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Race results

  1. scrawny-squirtle-7199 SMR Beat the game Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Zeb316 #0264 he / him Finished 1,096
    2. 2nd Peteza34 #3337 he / him Finished 84
    3. 3rd Mochtroid #9381 Finished 285
    4. 4th cemo #3342 they / them Finished 552
    5. 5th NightwolfXVI #3427 more If I could do RBO I would be dangerous Finished 1,122
    6. 6th Lady_Smaell #1552 Finished 976
    7. 7th Thorneto #8247 he / him Finished 79
    8. 8th Prankard #8301 he / him Finished 2
    9. 9th PapaSchmo #1707 he / him Finished 84
    10. Nasarius #3292 he / him DNF 82
    11. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 16
  2. mysterious-bombos-3174 ALttPR Beat the game Finished not recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st Gammachuu #1618 he / him Finished 3,007
    2. 2nd Shareen #7914 he / him Finished 2,834
    3. 3rd Hitsuyan1337 #4395 he / him Finished 2,956
    4. 4th P-Train #3117 he / him Finished 2,665
    5. 5th ganonsgonewild #4489 Finished 2,451
    6. 6th Julloninja #3102 he / him Finished 2,430
    7. zerorush #7264 DNF 3,533
    8. Frostbite3030 #1956 more imagine being able to complete a seed without skipping something DNF 2,387
    9. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him more I lost the GT bigkey DNF 1,146
  3. splendid-cloud-0172 SMZ3 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 87
    2. 2nd BrakeJake #6895 more such a trolly seed Finished 164
  4. amused-turtlerock-9156 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st fearagent he / him more EZ Farm 132 Finished 23
    2. 2nd Julloninja #3102 he / him more how did i beat gamma with the same situation as hitsu KEKW Finished 14
    3. 3rd Gammachuu #1618 he / him more Fuck you Hammer aga 155/216 Finished 14
    4. 4th Mooglecharm #6970 he / him Finished 2
    5. Hitsuyan1337 #4395 he / him more forgot that u can use bombos without hammer coolgame :) DNF 51
    6. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 20
  5. mysterious-tempered-7375 ALttPR bingo bolas azules Finished not recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st diegoarmando18792 #3459 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd Matkap #5663 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Kaede Rukawa #4676 he / him Finished
    4. Eolina #1009 DNF
    5. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF
  6. brainy-robotnik-9374 SMZ3 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st BrakeJake #6895 more go mode @TR (Ice Rod) Finished 408
    2. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him more bad route and too many deaths DNF 46
  7. lawful-kholdstare-0746 ALttPR Do your best and have fun! Finished not recorded 14 entrants
    1. 1st Kaesden #7825 he / him more 153 Finished
    2. 2nd Coy #4033 more Literal last location flippers. Double dip TR, very very late boots. Finished
    3. 3rd derity #9873 she / her Finished
    4. 4th Shyr #4352 Finished
    5. 5th miendiem #7662 more It wasn't terrible until it was. And then it *really* was. Finished
    6. 6th Matthew Podurgiel #0785 Finished
    7. 7th Joss #7649 he / him more 172 Finished
    8. 8th BlackWax #5032 he / him Finished
    9. 9th Freddyn3k #1873 he / him more 153/216 Finished
    10. 10th Arren Jevleth #8939 he / they Finished
    11. 11th TracieM #6711 she / her more "beginner" seed logic once again sucks Finished
    12. 12th Zethno #7278 he / him more I love pendant TR Finished
    13. azuarc #0876 more last location library >< DNF
    14. codemann8 #1940 DNF
  8. proud-mazerace-7780 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 20 entrants
    1. 1st PlasmaKappa #2065 he / him more help received Finished 25
    2. 2nd Gammachuu #1618 he / him more Racetime decided to eat my Done input FeelsGood 118/216 Finished 10
    3. 3rd Buane #5757 he / him Finished 43
    4. 4th ganonsgonewild #4489 more half second input lag almost the entire time Finished 28
    5. 5th VortexofDoom #1756 he / him more 123/216 wanted boots, lotta mistakes Finished 22
    6. 6th cheamo #8696 he / him more no excuse just bad Finished 8
    7. 7th MrScruffNinjaTuna #6668 he / him more Excuses are the nails that built the house of failure, Gamma. Finished 9
    8. 8th DJ_DarkwingD #0992 he / him more PB and only finished 8/20, super happy with my time 111/126 Finished 14
    9. 9th Eykir #2885 he / him more Who runs out of magic on GT Climb? Seriously. Finished 4
    10. 10th Amarith #2825 she / her more whoops climbed the mountain 1 crystal too soon Finished 8
    11. 11th signumbs #2994 Finished 7
    12. 12th Lachrie #0694 Finished 385
    13. 13th Laggy #0708 he / him more how to lose 20 minutes: your go mode is flute Finished 24
    14. 14th Joss #7649 he / him more Same Laggy. Died twice trying to go there and figured, "Meh, it's nothing. Move on." Finished 6
    15. 15th homemadebeer #3479 he / him more 158, remember to check every check twice just for fun Finished 10
    16. 16th professorpixie #5909 she / her more happy with pod, mad at mire Finished 43
    17. 17th linktothepastken he / him Finished 1
    18. 18th Goatishsmirk #3131 Finished 67
    19. Lumaga #1843 DNF 58
    20. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 15
  9. salty-tingle-1429 SMZ3 Beat the games Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st bressingham #8533 he / him more swimming lessons Finished 1,789
    2. 2nd Maniacal #6703 he / him more 1;38/1:08, 206 throwing for content Finished 1
    3. 3rd SP_Ridley #0370 he / him more 1:55/1:49/194 what even was this seed Finished 256
    4. 4th TracieM #6711 she / her more Didn't look like suitless until it did.... Finished 360
    5. apathyduck #3636 DNF 287
    6. ppchan #6201 DNF 77
    7. Zempt #5282 he / him DNF 164
    8. mm2nescartridge he / him DNF 28
    9. tonytyoung #8727 he / him DNF 83
    10. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 193
    11. Jexvrok #1577 he / him DNF 239
    12. Audra Alexys #1222 she / they DNF 608
  10. neutral-babyshield-2852 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st shadyforce he / him Finished 23
    2. 2nd humbugh #0699 he / him Finished 2
    3. 3rd Roach #8759 he / him more mystery! Finished 327
    4. 4th MrScruffNinjaTuna #6668 he / him more Shhhh it's a secret Finished 13
    5. 5th GFE #5633 he / him more i hate this game sometimes Finished 11
    6. 6th DukeFireBird #0225 any / all more right idea on paper, execution however..... Finished 188
    7. 7th Teknolink #7602 more OMEGALUL Finished 12
    8. 8th Logic #5451 he / him more why Finished 4
    9. raceaccount #6739 DNF 37
    10. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 5