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Race results

  1. brainy-jebediah-1553 SMO Bingo Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st KeiperDontCare #8389 Finished 672
    2. 2nd DillyP96 #2875 Finished 207
  2. graceful-moon-1188 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 37 entrants
    1. 1st Marco #4636 Finished 165
    2. 2nd SPTKira #1408 more omg this is the best i've done in a weekly, i've peaked Finished 332
    3. 3rd Cola #5395 he / him Finished 24
    4. 4th kariossa #1113 he / him Finished 85
    5. 5th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 31
    6. 6th SariasObject #3370 he / him more played like booty Finished 28
    7. 7th Kirox #6033 he / him more This seed was Me vs my bladder Finished 57
    8. 8th MisterKarp #9404 he / him more ggs all Finished 56
    9. 9th Sora #4486 he / him Finished 16
    10. 10th TomPouce #3070 he / him more played weird for a derust but it was ok ! Finished 8
    11. 11th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him more so close yet so far away Finished 26
    12. 12th NinjaBus #4247 he / him more gotta go faster Finished 45
    13. 13th alfalfa #3653 he / him more lucky number 13 monkaS Finished 22
    14. 14th Cornben #5093 he / him more was robbed xD Finished 18
    15. 15th emosoda they / them more jfc Finished 2,597
    16. 16th Vargothlye #4236 he / him more Nothing ever goes right, and nothing ever will. :-( Finished 2
    17. 17th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more Life's always better when you do things twice! Finished 17
    18. 18th Cuphat #2212 he / him more Top half just barely, but whatever. This week wasn't as bad as the last several weeks but I need my redemption arc soon Finished 2
    19. 19th MasterAleks #1550 he / him more Lul, some big brain plays and one very small brain play :D Finished 29
    20. 20th aston1988 #7539 Finished 11
    21. 21st KeiperDontCare #8389 Finished 109
    22. 22nd jojolmn #6493 he / him Finished 2
    23. 23rd DukeDragon28 #9874 he / him more woah, I finished a seed before my tea, and pretty well executed for this kind of seed too Finished 48
    24. 24th wordsforswords he / him more dislike Finished 53
    25. 25th Feenie #6029 Finished 12
    26. 26th Braaks #4674 he / him Finished 4
    27. 27th Stuck_man #6906 more 2 or 3 big execution blunders, lots of back and forth, but I guess it was ok Finished 68
    28. 28th Gorodine #7047 he / him Finished 60
    29. 29th zserf #4425 he / him Finished 28
    30. 30th scottishrob13 #2613 he / him more They say if you're not first, you're last, so we're really all in this together. Except Marco. Finished 90
    31. 31st renata #7226 Finished 1
    32. Kaepora_ha #3725 he / him DNF 494
    33. DgBarca #0570 he / him more spoiled myself like an idiot oops DNF 73
    34. furlim #4509 he / him more not delaying lunch any longer for this KEKW DNF 171
    35. 8BitGoggles #4326 he / they more Tilted by a massive mistake and a brewing headache DNF 14
    36. spodersteve #5401 he / him DNF 30
    37. HappyPembles #6251 he / him more Good seed but just suck at the game DNF 4
  3. funky-incineroar-7561 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 42 entrants
    1. 1st Gavaroni #9139 he / him more backed up my pre race comment Finished 110
    2. 2nd Elagatua #6912 Finished 33
    3. 3rd Melrose #4744 he / him more @riley Finished 48
    4. 4th SariasObject #3370 he / him Finished 41
    5. 5th Riley #6863 he / him more Melrose is a VCheater dont trust him Finished 38
    6. 6th JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 20
    7. 7th DrKirth #6888 more *shrug* Finished 94
    8. 8th RinakoVT #4932 he / him Finished 28
    9. 9th DubuDeccer #0242 he / him more idk what's worse, the past 3 hours or the fact this is my first top 10 since our first MW tourney match Finished 216
    10. 10th Vargothlye #4236 he / him more Trash play from a trash player. :-( Finished 34
    11. 11th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him Finished 31
    12. 12th Konditioner #9278 he / him Finished 1
    13. 13th Aceslayer111 #9361 he / him Finished 20
    14. 14th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 18
    15. 15th mrmartin #9054 Finished 10
