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Race results

  1. obedient-waluigi-0411 Misc Ocarina of Time 3D: Dampe's Valentine's Day Finished not recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st PsyMarth #8881 he / him more the NTR advantage Finished
    2. 2nd gymnast86 #8649 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd erinexplosives #5921 more big poopy Finished
    4. 4th Venick #5435 more 63rd try on HP 58 Finished
    5. 5th Dyceron #0045 more Good luck and have fun. Finished
  2. gentle-icecavern-4062 OoT OCS3 Race 11 Finished not recorded 42 entrants
    1. 1st Amateseru #4873 more ruto's quest, also I'm bad at weirdshots Finished
    2. 2nd Runnerguy2489 #0756 more Call of Nature (Malon's Quest) - solid route. Could have skipped hovers maybe Finished
    3. 3rd tob3000 #4205 he / him more call of nature Finished
    4. 4th Exodus #5327 he / him more changing rules 30 minutes into the race, not happy Finished
    5. 5th Timato #9319 he / him more malon's quest - keese are dumb Finished
    6. 6th dannyb21892 #9229 more malon's quest, pretty smooth minus some execution mistakes. Finished
    7. 7th ArmorySons #1874 more Malon's quest Finished
    8. 8th FantaTanked #6752 he / him more ruto's quest Finished
    9. 9th PhoenixFeather #0512 he / him more malon - got super fucked by keese Finished
    10. 10th xwillmarktheplace #9143 she / her more Ruto's Quest. Jabu as child. Skipped hover boots, was monkaS when I had to learn to hover over the spikes in water. Decent execution overall. Finished
    11. 11th PsyMarth #8881 he / him more Completed the quest "Cleanse the Waters". Skipped chus but got hovers Finished
    12. 12th superguerrer3 #9779 more ruto quest. Explosiveless jabu Finished
    13. 13th scaramanga he / him more ruto Finished
    14. 14th juwk #1061 more ruto, had to restart ~12-13mins in ReallyHappy Finished
    15. 15th Link11 #5320 he / him more malon's quest, pretty fun goal Finished
    16. 16th the__consultant #3076 he / him more malon's quest, mostly okay besides enter deku, could have skipped goron tunic, oh well Finished
    17. 17th MooseOoT #5740 he / him more ruto's quest, spent 10 minutes looking for an 8th stinger in jabu KEKW Finished
    18. 18th Fenyan #4871 more Ruto's Quest, went pretty YOLO because I've no idea about how many enemies are where, went okay Finished
    19. 19th shaggy #1594 more Ruto's Quest, played really bad Finished
    20. 20th Ostrealava02 #4895 Finished
    21. 21st Xanra #1593 more Call of Nature, good goal idea in concept, lost a shit ton of time due to miscommunication from the dev team Finished
    22. 22nd LiterallyLake #3658 he / him more malon's quest Finished
    23. 23rd Gombill #4761 he / him more ruto's quest, got 9 stingers and 12 freezards because i can't count Finished
    24. 24th linky628 #4894 he / him more Ruto's quest, lost like 10 minutes due to very small mistakes that ruined my time of day for a zora skull. Other than that, was good Finished
    25. 25th CoffeePot #0207 he / him more malon's quest, skipped stairs dc skull, spent way too much time in botw Finished
    26. 26th JFM2796 #9524 he / him more malon, overthought this one Finished
    27. 27th QuickKiran #6600 he / him more malon quest, was a big skulltula short :/ Finished
    28. 28th neefe #6884 he / him more ruto's quest Finished
    29. 29th Nkitten #7741 he / him more Malon's Quest - played super safe (lit a bunch of keese on fire in botw, went adult with 9 fire keese & 9 skulltulas), pushed statue in DC because I'm too rusty at hovering and fell 3 times :) Finished
    30. 30th MarshallObob #6270 more Ruto's quest, Fastest OCS so far Finished
    31. 31st Condor #8321 he / him more Ruto Quest: Basically did entirely casual water temple lol Finished
    32. 32nd Bou_Frost #9730 more Malon Route ... i'm impressed how i can play every week worse then the week before Finished
    33. 33rd Myelin #4803 he / him more malon route, played terribly, highlights include falling in the hammer room and missing the platform, dying in fire with a fairy in the wrong bottle, and dying in the bow room Finished
    34. 34th haktical #0500 he / him more Malon's Quest. Why did this quest not have any Lon Lon ranch? Finished
    35. 35th Akalster #3542 more Malon Quest, really liked the goal! Highlights are me dodging a boulder in fire temple on a quarter heart. Finished
    36. 36th Phlo #1879 she / her more Ruto's quest. This was the dumbest routing I've ever done, skipped bombs/hovers. it was hell Finished
    37. 37th Trisscorp #9318 more Zora Quest. Finished
    38. 38th Knighty #4612 he / him Finished
    39. Numberplay #5236 he / him more not a single thing is going right im getting too frustrated to continue DNF
    40. TheCowness #4859 DNF
    41. Titou #7266 he / him more ????? DNF
    42. Zombie_God #6552 he / him DNF
  3. epic-dekubaba-4000 OoT OCS3 Race 10 Finished not recorded 45 entrants
