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Race results

  1. zany-wolf-6442 KH2FM Rando Crit Any% Finished recorded 30 entrants
    1. 1st Ninten #9296 Finished 36
    2. 2nd ZakTheRobot #7970 he / him Finished 46
    3. 3rd Sonicshadowsilver2 #0984 she / her Finished 37
    4. 4th Hypodeck #5210 Finished 183
    5. 5th iiSalad #9912 Finished 8
    6. 6th JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him more 45/50 3 mins of deaths Finished 18
    7. 7th VGmaster #6624 more bad hints = bad seed Finished 6
    8. 8th Dajman27 #1503 more Controller issues cost me a spot. Feels Bad Man Finished 22
    9. 9th Alios #8272 he / him Finished 18
    10. 10th OpalLua #9338 she / her Finished 10
    11. 11th Jaylawn #9888 he / him Finished 20
    12. 12th CapitanBublo #3278 Finished 50
    13. 13th Cheeko Kyun #5192 Finished 67
    14. 14th Atzero #7315 Finished 10
    15. 15th Fallen_Tsu #4922 more FAQ Finished 30
    16. 16th ryeguy45 #4300 he / him Finished 289
    17. 17th Dragonblast1007 #2197 Finished 8
    18. 18th Violin #1490 he / him Finished 26
    19. 19th sandsneks #0538 Finished 34
    20. 20th Dumpy #7408 more 43/50 with 8 min time loss. Mostly didn't qualify from poor decision making and bad routing choices. Finished 19
    21. 21st Ragnoth #4497 Finished 52
    22. 22nd cassiothird #6175 Finished 33
    23. 23rd andiago #9462 he / him Finished 259
    24. 24th SPTKira #1408 more made tons of mistakes and just went the wrong ways. need to learn shan-yu skip and cor skip Finished 72
    25. 25th Kaeldiar #2597 he / him more 47/50 combination of bad routing decisions and bad luck (also being bad) Finished 37
    26. 26th guy6020665 #2536 he / him more had to level to 50 to get the last report T.T Finished 43
    27. 27th Starcrawl #3628 he / him more This seed sucked, I played so badly as well. Tilted hard. Finished 794
    28. 28th machinegungeek #6685 more Worst finish I've had, lol. 47/50, Like 9 minutes of deaths. Only tilted on SP2. Finished 73
    29. 29th thundrio #2283 Finished 341
    30. ColeQuil #6579 he / him DNF 80
  2. cunning-ken-7470 KH2FM Rando Beginner Any% Finished recorded 35 entrants
    1. 1st iiSalad #9912 Finished 327
    2. 2nd JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him more 2 mins of death to xigbar as well did cor and town compared to salad Finished 324
    3. 3rd Ninten #9296 Finished 184
    4. 4th ZakTheRobot #7970 he / him Finished 212
    5. 5th ColeQuil #6579 he / him more 41/50 Finished 235
    6. 6th IanMyDude #7880 more Ha ha timer funny :) Finished 1,898
    7. 7th HPfunman #0501 he / him more 46/50 Finished 117
    8. 8th Hypodeck #5210 Finished 340
    9. 9th VGmaster #6624 Finished 22
    10. 10th Atzero #7315 Finished 1,510
    11. 11th Raisin #6293 they / them more Not terrible considering it was one of the few places I've said I lose seeds to Finished 143
    12. 12th Violin #1490 he / him Finished 768
    13. 13th Ragnoth #4497 more 47/50 My routing sucks and I'm pissed lmao Finished 1,224
    14. 14th Raiden #1327 Finished 179
    15. 15th andiago #9462 he / him Finished 1,046
    16. 16th sandsneks #0538 Finished 959
    17. 17th ryeguy45 #4300 he / him Finished 872
    18. 18th OpalLua #9338 she / her Finished 84
    19. 19th Dumpy #7408 Finished 309
    20. 20th Jenjen5XG #2435 she / her Finished 651
    21. 21st Cheeko Kyun #5192 Finished 201
