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Race results

  1. classic-sahasrahla-5858 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Lanux #8957 he / him Finished 21
    2. 2nd 0nly_Jeff #1506 he / him Finished 115
    3. 3rd Kalvin919 #2450 he / him more that firerod got me good ughhh could have been a 1:20 i feel like. 181/216 Finished 2
    4. 4th David_Aux #0929 he / him Finished 198
    5. 5th signumbs #2994 Finished 2
    6. 6th Fugitive #7658 he / him more should've trusted in TR instead of dipping mire Finished 2
    7. 7th sandres316 #1736 he / him Finished 6
    8. 8th Oeptown #6801 he / him Finished 8
    9. 9th MoonrisenPhoenix #5925 he / him Finished 381
    10. 10th Skatzman #8917 he / him Finished 6
    11. ganondwa1rf #0850 he / him DNF 16
  2. scruffy-trinexx-7506 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Shyr #4352 Finished 6
    2. 2nd Tenit #5351 she / her Finished 10
    3. 3rd nessa_nekochan #3950 she / her Finished 17
    4. 4th Fugitive #7658 he / him more dipped the front of TR when I should've trusted my gut and full cleared Finished 14
    5. 5th crazdgamer #4360 he / him Finished 15
    6. 6th Noob Scooter #0645 Finished 4
    7. 7th signumbs #2994 Finished 5
    8. 8th oldmansunshine #3039 they / them Finished 21
    9. 9th Jixson #2807 they / them Finished 680
    10. Frankiefusion22 #6289 DNF 58
    11. marciii #1413 he / him DNF n/a
  3. daring-icepalace-0358 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st Shyr #4352 Finished 2
    2. 2nd crazdgamer #4360 he / him Finished 28
    3. 3rd Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 7
    4. 4th Fugitive #7658 he / him more took a death to kholdstare, but at least I found red cane early Finished 7
    5. 5th LTigre #8969 he / him more about as bad as it could've gone. Finished 8
    6. 6th markam #9624 he / him Finished 16
    7. 7th Jixson #2807 they / them Finished 58
    8. 8th signumbs #2994 Finished 16
    9. 9th Skatzman #8917 he / him Finished 782
  4. funky-zorasdomain-3972 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st rdwalshv #6267 he / him more 127 these memories can't replace the wishes i wished and dreams i chased, so take this broken heart and make it right Finished 9
    2. 2nd Magnit Handz #9960 he / him Finished 1
    3. 3rd smercjd #0528 he / him more 153 - GG everyone ^_^ Finished 9
    4. 4th AnimusUnited #6600 Finished 23
    5. 5th Akuheish #5435 he / him more pendant dungeon gambles were not the answer this time Finished 4
    6. 6th Bydey #8323 Finished 94
    7. 7th LegendaryMoon #5707 she / her Finished 10
    8. 8th Topspecialist #1464 he / him Finished 9
    9. signumbs #2994 DNF 13
    10. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 17
    11. Ragarnok #3431 he / him DNF 14
    12. linktothepastken he / him DNF 5
  5. daring-pod-5418 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Akuheish #5435 he / him more mitts go mode and could have pulled ped with all the pendants. Finished 14
    2. 2nd Joss #7649 he / him more Gotta love LLing go mode. Finished 2
    3. 3rd signumbs #2994 Finished 7
    4. 4th LTigre #8969 he / him more 162/216 Full clear incuding ped before mitts on Spike cave Finished 4
    5. 5th MurphyK93 #2861 he / him more Fell to Ganon on the last arrow. Titans for Go Mode Finished 19
    6. 6th crazdgamer #4360 he / him Finished 16
    7. 7th Runil #6147 more This seed has fueled me with the hatred of 1000 suns Finished 9
    8. 8th TheBenJammin #7468 he / him more If only I had gone to POD earlier and stayed after flippers Finished 10
    9. Topspecialist #1464 he / him more Forgot front of escape DNF 12
    10. linktothepastken he / him more RUDE! DNF 7
