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Race results
CB2 100% Finished awaiting record 31 entrants
- 1st Stuart0000 #1049 he / him Finished n/a
- 2nd Potty #5876 Finished n/a
- 3rd Klaxxy73 #7741 he / him more Game blows. GG's Finished n/a
- 4th SuperSphere #1375 he / him Finished n/a
- 5th hypnoshark #3678 he / him Finished n/a
- 6th neujahr98 #0196 more pretty decent Finished n/a
- 7th zacharylawrence #2076 Finished n/a
- 8th Peebrainz #5042 he / him more Very well made game... Finished n/a
- 9th LikeKatsu #9664 he / him more turtle woods and road to ruin Finished 1,235
- 10th PlayerGameSK #6211 he / him more Lost over 2 minutes in Turtle Woods, among way too many unnecessary timelosses... guess I can't be too mad though, considering I have finished 1 attempt before the race and it was terrible lmfao Finished n/a
- 11th SlySwooper #9279 Finished n/a
- 12th Spudlyman #6295 he / him more NTSCool Guy Finished n/a
- 13th Beuchi #8996 she / her more )/%$/(% Bear It Finished n/a
- 14th Minimariner #6250 he / him more Unbelivably happy with this. Learned this game in a week and it was so much fun! Never expected to do this well in the race though. :) Finished n/a
- 15th NightShadow295 #6781 Finished n/a
- 16th Okamikaze #2090 more Using an official disc instead of burned discs, I beat my race time from last year by... 35 seconds COPIUM Finished n/a
- 17th Bink #7965 more lots of deaths and all that shish. had estimate on +2 hours but glad this went much better than expected uwu Finished n/a
- 18th RipperRooTMUF #6136 he / him more 5 minute PB let's gooo Finished n/a
- 19th Mastoise #1933 more THE BIGGEST CRASH 2 RACE EVER GGs Finished 1,355
- 20th MuffinHop #2040 she / her Finished n/a
- 21st Awesome7285 #2210 more least favourite run of my career Finished n/a
- 22nd icupspeedruns #0721 Finished n/a
- 23rd bregermann #9038 more PB. so bad, but a PB by 8:25, we take it. Not bad for no practice Finished n/a
- 24th dayoman #2413 Finished n/a
- 25th Digbit #0667 Finished n/a
- 26th never_around #4154 more This absolutely should not have taken me almost 4 hours, but whatever. Finished n/a
- 27th Jfrost9101 #8143 she / her more I hate. The jetpack. So. Much. Finished n/a
- 28th TheTaraStark #7979 she / they more Did hundo after all. Sub 8hrs! :D Finished n/a
- 29th IronSpider1987 #7262 he / him Finished n/a
- — Archmagus #1912 DNF n/a
- — LinSidious #8581 DNF n/a
awaiting record
38 entrants
- 1st saßoom #8161 Finished n/a
- 2nd ChrisLBC #7068 more Legendary race by the LBC Finished n/a
- 3rd AdamBandicootDragon #6547 he / him Finished n/a
- 4th dayoman #2413 more failed cs. 2 missed gems. pretty upset Finished n/a
- 5th bluntbows #9109 more Pog Finished n/a
- 6th shmoke #0361 Finished n/a
- 7th neujahr98 #0196 more pretty ok run, lost more than a minute in dream weavers but got 1st try cs. Finished n/a
- 8th Piggybank #0257 more I think I started my run 30s late, it wouldn't have change anything Finished n/a
- 9th spyronner #8087 Finished n/a
- 10th hypnoshark #3678 he / him Finished n/a
- 11th tainou #4613 more missed credits skip twice Finished n/a
- 12th zacharylawrence #2076 Finished n/a
- 13th superdave #3834 Finished n/a
- 14th nerf #7257 Finished n/a
- 15th Spudlyman #6295 he / him more watching credits makes you cool Finished n/a
- 16th Peebrainz #5042 he / him more PB pace untill Dark Passage :( Finished n/a
