/a
  4. outrageous-robotnik-6674 SMZ3 Beat the games Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Vinter #4810 he / him more Did you like that Bombos placement? 232 Finished 5
    2. 2nd HolySmoke #7065 he / him Finished 16
    3. 3rd Veon #9338 he / him more glad my gut instinct of "how could the game be even meaner" kicked in preventing a true last location Finished 2
    4. sandres316 #1736 he / him DNF 9
  5. puzzled-hera-4897 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 25 entrants
    1. 1st Dennsen86 #8686 he / him Finished 39
    2. 2nd mr__navigator #9846 he / him Finished 85
    3. 3rd Zenitschwert #6836 he / him Finished 20
    4. 4th Evohwoo #6031 he / him Finished 15
    5. 5th Hamster #9010 he / him Finished 79
    6. 6th Arnie3000 #3931 he / him more Offizielle Zeit 21:05:01 - raceroom hat ewig nicht geladen. Sowohl am Start als auch am Ende >.> Finished 25
    7. 7th Ticknaldo #0359 he / him Finished 2
    8. 8th Teto #2797 he / him Finished 10
    9. 9th HolySmoke #7065 he / him Finished 7
    10. 10th Ralen Tankir #4377 he / him Finished 16
    11. 11th Illus #6451 he / him more illus2PoD Finished 26
    12. 12th Tristan #3421 he / him Finished 14
    13. 13th DaFritza #4583 more CR137 - Never skip IR cave q.q Finished 50
    14. 14th Dominik0688 #7163 he / him Finished 13
    15. 15th ToppiTV #4040 he / him Finished 67
    16. 16th Rando Norris #5946 he / him Finished 15
    17. 17th RoterAlarm #7024 Finished 5
    18. 18th mormacil #5229 he / him Finished 1
    19. 19th Lanux #8957 he / him Finished 14
    20. 20th Gnatzelle #2400 he / him Finished 187
    21. 21st thkg00fy #7293 he / him more F*** you, Ether!! x'D Finished 15
    22. 22nd LinkQ87 #2626 he / him Finished 83
    23. 23rd Headpin #8242 Finished 25
    24. marciii #1413 he / him DNF n/a
    25. PilsDieb #9139 DNF 833
  6. virtual-chip-8115 SMZ3 Beat the games Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st Eykir #2885 he / him Finished 12
    2. 2nd Vinter #4810 he / him Finished 1
    3. 3rd HolySmoke #7065 he / him Finished 17
    4. 4th Caracarn #2574 he / him Finished 2
    5. Sevym #1003 he / him DNF 13
  7. salty-validation-8216 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 25 entrants
    1. 1st Evohwoo #6031 he / him Finished 53
    2. 2nd Rayvis #1601 he / him Finished 12
    3. 3rd HolySmoke #7065 he / him Finished 30
    4. 4th Dennsen86 #8686 he / him Finished 33
    5. 5th Illus #6451 he / him Finished 5
    6. 6th Vinter #4810 he / him more 169, hookshot direkt nach dem Somaria kriegen, boar geil Finished 3
    7. 7th LinkQ87 #2626 he / him Finished 190
    8. 8th Teto #2797 he / him Finished 9
    9. 9th Ticknaldo #0359 he / him Finished 6
    10. 10th Manne933 #3982 more CR 155, spät Pilz abgegeben, EP gemacht Finished 101
    11. 11th Xargoth #7510 he / him Finished 26
    12. 12th Dominik0688 #7163 he / him Finished 4
    13. 13th Ralen Tankir #4377 he / him Finished 25
    14. 14th RoterAlarm #7024 Finished 39
    15. 15th Hamster #9010 he / him Finished 14
    16. 16th NTapple #1924 he / him more CR172; hätte auch nen AD sein können Finished 14
    17. 17th XallGG #7747 he / him Finished 18
    18. 18th DannylS04 #3647 he / him Finished 51
    19. 19th DaFritza #4583 more CR 176....Wer geht denn schon buddeln -.- Finished 39
    20. 20th nessa_nekochan #3950 she / her Finished 11
    21. 21st Arnie3000 #3931 he / him more 185 CR >.> irgendwas hat mich derb in die Irre geführt Finished 16
    22. 22nd ToppiTV #4040 he / him more Ich möchte nichts zu diesen Seed beitragen außer meine CR 177/216 Finished 16
    23. 23rd kanashii_kumo #9390 he / him Finished 53
    24. 24th Linkinstar #9934 he / him more 183 bombos last located Finished 19
    25. Tristan #3421 he / him more irgendwie den Hookshot weggetrackt. keine Ahnung wo der jetzt war ^^ DNF 38
  8. zany-kholdstare-9593 ALttPR Beat the game Finished not recorded 48 entrants
    1. 1st matt7898 #1275 Finished 2,879
    2. 2nd ph112358 #7424 he / him more 134 2 gloves go mode what on earth Finished 1,972
    3. 3rd dickson #6110 Finished 2,093
    4. 4th Soyhr #7143 he / him more Yay red cane! Finished 1,449
    5. 5th Ticknaldo #0359 he / him Finished 2,071