    22. 22nd RayanLikeCrayon #8357 they / them more didn't get dome skip and riku had to save sora :( also funny proof placements Finished 196
    23. 23rd guy6020665 #2536 he / him more almost an ABN for me Finished 340
    24. 24th Fallen_Tsu #4922 more I just suck lol Finished 53
    25. 25th SPTKira #1408 more yay nearly hundo'd the seed 49/50 Finished 156
    26. 26th shadowjc32 #1798 they / them more I left the fucking Negative Combo keyblade on during final fights -_- Finished 25
    27. 27th Eldric #0473 Finished 230
    28. 28th cassiothird #6175 Finished 139
    29. 29th machinegungeek #6685 more Tilted way early and went WAY off meta to compensate. It did not go well. Deaths to living bones, HT1, and Roxas, lol. Finished 236
    30. 30th BumbleBrown #5797 Finished 175
    31. 31st thundrio #2283 more misread the ruleset oops Finished 491
    32. 32nd WallpeSH #9516 Finished 630
    33. 33rd al_turds #0953 Finished 791
    34. 34th aBrinkk #6052 more should have finished an hour ago... didn't know Marluxia is on (: Finished 318
    35. KnightPeculiar #5481 DQ 833
  3. puzzled-metroid-3503 KH2FM Rando Level 1 Any% Finished recorded 30 entrants
    1. 1st VGmaster #6624 more 6 minutes of deaths, didn't feel like I should have won tbh Finished 119
    2. 2nd JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him more 5 mins of deaths Finished 98
    3. 3rd Ninten #9296 Finished 83
    4. 4th OpalLua #9338 she / her more Holy shit GGs! what a seed! you guys getting sub 1s are insane! I played fairly well, forced final and took 4 Deaths to Xigbar and 1 or 2 to armor xemnas 1 but overall am super proud of how i did. Finished 973
    5. 5th Jaylawn #9888 he / him more tried sub 10 minutes hades escape and died at the end of it lol Finished 451
    6. 6th IanMyDude #7880 more Disappointed but not surprised (some dumb deaths but a pretty solid go mode run). :) Finished 1,430
    7. 7th Cheeko Kyun #5192 Finished 1,126
    8. 8th Violin #1490 he / him Finished 143
    9. 9th ryeguy45 #4300 he / him Finished 934
    10. 10th ZakTheRobot #7970 he / him Finished 78
    11. 11th Ragnoth #4497 more 25+ minutes of deaths to Xigbar. Kept dropping the Berserk/Hori loop, super disappointed Finished 393
    12. 12th sandsneks #0538 Finished 915
    13. 13th Dumpy #7408 more 30 mins of deaths, mostly to Saix. Pretty ashamed of that. Played really badly. Finished 46
    14. 14th HPfunman #0501 he / him Finished 9
    15. 15th andiago #9462 he / him more what a seed, new pb for me though! gg everyone Finished 668
    16. 16th machinegungeek #6685 more 1:27 with no deaths (17th). So still not top 16 and this was my only real chance. Finishing is all that matters I guess.. Finished 209
    17. 17th Hypodeck #5210 Finished 7
    18. 18th Atzero #7315 Finished 418
    19. 19th Joshua Marinelli #9860 Finished 98
    20. 20th cassiothird #6175 Finished 44
    21. 21st guy6020665 #2536 he / him Finished 158
    22. 22nd BumbleBrown #5797 more 2 hours of deaths but glad I finished Finished 102
    23. 23rd SPTKira #1408 more never again, I suck too much for Lv1 Finished 21
    24. 24th thundrio #2283 Finished 112
    25. ColeQuil #6579 he / him DNF 228
    26. Zeddikus #8816 more had to stop because of my wrist, very fun :) love my body :) DNF 343
    27. CapitanBublo #3278 more Way too tired to be able to play, so I'll just get that sweet DNF point :^) DNF 79
