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Race results
PieDW Portal - Glitchless Finished not recorded 86 entrants
- 1st CreekSmall #6622 more The power of no job Finished
- 2nd Talon2461 #2748 he / him more Pretty nice for a second run, lost a minute on Chamber 8. Let's go Pancakes :D Finished
- 3rd dasr12 #8253 he / him more Race PB? Finished
- 4th genisys_arc #1930 more Stack it up for the Pancakes Finished
- 5th JTB #2959 Finished
- 6th Pikapals #8472 he / him more Sometimes you just choose to do chamber 12 twice Finished
- 7th Eliterubberduck #6176 more Happy with the end and it was a PB! Finished
- 8th Zirunlol #5269 more GLaDOS might as well be still alive with how badly that fight went Finished
- 9th TheOrangeSauce #8529 more A lot of flubs, but we got there. Go Pancakes! Finished
- 10th aWildVenustoise #8335 he / him more lets go waffles! Finished
- 11th Isl #2039 more Common waffle W, almost 9th until undid finish, nice PB tho Finished
- 12th shadowkid017 #9106 he / him more Android hell IS real Finished
- 13th PerpetualSheep #4189 he / him more my last practice run was 45 minutes so I'm really happy with my placement Finished
- 14th theshadedmaster #8485 Finished
- 15th emilybrooks #2682 more pancakes Finished
- 16th tapioca #6986 Finished
- 17th pieper #8160 Finished
- 18th KrzyforBacon #7113 more First time playing portal and got to practice for 4 hours. Ill take top 20 :D Finished
- 19th arcbliss #9318 he / him Finished
- 20th Squirrel107(DW7/Pancakes) #7226 more Ill take a top 20 all things considered shaved 5 minutes off my run #TeamPancakes Finished
- 21st Djibouti #9834 Finished
- 22nd KolbeeJackCheese #8078 he / him more now i'm thinking with portals Finished
- 23rd moonlitcafe #6509 she / her more scuffed but top 25 im happy Finished
- 24th Slyther0829 #4111 he / him more Free Pancakes :) Finished
- 25th Flant #0182 more now these points of pancakes make a beautiful line Finished
- 26th DW7Lemonscooter #2225 Finished
- 27th Grothe406 #2210 Finished
- 28th EwolaKoala #0887 he / him more this was a triumph Finished
- 29th Dub_ #1753 more forgetting where to go during escape not recommended Finished
- 30th Vibrantlmp #1490 Finished
- 31st rkdn42 #0287 he / him Finished
- 32nd Frostywasn'there #5472 Finished
- 33rd TarAmandil #8699 more gg Finished
- 34th BTaggerung #1426 he / him more fun game is still fun Finished
- 35th doctortimewarp #1470 more internet died 10 minutes in Classic Finished
- 36th Giga #0889 he / him more Android hell is real Finished
- 37th SpifferstheGrand #7491 he / him Finished
- 38th Gotmilk751 #1684 he / him more didn't expect sub 1 hour, huge W for me Finished
- 39th King of Brawl #2891 more thanks creek Finished
- 40th opkid1 #2497 Finished
- 41st Daro #2215 he / him more Can't believe I did something for discord wars Finished
- 42nd khm_rican #0968 Finished
- 43rd reldnahc314 #9157 more Participation for waffles. Didnt remember any fast strats for the second half Finished
- 44th wyrm Finished
- 45th lcheeseboy #7228 he / they Finished
- 46th Yimmo #7491 Finished
- 47th OrbDog #8137 he / him more shoulda practiced Finished
- 48th KillerApp23 #1596 he / him more trial 18 is the bane of my existence Finished
- 49th Anosep #7775 he / him more game is good Finished
- 50th LupisDragon #2366 he / him Finished
- 51st Mr. Mosty-Toasty #3255 he / him more This is better than I thought I could do! GG, everyone. And go, Waffles! Finished
- 52nd Warhorse #5512 Finished
- 53rd crippl3 #3173 he / him more Go team pancakes! I forgot too much of this game lol Finished
- 54th KiAliens #8114 he / him more 6 years Derust les go Finished
- 55th mokoyoko #5557 she / her Finished
- 56th poptart_cat #2549 more the pride of [hometown] Finished
- 57th Asmodemus #0754 he / him Finished
- 58th TriforceDrummer #6579 more Not a bad time for my second time playing the game ever, with no speed strats Finished
- 59th someone325 #3097 he / him more 2nd play through lol Finished
- 60th toburr #2847 he / him Finished
- 61st yarts #4028 Finished
- 62nd AbscondWithAPie #3766 more 17 years later Finished
- 63rd Nasty #7995 more The (pan)cake was a lie. Finished
- 64th Alanim #6677 Finished