    6. 6th Jem #7684 he / him Finished 3,084
    7. 7th WGarrison #7375 he / him more Good things happen when I dont last locate Finished 1,624
    8. 8th IConIC22 #7299 he / him more HvT Finished 1,332
    9. 9th SacriJuts #0739 more top 10 pog - Did a little tour of TT to check the damage done Finished 1,190
    10. 10th HolySmoke #7065 he / him Finished 1,523
    11. 11th ObscureLifeForm #6340 Finished 2,347
    12. 12th RadicalSniper99 #1245 he / him more 152 Finished 2,568
    13. 13th derdasch #5543 he / him Finished 1,550
    14. 14th Tristan #3421 he / him Finished 1,013
    15. 15th Darknesslink81 #8743 he / him Finished 628
    16. 16th ScottishBrave44 #2982 she / her Finished 2,115
    17. 17th PlumeriaKnight #6762 he / him Finished 1,443
    18. 18th BajaBlood #7152 he / him Finished 1,538
    19. 19th MalXantholos #6990 he / him Finished 2,467
    20. 20th Iceman_F1 #2147 he / him more 151 - Mitts go, was a decent seed. Finished 1,271
    21. 21st JamesFnX #9072 he / him more 156/216 ganon rules my sequencing drooled Finished 1,821
    22. 22nd dataplet #7164 he / him more hard last location BOTH gloves, kinda sad ped mushroom wasn't required Finished 1,768
    23. 23rd Shinmaru #3292 he / him more 156 literal war crime for both hobo and zora to have progression Finished 1,947
    24. 24th Muffins #9229 he / him Finished 1,741
    25. 25th malmo #4794 she / her more two gloves go mode how bad can it be? 157 Finished 1,847
    26. 26th Titos #7297 he / him Finished 2,416
    27. 27th miendiem #7662 more 165 - Any fun guys in here? Finished 1,665
    28. 28th adirondackrick #4468 he / him more Die, take risks, cry when they come up empty and the answer was in front of you. Finished 1,782
    29. 29th Sebk #9696 Finished 1,325
    30. 30th Pytlovan #0298 he / him more F this Finished 1,551
    31. 31st LimpBagel #5075 he / him more Missed my goal of top 50% by 3 minutes and I screwed up Herapot and had to reclimb :riplink: Finished n/a
    32. 32nd TheDaddyGamers #6412 he / him Finished 1,330
    33. 33rd DSpags #9569 more Much better time if i pick DP over SW - CR 163 Finished 1,427
    34. 34th AstroFelipe #0115 he / him Finished 1,029
    35. 35th VortexofDoom #1756 he / him Finished 2,463
    36. 36th anglhz #6037 he / him Finished 611
    37. 37th greycorvid #1708 he / him more Nice Hookshot..hilarious Mushroom tease..was Mitts go... Finished 1,282
    38. 38th TreySpyre #7679 he / him Finished 2,136
    39. 39th Ryry #1972 Finished 1,175
    40. 40th NiobiumNarwhal #0603 they / them Finished 745
    41. 41st LegendaryMoon #5707 she / her more 153 CR.... nice gloves/mitts locations Finished 711
    42. 42nd PlasmaKappa #2065 he / him more send help Finished 2,638
    43. 43rd GenosBaka #7534 he / him Finished 555
    44. 44th VGFTaylor #6575 he / him Finished 387
    45. 45th Lumaga #1843 Finished 756
    46. 46th Perrofon #2324 Finished 847
    47. 47th Tabbycat54 #4697 she / her Finished 1,688
    48. WindFox470 #8003 he / him more power went out... all i had left was TR and GT... DNF 1,731
  9. gnarly-sahasrahla-9847 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 24 entrants
    1. 1st Teto #2797 he / him Finished 18
    2. 2nd Arnie3000 #3931 he / him more 129CR und das erste Mal Zweiter *.* Finished 39
    3. 3rd Vinter #4810 he / him more Bisschen zu spaet in Pod, sonst gut Finished 10
    4. 4th JuBer #2596 he / him more 129/216. DP/TH mistrack der sich gelohnt hat. Finished 23
    5. 5th skunkner #0974 he / him Finished 23
    6. 6th Dominik0688 #7163 he / him Finished 53
    7. 7th Ralen Tankir #4377 he / him Finished 11
    8. 8th Bumble #7458 he / him Finished 1,807
    9. 9th Majinken #9744 he / him more cooler seed 1 sek unterschied zu bumble xD Finished 141
    10. 10th Zenitschwert #6836 he / him Finished 2
    11. 11th Lanux #8957 he / him Finished 9
    12. 12th Kromb1 #1059 he / him Finished 4
    13. 13th Ticknaldo #0359 he / him Finished 25
    14. 14th HolySmoke #7065 he / him more Der Spiegel ey Finished 11
    15. 15th RoterAlarm #7024 Finished 20
    16. 16th NTapple #1924 he / him Finished 16
    17. 17th Hamster #9010 he / him Finished 10
