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Race results

  1. artful-dekutree-1773 OoTR Random settings league Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 7
    2. 2nd Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 12
    3. 3rd mracsys #1993 he / him Finished 4
    4. 4th alkalineace #3477 he / him more don't forget checks in DC Finished 47
  2. wild-morpha-1404 OoTR Random settings league Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st tanjo3 he / him Finished 40
    2. 2nd Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 10
    3. 3rd alkalineace #3477 he / him more woth slingshot, woth bottle, woth wallet, song on dungeon rewards - this seed is a gem, nice start to S6 Finished 74
    4. 4th Oximan #8883 he / him more good ole 2+ hour child 1 Finished 19
    5. 5th Kirox #6033 he / him more oof Finished 11
    6. 6th tenacious_toad #5453 he / him Finished 2
    7. 7th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 36
    8. 8th mracsys #1993 he / him Finished 17
  3. invincible-mamamu-8164 OoTR Random settings league Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st alkalineace #3477 he / him more lens path ! lens path ! Finished 133
    2. 2nd mracsys #1993 he / him Finished 6
    3. Flouche #5543 he / him more Can't find ZL, fire keys, 2 strengths and MS DNF 21
    4. Xuross #1161 more I missed something Idk DNF 6
    5. Pyra #2564 he / him DNF 3
    6. Hellknight86 #4990 he / him DNF 4
    7. Schulzer #3184 he / him DNF 17
  4. odd-jabu-6707 OoTR Random settings league Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st Synii #6419 more Give me a seed like this against Marco please. Felt like I had a good grasp on the OW ER, Plentiful, Required Only logic here Finished 35
    2. 2nd HollowLogic #2254 he / him Finished 93
    3. 3rd mracsys #1993 he / him Finished 3
    4. emosoda they / them DNF 12
    5. Pyra #2564 he / him DNF 15
  5. magic-shiro-4933 OoTR Random settings league Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st mracsys #1993 he / him Finished 12
    2. 2nd Synii #6419 more got 5 pieces sub hour, then had trouble with the last one Finished 14
    3. 3rd Chimpanreeve #9719 he / him more KEKW Finished 48
    4. 4th alkalineace #3477 he / him more got last one in GC, but i did WT for hovers :x Finished 239
    5. kenokeefe #1306 he / him more Boring didn't want to continue DNF 97
  6. sleepy-stalfos-1734 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 56 entrants
    1. 1st tanjo3 he / him Finished 48
    2. 2nd JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 32
    3. 3rd Cfalcon #0137 he / him Finished 20
    4. 4th juwk #1061 Finished 21
    5. 5th WoodenBarrel #8485 he / him Finished 33
    6. 6th Oximan #8883 he / him Finished 45
    7. 7th Alexis #1759 he / him more 50 skulls for nothing OkaygeBusiness Finished 20
    8. 8th YUSoEpic #1418 more Where were the bomb bags? I used my last chu to find LS and then had to get the wallet after Morpha and farm to buy chus to finish Fire Finished 14
    9. 9th mrmartin #9054 Finished 18
    10. 10th idunno #8594 Finished 25
    11. 11th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 4
    12. 12th Oneshot013 #7931 he / him Finished 12
    13. 13th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him Finished 7
    14. 14th Sawce_Bawss #0263 he / him Finished 29
    15. 15th Fmz #9587 he / him Finished 8
    16. 16th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished 35
    17. 17th Hyper #8571 he / him more Challemge Cup secured, GGs! Finished 24
    18. 18th incoherent #6156 he / him more chus wisely Finished 10
    19. 19th Machie #1863 he / him more on vit pas les meme seed (fn fact ice arrow & bombbag water trial) Finished 10
    20. 20th Synii #6419 more Didn't have explosives for Ice. Missed the longshot because of this Finished 3
    21. 21st kr3z #4245 he / him Finished 9
    22. 22nd CheckRaise #5639 he / him Finished 25
    23. 23rd Alaszun #5375 he / him Finished 4
    24. 24th kirkq #6141 Finished 23
    25. 25th 2dos #0770 he / him Finished 4
    26. 26th Aurelius #4633 he / him Finished 9
    27. 27th Kiara_TV #7706 she / her Finished 7