    1. 1st juwk #1061 more missed fire to forest, was planning to action swap for amy and fire arrrows, but then just delayed amy and did action swap in hylia only lul Finished
    2. 2nd scaramanga he / him more had to double dip gtg and messed up my route so that i couldn't fire to forest Finished
    3. 3rd Runnerguy2489 #0756 more Went BiT so I could go adult early and think during cs lol Finished
    4. 4th Titou #7266 he / him more Frogs 2 is on the way of the hero Finished
    5. 5th PhoenixFeather #0512 he / him more Did back in time for frogs 2. Seemed pretty bad. Finished
    6. 6th MatttInTheHat #9918 more failed fire to forest, 18 pts before going adult Finished
    7. 7th Fenyan #4871 more was so scared that i went adult too early, but it worked out perfectly in the end Finished
    8. 8th Exodus #5327 he / him more lost 10 minutes to fishing because i forgot how stupid it is Finished
    9. 9th Amateseru #4873 more I'm lost without my fboots now Finished
    10. 10th Timato #9319 he / him more was doing gerudo card then realizing i didn't need the tickets KEKW Finished
    11. 11th Xanra #1593 more started late cause I didn't see timer and was reading lol, didn't get chus so had to watch zl cs, went bit for frogs Finished
    12. 12th LiterallyLake #3658 he / him more lost 5 minutes trying to get a fish and didnt even get it lol. very sloppy routing, this challenge was hard to keep track of everything Finished
    13. 13th MooseOoT #5740 he / him more YEP minigames Finished
    14. 14th shaggy #1594 more child only 42/40 points, made some huge routing mistakes Finished
    15. 15th superguerrer3 #9779 more FROGS Finished
    16. 16th neefe #6884 he / him more frog route, had to get lens+magic because I don't own an N64 :^) Finished
    17. 17th AverageGreg #0911 he / him more 17 as child, 23 as adult. awful child routing, lost close to 10mins to failing jungle jump Finished
    18. 18th xwillmarktheplace #9143 she / her more Frogs. Was probably bait, watched every cs in the game on English. Did all of GTG to find out it doesn't work without bow, panicked for 5min, got legit bow and went back. Liked the goal, hated my play Finished
    19. 19th Niamek #6871 more terrific goal. I loved it. Finished
    20. 20th ArmorySons #1874 Finished
    21. 21st Link11 #5320 he / him more frog route, gameplay was garbage Finished
    22. 22nd MutantAura #3128 he / him more cs gauntlet Pog Finished
    23. 23rd PsyMarth #8881 he / him more got trolled by bow meme in gtg, so I ocarina dove for the silver rupees Finished
    24. 24th QuickKiran #6600 he / him more bit without frogs was not the play. seriously underestimated how easy six songs was Finished
    25. 25th CoffeePot #0207 he / him more did not play well Finished
    26. 26th Numberplay #5236 he / him more got baited Finished
    27. 27th tob3000 #4205 he / him more child only, finally got the loach, lost 56 minutes from fishing alone Finished
    28. 28th MarshallObob #6270 more Best OCS so far Finished
    29. 29th Condor #8321 he / him more haven't done adult rba in years, how does it work again? lel Finished
    30. 30th keymakr #8783 more Spent 10 minutes trying to catch 2 hylian loaches that I think were dead Finished
    31. 31st Nkitten #7741 he / him more bit much imo Finished
    32. 32nd Myelin #4803 he / him more lost like 20 minutes to cow in house, I will never understand how to get over that last fence Finished
    33. 33rd haktical #0500 he / him more 21 child 19 adult Finished
    34. 34th linky628 #4894 he / him more froggies Finished
    35. 35th Akalster #3542 more 36 Child, 4 Adult, Frogs, I should learn cutscene skips... Finished
    36. 36th Bou_Frost #9730 more routing and I - the love strory feat. dumb WW crash that costed me like 60min Finished
    37. 37th Knighty #4612 he / him Finished
    38. 38th TheCowness #4859 Finished
    39. 39th MLink #8399 he / him more I had a blast, now let me spend my tickets! Finished
    40. 40th Trisscorp #9318 more The carnival closed before I could get any prizes... Finished
    41. dannyb21892 #9229 more locked out of frogs cuz deleted egg. went for loach instead but adult fishing sucks. feedback: goals with so much information that you HAVE to keep referring back are terrible DNF
    42. dot #3659 he / they more Forfeit 3 and half hours in because I only 15 of the goals done and I didn't want to play anymore DNF
    43. FantaTanked #6752 he / him DNF
    44. Ostrealava02 #4895 more fishdicks DNF
    45. the__consultant #3076 he / him more died to volvagia with ba hammer, lol DNF
  4. banzai-leever-5418 OoT OCS3 Race 9 Finished not recorded 45 entrants
    1. 1st Amateseru #4873 Finished
    2. 2nd tob3000 #4205 he / him more child only, was a good route until I didnt have enough explosives for the rest of my route and ran around for minutes doing nothing while my brain was melting Finished
    3. 3rd dannyb21892 #9229 more Somehow managed to do the whole thing with only botw chus DC bomb bag and the crater bomb refill. Accidentally wasted one bomb the whole time and finished with 0 chus 0 bombs monkaOMEGA Finished