- 65th CaptainSWC #0631 more mostly just vanilla as i didn't have much time to practice any stuff Finished
- 66th Ero #1063 Finished
- 67th Shanic #2010 more I prefer Portal to Portal 2 Finished
- 68th Aerion #9372 he / him Finished
- 69th Keshek #0050 he / him Finished
- 70th TossedFish #4610 more Cake and Waffles? Yes Please. Finished
- 71st Geroant #9879 Finished
- 72nd TheWhitley #4953 he / him more power died, computer crashed, but I'm still alive! Waffle Time! Finished
- 73rd Garm #0062 more participation points :) Finished
- 74th GeorgeMatt #1964 more Cool game Finished
- 75th Matteri #7991 Finished
- 76th Madcatmk02 #5576 Finished
- 77th hydromedia #3426 Finished
- 78th Lyrical Pumpkin #2668 Finished
- 79th sp0ck1 #7823 Finished
- 80th Varolie #0874 more Go Waffles Finished
- 81st riocoys #8957 Finished
- 82nd Vandal #0371 he / him Finished
- 83rd BowlinJim #8458 he / him Finished
- 84th Altermentality #7078 she / her more First time ever!! What a game! My brain hurts! Finished
- 85th a_smith #2651 he / they more viddy game good, i can see why people went insane over it when it was more relevant Finished
- — RobotRed #7758 other / ask! DNF
Misc Pokemon Games Mystery Race (E4 non qualified only) Finished not recorded 14 entrants
- 1st Mills09 #4558 Finished
- 2nd Karsh #8543 he / him Finished
- 3rd firedude3663 #8257 Finished
- 4th TurtleFrenzy #3195 more 37:00 streemerz, 33:46 Lawnmower (lots of lvl 8/9 deaths), 1:16:16 Orb-3D. What a game. Controls are jank but you can figure it out enough to play eventually. Finished
- 5th stareh42 #0468 Finished
- 6th Thundow #1557 he / him Finished
- 7th UniversalGiant #2347 he / him more Finished
- — adamX0315 #4165 he / him DNF
- — farrelli #0765 he / him DNF
- — Ionic Karma #3034 DNF
- — ROT8 #8936 DNF
- — Slyther0829 #4111 he / him DNF
- — stonerox15 #9484 DNF
- — Warhorse #5512 DNF
Pape Pokemon Games 5 Golden Lil' Oinks Finished not recorded 37 entrants
- 1st TheOrangeSauce #8529 more ggs everybody Finished
- 2nd Asmodemus #0754 he / him Finished
- 3rd Kirox #6033 he / him Finished
- 4th Mills09 #4558 Finished
- 5th a1alejandro #6320 he / him more heres hoping no one else gets sub 24 otherwise to the showdown mines i go lol Finished
- 6th potautoman #3279 Finished
- 7th Finch #4489 Finished
- 8th BigBodiesTopTier #6857 Finished
- 9th dasr12 #8253 he / him more 5, 8, 9, 12, 30 Finished
- 10th Slyther0829 #4111 he / him Finished
- 11th Yimmo #7491 Finished
- 12th gurdragh #7758 Finished
- 13th TwinDragonsOfChaos #1347 more welp Finished
- 14th Aelern #5664 more It really made me wait 33 minutes for the last pig Finished
- 15th farrelli #0765 he / him more Again this is clearly a skill issue, must execute better to get better luck Finished
- 16th JonRG #2308 he / him more "I don't need livesplit or a counter," he said. "I can just remember how many pigs I've gotten." Yeah, that was a fricking lie. Finished
- 17th ccc423 #0338 Finished
- 18th NightOfficerDan #6887 more society Finished
- 19th Vandal #0371 he / him more see you in the plate up mines Finished
- 20th Epoch Phaile #1000 he / him Finished
- 21st Hundertkuchen #3887 he / him more Time to show up on showdown Finished
- 22nd killianaire #9700 he / him Finished
- 23rd Timmy2405 #6103 he / him Finished
- 24th CalmayW #3670 she / her more Plate up here i come Finished
- 25th BullseyeDuck #8319 she / her more first pigs race :D Finished
- 26th chippy #0166 more 258 rolls / 169 expected Finished
- 27th Skarm #5914 he / him more Huge improvement over the 1:08:01 last time... wait... no... Finished
- 28th RSW #5855 he / him more Happy to experience the legendary pigs race Finished
- — genisys_arc #1930 more Got banished to the Tiger realm DNF
- — Greedysabii #0596 he / him DNF
- — Grovic #6092 more Only 1 pig at 36 minutes DNF
- — Halfbeasty #9608 he / him DNF
- — RageLightning #0672 more This is ten percent luck Twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of will Five percent pleasure Fifty percent pain And a hundred percent reason to remember the name DNF
- — spikel222 #6846 DNF
- — theshadedmaster #8485 DNF
- — Varolie #0874 more JK, never lucky, See you in the kitchen DNF
- — Warhorse #5512 DNF