    28. 28th DecoyTroy #5137 he / him more Went hard on skulls right from the get go and that was definitely the right call Finished 4
    29. 29th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 1
    30. 30th mracsys #1993 he / him Finished 1
    31. 31st Nasho3D #2787 more 50 Skulls enjoyer Finished 36
    32. 32nd phillywut #5661 he / him more I played Ocarina of Time Randomizer today. Finished 15
    33. 33rd Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more star what the actual goddamn fuck Finished 4
    34. 34th Zemoo #4988 Finished 6
    35. 35th rblopes #1420 he / him Finished 9
    36. 36th TobiasG_91 he / him more I swallowed that 50 Skull bait hook, line and sinker. monkaS Finished 77
    37. 37th PikaZaber #5230 he / him more 50 skulls enjoyer Finished 36
    38. Exodus #5327 he / him more vc crash DNF 44
    39. favio94 #9972 he / him DNF 45
    40. Sora #4486 he / him DNF 37
    41. wordsforswords he / him DNF 34
    42. Icola #8220 he / him more flemme de faire Morpha DNF 34
    43. Engel #2700 he / him DNF 27
    44. Luiferns #2777 he / him DNF 31
    45. Ryuja #6053 more chu.jpeg DNF 23
    46. Blueseangfh2 #1828 he / they DNF 23
    47. PurpleRupees #9084 he / him more roughest experience I've ever had in randomizer. DNF 18
    48. spikevegeta #8409 DNF 91
    49. emosoda they / them DNF 14
    50. barbu #5807 he / him DNF 9
    51. Redd #2380 he / him more DIESOFBEDGE DNF 7
    52. ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him DNF 8
    53. Majarkin #2474 he / him DNF 3
    54. makkei #0420 he / him DNF 2
    55. HasCoffee #4863 he / him DNF 1,409
    56. dfx9 #2936 DNF 118
  7. trusty-wolfos-6723 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 92 entrants
    1. 1st juwk #1061 Finished 55
    2. 2nd Kydams #2321 more Ah d'accord Finished 70
    3. 3rd WTHH #3353 he / him Finished 54
    4. 4th iceninetm #5848 he / him Finished 56
    5. 5th Scarlet #8830 she / her more The seed was amazing, until it wasn't anymore Finished 56
    6. 6th Volc #1558 he / him Finished 61
    7. 7th Rafa #9983 he / him Finished 70
    8. 8th BrotinderDose he / him more my ticket for top 64 POGGIES Finished 60
    9. 9th Drooness he / they more came to fuck with points, stayed for the top 10 Finished 41
    10. 10th Cfalcon #0137 he / him Finished 30
    11. 11th Willx49 #3232 he / him more bang bang Finished 85
    12. 12th Yoshizor #4830 he / him Finished 53
    13. 13th mrmartin #9054 Finished 36
    14. 14th Fer #0856 he / him Finished 50
    15. 15th EarlWeird #4345 he / him Finished 40
    16. 16th Marco #4636 Finished 1
    17. 17th kirkq #6141 Finished 66
    18. 18th xenoh #9245 Finished 46
    19. 19th rockchalk #3494 he / him Finished 22
    20. 20th sanzeau #6048 he / him Finished 64
    21. 21st AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more The AD gamble paid off. Finished 37
    22. 22nd Jaybone25 #6542 he / him Finished 16
    23. 23rd Schulzer #3184 he / him Finished 45
    24. 24th Sora #4486 he / him Finished 10
    25. 25th Alexis #1759 he / him more Only stupid seed in S6 sadKEK Finished 12
    26. 26th Keepsake66 #6202 he / him Finished 34
    27. 27th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 3,089
    28. 28th Aurelius #4633 he / him Finished 58
    29. 29th Kirox #6033 he / him more worryTrash Finished 5
    30. 30th Oximan #8883 he / him more Things to work on: Goron Pot with chus, not walking off shadow boat Finished 26
    31. 31st toburr #2847 he / him more child 1 lost woods checkers in shambles Finished 44
    32. 32nd 2dos #0770 he / him more nice seed lmao Finished 21
    33. 33rd Jimbo more can we not get complete dogshit seeds for once? Finished 10
    34. 34th PurpleRupees #9084 he / him Finished 10
    35. 35th Kiara_TV #7706 she / her Finished 41
    36. 36th TeaGrenadier #7927 Finished 27
    37. 37th mathemaat #6629 he / him more DC death into 3-cycle KD :) Finished 57
    38. 38th DylanMeeble #9138 he / him Finished 6
    39. 39th Yace_Dante #4179 he / him Finished 19
    40. 40th DeadlyThunder #9617 she / her Finished 12
    41. 41st Redd #2380 he / him Finished 6
    42. 42nd Hyper #8571 he / him more fuck this bullshit Finished 4