    16. 16th Cuphat #2212 he / him more Funny seed, lmao. Not a great finish but not terrible tbh Finished 11
    17. 17th KayzoBro #2388 he / him Finished 75
    18. 18th Gorodine #7047 he / him Finished 5
    19. 19th incoherent #6156 he / him more bad early game, reasonable late game Finished 25
    20. 20th zserf #4425 he / him Finished 34
    21. 21st Rilik #3921 he / him Finished 30
    22. 22nd LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 2
    23. 23rd emosoda they / them more y i k e s Finished 16
    24. 24th MarshMonty #4946 more god damn it Finished 557
    25. 25th seadan #9629 more FeelsBadMan Finished 111
    26. 26th JindaWuff #7297 they / them more so that was a seed, huh? Finished 53
    27. 27th VivaLaGaming360 #7953 more MonkaS Finished 34
    28. 28th HappyPembles #6251 he / him more KEKW OMEGALUL Finished 48
    29. 29th Barkshire #1794 Finished 36
    30. 30th T-RIS #3918 he / him more I need therapy after this seed Finished 33
    31. Sponge #2155 DNF 53
    32. rockchalk #3494 he / him DNF 50
    33. LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him more Life's too short for this Garbo DNF 43
    34. zhor2000 #2132 he / him DNF 25
    35. Hellknight86 #4990 he / him DNF 26
    36. Flouche #5543 he / him more Too late, long and laggy for me lol DNF 97
    37. Keepsake66 #6202 he / him more cant do the things i thought i could do. done with this DNF 41
    38. CrustyKyler #1089 he / him DNF 23
    39. DexterDoes #9771 DNF 2
    40. KeiperDontCare #8389 DNF 1
    41. Pyrrhic #7540 he / him DNF 56
    42. Spell he / him more lost 40 mins worth of progress DNF 139
  4. amazing-ike-6285 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 36 entrants
    1. 1st Ryuja #6053 Finished 77
    2. 2nd DgBarca #0570 he / him more Wow... Finished 172
    3. 3rd Cola #5395 he / him Finished 23
    4. 4th Nek0 #8502 he / him more GG's ^^ Finished 53
    5. 5th ArthurOudini #1948 Finished 70
    6. 6th Holysparkz #8553 he / him Finished 31
    7. 7th RoskaTyrant #7869 he / him Finished 1,539
    8. 8th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 16
    9. 9th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him more Top 10, nice Finished 31
    10. 10th prieR57 #0778 he / him Finished 74
    11. 11th TomPouce #3070 he / him more here comes the hardest part of the race, don't try to copy paste something Finished 34
    12. 12th Drack #1897 he / him Finished 56
    13. 13th Cuphat #2212 he / him more lmao Finished 13
    14. 14th papy_grant #8513 he / him Finished 16
    15. 15th Aranaut #5360 he / him more Bruh Finished 28
    16. 16th Siniroth #1452 he / him more Just need to stop going on random goose hunts~ Finished 128
    17. 17th Phaaze #0640 he / him Finished 99
    18. 18th wordsforswords he / him Finished 36
    19. 19th CesarMartins12 #1994 he / him Finished 42
    20. 20th 8BitGoggles #4326 he / they more what Finished 75
    21. 21st Rilik #3921 he / him more I think I lost 30-45 minutes because I didn't check [redacted] -_-; Finished 17
    22. 22nd tenacious_toad #5453 he / him more played like absoloute crap Finished 6
    23. 23rd KeiperDontCare #8389 more Oops Finished 85
    24. 24th zserf #4425 he / him Finished 9
    25. 25th UofCWildcat #3071 he / him Finished 6
    26. 26th raceaccount #6739 more Mew. Finished 58
    27. 27th MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished 45
    28. 28th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more lost 45 minutes to replacing my HVAC system. Otherwise feeling pretty good Finished 64
    29. 29th Maplesstar #2947 she / her more I count this as last place again since Vargothlye had to stop for a while due to controller issues... Finished 6
    30. 30th Vargothlye #4236 he / him more Finished ... but at what cost? Finished 97
    31. KCNecro #5721 more yeah nice VC crash again ! DNF 81
    32. Readrim #6625 more no time to finish :( DNF 73
    33. Deriteys #5031 DNF 157
    34. DukeDragon28 #9874 he / him more Power Cut for about 20 minutes, lost mayeb half an hour DNF 39
    35. barbu #5807 he / him DNF 80
    36. kariossa #1113 he / him DNF 129
  5. dapper-luma-3249 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 37 entrants