    28. JeffSGamer #8000 he / him DNF 182
    29. Jenjen5XG #2435 she / her more if only I'd done Atlantica tutorial a bit faster... DNF 180
    30. Starcrawl #3628 he / him more Should've been able to finish this, possibly even top 16, but spent too long searching for stuff and had a metric ton of stupid deaths and tilted hard. DNF 181
  4. invincible-charizard-4544 KH2FM Rando All Blue Numbers Finished recorded 33 entrants
    1. 1st desa #3880 more 2:14 IGT. Died unnecessarily to Sephiroth and twice to Data Demyx. One hell of a Qualifier Seed. Finished 470
    2. 2nd VGmaster #6624 more deathless, very happy with that Finished 35
    3. 3rd JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him more 2:17 igt with like 4 minutes of bad exicution Finished 56
    4. 4th Ragnoth #4497 more 2 Deaths on Sephi, 2 Deaths on Data Axel, 1 Death on Data Demyx. Also did Pain and Panic/Titan/Zexion before fighting Twin Lords to unlock Cerberus. Happy with everything but my Sephi deaths Finished 285
    5. 5th iiSalad #9912 more I'm so bad at ABN :/ Finished 20
    6. 6th Jaylawn #9888 he / him Finished 47
    7. 7th ZakTheRobot #7970 he / him Finished 42
    8. 8th IanMyDude #7880 more Not happy but not unhappy :) Finished 1,302
    9. 9th Dumpy #7408 more 13 mins of deaths mostly to demix at the end, I lost to his dm not having any mp and 1 clone left. fml Finished 86
    10. 10th sandsneks #0538 Finished 205
    11. 11th Cheeko Kyun #5192 Finished 338
    12. 12th Atzero #7315 Finished 929
    13. 13th ColeQuil #6579 he / him Finished 155
    14. 14th Violin #1490 he / him Finished 9
    15. 15th guy6020665 #2536 he / him more Was not prepared for double data seed, another 10 mins and I would have had to quit Finished 661
    16. 16th Eldric #0473 Finished 62
    17. 17th RoseCurel #1010 she / her Finished 31
    18. 18th machinegungeek #6685 Finished 175
    19. 19th OpalLua #9338 she / her more Spent an hour and a half trying to figure out how to get the last OC check and feel stupid lmao. Overall played really well im just the victim of my own stupidity. Finished 295
    20. 20th eljefe99 #5604 Finished 201
    21. 21st SPTKira #1408 more well that went as well as I could have hoped Finished 105
    22. 22nd KnightPeculiar #5481 Finished 7
    23. Slippy #4671 they / them DNF 29
    24. Hypodeck #5210 DNF 206
    25. andiago #9462 he / him DNF 215
    26. BumbleBrown #5797 DNF 167
    27. Starcrawl #3628 he / him DNF 20
    28. aBrinkk #6052 more I guess I have to learn superbosses... DNF 114
    29. Angel_KAL #3237 DNF 7
    30. Gotmilk751 #1684 he / him DNF n/a
    31. ryeguy45 #4300 he / him DNF 4
    32. CapitanBublo #3278 DQ 93
    33. WallpeSH #9516 DQ 6
  5. tasty-cuphead-7721 KH2FM Rando Crit Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st koaltoul #8799 he / him Finished 16
    2. 2nd SPTKira #1408 Finished 27
  6. sunken-megaman-7288 KH2FM Rando Crit Any% Finished recorded 25 entrants
    1. 1st JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him Finished 52
    2. 2nd CJ2123 #9481 Finished 44
    3. 3rd Alios #8272 he / him Finished 159
    4. 4th Draconayr #2107 he / him Finished 268
    5. 5th Angel_KAL #3237 Finished 511
    6. 6th Gemini_Hero #1591 he / him Finished 450
    7. 7th Gonzos22 #2696 Finished 274
    8. 8th Bizkit047 #5716 Finished 109
    9. 9th Cyberman65 #3029 Finished 2