    43. 43rd phillywut #5661 he / him more had a nice long adventure looking for Bow :) Finished 6
    44. 44th Tetsoya #1009 he / him Finished 21
    45. 45th Zemoo #4988 Finished 4
    46. 46th Staroid #7201 Finished 2
    47. 47th Skuby #3113 more double wasteland crossing enjoyer Finished 12
    48. 48th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 13
    49. 49th MythicSelkie #2028 he / him Finished 11
    50. 50th emosoda they / them Finished 17
    51. 51st Cuphat #2212 he / him Finished 12
    52. 52nd TomPouce #3070 he / him Finished 45
    53. 53rd mracsys #1993 he / him Finished 19
    54. 54th PikaZaber #5230 he / him more Read the Requiem Hint pls AD :( Finished 40
    55. 55th Zinedine #7130 Finished 20
    56. 56th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they Finished 17
    57. 57th ksinjah #5722 she / her Finished 13
    58. 58th LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him Finished 25
    59. 59th andres3456 #9754 Finished 17
    60. 60th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 23
    61. 61st jkoper #0895 he / him Finished 31
    62. 62nd MILLEKA__ #8244 she / her more Bomb bag at 2h45 Finished 32
    63. 63rd Nasho3D #2787 Finished 40
    64. 64th Disweek #8984 he / him Finished 6
    65. 65th Zoeyism #2784 she / her more one flipping key meant all dungeons :') Finished 49
    66. 66th Sernadeth #6649 Finished 153
    67. 67th JindaWuff #7297 they / them Finished 21
    68. 68th dfx9 #2936 Finished 70
    69. 69th BTaggerung #1426 he / him more nice Finished 185
    70. 70th rblopes #1420 he / him more That Bomb Bag destroyed me! Finished 44
    72. Icola #8220 he / him more goron city child 3 jours à la suite nique ta daronne DNF 67
    73. Braaks #4674 he / him more Had a really good start but ended up last loc the bow, quite frustrating DNF 66
    74. Stuck_man #6906 DNF 62
    75. DubuDeccer #0242 he / him more wouldn't be right for a qual season without an ff tbh DNF 60
    76. idunno #8594 DNF 56
    77. LaPedr #0770 more im too old for this sh*t DNF 118
    78. Machie #1863 he / him more last loc boomerang et din's go mode ... reel DNF 46
    79. Susato #2100 DNF 44
    80. Xuross #1161 more Was in go mode but had serious health problems DNF 54
    81. Aranha #4263 he / him DNF 41
    82. Digdig #5090 DNF 54
    83. kryal #0888 he / him more You see Snake, memes control history! Do you honestly think Chuck Jones or Mel Blanc could have expected internet trolls to deify a character that doesn't even exist? DNF 37
    84. Majarkin #2474 he / him DNF 28
    85. dtjmelons #6091 he / him DNF 46
    86. methinkso #7428 he / him DNF 32
    87. SaigoGetsuga #0063 he / him more Rough seed... last locationed bow... still had forest, spirit and water left... not feeling it. DNF 60
    88. LunaSutra #1595 he / him DNF 12
    89. eltiokamina #3856 he / him DNF 7
    90. Mr Triple #6281 he / him more i must of missed a check I thought i did already DNF 10
    91. Vetifer #0307 he / him DNF 3
    92. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF 1
  8. trusty-ingo-2577 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 113 entrants
    1. 1st wordsforswords he / him Finished 71
    2. 2nd SeYsEy #2150 he / him Finished 55
    3. 3rd Melrose #4744 he / him Finished 68
    4. 4th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him Finished 64
    5. 5th YUSoEpic #1418 Finished 67
    6. 6th Machie #1863 he / him Finished 70
    7. 7th Goomba #5087 he / him Finished 49
    8. 8th Pyra #2564 he / him Finished 75
    9. 9th Yoyocarina #2131 Finished 64
    10. 10th makkei #0420 he / him Finished 99
    11. 11th idunno #8594 more this game sucks Finished 58
    12. 12th Fer #0856 he / him Finished 69
    13. 13th Sawce_Bawss #0263 he / him Finished 74
    14. 14th Majarkin #2474 he / him Finished 75
    15. 15th WeightyWords #1007 he / him Finished 76
    16. 16th Menou #8446 more On les a KANE Finished 64
    17. 17th BrotinderDose he / him Finished 59
    18. 18th soli #9689 Finished 61
    19. 19th Oximan #8883 he / him Finished 59
    20. 20th Cloudike #9155 he / him Finished 107
