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Race results

  1. crazy-hypecave-9756 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st RayZeus #0806 he / him Finished 64
    2. 2nd Lechtansi #2776 they / them Finished 40
  2. virtual-fireshield-8254 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st RayZeus #0806 he / him Finished 82
    2. 2nd Lechtansi #2776 they / them Finished 57
  3. silly-validation-9867 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st RayZeus #0806 he / him Finished 16
    2. Skatzman #8917 he / him DNF 2
  4. chaotic-desert-2873 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st RayZeus #0806 he / him Finished 17
    2. 2nd Skatzman #8917 he / him Finished 3
  5. proud-miserymire-7653 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st RayZeus #0806 he / him Finished 39
    2. Majinken #9744 he / him DNF 5
  6. charming-icerod-4098 ALttPR MT Practice Casual Boots Race (Stream not required) Finished not recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Steinchen89 #4425 more Cr 165 This Hookshot Finished
    2. 2nd mormacil #5229 he / him more where was hook? XD 179cr quake gomode but gt big on 22.... AAHH Finished
    3. 3rd RayZeus #0806 he / him Finished
    4. 4th Amfales #5391 he / him more CR 180 Go mode hookshot Finished
  7. lurking-mitts-7197 ALttPR Beat the game (assisted) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st RayZeus #0806 he / him Finished 115
    2. 2nd Clemor #3420 he / him Finished 32
  8. travelling-paradox-1534 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st RayZeus #0806 he / him more Seemed like a jet seed at first, but that mirror hunt threw me for a loop! 159 CR Finished 140
    2. 2nd BDI1701 #8625 more 159CR unfortunate death in the back of tr Finished 78
    3. 3rd YmustUhateME #3791 he / him Finished 282
    4. 4th Sigil711 #5203 Finished 537
    5. Steinchen89 #4425 DNF 47
  9. eager-blind-2304 ALttPR Beat the game (assisted) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st RayZeus #0806 he / him Finished 549
    2. 2nd mormacil #5229 he / him Finished 186
  10. invincible-silvers-2300 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st RayZeus #0806 he / him more 169 CR Finished 140
    2. 2nd MoonrisenPhoenix #5925 he / him Finished 95
    3. 3rd Amfales #5391 he / him more Did anyone else last locate mirror? Finished 94
    4. 4th BethLame #4633 she / her more did too much check for that seed kekw Finished 94