    1. 1st Cfalcon #0137 he / him more 2nd weekly win, felt much better than the first one! Delilah you can roll seeds for me anytime, as long as you don't put Longshot you know where <3 Finished 66
    2. 2nd KayzoBro #2388 he / him Finished 265
    3. 3rd Elagatua #6912 more KEKW Finished 27
    4. 4th JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 35
    5. 5th gsk8 #0424 he / him Finished 53
    6. 6th mrmartin #9054 Finished 9
    7. 7th Cuphat #2212 he / him more lol Finished 51
    8. 8th wordsforswords he / him Finished 46
    9. 9th DgBarca #0570 he / him more I'll take it Finished 143
    10. 10th F1ction- #7034 more WeirdChamp Finished 380
    11. 11th MisterKarp #9404 he / him more I'll take 11th highest place so far I think. Still no top ten though FeelsBadMan Finished 45
    12. 12th Runnerguy2489 #0756 Finished 118
    13. 13th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 5
    14. 14th Rilik #3921 he / him more Oh wow, what a seed to get my first top 15 in. That was a rollercoaster of emotions Finished 94
    15. 15th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him Finished 3
    16. 16th Vargothlye #4236 he / him more Forcing myself to finish seeds like this where I'm playing so badly is really bad for my mental health. Finished 36
    17. 17th emosoda they / them more = / Finished 13
    18. 18th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 22
    19. 19th incoherent #6156 he / him more there was an important piece of the puzzle that took me 3:30 to find Finished 8
    20. 20th UofCWildcat #3071 he / him more Barely got sub 5hr on a wretched seed. Glad i forced myself to finish. Need food and sleep now for EU Weekly tomorrow morning Finished 39
    21. 21st JohnnytheJester #9234 they / them more Fuck u Delilah <3 Finished 7
    22. 22nd MuffinOrama #9577 more hahahahaha hahahahahaha aahhhaaa... haaaa Finished 204
    23. 23rd Maplesstar #2947 she / her more Well that was a lot. Finished 189
    24. 24th Pyrrhic #7540 he / him Finished 128
    25. sgtkillz #1331 DNF 199
    26. Arn0 #3646 more to tired to finish it DNF 84
    27. PurpleRupees #9084 he / him DNF 29
    28. Barkshire #1794 more I feel I missed something DNF 91
    29. DubuDeccer #0242 he / him DNF 92
    30. Digitalhobo #5930 DNF 96
    31. Cloudx7x #0022 DNF 28
    32. Dragon #4967 he / him more Game crashed on me DNF 1
    33. DoitiEtok #7450 he / him DNF 1
    34. KeiperDontCare #8389 more uhhhhhhhhh DNF 24
    35. Siniroth #1452 he / him more Must've missed something somewhere DNF 72
    36. seadan #9629 DNF 66
    37. Teri_J #1132 she / her more FUCK that Ice WOTH >.< DQ 86
  6. grumpy-tatl-3691 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 40 entrants
    1. 1st SeYsEy #2150 he / him Finished 165
    2. 2nd Riley #6863 he / him Finished 73
    3. 3rd Sponge #2155 Finished 21
    4. 4th Cuphat #2212 he / him more From nearly lost to 4th, I'll take it. Finished 92
    5. 5th SariasObject #3370 he / him Finished 38
    6. 6th Zorro #9005 she / her more First time top 10 ! Finished 356
    7. 7th BalthyPluch #2903 more 7TH ! YES ! Finished 170
    8. 8th Vargothlye #4236 he / him Finished 37
    9. 9th Melrose #4744 he / him Finished 22
    10. 10th TomPouce #3070 he / him more oh my god i didn't expect finishing Top 10 ! Never give up ! Finished 25
    11. 11th Cornben #5093 he / him more what a mess that was Finished 110
    12. 12th MisterKarp #9404 he / him more placement pb Finished 59
    13. 13th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more just go to the place and do the thing 4Head Finished 41
    14. 14th DgBarca #0570 he / him more I love rando but rando hates me Finished 131
    15. 15th NinjaBus #4247 he / him more Sub 4! :p Finished 138
    16. 16th KCNecro #5721 Finished 18
    17. 17th KeiperDontCare #8389 more dont fail tricks Finished 481
    18. 18th Phaaze #0640 he / him Finished 384
    19. 19th ArthurOudini #1948 more just a few detours but it was fun KEKW Finished 2,093
    20. 20th emosoda they / them more I am my greatest enemy Finished 16
    21. 21st Kirox #6033 he / him more Yup, washed allright Finished 32
    22. 22nd SuperStephh #5805 she / her Finished 90
    23. 23rd Andols #0088 he / him more That was fun :) Finished 128