    21. 21st Scarlet #8830 she / her more Worst Jabu for me in a year I think Finished 31
    22. 22nd Zinedine #7130 Finished 56
    23. 23rd JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 22
    24. 24th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 35
    25. 25th PurpleRupees #9084 he / him Finished 39
    26. 26th Alpha_Que_Up #8019 Finished 389
    27. 27th BéBé #0150 Finished 40
    28. 28th LaPedr #0770 Finished 79
    29. 29th Anvil #2440 he / him Finished 133
    30. 30th phillywut #5661 he / him more died to salt n peppa then almost died to dorf ;) Finished 103
    31. 31st iceninetm #5848 he / him Finished 6
    32. 32nd Luiferns #2777 he / him Finished 27
    33. 33rd Allyoucaneat #5549 he / him Finished 78
    34. 34th Lefty #7499 he / him more I played well in a qual race? that literally never happens Finished 26
    35. 35th Xuross #1161 Finished 36
    36. 36th kirkq #6141 Finished 15
    37. 37th Nave #0951 more I'm so happy with this. I surpassed my goal of 3k points this season with this race, and did possibly my highest placement in a qual race :) Finished 49
    38. 38th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 8
    39. 39th Cuphat #2212 he / him more Solid. Finished 17
    40. 40th incoherent #6156 he / him more salvaged at least some points due to metagaming and Nayru's Love Finished 7
    41. 41st vela #3180 she / her Finished 12
    42. 42nd SaigoGetsuga #0063 he / him more Got the chu strat in Shadow Temple first try! Finished 120
    43. 43rd interloper #0934 he / him Finished 55
    44. 44th Willx49 #3232 he / him more bang bang Finished 12
    45. 45th methinkso #7428 he / him Finished 48
    46. 46th Susato #2100 more Jet seed sabotage specialist Finished 2,132
    47. 47th EarlWeird #4345 he / him Finished 17
    48. 48th Marco #4636 Finished 62
    49. 49th skyygoro #0465 he / him more Wasted time in Spirit looking for rang Finished 68
    50. 50th Keepsake66 #6202 he / him Finished 1,802
    51. 51st TomPouce #3070 he / him Finished 34
    52. 52nd MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished 11
    53. 53rd MythicSelkie #2028 he / him more Well... Could've gone a lot worse Finished 7
    54. 54th DeadlyThunder #9617 she / her Finished 4
    55. 55th MasterAleks #1550 he / him more Nice OBS crash resulting in Bizhawk crash. Losing 20 min :( Also nice location of rang. Finished 30
    56. 56th emosoda they / them Finished 18
    57. 57th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they Finished 8
    58. 58th MILLEKA__ #8244 she / her more Spirit without magic, really happy Finished 9
    59. 59th andres3456 #9754 more I got trolled by bow Finished 6
    60. 60th Cybrou #8097 he / him Finished 25
    61. 61st NineWholeGrains #3201 he / him more Hey look, it's another dummy who spent an hour looking for Rang! :D Finished 1
    62. 62nd Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 21
    63. 63rd renata #7226 Finished 5
    64. 64th Ganon11 #2026 he / him more casinorang Finished 19
    65. 65th Zemoo #4988 Finished 20
    66. 66th Kyrie_Strombom #7498 he / him more rang can suck it Finished 4
    67. 67th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 25
    68. 68th TobiasG_91 he / him Finished 35
    69. 69th Nasho3D #2787 more I'm dumb Finished 51
    70. 70th Skuby #3113 more 2:35:30 tiempo oficial donde dejé de tener ganas de vivir Finished 31
    71. 71st PikaZaber #5230 he / him more once again bumerang :( Finished 2
    72. 72nd BTaggerung #1426 he / him more Love last locationing progression Finished 196
    73. 73rd dfx9 #2936 more Checked just about every item in the game to find that damn rang Finished 833
    74. 74th Zoeyism #2784 she / her more ... well that was not a good first qualifier to do Finished 184
    75. 75th Kazuma Taichi #0387 other / ask! more note to self: don't go to spirit temple without 30 skulls Finished n/a
    76. 76th Samwizest #8610 he / him Finished 34
    77. 77th jkoper #0895 he / him more I'm not good enough at this rando to be last locationing that boomerang Finished 86
    78. 78th Disweek #8984 he / him more Fuk rang Finished 38
    79. 79th JindaWuff #7297 they / them Finished 31