    4. 4th Exodus #5327 he / him more i was a bit too conservative on explosives Finished
    5. 5th juwk #1061 more botw chus and dmc refill, so many dumb mistakes after having a power cut lol failed doomjump 3 times, failed skull dupe at the very end and reset, wasted a bomb while bomb perfect and reset KEKW Finished
    6. 6th Runnerguy2489 #0756 more Very conservative...definitely my style lol Finished
    7. 7th PhoenixFeather #0512 he / him Finished
    8. 8th shaggy #1594 more child only, botw chus, bomb bag (30), dmc refill Finished
    9. 9th QuickKiran #6600 he / him more 9 stones/18 skulls as child, 30 bag, dc chest. Sick challenge Finished
    10. 10th ArmorySons #1874 more botw chus, bomb bag 30 as child, and dmc refill. awesome goal! Finished
    11. 11th Xanra #1593 more botw chus, bomb bag 30, crater refill, bought Giant's Knife from muscle mashing so had to get more money ReallyHappy probably didn't need to go adult Finished
    12. 12th MatttInTheHat #9918 more child only, lost a ton of time to not knowing how to clip past KZ without chus Finished
    13. 13th scaramanga he / him more 10 chus, 40 bombs, no boots, no strength Finished
    14. 14th PsyMarth #8881 he / him more child only; lost shield in dmc and savewarped without picking up the bomb chest Finished
    15. 15th Numberplay #5236 he / him more triple dip DC Finished
    16. 16th FantaTanked #6752 he / him more 10 bombs in fire temple (Pepega), 20 in dmc Finished
    17. 17th Fenyan #4871 more bb30 and dmc grotto, lost a lot of time to doing like 6 stones without filled wallet, and a minute to dying to a guay while my final bomb exploded Finished
    18. 18th AverageGreg #0911 he / him more bomb bag 30 and dmc grotto refill, wasn't expecting skulltula routing to be the hard part here Finished
    19. 19th LiterallyLake #3658 he / him more child only, probably the most lost ive been in a challenge so far, lots of standing around figuring out what to do next Finished
    20. 20th xwillmarktheplace #9143 she / her more My mind was clouded due to a headache and this was very hard to route. Had 14 chus left in the end (lol) and was too conservative with bombs as well. Route was all over the place. Finished
    21. 21st neefe #6884 he / him more lost 18 minutes to a softlock, but we still have lifdoff Finished
    22. 22nd Bou_Frost #9730 more I really liked this one, only bomb bag and the 20 chest from crater, no extra bombs (got baby strat hammer) Finished
    23. 23rd superguerrer3 #9779 more all child YOLO route Finished
    24. 24th keymakr #8783 more "BiT for bomb upgrade, probably shouldn't have, w/e, was a comfy route but forgot bottle Finished
    25. 25th Nkitten #7741 he / him more fun goal, scary goal, route completely fell apart at the end :P - and then my laptop blue screened when I closed OBS :( at least I was done by then Finished
    26. 26th linky628 #4894 he / him more forgot about the rupee requirement so had to redo 4 gossip stones at the start, but really fun challenge Finished
    27. 27th Phlo #1879 she / her more child only, listened to space oddity on the last one Finished
    28. 28th the__consultant #3076 he / him more child only, i am good at this game i promise kappa Finished
    29. 29th Myelin #4803 he / him more got totally lost at 26 stones, wish i had looked at zeldadungeon earlier Finished
    30. 30th Niamek #6871 more routing is hard, I did as many backtrack as all backtracks of other runners combined Finished
    31. 31st JFM2796 #9524 he / him more 45 minutes lost to a single failed bomb trick Finished
    32. 32nd MarshallObob #6270 more pretty sure I did 31 gossip stones Finished
    33. 33rd CoffeePot #0207 he / him more pretty sure we forgot to count the king zora gossip stone mweep Finished
    34. 34th Link11 #5320 he / him more brutal goal, child only with 40 bomb bag Finished
    35. 35th TheCowness #4859 more HERO LINK to ground control, we have touchdown Finished
    36. 36th Akalster #3542 more Bomb bag 30, dmc refill. Misread the goal at first so had to redo 7 gossip stones because I did not have 99 rupees at the time. Finished
    37. 37th haktical #0500 he / him more child only. awful routing, awful play, multiple resets to accidental drops... oh well Finished
    38. 38th Knighty #4612 he / him Finished
    39. 39th Trisscorp #9318 more I forgot to put on my space tunic Finished
    40. 40th dot #3659 he / they more This was a mess of poor routing, lack of knowledge and overall this was a mess but at least I'm not last Finished
    41. ederion #1245 more Good goal! However, having routed so poorly I have to get 10 skulltulas while having 20 gossip stones done, I don't feel like continuing. Child only, btw. DNF
    42. maedas #6234 they / them DNF
    43. MooseOoT #5740 he / him DNF
    44. Ostrealava02 #4895 more woops I though 199r was maximum for Adult Wallet, b&w tv does help DNF
    45. Timato #9319 he / him more im dumb i collected bombs from grass DNF