    24. 24th Braaks #4674 he / him more sub 5 nice Finished 232
    25. 25th zserf #4425 he / him Finished 11
    26. 26th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished 57
    27. 27th DukeDragon28 #9874 he / him more lost place still good for this seed Finished 1
    28. Cola #5395 he / him DNF 115
    29. sgtkillz #1331 DNF 271
    30. Elagatua #6912 DNF 43
    31. SDGShawn #8194 he / him more searching for one item for 45 mins to an hour really isnt fun.... DNF 48
    32. DubuDeccer #0242 he / him DNF 164
    33. JohnnytheJester #9234 they / them more *shrug emoji* DNF 17
    34. DoitiEtok #7450 he / him DNF 2
    35. Majarkin #2474 he / him DNF 23
    36. Demikz #1423 he / him DNF 101
    37. HappyPembles #6251 he / him more Feeling ill and overtired. Need to sleep DNF 50
    38. Siniroth #1452 he / him more Bizhawk crashed and lost file RIP DNF 108
    39. kariossa #1113 he / him DNF 121
    40. Wazaaaaa #2230 DNF 64
  7. witty-robotnik-7414 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 50 entrants
    1. 1st Elagatua #6912 more no longer overdue Finished 57
    2. 2nd Xef199221 #3025 he / him Finished 159
    3. 3rd juwk #1061 more idk monkaS Finished 620
    4. 4th Fmz #9587 he / him more .comment Finished 55
    5. 5th Aranaut #5360 he / him more Brain in the space monkaS Finished 216
    6. 6th TomPouce #3070 he / him more oh my Finished 51
    7. 7th DylanMeeble #9138 he / him Finished 149
    8. 8th wordsforswords he / him more I'm mostly proud of that performance, but wow ggs! Finished 140
    9. 9th PurpleRupees #9084 he / him more I'll take top 10 sure. Finished 52
    10. 10th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 11
    11. 11th sgtkillz #1331 more both amazing seeds this weekend Finished 110
    12. 12th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 44
    13. 13th NinjaBus #4247 he / him Finished 26
    14. 14th Ch0c0 #3389 he / him Finished 84
    15. 15th JLoYoshi #2752 he / him more All weekly seeds are bad Kappa Finished 84
    16. 16th MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished 102
    17. 17th Gorodine #7047 he / him Finished 103
    18. 18th emosoda they / them more what an absolute shitfest Finished 4
    19. 19th papy_grant #8513 he / him Finished 28
    20. 20th Vargothlye #4236 he / him Finished 18
    21. 21st JohnnytheJester #9234 they / them more I will take a top half on this shithole Finished 37
    22. 22nd SuperStephh #5805 she / her Finished 108
    23. 23rd DocHeaps #0671 he / him more When you accidentally skip a check in Water and it has your boss key Kappa Finished 37
    24. 24th Zorro #9005 she / her Finished 129
    25. 25th stivitybobo #5793 Finished 14
    26. 26th aston1988 #7539 Finished 55
    27. 27th DoitiEtok #7450 he / him more I'M FREE! Finished 88
    28. 28th SDGShawn #8194 he / him more Really debating about carrying on with weeklies. It's upsetting when I'm not improving.... Finished 15
    29. 29th Torca #4733 more Well, for a first time, it was rude x) Finished 390
    30. 30th zserf #4425 he / him more Got woken up by my backup alarm and had a rather groggy race Finished 2
    31. 31st Cuphat #2212 he / him more lol Finished 72
    32. 32nd CrustyKyler #1089 he / him more Wish I would've slept in instead of playing this awesome seed Finished 7
    33. 33rd UofCWildcat #3071 he / him more Big Oofs. Two big time loss routing choices hurt bad Finished 14
    34. 34th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished 44
    35. 35th Maplesstar #2947 she / her more Whew. Not what I wanted, but certainly could have been worse, lol. Finished 32
    36. 36th Lex #1532 more You know what? On this seed I'll take a sub-5. Finished 69
    37. 37th DukeDragon28 #9874 he / him more *crying* I want my nice seeds baa aaack Finished 77
    38. 38th DaLenz91 #3563 he / him more The Person who rolled this seed, should never do this again Kappa Finished 31
    39. 39th JudgeLeedo #3522 Finished 221
    40. 40th renata #7226 Finished 68
    41. 41st Siniroth #1452 he / him more Made another hint mistake, oh well Finished 137
    42. 42nd HappyPembles #6251 he / him more Haha! That was v funny!! Kappa Finished 52
    43. Gavaroni #9139 he / him DNF 238