    80. 80th iOliver #1400 he / him Finished 79
    81. MrMario7788 #4876 he / him DNF 109
    82. Cfalcon #0137 he / him DNF 91
    83. Riley #6863 he / him DNF 81
    84. FantaTanked #6752 he / him DNF 78
    85. Icola #8220 he / him more gtg well and ice for nothing gg gamble boys DNF 74
    86. Gavaroni #9139 he / him DNF 72
    87. Oneshot013 #7931 he / him DNF 78
    88. DylanMeeble #9138 he / him DNF 73
    89. Jimbo DNF 51
    90. Aurelius #4633 he / him DNF 147
    91. BearKofca #7366 she / they DNF 56
    92. Keipi3 #8934 he / him DNF 49
    93. Volc #1558 he / him DNF 43
    94. Wafo #2978 he / him more Warped after Spirit, oops. DNF 40
    95. icupspeedruns #0721 DNF 63
    96. Mafrucci #0879 DNF 38
    97. kr3z #4245 he / him DNF 35
    98. Death King II #7040 he / him DNF 43
    99. Bossage #7760 he / him more Didnt find boomerang, completed spirit temple without magic and missed wasteland check DNF 33
    100. xenoh #9245 DNF 32
    101. LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him DNF 25
    102. Hyper #8571 he / him more too rusty DNF 30
    103. Schulzer #3184 he / him DNF 26
    104. mracsys #1993 he / him DNF 32
    105. DoitiEtok #7450 he / him more Emulator crash DNF 18
    106. TeaGrenadier #7927 DNF 18
    107. dtjmelons #6091 he / him DNF 35
    108. mathemaat #6629 he / him more rushing progression (Spirit) for once, game says no :) DNF 13
    109. Moose Plural #4741 he / him DNF 7
    110. PrimalKiwi #2849 DNF 1
    111. Mr Triple #6281 he / him more FF after 1 hr of searching for boomering. DNF 5
    112. Vetifer #0307 he / him DNF 13
    113. shirosoluna #5066 she / her DNF 40
  9. clumsy-mido-8938 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 105 entrants
    1. 1st felixoide4 #9489 he / him more LET'S FUCKING GO!!! Finished 80
    2. 2nd Sora #4486 he / him more 2nd place curse LMAO that's 3 times Finished 68
    3. 3rd Aosuna #6959 he / him Finished 72
    4. 4th Goomba #5087 he / him Finished 70
    5. 5th MrMario7788 #4876 he / him Finished 61
    6. 6th wordsforswords he / him Finished 71
    7. 7th Exodus #5327 he / him Finished 60
    8. 8th Icola #8220 he / him Finished 59
    9. 9th juwk #1061 Finished 53
    10. 10th Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 51
    11. 11th Kydams #2321 Finished 74
    12. 12th Xavi #6749 he / him Finished 77
    13. 13th Yoyocarina #2131 Finished 66
    14. 14th SaigoGetsuga #0063 he / him more Top 20! Finished 428
    15. 15th RyuuKane #3246 he / him more Pepega'ed the wrong check again I guess Finished 51
    16. 16th Susato #2100 more Nice child spawn KEKW Finished 61
    17. 17th LaPedr #0770 Finished 165
    18. 18th MorceauLion64 #1909 Finished 52
    19. 19th Gavaroni #9139 he / him Finished 40
    20. 20th RinakoVT #4932 he / him Finished 60
    21. 21st Gogeta #1793 Finished 39
    22. 22nd Engel #2700 he / him Finished 47
    23. 23rd gsk8 #0424 he / him Finished 39
    24. 24th emosoda they / them Finished 51
    25. 25th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 23
    26. 26th TheNouillet #1589 he / him Finished 153
    27. 27th Braaks #4674 he / him Finished 35
    28. 28th xenoh #9245 Finished 46
    29. 29th phillywut #5661 he / him more this is going to be my high score that gets dropped isn't it... Finished 145
    30. 30th Synii #6419 Finished 34
    31. 31st CheckRaise #5639 he / him Finished 17
    32. 32nd Challensois_ #7759 Finished 31
    33. 33rd Melrose #4744 he / him Finished 22
    34. 34th Allyoucaneat #5549 he / him Finished 116
    35. 35th Cloudike #9155 he / him Finished 74
    36. 36th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 21
    37. 37th papy_grant #8513 he / him Finished 24
    38. 38th Ryuja #6053 Finished 17
    39. 39th Kirox #6033 he / him Finished 6
    40. 40th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 29
    41. 41st Fer #0856 he / him Finished 20
    42. 42nd Zorro #9005 she / her Finished 11
    43. 43rd DareDevinX #1691 he / him Finished 15
    44. 44th Jimbo more vc crash in ganons, losing top 10. wasn't meant to be I guess Finished 5
    45. 45th PurpleRupees #9084 he / him Finished 10
