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Race results

  1. reliable-oldman-8811 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st cUstOm #2730 he / him more didn’t have a bomb coming out of 1 so I last located 5 xd Finished 1
    2. 2nd BlessedBe_ #3629 he / him Finished 2
    3. NioriFox #2075 he / him DNF 32
  2. priceless-lion-8307 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st cUstOm #2730 he / him more 300th z1r race was an epic victory royale, a fat dub :D Finished 10
    2. 2nd jessandy8 #9443 she / her more nice chute Finished 9
    3. 3rd Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 9
    4. 4th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 8
    5. 5th AceKingSpade #0358 Finished 15
    6. NioriFox #2075 he / him DNF 69
  3. scruffy-goriya-2358 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Iceblue #5330 they / them more Level 7 and 8 huh.... this tourney is gonna be wild Finished 27
    2. 2nd FurySK #0421 he / him more one bad dive cost me way too much time. Finished 3
    3. 3rd PedanticPotato #6037 he / him Finished 17
    4. 4th cUstOm #2730 he / him more the patra scared me away :D Finished 3
    5. 5th Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 13
    6. 6th YmustUhateME #3791 he / him more I like to cry about bad seeds. insert crying here. Ladder Finished 4
    7. 7th Stags28 #0096 he / him Finished 1
    8. 8th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 4
    9. 9th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 30
    10. 10th AceKingSpade #0358 Finished 17
    11. 11th NioriFox #2075 he / him more fun seed! had to dig a lot, before finding the ladder, but once i got it, everything opened up like a..... doorway Finished 220
  4. zany-magicstaircase-4652 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Iceblue #5330 they / them more what in the ever loving christ was those 6, 7 and 8???? LOL Finished 31
    2. 2nd FurySK #0421 he / him more didn't deserve 2nd with the sloppy play i had in this one early. Finished 6
    3. 3rd droois #6541 more pretty tough Finished 2,356
    4. 4th Mocco71 #8714 he / him Finished 3
    5. 5th Moneymerks #6943 he / him Finished 8
    6. 6th PedanticPotato #6037 he / him Finished 4
    7. 7th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 34
    8. dk9146 #8136 he / him DNF 26
    9. NioriFox #2075 he / him DNF 144
    10. AceKingSpade #0358 DNF 62
  5. mega-likelike-7447 Z1R TTP Season 2 Finished recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st CaffyJD #5138 more oh Finished 157
    2. 2nd PedanticPotato #6037 he / him more oh oh Finished 888
    3. 3rd shatty #8786 he / him Finished 20
    4. 4th syscrusher #6529 he / him Finished 69
    5. 5th cUstOm #2730 he / him Finished 33
    6. 6th BlessedBe_ #3629 he / him more Last located Sword. 2x Ganon Deaths. 6 Hearts No Ring Wood Sword. Finished 335
    7. 7th thomjay #5571 Finished 4
    8. 8th TheGobOne #3197 he / him Finished 64
    9. 9th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 44
    10. 10th Eatmysteel #6324 he / him more VERY late to 1/ladder Finished 39
    11. 11th BrewersFanJP #3858 he / him more I continue to play like absolute garbage Finished 52
    12. 12th Ugondis #4968 he / him Finished 74
    13. 13th Moneymerks #6943 he / him more We will be hearing brewers complain about this seed for the next 3 days Finished 16
    14. 14th Iceblue #5330 they / them more Mismarked overworld and having literally 0 bombs early caused me to miss ladder AND red ring in 3. Yippee Finished 254
    15. 15th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 6
    16. 16th specialk3782 #4459 he / him Finished 45
    17. 17th Oboe #8721 he / him Finished 182
    18. 18th NioriFox #2075 he / him Finished 78
  6. charming-tenthenemy-6995 Z1R TTP Season 2 Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st droois #6541 Finished 69
    2. 2nd Iceblue #5330 they / them more dangit level 9 Finished 55
    3. 3rd Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 28
    4. 4th thomjay #5571 Finished 10
    5. 5th syscrusher #6529 he / him Finished 26
    6. 6th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 41
    7. 7th Moneymerks #6943 he / him more still looking for map in 9 Finished 3