    10. 10th Wyattw8 #8902 Finished 54
    11. 11th al_turds #0953 Finished 364
    12. 12th SnapKick #1379 Finished 535
    13. 13th ryeguy45 #4300 he / him Finished 561
    14. 14th TrueCobalion #6511 Finished 100
    15. 15th BDBonk #7201 he / him Finished 367
    16. 16th SPTKira #1408 Finished 122
    17. 17th cassiothird #6175 Finished 68
    18. 18th Daiki #3765 Finished 31
    19. 19th brightwolfz #8482 he / him Finished 261
    20. 20th S0k0n #3113 he / him Finished 211
    21. Wildrose #1256 DNF 211
    22. Glint #8851 he / him DNF 63
    23. dat1guy2 #5857 he / him DNF 95
    24. NamiBros #0459 DNF 345
    25. Ramosd5253 #1907 DNF 346
  7. travelling-hitbox-2479 KH2FM Rando Crit Any% Finished recorded 62 entrants
    1. 1st iiSalad #9912 more low hints are bad (sometimes, other times the proof is there and then you're like ????) Finished 224
    2. 2nd CJ2123 #9481 Finished 356
    3. 3rd Saohs #1239 Finished 675
    4. 4th ColeQuil #6579 he / him Finished 146
    5. 5th Bl00dyBizkitz #3115 Finished 777
    6. 6th Violin #1490 he / him Finished 749
    7. 7th Cheeko Kyun #5192 Finished 2,238
    8. 8th Sonicshadowsilver2 #0984 she / her Finished 605
    9. 9th Dragsdale17 #1608 he / him Finished 1,191
    10. 10th Atzero #7315 Finished 2,012
    11. 11th OpalLua #9338 she / her Finished 1,993
    12. 12th RoseCurel #1010 she / her Finished 178
    13. 13th AceUhh #8122 Finished 1,794
    14. 14th Frostifero #8706 more First top 20 Pog Finished 845
    15. 15th Cyberman65 #3029 Finished 292
    16. 16th ZakTheRobot #7970 he / him Finished 228
    17. 17th Dajman27 #1503 Finished 501
    18. 18th Ninten #9296 Finished 5
    19. 19th derpydragon15 #2410 Finished 1,374
    20. 20th JHobz #6079 he / him Finished 1,305
    21. 21st Alios #8272 he / him Finished 317
    22. 22nd SPTKira #1408 more placed better than i thought i would, still routed that horribly though Finished 629
    23. 23rd Fallen_Tsu #4922 more first big race, scary end game for me but very fun. almost thought I coulda qualified haha. Finished 504
    24. 24th silvia #7740 she / her more mommymilkers74 Finished 1,031
    25. 25th SPTspoon #7739 he / him more RNG Seed FeelsBadMan Finished 123
    26. 26th koaltoul #8799 he / him Finished 42
    27. 27th equations19 #4006 he / him Finished 189
    28. 28th Gemini_Hero #1591 he / him Finished 758
    29. 29th brightwolfz #8482 he / him Finished 690
    30. 30th Raikaru #1957 Finished 903
    31. 31st Armann #7930 Finished 214
    32. 32nd Bizkit047 #5716 Finished 485
    33. 33rd Spikevegeta #8733 Finished 228
    34. 34th Frokenok #3742 Finished 348
    35. 35th Titanium.Knight #4682 he / him Finished 516
    36. 36th aBrinkk #6052 Finished 210
    37. 37th anormalkitty #7238 he / him more Im so angry.... Finished 326
    38. 38th FlareStar #9306 more SKIPA DAP BO DA DA Finished 178
    39. 39th Ragnoth #4497 more Decision making was awful, still can't figure out hints. ggs i suck Finished 65
    40. 40th Ghostwheel #3612 Finished 67
    41. 41st Shananas #8414 more にほんご Finished 229
    42. 42nd Zeddikus #8816 Finished 164
    43. 43rd cassiothird #6175 more 48/50 got owned by hints Finished 5
    44. 44th Paggigalo #1694 more Actually a 3:14 Finished 350
    45. 45th Joshua Marinelli #9860 Finished 258
    46. 46th BrotherBluto #2864 he / him Finished 342
    47. 47th Kaeldiar #2597 he / him more Lost over an hour to death cycling. Oof. Finished 278