- 17th SHM #5296 more golded metalhead, everything else was garbage Finished n/a
- 18th Beuchi #8996 she / her Finished n/a
- 19th vojtas131 #9104 he / him Finished n/a
- 20th Klaxxy73 #7741 he / him Finished n/a
- 21st Minimariner #6250 he / him more First race of this in well over 10 years. Was a huge amount of fun, GGs! Finished n/a
- 22nd NightShadow295 #6781 Finished n/a
- 23rd bregermann #9038 more Decent points day, BM was awful, missed a dragon in Stone Hill. Gold in Blowhard and Icy. Good run for not practicing, very capable of pushing PB down a decent bit Finished n/a
- 24th Bink #7965 more geges Finished n/a
- 25th andrea #5002 more not too shabby for 5+ years of retirement Finished n/a
- 26th LikeKatsu #9664 he / him Finished n/a
- 27th freeze #6687 he / him more im going to erase this from my memory forever Finished n/a
- 28th SlySwooper #9279 Finished n/a
- 29th Awesome7285 #2210 more gnorc cove moment Finished n/a
- 30th n30n6r33n #4361 Finished n/a
- 31st never_around #4154 more I hate spring chests Finished n/a
- 32nd creative_erica #2341 Finished n/a
- 33rd PlayerGameSK #6211 he / him more Shoutouts to Lofty Castle crashing on the ROML, thankfully managed to get a better pace afterwards and finish with a 1:48:20, so that makes me feel a little bit better :') Finished n/a
- 34th Sondero #7649 he / him Finished n/a
- 35th CorbinNoir #2071 she / her Finished n/a
- 36th TheTaraStark #7979 she / they more Blind run Finished n/a
- 37th IronSpider1987 #7262 he / him more went to bed and then woke up to smash it with a 4:48:40. 2 hours and 9 minutes saved compared to last year. absolutely BALLINGGG Finished n/a
- — Dereklander #1110 DNF n/a
S3 117% Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
- 1st hypnoshark #3678 he / him Finished 2,220
- 2nd dayoman #2413 Finished n/a
S3 117% Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
- 1st hypnoshark #3678 he / him Finished 2,220
- 2nd dayoman #2413 Finished n/a
S2:RR 100% Finished recorded 22 entrants
- 1st bluntbows #9109 more Terrible run! First place. Finished 2,298
- 2nd neujahr98 #0196 more aaaaaaaaaa Finished 2,057
- 3rd zacharylawrence #2076 Finished 1,125
- 4th burgerlands2 #3119 more why am i here Finished 1,710
- 5th Nitrofski #8380 more ‾\_(ツ)_/‾ Finished 1,567
- 6th hypnoshark #3678 he / him more wow. Finished 1,431
- 7th Spudlyman #6295 he / him more close race gg hypno lol Finished 1,300
- 8th Dan #2921 he / him more absolute clownshow of an earlygame Finished 1,280
- 9th Beuchi #8996 she / her more Heckin elephant made me lose 2 entire minutes :T Finished 1,051
- 10th HammerheadLabs #2042 he / him Finished 930
- 11th HoneySonya #2306 more -6:00 to Gulp skip kek Finished 810
- 12th SHM #5296 more BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE Finished 689
- 13th bregermann #9038 more trbl run, happy with 13th, not happy to lose to SHM Finished 566
- 14th PlayerGameSK #6211 he / him more Welp... got the PB I choked on a practice run earlier so I guess I can't be mad about my performance at all :') Finished 440
- 15th NightShadow295 #6781 Finished 311
- 16th dayoman #2413 Finished 175
- 17th RPMRosie #7273 she / they Finished 32
- 18th aldeezy1 #4635 Finished 124
- 19th LikeKatsu #9664 he / him Finished 300
- — Bear-Nip #6406 he / him DNF 512
- — Bored_Banana #8662 DNF 508
- — IronSpider1987 #7262 he / him more Fuck 2am work finishes for a 7am race YEP fun DNF 507