    18. 18th thkg00fy #7293 he / him Finished 6
    19. 19th Linkinstar #9934 he / him more first rando after a year or so, unnecessary deaths, bad routing, bad execution Finished 13
    20. 20th nessa_nekochan #3950 she / her more if you somehow have livesplit still connected during kaizo and accidentally undo your finish ... rip 1:32:18 and internet points Finished 17
    21. 21st Hideto1988 #5659 Finished n/a
    22. Tristan #3421 he / him more gefühlt seit light wrold alles last located und mit somaria suche noch meilen vom go mode entfernt DNF 29
    23. n3v0xx #1922 DNF 833
    24. Dennsen86 #8686 he / him DQ 38
  10. classic-sahasrahla-5973 ALttPR Beat the game Finished not recorded 48 entrants
    1. 1st Ascend he / him more Hammer&Mitts and the world is your oyster Finished 1,808
    2. 2nd HolySmoke #7065 he / him Finished 1,534
    3. 3rd ph112358 #7424 he / him more 146 do tr before ow and this is real jetty Finished 1,973
    4. 4th MalXantholos #6990 he / him Finished 2,485
    5. 5th Knucksman #4812 he / him more Go mode Flute - Lucky silvers in hookshot, sword on torch. 125/216 Finished 1,037
    6. 6th Sebk #9696 Finished 1,321
    7. 7th Ryry #1972 Finished 1,175
    8. 8th homemadebeer #3479 he / him more 155, nice flute Finished 2,448
    9. 9th Offiziell_Alex2k #4925 he / him Finished 1,033
    10. 10th P-Train #3117 he / him Finished 2,399
    11. 11th miendiem #7662 more 156 - Nice flute. Finished 1,665
    12. 12th Pytlovan #0298 he / him more 153 Finished 1,551
    13. 13th tylersalt #0124 he / him more nice flute lmao Finished 1,524
    14. 14th VortexofDoom #1756 he / him Finished 2,463
    15. 15th derdasch #5543 he / him more CR154 Late Mitts, never found lamp Finished 1,550
    16. 16th WGarrison #7375 he / him more 161, nice flute Finished 1,624
    17. 17th Phyrie #5520 Finished 1,236
    18. 18th Rhades138 #3907 he / him Finished 1,045
    19. 19th norskmatty #9828 he / him Finished 1,835
    20. 20th PlasmaKappa #2065 he / him more send help Finished 2,625
    21. 21st Tabbycat54 #4697 she / her more Started good... until it wasn't Finished 1,688
    22. 22nd AstroFelipe #0115 he / him Finished 1,029
    23. 23rd rdwalshv #6267 he / him more just rush eastern 4Head Finished 2,288
    24. 24th Jaejo36 #6545 he / him more Dodged the sphere1 Hammer and Boots + ice rod hunt for go. F-- me. Finished 2,206
    25. 25th Titos #7297 he / him Finished 2,413
    26. 26th Maniacal #6703 he / him more 168 sick kid, ped, or ether tab... late mitts Finished 2,319
    27. 27th sk00pula #7804 he / him more show up, nap, do gt twice, profit. shoulda just did ped Finished 1,650
    28. 28th dickson #6110 more AD w/ blind ped baby Finished 2,093
    29. 29th tstew14 #8410 Finished 2,736
    30. 30th malmo #4794 she / her more 162 is no glitches always like this? Finished 1,847
    31. 31st JamesFnX #9072 he / him more 167/216 ganon rules my decision making drools Finished 1,821
    32. 32nd DSpags #9569 more Just get crystals... eventually I will listen to this mindset. Finished 1,427
    33. 33rd kademan941 #8570 he / him more This was an all dungeons seed, right? 163 CR Finished 1,012
    34. 34th recitador #0017 more this was completionist goal, right? Finished 1,918
    35. 35th Telmiran #6188 Finished 1,788
    36. 36th Kromb1 #1059 he / him Finished 1,261
    37. 37th Homewrecker #4033 he / him more nice LL mirror Finished 1,654
    38. 38th Gabrieljcampos #3904 he / him more Blind Ped Because I skipped the Fire Rod Finished 704
    39. 39th Yoinkerswife #4156 she / her Finished 688
    40. 40th VGFTaylor #6575 he / him more 169 CR. Flute Go. Finished 387
    41. 41st Perrofon #2324 Finished 847
    42. 42nd vertz505 #4971 he / him more Hardware crash lost me PoD and EP progress, probably 6-8 minutes worth of wasted tme. Bad route. Finished 2,122
    43. 43rd huffpuff1337 #4259 he / him more fucking ibpj Finished 1,256
    44. 44th linktothepastken he / him more why is the flute on laser 7 seeds in a row and nearly all of the of war of hrule races Finished 397
    45. hydrapower #4942 he / him DNF 2,410
    46. WindFox470 #8003 he / him DNF 1,731
    47. Echo #6921 DNF 194
    48. RobG92 #4058 he / him DNF n/a