    8. 8th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 39
    9. 9th NickHasAGame #8423 he / him Finished 98
    10. Ryin7 #7486 he / him more In the room next to Z, no bombs. Im over it:( DNF 95
    11. NioriFox #2075 he / him DNF 158
  7. superb-containerheart-6794 Z1R TTP Season 2 Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 84
    2. 2nd Malchior #3174 he / him Finished 57
    3. 3rd thomjay #5571 Finished 2
    4. 4th Ryin7 #7486 he / him Finished 11
    5. 5th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 10
    6. 6th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 11
    7. 7th NioriFox #2075 he / him more please... let us never speak of t his seed again... this seed never happened... Finished 51
  8. invincible-triforce-1613 Z1R TTP Season 2 Finished recorded 14 entrants
    1. 1st cytown #5626 he / him Finished 244
    2. 2nd Iceblue #5330 they / them more Kahanakey'd in 1 right at start and got rewarded with Betty Finished 1,465
    3. 3rd Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 125
    4. 4th latebit #1301 he / him Finished 25
    5. 5th YmustUhateME #3791 he / him more apparently i UP Ad out of silvers were in 9 hint so I left looking for silvers outside of 9. RIP 20 minutes Finished 9
    6. 6th Moneymerks #6943 he / him more cytown wasnt giving me points twice Finished 42
    7. 7th Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 172
    8. 8th Neononane #4666 he / him more Saw almost every room in 9 before I took that stair right at the beginning. Whoops Finished 22
    9. 9th BlessedBe_ #3629 he / him more 20+min Wood Sword was pain. Curse those Wizzys guarding it. Finished 250
    10. 10th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 46
    11. 11th DeliciousAlgae #5422 she / her Finished 55
    12. 12th Oboe #8721 he / him more Dying 20 fewer times would help Finished 46
    13. 13th NioriFox #2075 he / him more overworld wizzies and gibdos aside, this was a fun seed! as usual, i tend to spend too much time digging for items. Finished 161
    14. TheGobOne #3197 he / him DNF 114
  9. fortunate-wizzrobe-4826 Z1R TTP Season 2 Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st FurySK #0421 he / him more after some awful seeds lately we finally get one that is a bit nicer and that i also get great routing fortune on. Finished 270
    2. 2nd Thirwolf #2795 he / him Finished 1
    3. 3rd NickHasAGame #8423 he / him Finished 205
    4. 4th thomjay #5571 Finished 2
    5. 5th Moneymerks #6943 he / him more Wasted a ton of time in 5 looking for tri and never found it Finished 53
    6. 6th Ryin7 #7486 he / him Finished 28
    7. 7th cytown #5626 he / him Finished 128
    8. 8th BBQdotgov #6060 he / him Finished 25
    9. 9th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 47
    10. 10th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 6
    11. 11th NioriFox #2075 he / him more this one was fun! a LOT better than the septic seed i ran before Finished 364
    12. Cha0sFinale #7998 he / him more Had to afk - rip run DNF 125
  10. dizzy-map-9420 Z1R TTP Season 2 Finished recorded 16 entrants
    1. 1st jessandy8 #9443 she / her Finished 65
    2. 2nd potato_pony #5169 he / him Finished 241
    3. 3rd Alsoa #3560 he / him Finished 267
    4. 4th TheGobOne #3197 he / him Finished 173
    5. 5th Neononane #4666 he / him Finished 114
    6. 6th equations19 #4006 he / him more Should've looked for 3 instead of 8 maybe? Finished 11
    7. 7th shatty #8786 he / him Finished 55
    8. 8th cUstOm #2730 he / him more trying to find the path to the triforce in 8 tilted the fuck out of me. Finished 12
    9. 9th Ugondis #4968 he / him more snipe? Finished 56
    10. 10th Stags28 #0096 he / him more must remember to check 9 for # of triforces needed. Finished 93
    11. 11th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 103
    12. 12th Cha0sFinale #7998 he / him more Someday Ill be able to right order. Finished 45
    13. 13th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 5
    14. 14th PDXRex #1077 more 3 wallmasters in 6... doing that bdn room 3 x on wood sword yuk Finished 64
    15. 15th AceKingSpade #0358 Finished 10
    16. 16th NioriFox #2075 he / him Finished 833