  5. pogtastic-knuckle-8435 OoT OCS3 Race 8 Finished not recorded 48 entrants
    1. 1st Exodus #5327 he / him more 6 bosses, 20 hp. great route Finished
    2. 2nd juwk #1061 Finished
    3. 3rd PhoenixFeather #0512 he / him more too many boomer strats Finished
    4. 4th tob3000 #4205 he / him more 5 bosses 24 hps Finished
    5. 5th Runnerguy2489 #0756 more 6 bosses 20 hearts - routing was decent I think Finished
    6. 6th Amateseru #4873 more 3 big mistakes: rushed adult, forgot ranch HP and took bomb bag in DC so no bombchus Finished
    7. 7th QuickKiran #6600 he / him more 6HC (skip fire/spirit, child jabu). Very glad I did 9 hearts in bingo last night Finished
    8. 8th FantaTanked #6752 he / him more 6 hc Finished
    9. 9th dannyb21892 #9229 more 6 sets of hps and 5 dungeons, skipped jabu fire and spirit. tough goal but fun Finished
    10. 10th xwillmarktheplace #9143 she / her more 6 HC 20 HPs. Good routing, bad execution. Needed too many tries to enter jabu, completely messed up Gohma and had to reset, failed GV HPs. Finished
    11. 11th Xanra #1593 more 6 bosses, 20 hps, played decently for once :o cool challenge! Finished
    12. 12th JFM2796 #9524 he / him more I am so mad Finished
    13. 13th scaramanga he / him Finished
    14. 14th Timato #9319 he / him more last heart was super slow. should've routed it better Finished
    15. 15th AverageGreg #0911 he / him more 6 HCs, 20 HPs, horrible routing Finished
    16. 16th LiterallyLake #3658 he / him more 6 HCs, 20 HPs, a couple weird mistakes but nothing overly atrocious Finished
    17. 17th MooseOoT #5740 he / him more 24 hps, trainwreck Finished
    18. 18th Link11 #5320 he / him more really cool goal, 6 bosses/20 hps Finished
    19. 19th Fenyan #4871 more 6/20, really unhappy with my play Finished
    20. 20th Gombill #4761 he / him more 6 bosses, i thought i was playing and routing pretty well but i guess i suck Finished
    21. 21st the__consultant #3076 he / him more an exercise in salt, failed deku tree hess once, wasted time on bomb drop rng, missed the gerudo valley hp twice and walked back from hylia, i am salt Finished
    22. 22nd Numberplay #5236 he / him more this challenge had way more objectives than the last and yet people still finish faster. im really confused Finished
    23. 23rd PsyMarth #8881 he / him more went full tilt on 37th after forgetting how to glitchless jump and missed dampe (skipped forest/fire/spirit) Finished
    24. 24th MatttInTheHat #9918 more 6 containers, this game is hard Finished
    25. 25th superguerrer3 #9779 more chocked so hard Finished
    26. 26th shaggy #1594 more child only, 6 HCs ghoma, KD, barinade, PG, morpha, bongo Finished
    27. 27th Myelin #4803 he / him more 5 boss, 24 hp, gohma, KD, Bongo, PG, Morpha, probably should have routed the HPs earlier Finished
    28. 28th MikeKatz45 #5645 more learned boat skip on the fly lol Finished
    29. 29th Bou_Frost #9730 more Hearts are not my forte Finished
    30. 30th linky628 #4894 he / him more kinda wish I started with heart pieces first. overall fun challenge Finished
    31. 31st keymakr #8783 more Trash gameplay, atleast the bottle was worth it for that 1 hp Kappa Finished
    32. 32nd Nkitten #7741 he / him more 6HC, miscounted hearts in intro as i tried to log into tracker (ended up not using it), noticed I needed +1HC and +4HP right before adult > did jabu, played bad - conclusion: had a fun time somehow :3 Finished
    33. 33rd MarshallObob #6270 Finished
    34. 34th CoffeePot #0207 he / him more failed boatkey skip for over ten minutes, never recovered. 6HC/20HP Finished
    35. 35th ederion #1245 more Fuck routing heart pieces. This was a headache, and I already had one. Skipped twin rova and volvagia. Went back in time for 3 last hps. Finished
    36. 36th haktical #0500 he / him more 24hp 5hc, skipped fire/shadow/spirit. barely avoided needing to BiT Finished
    37. 37th Niamek #6871 more Best route ever (not) Finished
    38. 38th TheCowness #4859 more 6 HC / 20 HP Finished
    39. 39th Knighty #4612 he / him Finished
    40. 40th Trisscorp #9318 more 5 HC / 24 HP Finished
    41. 41st Phlo #1879 she / her more 1st place for CHILD ONLY no ZL Kapp. First and last time I do child only YEP Finished
    42. 42nd dot #3659 he / they more 4 Heart Containers, 24 Heart Pieces, 14th Try Dampé Finished
    43. Akalster #3542 more Have some other things to do, and it didn't look like I was going to finish shortly. DNF
    44. ArmorySons #1874 DNF
    45. Ostrealava02 #4895 DNF
    46. silentknight115 #8295 DNF
    47. thundrio #2283 DNF
    48. Titou #7266 he / him more 24HP, 5HC DQ
  6. amazing-dinolfos-4357 OoT OCS3 Race 7 Finished not recorded 44 entrants
    1. 1st dannyb21892 #9229 more chus for big poe to skip bow, luckily first try. boat ride was painfully stressful lmao Finished
    2. 2nd juwk #1061 more ice arrows no epona Finished
    3. 3rd Exodus #5327 he / him more boat ride was monkaS Finished