  6. mega-mirrorshield-0443 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 13 entrants
    1. 1st smercjd #0528 he / him more 142 -- OMG that hook logic, I got really lucky xD Finished 16
    2. 2nd Ryry #1972 more fake powder for early hookshot, just to do LSS, what a waste LUL. 2 medallions b2b for go-mode.. 126 Finished 39
    3. 3rd AnimusUnited #6600 more POD bait KEKW Finished 27
    4. 4th ShinDigPig #3475 he / him more Fake powdered after getting mushroom in Hera, never found powder. Never touched pendants. 140/216 Finished 9
    5. 5th MurphyK93 #2861 he / him more Wish I had skipped POD Finished 63
    6. 6th tylersalt #0124 he / him more just fake powder and mimic clip 4head what a stupid game Finished 4
    7. 7th signumbs #2994 Finished 1
    8. 8th LTigre #8969 he / him more Should've known how this run was going to go after the unwanted Sanc heart recovery at the end of escape Finished 13
    9. 9th nessa_nekochan #3950 she / her Finished 16
    10. 10th Yoinkerswife #4156 she / her Finished 7
    11. 11th TheBenJammin #7468 he / him Finished 5
    12. sk00pula #7804 he / him more compost pile, shock DNF 30
    13. Robs #4252 he / him DNF 37
  7. silly-bigtwenty-0181 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 17 entrants
    1. 1st Kaede Rukawa #4676 he / him more biggest jet seed bait I've ever seen In my 2 and a half years playing alttp rando. Disgusting Finished 8
    2. 2nd Deepfried87 #8531 he / him more for once clowning ped paid off 168Cr Finished 32
    3. 3rd Shroki #6893 he / him more haha get owned latebit Finished 124
    4. 4th latebit #1301 he / him more JAXXY PLEASE Finished 4
    5. 5th Lanabean #3720 she / her more SG daily doing it's thing. Finished 1
    6. 6th Joss #7649 he / him more Trash seed is trash Finished 2
    7. 7th smercjd #0528 he / him Finished 2
    8. 8th death_taxes_n64 #4985 he / him more 187, another pedestal required IR hunt lmao. at least it wasnt Aga for shovel for IR Finished 47
    9. 9th YourUncleFinch #3746 he / him more Had to climb GT twice (no magic for lamp-less clockwork), fell to Ganon. 7/10 needed more water. Finished 34
    10. 10th signumbs #2994 Finished 3
    11. 11th Fugitive #7658 he / him Finished 7
    12. 12th linktothepastken he / him more rude ir and nice boots Finished 8
    13. 13th TheBenJammin #7468 he / him more IR on ped wooooow, blind ped too, troll shovel on lumberjack Finished 4
    14. 14th crazdgamer #4360 he / him Finished 4
    15. 15th Yoinkerswife #4156 she / her more nice rod Finished 2
    16. Specks #1514 he / him DNF 72
    17. Kizzercrate #5174 he / him DQ 25
  8. charming-bottle-4643 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 19 entrants
    1. 1st Kalvin919 #2450 he / him Finished 25
    2. 2nd ARabidWombat85 #0401 he / him more 156 CR, forced double dip hera and SP, fun Finished 63
    3. 3rd Specks #1514 he / him Finished 20
    4. 4th armlx #7548 he / him Finished 8
    5. 5th latebit #1301 he / him Finished 10
    6. 6th Runil #6147 Finished n/a
    7. 7th Ryry #1972 more DM route GT into chest #21, ouch. That phase 3 Ganon was just icing on the cake. Finished 17
    8. 8th LTigre #8969 he / him Finished 6
    9. 9th ShinDigPig #3475 he / him more 173/216. Terrible seed. Finished 2
    10. 10th Soyhr #7143 he / him more You ever have those seeds that make you go 3 steps backward in practice... Finished 8
    11. 11th death_taxes_n64 #4985 he / him more 170, swords on Kohldstare and Vitti pls. Finished 27
    12. 12th TheBenJammin #7468 he / him Finished 1
    13. Robs #4252 he / him DNF 33
    14. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 15
    15. signumbs #2994 DNF 12
    16. Shroki #6893 he / him DNF 182
    17. linktothepastken he / him DNF 6
    18. Tetsoya #1009 he / him DNF n/a
