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Race results
Misc Sprashfecta 652% Finished not recorded 11 entrants
- 1st Nitrofski #8380 more sub 12 ‾\_(ツ)_/‾ Finished
- 2nd hypnoshark #3678 he / him Finished
- 3rd neujahr98 #0196 Finished
- 4th HammerheadLabs #2042 he / him Finished
- 5th PlayerGameSK #6211 he / him Finished
- 6th NightShadow295 #6781 Finished
- 7th Klaxxy73 #7741 he / him Finished
- 8th bregermann #9038 more I did it! Despite hardly any practice at all, sooo much free time save for next sprashfecta. GG Finished
- — Ad129 #0099 other / ask! DNF
- — Awesome7285 #2210 DNF
- — Rayleigh #2990 she / her DNF
BK:GR 100% Finished recorded 9 entrants
- 1st g0goTBC #1799 Finished 201
- 2nd CaptnDingPot #6661 he / him Finished 452
- 3rd Sharpless #2240 Finished 1,175
- 4th a_aronSR #0237 Finished 816
- 5th TySoN78 #6319 Finished 361
- 6th FluffyCookies #9239 she / her Finished 209
- 7th SHLONGSTER #1178 Finished 168
- 8th DeDeLux #8270 Finished 435
- 9th Rayleigh #2990 she / her more 1:24:57 Finished 680
M3DMG Super Mario 246 Finished recorded 7 entrants
- 1st KingJ0444 #3478 Finished 1,736
- 2nd midbro #8919 he / him Finished 189
- 3rd FireGoesFast #8107 Finished 1,074
- 4th Tackleshift8 #1022 he / him Finished 11
- 5th LPhantom #2742 he / him Finished 155
- — Rollerroc #3371 he / him more nice pc crash DNF 23
- — Rayleigh #2990 she / her more NOT IN THE MOOD FOR THIS SHIT TODAY DNF 24
M3DMG Super Mario 246 Finished recorded 16 entrants
- 1st Odme_ #9974 he / him more 3 minutes lost in eyg but otherwise okay run :)) Finished 1,082
- 2nd midbro #8919 he / him Finished 1,630
- 3rd zGamuT #3020 he / him Finished 1,462
- 4th Frozeno #6725 Finished 1,305
- 5th agge40 #5504 he / him Finished 1,155
- 6th Awesome7285 #2210 Finished 1,008
- 7th Yoshistar111 #3438 he / him Finished 862
- 8th Cobiscobby #4077 Finished 717
- 9th Dale #4990 he / him more Well SMS and 64 didn't go as planned, still happy I finished :) Finished 569
- 10th 456ProductionsYT #6080 he / him more first time beating smg2 Finished 417
- 11th Broodlai #5111 he / him more I hate everything Finished 257
- — BloodDerg more I should and will stop taking part in community races if I am not interested in running the category at that point. I just can't do it at the moment. DNF 234
- — m_riss #8087 he / him DNF 92
- — Rayleigh #2990 she / her more Fuck you blood for making me do this at 1am DNF 95
- — Rollerroc #3371 he / him DNF 96
- — Sheila #0088 she / her more I don't really feel like continuing DNF 95
M3DMG Super Mario 602 Finished recorded 47 entrants
- 1st Odme_ #9974 he / him more the journey ends Finished 817
- 2nd Clair #4229 she / her Finished 713
- 3rd Flygonman #9168 he / him Finished 873
- 4th Breadghost #7230 he / him Finished 576
- 5th TheSludgyGamer #3420 Finished 638
- 6th 360Chrism #1018 he / him Finished 2,076
- 7th iMartz3 #0057 Finished 1,965
- 8th KingJ0444 #3478 Finished 1,859
- 9th MarvJungs #8102 they / them Finished 1,756
- 10th WildGeffe64 #7417 Finished 1,656
- 11th StrongmanLin #3985 Finished 1,558
- 12th Expreli #0585 he / him Finished 1,461
- 13th Butter #2721 Finished 491
- 14th nullscythe #9693 other / ask! more HOW. Finished 1,274
- 15th Podz #8773 they / them more This feels, Unreal. Finished 1,182
- 16th Rayleigh #2990 she / her more ok then Finished 683
- 17th Uvideo #3377 Finished 1,002
- 18th AprilSR #9539 she / her Finished 331
- 19th Arceus #8145 he / him Finished 826
- 20th Talon2461 #2748 he / him Finished 738
- 21st TheMine2001 #8749 he / him Finished 650
- 22nd Awesome7285 #2210 Finished 176
- 23rd Rox #5848 he / him more im tired Finished 472
- 24th Frish #3414 Finished 383
- 25th SuperM789 #0060 more epic Finished 139
- 26th Cheezlhead #8174 more happy feelings : ) Finished 201
- 27th Smoke_chi #8244 Finished 109
- — Bandow2000 #3939 DNF 405
- — Zans #7046 she / her DNF 24
- — Damarshm0nster #2629 DNF 38
- — BloodDerg more Please prepare yourself mentally before you attempt such a run, it is important! DNF 77
- — 456ProductionsYT #6080 he / him DNF 104
- — BennyTheGreat #1135 more in way too much pain DNF 123
- — Broodlai #5111 he / him DNF 141