    4. 4th tob3000 #4205 he / him more got ice arrows and epona for big poe, lost 8 min compared to first try boat challenge Finished
    5. 5th LiterallyLake #3658 he / him more Best placing so far! Everything but shieldless gate clip went pretty well, fun challenge. Finished
    6. 6th FantaTanked #6752 he / him more forgot I can't blank ocs, my bad Finished
    7. 7th Runnerguy2489 #0756 more Enemy RNG NotLikeThis Finished
    8. 8th Numberplay #5236 he / him more failed ritual once, the rest was decent Finished
    9. 9th AverageGreg #0911 he / him more pretty fun, wish i knew how to fence clip without a shield though, NL came in clutch Finished
    10. 10th superguerrer3 #9779 more fuck nayrus love timing Finished
    11. 11th ArmorySons #1874 more dampe redeads took me like 5 mins lmao. boat ride was cancer, but otherwise fun goal overall Finished
    12. 12th Xanra #1593 more lost 5th place to not knowing how to spawn big poes without epona, and turns out nayrus love protects you from voiding >.< Finished
    13. 13th PsyMarth #8881 he / him more lost 15+ min on boat, worse than glass ganon imo Finished
    14. 14th Titou #7266 he / him more 6 trips shadow Finished
    15. 15th MutantAura #3128 he / him more hmmmmmm Finished
    16. 16th scaramanga he / him Finished
    17. 17th QuickKiran #6600 he / him more spent 20+ minutes in Shadow Temple :( Finished
    18. 18th Link11 #5320 he / him more interesting goal, second try boat Finished
    19. 19th MatttInTheHat #9918 more first try boat, took 8 years to get a big poe unlucky Finished
    20. 20th JFM2796 #9524 he / him more Lost a lot of time in Shadow Finished
    21. 21st Phlo #1879 she / her more Everything was going smoothly until the big poe Finished
    22. 22nd Fenyan #4871 more thought you lose a heart when you void with NL, took 18 more minutes to finish after cause I was too mad to function Finished
    23. 23rd xwillmarktheplace #9143 she / her more was on good pace after the collection part, but then the 29-minute shitshow in shadow commenced. Finished
    24. 24th MooseOoT #5740 he / him more the boat got me lol Finished
    25. 25th Nalle #4098 he / him more rba'd away my hookshot and had to learn big poe chu strats xD Finished
    26. 26th Nkitten #7741 he / him more didn't play great.. for everyone that readies up past starting time, let's add the amount they were late to their final time :) Finished
    27. 27th Bou_Frost #9730 more nayrus love strat was pretty shit, not gonna lie ... Finished
    28. 28th ederion #1245 more About 3.6 iron boots. Not great, not terrible. Got bow, rba:d red potion, stole Epona. I've had enough of boats for tonight. Finished
    29. 29th neefe #6884 he / him more well I learned that some fairies can't be caught in bottles, very cool Finished
    30. 30th Gombill #4761 he / him more entered shadow at around 1:32 Finished
    31. 31st linky628 #4894 he / him more fuck your boat Finished
    32. 32nd CoffeePot #0207 he / him more NL plus back of boat strat, probably tenth try boat Finished
    33. 33rd keymakr #8783 more 5th try boat i think? May have watched a few cutscenes I didn't need to LUL Finished
    34. 34th MarshallObob #6270 more "Stay Poedrated" Finished
    35. 35th Akalster #3542 more Famous last words: I don't know what even does a quarter heart of damage, i'll just die before attempting the boat. Finished
    36. 36th Knighty #4612 he / him Finished
    37. 37th Figure8 #4401 he / him more the last run of the boat i was clenchedddddddddd Finished
    38. 38th shaggy #1594 more Learned Dampe's grave as child Finished
    39. 39th Trisscorp #9318 more Messy brain make messy race Finished
    40. haktical #0500 he / him more spent 13 minutes failing actor glitch and I'm too mad to continue DNF
    41. Niamek #6871 more forgot Phantom Ganon.LUL Don't feel like redoing everything. DNF
    42. the__consultant #3076 he / him more unequipped bombs :) DNF
    43. TheCowness #4859 more another goal that's not fun if you suck at the game DNF
    44. Timato #9319 he / him more n64 reseted on me and i lost way too much time to come back DNF
  7. intrepid-dungeonmap-4829 OoT Bingo Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Timato #9319 he / him more got legit songs, forgot shadow key and had to go all the way back without nocturne Finished 16
    2. 2nd juwk #1061 more i've seen 5x5s as fast as this Finished 1
    3. 3rd Titou #7266 he / him more liking the format, good job xwill Finished 4
    4. 4th the__consultant #3076 he / him more wow i can't believe i suck this bad, wait no i can Finished 19
    5. 5th PsyMarth #8881 he / him more stinky Finished 22
    6. 6th CoffeePot #0207 he / him more fun game mode, i'd play this again Finished 15
    7. 7th xwillmarktheplace #9143 she / her more rusty gameplay, rusty routing Finished 15
    8. 8th Link11 #5320 he / him more fuck this card Finished 3
    9. FantaTanked #6752 he / him DNF 20
    10. QuickKiran #6600 he / him more broke my stick and honestly fuck this board DNF 18