    19. Look! Waffles #0013 DNF 577
  9. hyper-heartcontainer-6403 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 17 entrants
    1. 1st PlasmaKappa #2065 he / him more help received Finished 9
    2. 2nd MalXantholos #6990 he / him Finished 4
    3. 3rd Specks #1514 he / him Finished 47
    4. 4th Joss #7649 he / him Finished 11
    5. 5th rdwalshv #6267 he / him more 157 when you don't know who you are, you fuck around and find out Finished 14
    6. 6th PowerToMario #9178 more 150cr, 1 ganon death 1 blind death, but even with that a 91 minute seed :) Finished 12
    7. 7th Akuma17 #3325 he / him Finished 20
    8. 8th Mundungu #5166 he / him Finished 2
    9. 9th miendiem #7662 more 156 Finished 14
    10. 10th Deepfried87 #8531 he / him more LL'd mitts, not a great seed for me Finished 1
    11. 11th Runil #6147 Finished n/a
    12. 12th Yoinkerswife #4156 she / her more not last. whew. Finished 9
    13. 13th signumbs #2994 Finished 13
    14. 14th TheBenJammin #7468 he / him more Made all the wrong plays, then forgot i didnt need flippers Finished 8
    15. 15th NiobiumNarwhal #0603 they / them Finished 3
    16. 16th SomePersonNo #9166 he / him more I have some opinions but I'm going to keep them to myself Finished 40
    17. Soyhr #7143 he / him DNF 26
  10. intrepid-chestgame-1251 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 33 entrants
    1. 1st MistaEd3 #5982 he / him more missed boots, missed silvers, cool 155cr Finished 26
    2. 2nd Kalvin919 #2450 he / him Finished 43
    3. 3rd MalXantholos #6990 he / him Finished 7
    4. 4th VortexofDoom #1756 he / him Finished 4
    5. 5th DapperWormMan #4721 he / him more 160 Finished 15
    6. 6th miendiem #7662 more 165 - At least I saved the portal. Finished 20
    7. 7th rdwalshv #6267 he / him more 172 i've gotta get outta here, 'cuz i'm stuck inside this rut that i fell into by mistake Finished 4
    8. 8th Deepfried87 #8531 he / him more ice rod in ice palace huh bomb escape paying out big tho Finished 33
    9. 9th dataplet #7164 he / him more lost 2.5 minutes to a silly death Finished 1
    10. 10th DrBowser #9571 he / him more Honestly expected more clowns. Finished 10
    11. 11th Lanabean #3720 she / her more Uncle and escape skip ftw Finished 2
    12. 12th Joss #7649 he / him more No Hammer till 1:04. And super late to Mirror so Ether for go. Gross. Finished 2
    13. 13th Rayvis #1601 he / him Finished 26
    14. 14th Runil #6147 Finished 132
    15. 15th Amarith #2825 she / her Finished 6
    16. 16th LTigre #8969 he / him Finished 1
    17. 17th ShinDigPig #3475 he / him more Everything but POD. 168/216 Finished 3
    18. 18th Fugitive #7658 he / him Finished 110
    19. 19th oldmansunshine #3039 they / them Finished 23
    20. 20th death_taxes_n64 #4985 he / him more 168 CR, nice IR hunt lmao Finished 17
    21. 21st Topspecialist #1464 he / him more ice rod hunt oh boy Finished 7
    22. 22nd signumbs #2994 Finished 10
    23. 23rd TheBenJammin #7468 he / him more Third time this month pendant IP has screwed me over Finished 3
    24. 24th crazdgamer #4360 he / him more Good early game wiped out by ice rod hunt, a tale as old as time Finished 5
    25. 25th NiobiumNarwhal #0603 they / them more walked off after ganon :( 169 Finished 2
    26. 26th Yoinkerswife #4156 she / her Finished 3
    27. Philes #8460 DNF 59
    28. T.J Joll #8327 he / him more Uncle Skip and Escape Skip :/ DNF 50
    29. sandres316 #1736 he / him DNF 20
    30. WesSideVandal #7031 he / him more emulator crash right as i was finishing last crystal DNF 24
    31. linktothepastken he / him more worst rod ever DNF 4
    32. Alix #7078 DNF n/a
    33. SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him DNF n/a