    48. 48th Jonsno #0005 they / them Finished 336
    49. 49th RetroWave64 #6031 he / him Finished 368
    50. Prismzetta #0509 DNF 480
    51. tuellbox #4873 DNF 573
    52. VashtaNerada195 #1484 he / him DNF 554
    53. MasterFormGaming #6356 DNF 679
    54. Glint #8851 he / him DNF 371
    55. CauseImDanJones #5706 DNF 655
    56. GrimmFairy #2122 he / him DNF 637
    57. hayFIIISSHH #2933 he / him DNF 621
    58. KHFnatic #2301 DNF 608
    59. Liam_Atlas #6252 he / him DNF 598
    60. radclaw1 #8845 DNF 592
    61. Veelix11 #8265 DNF 588
    62. Xigg92 #6929 he / him DNF 588
  8. graceful-pokey-3207 KH2FM Rando Crit Any% Finished recorded 15 entrants
    1. 1st Raisin #6293 they / them Finished 204
    2. 2nd ColeQuil #6579 he / him more 8 minutes of deaths, big sadge Finished 71
    3. 3rd RoseCurel #1010 she / her more NO DEATHS END GAME. LET'S FREAKING GOOOOOO Finished 181
    4. 4th koaltoul #8799 he / him Finished 108
    5. 5th Prismzetta #0509 Finished 687
    6. 6th JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him more Farmed once again Finished 24
    7. 7th Saohs #1239 Finished 545
    8. 8th Ninten #9296 Finished 97
    9. 9th Kino #9315 he / him Finished 109
    10. 10th Cyberman65 #3029 more Burned out from stupid deaths Finished 37
    11. 11th OnlyHabits #9858 he / him Finished 480
    12. 12th SPTKira #1408 more that was fun, even if I routed that super badly Finished 339
    13. 13th Joshua Marinelli #9860 Finished 83
    14. Sonicshadowsilver2 #0984 she / her DNF 617
    15. RetroWave64 #6031 he / him DNF 10
  9. clever-hitman-1404 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 42 entrants
    1. 1st Cola #5395 he / him Finished 24
    2. 2nd Gavaroni #9139 he / him Finished 51
    3. 3rd Goomba #5087 he / him more get fucked riley Finished 37
    4. 4th Cfalcon #0137 he / him Finished 19
    5. 5th Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 42
    6. 6th BeeLuigi #8736 they / them more clown% Finished 108
    7. 7th icupspeedruns #0721 Finished 48
    8. 8th PurpleRupees #9084 he / him more ??? indeed Finished 30
    9. 9th Riley #6863 he / him more well done Kid you played yourself Finished 4
    10. 10th rockchalk #3494 he / him more KEKW Finished 26
    11. 11th MrMario7788 #4876 he / him more standard sucks Finished 2
    12. 12th Cuphat #2212 he / him more Not bad, fun seed. Finished 16
    13. 13th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him more ??? Finished 15
    14. 14th Lex #1532 more Fun seed. Next time I maybe won't die so much. Finished 39
    15. 15th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 2
    16. 16th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 23
    17. 17th tenacious_toad #5453 he / him Finished 16
    18. 18th Ryuja #6053 Finished 4
    19. 19th aston1988 #7539 Finished 12
    20. 20th zserf #4425 he / him Finished 13
    21. 21st LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 2
    22. 22nd Sawce_Bawss #0263 he / him Finished 24
    23. 23rd SPTKira #1408 more just use Glide 4Head they said Finished 27
    24. 24th DexterDoes #9771 Finished 15
    25. 25th JudgeLeedo #3522 Finished 32
    26. 26th simbaddsa #2354 he / him Finished 133
    27. 27th Worink #3355 he / him Finished 1
    28. 28th ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him more My kingdom for an item Finished 10