    44. Cornben #5093 he / him more IRL things need to be done and screw this seed xD DNF 420
    45. 8BitGoggles #4326 he / they more I don't think I slept enough for this lmao DNF 62
    46. CBuFF33 #0527 he / him more Not good enough for this seed DNF 312
    47. KeiperDontCare #8389 DNF 240
    48. kariossa #1113 he / him DNF 258
    49. Nephistoss #3207 more Enjoy your meal DNF 244
    50. xHaii #2532 he / him DQ 527
  8. brainy-toad-6739 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 49 entrants
    1. 1st Goomba #5087 he / him more big KEKW energy tbh Finished 181
    2. 2nd Riley #6863 he / him more AYAYAlpha gamers too good 4Head Finished 100
    3. 3rd Elagatua #6912 more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Finished 45
    4. 4th mrmartin #9054 Finished 29
    5. 5th Holysparkz #8553 he / him Finished 51
    6. 6th sgtkillz #1331 more most amazing seed ever Finished 272
    7. 7th LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him more First ever top 10 hype Finished 82
    8. 8th stivitybobo #5793 Finished 26
    9. 9th EarlWeird #4345 he / him Finished 1,668
    10. 10th Cfalcon #0137 he / him more so glad I slept in past the MMR weekly to be well rested to play... whatever the fuck that was Finished 9
    11. 11th LiamSixx #5477 he / him more That certainly was something... Finished 195
    12. 12th emosoda they / them more I feel like I got last place Finished 15
    13. 13th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 20
    14. 14th incoherent #6156 he / him more that feeling when you get your best weekly placement yet because of... that Finished 132
    15. 15th felixoide4 #9489 he / him more Remaining Checks: 0 Finished 20
    16. 16th DylanMeeble #9138 he / him more Hell to the yes brotherrrrrrrr Finished 8
    17. 17th MisterKarp #9404 he / him more 17th? not bad Finished 89
    18. 18th Runnerguy2489 #0756 Finished 1,011
    19. 19th zhor2000 #2132 he / him more sometimes, after looking at the charts and analyzing all the data you can only come to one conclusion. It really do be like that sometimes. Finished 10
    20. 20th Vargothlye #4236 he / him Finished 41
    21. 21st UofCWildcat #3071 he / him more Barely missed top 20. QQ. Sometimes though... Did I just finish the seed, or did the seed finish me? Finished 150
    22. 22nd Jaybone25 #6542 he / him more every seed seems to be a new worst seed ever Finished 6
    23. 23rd Zemoo #4988 Finished 40
    24. 24th Cuphat #2212 he / him more I don't have the authority but your banned fGeorjie Finished 47
    25. 25th T-RIS #3918 he / him more this seed sucked KEKW Finished 17
    26. 26th Barkshire #1794 Finished 33
    27. 27th Koari #3085 he / him more What a way to end my final Weekly Race Finished 11
    28. 28th Majarkin #2474 he / him Finished 78
    29. 29th CBuFF33 #0527 he / him more What a seed for my first race.... Would have been longer if I didn't forget to mark something on my tracker. . . Finished 213
    30. 30th rollo #5737 he / him more loved the 15 minutes that I had to fix my internet Finished 51
    31. 31st Rilik #3921 he / him Finished 78
    32. 32nd Teri_J #1132 she / her more WOW you know its a bad seed when I. dont get lost place Finished 243
    33. Sponge #2155 more I dont have time to finish unfortunately DNF 63
    34. Sora #4486 he / him more the duality of zootr DNF 109
    35. z3ph1r #5399 he / him more cant for the life of me figure out what i missed DNF 57
    36. Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more a strange game, professor. The only winning move is not to play DNF 100
    37. Alteras #3574 DNF 60
    38. navisayslisten #6621 she / her DNF 46
    39. JLoYoshi #2752 he / him DNF 65
    40. Fig #4783 he / him DNF 52
    41. DexterDoes #9771 DNF 5
    42. Dragon #4967 he / him DNF 1,341
    43. JindaWuff #7297 they / them more SO. Streamlabs crashed my emu, everything died, rip me DNF 15
    44. 8BitGoggles #4326 he / they more falling asleep in front of my PC DNF 26
    45. HappyPembles #6251 he / him more Oh gosh! What a meme! DNF 62
    46. Siniroth #1452 he / him DNF 154
    47. Pyrrhic #7540 he / him more bad performance, bad seed, bad. DNF 195
    48. KeiperDontCare #8389 more welp DNF 56
    49. MuffinOrama #9577 more ?? DNF 55