- — CastleSR #0711 DNF 157
- — Cody #4815 he / him DNF 172
- — CostilerAphid18 #5603 other / ask! DNF 185
- — EverettM #8052 he / him DNF 197
- — FireDragon #8388 he / him DNF 208
- — GameVsPlayer #7739 he / him DNF 217
- — JasonMatthew #9307 DNF 224
- — Monado #7871 DNF 231
- — Roofon #6889 DNF 235
- — Salty Mat #4210 he / him DNF 238
- — Tackleshift8 #1022 he / him DNF 240
- — thecamo6 #4111 DNF 240
- — xXTheBigBearXx #6252 DNF 239
M3DMG Sandbox Any% Finished recorded 14 entrants
- 1st Dogecyanide #5447 more YEP CLOCK BLOCKED Finished 1,873
- 2nd BloodDerg more Close race, very Pog Finished 454
- 3rd Arceus #8145 he / him Finished 1,034
- 4th Gloggekawa #3620 they / them Finished 1,159
- 5th Flygonman #9168 he / him Finished 989
- 6th drybloxman #7838 more Jeez this was bad, should've played SMO before this lol Finished 821
- 7th Frozeno #6725 Finished 653
- 8th BennyTheGreat #1135 more LUMAO Kirb Finished 479
- 9th Rayleigh #2990 she / her more 3/3 on bowser throws... good run but heck Noki 4 Finished 297
- 10th Awesome7285 #2210 Finished 144
- — Fizz #2129 he / him more fuck pianta 5 DNF 73
- — Emberdragon77 #9223 DNF 115
- — kingvideogamer #8034 DNF 113
- — Sheila #0088 she / her DNF 113
Misc Super Mario 3d All Stars - 360 Finished not recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Awesome7285 #2210 Finished
- — Rayleigh #2990 she / her DNF
Misc All Choices Finished not recorded 3 entrants
- 1st JokerFactor #2168 he / him Finished
- 2nd Jabbathehut2 #2303 Finished
- — Rayleigh #2990 she / her DNF
SMS Any% Finished recorded 8 entrants
- 1st Arceus #8145 he / him Finished 1,665
- 2nd Flygonman #9168 he / him Finished 1,331
- 3rd SuperViperT302 #4594 he / him more what a video game Finished 1,046
- 4th FcbdaBoss #2661 Finished 778
- 5th mooismyusername #3697 Finished 504
- 6th Cheezlhead #8174 Finished 200
- — Foreigner #4543 DNF 184
- — Rayleigh #2990 she / her DNF 184
M3DMG Super Mario 602 Finished recorded 26 entrants
- 1st Odme_ #9974 he / him more sub 20:10 =) idk I'm built different Finished 2,401
- 2nd Clair #4229 she / her more good sm64, awful smg, eh sms, good smg2. other than being tilted for a bit in smg1, I had lots of fun. Finished 2,164
- 3rd Breadghost #7230 he / him more Literally how. This race was too close LUL Finished 1,975
- 4th ShadowFrost #0209 more What. A. Close. Ending. Finished 1,812
- 5th TheSludgyGamer #3420 more finished late oop Finished 1,664
- 6th Flygonman #9168 he / him Finished 1,526
- 7th AlaeusSR #1981 Finished 1,394
- 8th Gloggekawa #3620 they / them more uwu Finished 1,266
- 9th linky628 #4894 he / him more sm64, smg2 and 3 hour 602 PBs, woooo Finished 1,141
- 10th Bandow2000 #3939 more FIRST FINISH OF THE 602 WOOHOOOOOOOOOO Finished 1,018
- 11th Butter #2721 Finished 896
- 12th Nostalgia64runs #3446 he / him more sunshine is smelly and bad Finished 774
- 13th AprilSR #9539 she / her more First 602 and first all nighter, quadruple PB. Did SM63 hundo after to make it as 666 lol. I’m really happy with how I did, not sure if I’ll ever do another - depends on IRL stuff a lot. Finished 651
- 14th Awesome7285 #2210 more this run was a reverse of normal: sm64 sucked, smg1 poor, sms actually good, smg2 fine. definately like being able to take breaks now, only way i can actually finish one of these Finished 526
- 15th mooismyusername #3697 Finished 398
- 16th SuperM789 #0060 more 20 hours of that time is sleeping lol Finished 266
- — BloodDerg more Just not the right time to do a 602. Weather is just unbearable. My goal was sub 23, but I'll up my goals for next race as I proceed to smash the 1862 WR as much as I can. DNF 129
- — BZSTEVE #3920 DNF 141
- — DNVIC #0435 more was dizzy when I ate so I went to sleep, but when I woke up I didn't feel like doing this anymore. Also still dont feel good even after sleep DNF 152
- — PeekingBoo #1053 he / him DNF 168
- — Rayleigh #2990 she / her DNF 161
- — Synyadriel #6711 DNF 174
- — tapioca #6986 more finished through SMG2 any%, bodied by eye strain :( DNF 178
- — theshadedmaster #8485 more Fuck Sunshine DNF 180
- — Zans #7046 she / her DNF 180
- — Damarshm0nster #2629 DQ 179