    29. 29th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more just go everywhere and do everything - you'll never miss anything! Finished 32
    30. 30th JindaWuff #7297 they / them more No. Still no. Finished 1
    31. 31st N2styles #9026 he / him Finished 19
    32. 32nd Nilsyn #3529 Finished 31
    33. 33rd link88899 #9714 Finished 38
    34. Sponge #2155 more dnd DNF 49
    35. P.Titou #6462 he / him more I wasn't careful about the foam DNF 95
    36. RinakoVT #4932 he / him DNF 38
    37. Zemoo #4988 DNF 77
    38. DubuDeccer #0242 he / him DNF 69
    39. kryal #0888 he / him DNF 62
    40. The255 #3449 DNF 66
    41. Digitalhobo #5930 DNF 52
    42. Chaosicx #9469 he / him more emergency :( basically go mode tho DNF 10
  10. jolly-rayman-5110 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 40 entrants
    1. 1st mrmartin #9054 Finished 25
    2. 2nd Sponge #2155 Finished 23
    3. 3rd PineappleLinkMan #7631 he / him Finished 1,012
    4. 4th rockchalk #3494 he / him more Top 5 Pog Finished 45
    5. 5th Melrose #4744 he / him more eekum bokum Finished 19
    6. 6th SPTKira #1408 more a Finished 91
    7. 7th devteam #7788 he / him Finished 33
    8. 8th Cfalcon #0137 he / him Finished 7
    9. 9th MisterKarp #9404 he / him more I'll take top 10 Finished 30
    10. 10th icupspeedruns #0721 Finished 26
    11. 11th DubuDeccer #0242 he / him more AH↗HA↘HA↗HA↘ Finished 44
    12. 12th DareDevinX #1691 he / him Finished 22
    13. 13th Kevin_818 #9130 he / him Finished 22
    14. 14th RinakoVT #4932 he / him Finished 2,457
    15. 15th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 35
    16. 16th Cuphat #2212 he / him more Could have gotten 14th if I didn't lose 7 minutes to VC crashing two steps after reaching go mode lmao Finished 2
    17. 17th Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they more seed was so good. and then it wasn't Finished 1
    18. 18th Lefty #7499 he / him Finished 108
    19. 19th kryal #0888 he / him more ell emm ayy ohh Finished 58
    20. 20th zserf #4425 he / him Finished 7
    21. 21st The255 #3449 more really fun seed Finished 223
    22. 22nd incoherent #6156 he / him more well the good news is that I was actually in go mode when 1st place finished. the bad news is *gestures at time* Finished 5
    23. 23rd LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 32
    24. 24th Aughoti #9108 he / him Finished 1,501
    25. 25th Worink #3355 he / him more Choices: The Seed XD Finished 11
    26. 26th simbaddsa #2354 he / him more First race! Finished 41
    27. 27th JindaWuff #7297 they / them Finished 3
    28. 28th Sawce_Bawss #0263 he / him Finished 30
    29. 29th renata #7226 Finished 4
    30. z3ph1r #5399 he / him more just dont feel like finishing this one lol DNF 49
    31. Flee #0246 he / him more have to leave :( DNF 90
    32. Holysparkz #8553 he / him more emu crash and lost a chunk DNF 31
    33. T-RIS #3918 he / him more in go mode but emu keeps crashing :( DNF 34
    34. DexterDoes #9771 DNF 20
    35. ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him more Got bamboozled DNF 1
    36. knxtdoor #5889 he / him more oof DNF 6
    37. lemonlake #5483 DNF 32
    38. Chaosicx #9469 he / him more two hours spent looking for my bottleneck :( DNF 90
    39. N2styles #9026 he / him DNF 154
    40. Vcool122 #7608 more I was just missing the lens to finish shadow DNF 155