    46. 46th Machie #1863 he / him more all i miss is RL to all reachable mode Finished 6
    47. 47th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 8
    48. 48th Skolslink #5514 he / him Finished 11
    49. 49th Volc #1558 he / him Finished 1
    50. 50th Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 9
    51. 51st Yoshizor #4830 he / him Finished 6
    52. 52nd Wafo #2978 he / him more Bad route. Small casino for Dins and then had to go back for lights. Finished 2
    53. 53rd tanjo3 he / him Finished 9
    54. 54th sanzeau #6048 he / him Finished 30
    55. 55th spikevegeta #8409 Finished 59
    56. 56th toburr #2847 he / him more farore's was a trap Finished 10
    57. 57th dtjmelons #6091 he / him Finished 15
    58. 58th TomPouce #3070 he / him more nice Finished 44
    59. 59th soli #9689 Finished 34
    60. 60th Keepsake66 #6202 he / him Finished 10
    61. 61st interloper #0934 he / him Finished 22
    62. 62nd Letsklay #4197 Finished 33
    63. 63rd barbu #5807 he / him Finished 15
    64. 64th PandaCerise #6591 she / her Finished 16
    65. 65th DgBarca #0570 he / him Finished 23
    66. 66th KLO1313 #4308 he / him more if (shadow == required) {put(magic2, shadow)} Finished 10
    67. 67th PhilippeTitou #7354 he / him Finished 39
    68. 68th jaxstronomy #7766 they / them more making sure alfalfa's as nice as he deserves Finished 36
    69. 69th alfalfa #3653 he / him more nice? but also not nice. rip top 64 Finished 43
    70. 70th Redd #2380 he / him more robbed of 69th Sadge Finished 26
    71. 71st ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him Finished 32
    72. 72nd Finalor #5218 he / him more Im angry to always play too safe Finished 35
    73. 73rd Pamplimousse #9047 Finished 45
    74. 74th Kratyos #7542 he / him Finished 29
    75. 75th Paraz10 #9519 he / him Finished 46
    76. 76th Fmz #9587 he / him more Remember, no gambles. Finished 84
    77. 77th Tetsoya #1009 he / him Finished 47
    78. 78th HollowLogic #2254 he / him Finished 35
    79. 79th MILLEKA__ #8244 she / her Finished 51
    80. 80th Willx49 #3232 he / him more bang bang Finished 85
    81. 81st andres3456 #9754 Finished 37
    82. 82nd renata #7226 Finished 33
    83. 83rd shirosoluna #5066 she / her more vc crash, this was a 245 easy. fml Finished 124
    84. 84th DoitiEtok #7450 he / him Finished 53
    85. 85th IvaneroWorld #9917 more force start at :01 Kappa / qué malo soy Finished 33
    86. 86th Yace_Dante #4179 he / him Finished 48
    87. 87th Squall27730 #2387 more Haven't void this much since my first seed... like 10/15min lost in shadow Finished 46
    88. 88th Strange #5313 he / him more forgot to .done lol 3:18 ish Finished 118
    89. 89th PrimalKiwi #2849 Finished 60
    90. 90th Nayrus #2599 he / him Finished 99
    91. 91st Utz #2633 he / him Finished n/a
    92. 92nd KamekoSkye #1360 she / they Finished 73
    93. 93rd Blueguy #5937 he / him Finished 96
    94. 94th derpydragon15 #2410 Finished 271
    95. 95th JudgeLeedo #3522 Finished 60
    96. 96th Samwizest #8610 he / him Finished 71
    97. 97th mracsys #1993 he / him more called out for work >:( Finished 119
    98. 98th Dragon #4967 he / him more I played stupid in the seed Finished 73
    99. 99th aspic007 #4357 he / him Finished n/a
    100. TrenteR DNF 270
    101. Zinedine #7130 DNF 89
    102. NineWholeGrains #3201 he / him DNF 152
    103. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF 53
    104. SirNyQuilOfSealand #0006 he / him DNF 66
    105. fanyo11 #6468 he / him more die twice in shadow temple => worst temple DNF 201
  10. secret-dampe-4738 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 131 entrants
    1. 1st Exodus #5327 he / him Finished 88
    2. 2nd Scarlet #8830 she / her more Oh wow, jet if you rush ice and get deku's left hint. Nice Finished 123
    3. 3rd Marco #4636 Finished 75
    4. 4th Sora #4486 he / him Finished 76
    5. 5th JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 84
    6. 6th rockchalk #3494 he / him more worst shadow ever lmao Finished 89
    7. 7th mrmartin #9054 Finished 80
    8. 8th Gavaroni #9139 he / him Finished 76
    9. 9th Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 75