  8. legendary-simon-9052 SM64 120 star Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Runnerguy2489 #0756 more sweaty Finished 1,118
    2. 2nd PsyMarth #8881 he / him more imagine not finishing Finished 622
    3. Figure8 #4401 he / him DNF 103
    4. MatttInTheHat #9918 DNF 104
  9. snug-sword-2392 OoT OCS3 Race 6 Finished not recorded 47 entrants
    1. 1st Exodus #5327 he / him more tl-br Finished
    2. 2nd AverageGreg #0911 he / him more col3 Finished
    3. 3rd Runnerguy2489 #0756 more row5 pretty nice - clutched the 1490 lool Finished
    4. 4th MooseOoT #5740 he / him more col 4, terrible execution, minor routing mistakes in child Finished
    5. 5th xwillmarktheplace #9143 she / her more col4, went really well Finished
    6. 6th PhoenixFeather #0512 he / him more row 1 Finished
    7. 7th shaggy #1594 more tl-br had to go adult for 1 fairy fountain Finished
    8. 8th Fenyan #4871 more col4, this was fun! =) Finished
    9. 9th tob3000 #4205 he / him more col2, im worse than I thought Finished
    10. 10th dannyb21892 #9229 more column 2, seemed good, edned up kinda slow Finished
    11. 11th LiterallyLake #3658 he / him more tl-br, sloth dont look at my fire temple please Finished
    12. 12th scaramanga he / him more col4 Finished
    13. 13th PsyMarth #8881 he / him more col 2; adult row but my notes only had setups for hitting beehives with chus as child lmao Finished
    14. 14th juwk #1061 more col2 hate goals like this where it's literal gambling on a row and hoping it's fast xd Finished
    15. 15th Link11 #5320 he / him more col4 played it safe, didn't make many mistakes Finished
    16. 16th Nkitten #7741 he / him more TL-BR, I tried to skip bolero cutscene but had a fairy - CAN'T EXPOSE ME IF I EXPOSE MYSELF!! (also think I never used hover boots, as I expected while getting them) Finished
    17. 17th Amateseru #4873 more col2 my chat saved this OCS, had to rethink litteraly everything after MS Finished
    18. 18th the__consultant #3076 he / him more col3 gameplay bad lol Finished
    19. 19th superguerrer3 #9779 more tl-br Finished
    20. 20th MatttInTheHat #9918 more col4 blinkzy strat failed me Finished
    21. 21st Xanra #1593 more tl-br played awfully, had a random vc crash and my sign knowledge wasn't extensive enough Finished
    22. 22nd ArmorySons #1874 more Col 4 Finished
    23. 23rd Gombill #4761 he / him more col4, the only column i found where i was sure i wouldnt be running around like an idiot Finished
    24. 24th Phlo #1879 she / her more col4, routing was poop Finished
    25. 25th Timato #9319 he / him more tlbr - zd domain fairy fountain does not work on my cartridge Finished
    26. 26th QuickKiran #6600 he / him more row3 think this was just a slow row, though child routing was bad Finished
    27. 27th Niamek #6871 more col3, so many backtrack Finished
    28. 28th Ostrealava02 #4895 Finished
    29. 29th haktical #0500 he / him more col3, some janky routing but no major issues Finished
    30. 30th Myelin #4803 he / him more tl-br would have finished ten places higher and 25 minutes earlier if the zoras domain grotto would open Finished
    31. 31st FantaTanked #6752 he / him more col5 Finished
    32. 32nd linky628 #4894 he / him more col3, went back to ice cavern after realising I need iron boots for the boss key chest room in water, only to find out that you don't actually need iron boots... still a fun goal though Finished
    33. 33rd JFM2796 #9524 he / him more row2 slow row I think Finished
    34. 34th CoffeePot #0207 he / him more col4 time to practice boatkey skip Finished
    35. 35th ederion #1245 more Col4 – Finally talking to Gorons as a goal. Anything else is just rude. Finished
    36. 36th MarshallObob #6270 Finished
    37. 37th homerfunky #9088 Finished
    38. 38th Akalster #3542 more TFW you single handedly messed up so bad that you both RBA'd ZL and got it legit because you found out mid-race that an RBA'd ZL does not trigger Saria's song... Finished
    39. 39th Knighty #4612 he / him more col3 Finished
    40. 40th neefe #6884 he / him more col1, getting 1490 was fun Finished
    41. 41st TheCowness #4859 more Col 5, died five or six times to leevers Finished
    42. 42nd Zombie_God #6552 he / him more row 5 I hate anything that has to do with the fortress Finished
    43. 43rd dot #3659 he / they more Row4, Had to redo several minutes because I forgot Bombchus in Bottom of the Well, Cow in House took way too long, Fire was a mess, and I had to go Back in Time to get Epona's song Finished
    44. 44th Trisscorp #9318 more Col3. My big sword can't fit in the pedestal. Finished
    45. Bou_Frost #9730 DNF
    46. Numberplay #5236 he / him more my fucking game crashed and the save got corrupted DNF
    47. West0pher #1532 he / him DQ
  10. curious-crusher-2120 OoTR Standard Tournament Season 4 Finished recorded 146 entrants
    1. 1st Nek0 #8502 he / him more Lucky% GG's Finished 5,658
    2. 2nd Fmz #9587 he / him more 1st sniped once again T_T Finished 1,248
