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Race results

  1. comic-baby-2923 MP3R Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Naii the Baf #9546 more 37% 01:54 IGT Finished 100
    2. SchwartzGandhi #4858 DNF 54
  2. banzai-korba-5562 MP3R Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Masier #1791 he / him more 38% 01:13 Finished 44
    2. 2nd SchwartzGandhi #4858 more 1:35 IGT 39% Finished 9
  3. casual-hera-4402 MP3R Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st SchwartzGandhi #4858 more 1:07 30% Finished 95
    2. 2nd Naii the Baf #9546 more 1:16 29%. I didn't know the puffs could kill you Finished 70
  4. scruffy-salamander-1036 MP3R Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Masier #1791 he / him more Worst seed. 02:14 53% Finished 38
    2. SchwartzGandhi #4858 DNF 7
  5. brainy-translator-0169 MPCGR Beat the game (2v2 multiworld) Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Cosmonawt #6884 Finished 518
    2. 2nd SchwartzGandhi #4858 Finished 487
    3. 3rd Cestrion #4612 he / him Finished 19
    4. 4th JhavA #3837 he / him Finished 338
    5. 5th fuki_ina #7153 Finished 470
    6. JeffGainsNGames #9875 DNF 95
    7. MarionLaw71 #4483 he / him DNF 97
    8. Samuel6710 #5361 he / him DNF 3
  6. cute-kerbal-2765 MPR Community Weekly Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Veapron #0600 he / him Finished 1,613
    2. Interslice #7247 DNF 27
    3. SchwartzGandhi #4858 DNF 670
  7. overpowered-sanctum-7055 MP3R Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Masier #1791 he / him more 43% 01:25 Finished 33
    2. SchwartzGandhi #4858 DNF 6
  8. cunning-marine-4339 MP3R Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Naii the Baf #9546 more 39% 01:54 IGT Finished 76
    2. SchwartzGandhi #4858 DNF 37
  9. lazy-samus-6949 MPR Community Weekly Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Samuel6710 #5361 he / him Finished 99
    2. 2nd JeffGainsNGames #9875 Finished 143
    3. 3rd SchwartzGandhi #4858 Finished 114
  10. saucy-great-1359 MPCGR Beat the game (2v2 multiworld) Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st BajaBlood #7152 he / him Finished 21
    2. 2nd CalumChis #8821 he / him Finished 840
    3. 3rd Naii the Baf #9546 Finished 92
    4. 4th Veapron #0600 he / him Finished 603
    5. 5th SchwartzGandhi #4858 more Amorbis Death screw my routing Finished 7
    6. 6th Samuel6710 #5361 he / him more Was fun. Finished 7
    7. MarionLaw71 #4483 he / him DNF 440
    8. TheyBeagle #9672 they / them DNF 440