    10. 10th Aurelius #4633 he / him Finished 307
    11. 11th Oneshot013 #7931 he / him Finished 82
    12. 12th Wafo #2978 he / him more no salty comment today Finished 83
    13. 13th Konditioner #9278 he / him Finished 86
    14. 14th YUSoEpic #1418 more Died to bongo fml Finished 78
    15. 15th iceninetm #5848 he / him more Died in Bongo and did double dip Jabu, lost several minutes :(( Finished 75
    16. 16th Rafa #9983 he / him more Ribbit Ribbit Frogs always have something Finished 97
    17. 17th Cybrou #8097 he / him Finished 101
    18. 18th EarlWeird #4345 he / him more even with that prelude blunder Finished 75
    19. 19th Challensois_ #7759 Finished 70
    20. 20th Drooness he / they more yo frogs 2 calm down jesus Finished 53
    21. 21st tanjo3 he / him more even the ADs are jets Finished 65
    22. 22nd Yoyocarina #2131 Finished 64
    23. 23rd Alaszun #5375 he / him more I walked off shadow after the boat room XD Finished 93
    24. 24th RyuuKane #3246 he / him more Marre de jouer safe Finished 50
    25. 25th Chuckles501 #5294 he / him Finished 66
    26. 26th MasterAleks #1550 he / him more Sloppy execution 1h. Ok otherwise. Not happy finding magic in Castle Fairy, meaning I skip collossus fairy until late and could had go moded more. Finished 47
    27. 27th soli #9689 Finished 74
    28. 28th incoherent #6156 he / him more for the record, my filename was a joke about my randomized Epona sound being the frog, not the involvement of the frogs in the seed Finished 53
    29. 29th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more first explosives carpet salesman! LET'S GO! Finished 45
    30. 30th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 27
    31. 31st FantaTanked #6752 he / him Finished 28
    32. 32nd vela #3180 she / her more i forgot to plant the bean :c Finished 52
    33. 33rd Machie #1863 he / him more si seulement j'avais prelude ou sun avant child 1 Finished 43
    34. 34th spikevegeta #8409 Finished 575
    35. 35th Susato #2100 more forgot to buy a bean loul Finished 41
    36. 36th Riley #6863 he / him more tilt after tilt after tilt after tilt and then proceed to forget bombchu bowling and then tilt and tilt and tilt Finished 18
    37. 37th LaPedr #0770 Finished 120
    38. 38th Cfalcon #0137 he / him Finished 9
    39. 39th Sawce_Bawss #0263 he / him Finished 48
    40. 40th DareDevinX #1691 he / him Finished 33
    41. 41st LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 35
    42. 42nd Xuross #1161 more Bait of the well Finished 52
    43. 43rd xenoh #9245 more awful exe Finished 33
    44. 44th gsk8 #0424 he / him Finished 14
    45. 45th Oximan #8883 he / him more At least I finished Finished 35
    46. 46th Jimbo more let me guess...back lake? Finished 16
    47. 47th BearKofca #7366 she / they Finished 23
    48. 48th dtjmelons #6091 he / him more Lost 15 minutes to bad boss fights :( Finished 114
    49. 49th Cuphat #2212 he / him Finished 20
    50. 50th Allyoucaneat #5549 he / him Finished 86
    51. 51st Gogeta #1793 Finished 6
    52. 52nd Bossage #7760 he / him Finished 15
    53. 53rd Icola #8220 he / him more apres 5 ans de rando les mecs garde encore skull mask Finished 8
    54. 54th icupspeedruns #0721 Finished 13
    55. 55th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him more vc crash and soft lock oh boy Finished 11
    56. 56th TheLightswoord #2757 he / him Finished 6
    57. 57th TheNouillet #1589 he / him more Tracker died 3 times, died in GTG and Bongo, everthing is fine. Finished 23
    58. 58th alfalfa #3653 he / him Finished 10
    59. 59th kr3z #4245 he / him Finished 2,068
    60. 60th RinakoVT #4932 he / him Finished 4
    61. 61st DecoyTroy #5137 he / him more Hit go mode before 1st place even finished, problem was I still had 4 dungeons to finish. Finished 5
    62. 62nd Schulzer #3184 he / him Finished 2
    63. 63rd LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him Finished 2
    64. 64th Alexis #1759 he / him more Well apparently I've become unworthy of the top 64 Finished 26
    65. 65th KLO1313 #4308 he / him more progress shadow? or unhinted well? easy choice. other than that, v happy with how I played, very polite as far as AD froggie seeds go Finished 58