    3. 3rd Nephistoss #3207 more snipe land KEKW Finished 684
    4. 4th Marco #4636 Finished 483
    5. 5th Nopons #4783 Finished 3,350
    6. 6th Namaha #8731 he / him more can't complain about that lol Finished 5,159
    7. 7th Keepsake66 #6202 he / him Finished 797
    8. 8th Oneshot013 #7931 he / him more I'm honestly shocked at this result. Finished 1,384
    9. 9th Sponge #4205 more I wish I didnt do dc Finished 461
    10. 10th RyuuKane #3246 he / him more A few execution mistakes here and there but VERY happy with my performance, GGs all ! Finished 634
    11. 11th NinjaBus #4247 he / him more pb? pb. Finished 1,867
    12. 12th mrmartin #9054 Finished 492
    13. 13th Elagatua #6912 Finished 1,446
    14. 14th FantaTanked #6752 he / him Finished 1,350
    15. 15th Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 1,426
    16. 16th Kevin_818 #9130 he / him more choked on execution towards the end. Othjerwise very happy Finished 821
    17. 17th engineer124 #7554 more First S4 seed Pog? Finished 4,429
    18. 18th KayzoBro #2388 he / him Finished 386
    19. 19th Sora #4486 he / him more Kinda surprised I lost 15 mins to first but happy w/ my play Finished 667
    20. 20th Riley #6863 he / him more that feeling when you thought you were crushing it but still got farmed :/ Finished 1,108
    21. 21st sanzeau #6048 he / him Finished 496
    22. 22nd JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 396
    23. 23rd Spikevegeta #8733 Finished 650
    24. 24th Alaixo #9633 he / him Finished 1,283
    25. 25th Readrim #6625 Finished 3,928
    26. 26th Bonooru #4793 more no idea how i lost that much time but ok Finished 12
    27. 27th MrMario7788 #4876 he / him more don't mind me, just metagaming my way out of points Finished 68
    28. 28th West0pher #1532 he / him Finished 1,011
    29. 29th Sawce_Bawss #0263 he / him Finished 890
    30. 30th LudoTitan #3853 Finished 3,617
    31. 31st Pepe Argento #6479 he / him more i should stay in 29th but internet lag :( Finished 1,294
    32. 32nd PinkKittyRose #1421 more 32nd still technically Top 32, POG! Finished 81
    33. 33rd DocHeaps #0671 he / him more Gotta love getting barren hints and ignoring them anyway Finished 3,431
    34. 34th Konditioner #9278 he / him Finished 288
    35. 35th 2dos #0770 he / him more Played on N64. Was only missing kokiri sword for the last 30 minutes. routing and performance could use some work. Finished 1,666
    36. 36th MasterAleks #1550 he / him more Hmmm, I felt I had quite a good race with decent routing, but still lost quite some time I guess? Not sure where I could have gained that much time, is my execution that shitty? Lol :) Finished 475
    37. 37th CheckRaise #5639 he / him Finished 340
    38. 38th KCNecro #5721 more not bad, it could be worst for a first race gg's all Finished 3,124
    39. 39th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him more ugh Finished 290
    40. 40th Cfalcon #0137 he / him Finished 379
    41. 41st XthDoctor #5294 Finished 61
    42. 42nd gsk8 #0424 he / him Finished 6
    43. 43rd Gavaroni #9139 he / him Finished 226
    44. 44th DylanMeeble #9138 he / him more Oops Finished 237
    45. 45th alfalfa #3653 he / him Finished 95
    46. 46th Melrose #4744 he / him more SPREAD EAGLE ACROSS THE BLOCK Finished 1,871
    47. 47th T-RIS #3918 he / him more I'll take top 50 Finished 815
    48. 48th WoodenBarrel #8485 he / him Finished 2
    49. 49th error0x226 #5465 Finished 140
    50. 50th Amalah #7918 he / him Finished 148
    51. 51st FcS35 #2882 he / him more Challengers Cup I'm coming ! Finished 624
    52. 52nd z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 485
    53. 53rd tenacious_toad #5453 he / him Finished 182
    54. 54th Feenie #6029 Finished 235
    55. 55th RinakoVT #4932 he / him Finished 431
    56. 56th Gogeta #1793 Finished 401
    57. 57th Tepedino #8824 he / him more Best. Hints. Ever. Finished 406
    58. 58th Yoyocarina #2131 Finished 749
    59. 59th Erwan #1047 he / him more I don't get how I lost 35min compared to the firsts... Finished 366
    60. 60th papy_grant #8513 he / him Finished 256
    61. 61st Cola #5395 he / him Finished 170
    62. 62nd iceninetm #5848 he / him Finished 702
    63. 63rd favio94 #9972 he / him more Lost like 20 minutes cause I have to buy some things. I shouldn't have played today. :/ Finished 385
    64. 64th zserf #4425 he / him Finished 1,532
    65. 65th GrimmFairy #2122 he / him more cranky Finished 519
    66. 66th RoskaTyrant #7869 he / him Finished 351
    67. 67th AverageGreg #0911 he / him more wasted 10mins in water cause i thought it was woth instead of barren lmaaaooooo Finished 1,348
    68. 68th ArthurOudini #1948 Finished 401
    69. 69th Jake Wright #7039 he / him Finished 203
    70. 70th TomPouce #3070 he / him Finished 736
    71. 71st LePlopeur #3629 he / him Finished 602
    72. 72nd Cuphat #2212 he / him more Man this seed kicked it to 10 in the middle. Was hoping for a better placement than this and am still mad I got sniped out of top 69, but like the other two quals I did I feel good about how I played. Finished 154
