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Race results
GTA3 Any% Finished recorded 21 entrants
- 1st Chivu #8601 Finished 683
- 2nd UltimaOmega07 #9749 more Took wrong routes about 21 times and failed bait once, FeelsBirthdayMan Finished 1,769
- 3rd Kamiks0320 #8149 more wild race, so proud I had the chance to participate Finished 821
- 4th zolaa23_ #4710 she / they more busted at luigi's girls, blown the van at van heist and died at the e2g dodo takeoff............ Finished 1,711
- 5th Fifulek #0579 more shit late game but it's fine Finished 371
- 6th SourKiwi #2042 Finished 349
- 7th lachkar #7728 more No instapasses done in Portland. Finished 1,086
- 8th Mr. Mary #4170 he / him more the usual, no major blunders, was fun Finished 178
- 9th leshenka #8224 he / him Finished 854
- 10th pitpo #2601 more the muscle memory is mostly gone now, but it was a decent run nonetheless, i'm happy to see so many people take part in the race! Finished 311
- 11th the_oc #0070 Finished 620
- 12th SpuG3 #6756 more very good race.. 20YearsOfGTAIII FeelsBirthdayMan Finished 502
- 13th Kappajog #0914 he / him more well, for making decision to join 2 minutes before the race, i'm proud i was able to finish it. Kinda crappy pace but better luck next time i guess :3 Finished 190
- 14th zoton2 #6995 they / them more First full run in a while, went OK :) Finished 256
- 15th Joshimuz #4764 he / him more Game freaked out with random black boxes at the start, had to restart, lost a minute. Then died twice in Liberator. But Recovered well. Dodo flight to Exchange was amazing. Fun race like ye olde days. Finished 127
- 16th Sventor #6126 more can't believe THE josh beat me PepeHans Finished 11
- 17th tduva #7365 he / him more Haven't played this game in many years, technical issues, restarted 15-20 minutes in Finished 159
- 18th SpeedyFolf #7873 he / him Finished 325
- 19th asazin118 #4523 Finished 521
- — Fuzimi #1004 more dupeless was a bad idea DNF 783
- — wolfbloxer06 #2928 he / him DNF 782
MC Bingo Finished recorded 3 entrants
- 1st Zephyr_2802 #2397 he / him more FUCK THE SHEEP SEED COLOUR RNG² Finished 76
- 2nd WaterArko #8590 he / they more Could have finished much sooner, but digging down killed me twice. Lost two opportunities to get Brown Wool, ended up searching for it for around twenty minutes. Was fun. :) Finished 76
- — tduva #7365 he / him more Shouldn't have done a second one, too tired, no motivation/plan DNF 286
MC Bingo Finished recorded 5 entrants
- 1st Zephyr_2802 #2397 he / him more I HATE BIOME GENERATION BUT I LOVE MY SILLY LUCK Finished 218
- 2nd tduva #7365 he / him more Died to Lava digging straight down, luckily saved in a bed nearby, but still lost some items. At least I already knew where Lava was for a Nether Portal. :) Finished 155
- 3rd Joshimuz #4764 he / him more I accidentally almost did two Bingos because I mistakenly marked Honey Block and only realised as I was digging down for Lava for Portal Finished 3
- 4th Jace #3517 he / him more Took a while to find a desert I guess Finished 7
- — WaterArko #8590 he / they more Died for the 12th time :) DNF 40
MC Bingo Finished recorded 4 entrants
- 1st Joshimuz #4764 he / him more Could've finished 20 minutes faster if I found a village faster :D Finished 683
- 2nd tduva #7365 he / him more Found a village for beetroot later than Josh Finished 1
- 3rd WaterArko #8590 he / they more Could've finished in 1 minute if I just dug down and found all the stuff I needed :D Finished 265
- — Jace #3517 he / him DNF 302
MC Bingo Finished recorded 6 entrants
- 1st tduva #7365 he / him more Edit: Finished a goal wrong by accident (Logs instead of Wood, wouldn't have been slower overall, but still wrong), but can't forfeit after the race is complete. Finished 1,388
- 2nd Jace #3517 he / him Finished 383
- 3rd Joshimuz #4764 he / him more I finished/preped for every goal, then got killed in a really elaborate way involving lack of wood and a piglin brute, and lava. Then came back and did everything again. Finished 684
- 4th Filip #4906 he / they more creeper bad Finished 619
- — WaterArko #8590 he / they more Meow DNF 155
- — DomoTheRussian #2356 he / him DNF 23