    66. 66th Keepsake66 #6202 he / him Finished 7
    67. 67th Yace_Dante #4179 he / him Finished 1,427
    68. 68th kirkq #6141 Finished 72
    69. 69th Kiara_TV #7706 she / her more nice Finished 33
    70. 70th makkei #0420 he / him Finished 7
    71. 71st MythicSelkie #2028 he / him more why do I always end up running around for like 20 minutes being a dingus Finished 20
    72. 72nd Ganon11 #2026 he / him more i'm hungry Finished 1
    73. 73rd Nave #0951 more Frogs 2 AD with some wonky path hints - YEP very nais (I never found OOT hint btw I just guessed it lul) Finished 8
    74. 74th 2dos #0770 he / him more forgot you could access DC with strength LMAOOOO Finished 57
    75. 75th LunaSutra #1595 he / him more Doing many stupid mooves (3 trips Shadows KEKW) why, idk. Fun af, Skull mask open straight seed. Finished 5
    76. 76th Squall27730 #2387 Finished 8
    77. 77th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 26
    78. 78th PandaCerise #6591 she / her Finished 27
    79. 79th Zemoo #4988 Finished 24
    80. 80th DubuDeccer #0242 he / him more humble pie is a dish best served at an overcomplicated temperature of 1.61 degrees kelvin to emulate the icy numbness of being kicked in the balls Finished 49
    81. 81st Feenie #6029 Finished 23
    82. 82nd Zorro #9005 she / her Finished 57
    83. 83rd Willx49 #3232 he / him more bang bang Finished 76
    84. 84th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they Finished 38
    85. 85th Moose Plural #4741 he / him Finished 36
    86. 86th Menou #8446 more Vous savez ce qui pu plus que cette seed ? Les settings S6 Finished 46
    87. 87th mathemaat #6629 he / him Finished 68
    88. 88th interloper #0934 he / him Finished 28
    89. 89th ALPHAMARIOX #7392 he / him more I wish I could KZ Skip. This seed tempted me so much. Finished 49
    90. 90th Tetsoya #1009 he / him Finished 64
    91. 91st Mr Triple #6281 he / him more booooooooooomerang! Finished 67
    92. 92nd renata #7226 Finished 37
    93. 93rd Redd #2380 he / him more just check every hint 4Head Finished 52
    94. 94th SaigoGetsuga #0063 he / him more lol frogs 2 Finished 169
    95. 95th tifa1234 #1016 she / her more mistakes were made again but still a good run Finished 142
    96. 96th Skuby #3113 more xd Finished 69
    97. 97th eltiokamina #3856 he / him more HAMMER TROLL Finished 48
    98. 98th PrimalKiwi #2849 Finished 65
    99. 99th Strange #5313 he / him Finished 155
    100. 100th N2styles #9026 he / him Finished 176
    101. 101st andres3456 #9754 Finished 60
    102. 102nd Raiden D. Nat #5756 he / him more I forgot to do Skull mask Finished 212
    103. 103rd Disweek #8984 he / him Finished 100
    104. 104th Vcool122 #7608 Finished 678
    105. WoodenBarrel #8485 he / him DNF 203
    106. Sponge #2155 DNF 106
    107. PhilippeTitou #7354 he / him more skipped the hint, pepega DNF 94
    108. WeightyWords #1007 he / him DNF 119
    109. Kickemman #5295 he / him more I forgot Dampe... DNF 634
    110. Fer #0856 he / him DNF 89
    111. Xavi #6749 he / him DNF 79
    112. BéBé #0150 DNF 73
    113. mracsys #1993 he / him DNF 104
    114. tenacious_toad #5453 he / him DNF 67
    115. kryal #0888 he / him more Just for a moment, to mock the foolish Elmer Bugs inflates himself to a comically bloated form. A moment that lasts only three-point-four seconds in an eight minute and twenty-two second long cartoon. DNF 77
    116. KINGsamps0n #6056 he / him DNF 57
    117. MILLEKA__ #8244 she / her more So bad decisions and exe + no skull mask hint (: DNF 72
    118. DoitiEtok #7450 he / him DNF 58
    119. Majarkin #2474 he / him DNF 51
    120. Nayrus #2599 he / him DNF 83
    121. Minitoad #0133 he / him DNF 89
    122. Digitalhobo #5930 DNF 45
    123. link88899 #9714 more EWWWWWWWWWWW DNF 59
    124. shirosoluna #5066 she / her DNF 145
    125. TDC_Slide #3656 he / him DNF 99
    126. Vetifer #0307 he / him DNF 54
    127. SirNyQuilOfSealand #0006 he / him DNF 26
    128. Jackmanqc #1401 DNF 29
    129. PikaZaber #5230 he / him DNF 29
    130. Alpha_Que_Up #8019 DNF n/a
    131. Rhaps93 #1779 DNF n/a