    73. 73rd Volvagia #3052 he / him more one item late, did a lot of misc stuff. otherwise good. Finished 883
    74. 74th DgBarca #0570 he / him more I think my soul left my body Finished 394
    75. 75th Zenthrow #5772 he / him Finished 225
    76. 76th Flouche #5543 he / him more Nice one LUL Finished 194
    77. 77th TheLightswoord #2757 he / him Finished 736
    78. 78th EarlWeird #4345 he / him Finished 606
    79. 79th F1ction- #7034 more Sadge Finished 462
    80. 80th ThyDarkHorse #6439 he / him more KomodoHype Finished 552
    81. 81st Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 662
    82. 82nd JLoYoshi #2752 he / him Finished 430
    83. 83rd Johnny Gameshow #9974 they / them more big oof man that bow doe Finished 74
    84. 84th VidyaJames he / him more bombchus: try not to scum challenge Finished 36
    85. 85th kryal #0888 he / him more didn't go to gtg like a dummy Finished 57
    86. 86th Worink #3355 he / him more Jet S4 Seed... NANI?!? XD Finished 505
    87. 87th Aranha #4263 he / him Finished 184
    88. 88th Challensois_ #7759 Finished 352
    89. 89th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 938
    90. 90th Vince_vi #4231 Finished 281
    91. 91st SaigoGetsuga #0063 he / him Finished 287
    92. 92nd Staroid #7201 Finished 31
    93. 93rd BTaggerung #1426 he / him Finished 224
    94. 94th DexterDoes #9771 Finished 114
    95. 95th purble #1465 he / him Finished 87
    96. 96th Oximan #8883 he / him more 96 is almost 69 Finished 60
    97. 97th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more I am now ready to defend my thesis on how to hundo a seed Finished 491
    98. 98th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 434
    99. 99th ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him more That last item, every time. Finished 25
    100. 100th SplitzHappen #4093 he / him more statistically, i should have expected to not do well on this one and it happened. RIP me i guess... Finished 1,177
    101. 101st Sharky2107 #6867 he / him more So much for going to Ganon Castle Late in the seed... <_< Finished n/a
    102. 102nd incoherent #6156 he / him more unlucky Finished 563
    103. 103rd TheOtherNate #8907 Finished n/a
    104. 104th Aughoti #9108 he / him more This is why we need Mweep Skip Finished 579
    105. 105th roguecopter #2546 he / him Finished 389
    106. 106th Sage #3585 he / him Finished 833
    107. 107th AeroRaiser #6469 he / him more Imagine last locationing 5 seperate timess O _ O Finished 1,050
    108. 108th PsyMarth #8881 he / him more lmao Finished n/a
    109. 109th Markars #9224 Finished 233
    110. 110th dinghydog #9444 Finished n/a
    111. 111th Campo #7429 he / him Finished 455
    112. 112th PolyGanon #8519 more Could have been a lot faster Finished n/a
    113. 113th Afterlife121 #2825 he / him more first sub 4 Seed!!!!!!! Finished n/a
    114. 114th SloaTheDemon #3974 he / him Finished 10
    115. 115th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished 1,472
    116. 116th simbaddsa #2354 he / him more Love this seed. need to prior ganon castle next time. Finished n/a
    117. 117th Linkpon #8526 he / him more luz again Finished 464
    118. 118th Oxido #6602 he / him Finished 701
    119. 119th knxtdoor #5889 he / him Finished 409
    120. 120th Suigh #9331 Finished 833
    121. 121st Anosep #7775 he / him more This routing brought to you by spaghett Finished 1,621
    122. 122nd Konzera #7520 he / him Finished 497
    123. 123rd JudgeLeedo #3522 Finished 120
    124. 124th Jackmanqc #1401 Finished n/a
    125. 125th JindaWuff #7297 they / them Finished 833
    126. 126th Garm #0062 more 1st Rando in ages. 1st with new season change. Reunderstanding requirements but still around my run average. Doesn't feel bad. Finished 833
    127. 127th ty8rown #5589 he / him Finished 164
    128. 128th Luisito #0306 he / him more Nice seed Finished n/a
    129. 129th jonktulip #1945 Finished n/a
    130. 130th eltiokamina #3856 he / him more no me rindo jamas <3 Finished n/a
    131. icupspeedruns #0721 DNF 2,195
    132. dotzo #7400 more solved it, don't care enough to not use glitches anymore DNF 2,124
    133. Drooness he / they more nty DNF 1,403
    134. rockchalk #3494 he / him more unlucky every single fucking qual DNF 1,024
    135. Menou #8446 DNF 1,133
    136. Majarkin #2474 he / him DNF 694
    137. Dr Rudolf #0396 more go mode but to tired to finish DNF 646
    138. Fig #4783 he / him DNF 518
    139. CesarMartins12 #1994 he / him more My power went out DNF 433
    140. Bitsy she / they DNF 208
    141. IvaneroWorld #9917 more With such RNG in every aspect of my life I keep telling myself: "It always could be worse" DNF 39
    142. Digitalhobo #5930 DNF n/a
    143. DubuDeccer #0242 he / him DNF n/a
    144. link88899 #9714 DNF n/a
    145. Ch0c0 #3389 he / him more Bizhawk Crash DNF 833
    146. SariasObject #3370 he / him DNF 1,992