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Race results

  1. obedient-lightning-9353 SMZ3 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st hatch78 #7008 Finished 8
    2. 2nd Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 1
  2. cute-geralt-5817 SMR Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 36
    2. 2nd Jeruzelki #1329 he / him Finished 259
    3. 3rd Vennetto #9968 Finished 27
    4. Dudwland #5658 DNF 725
  3. vanilla-pokey-9142 SMR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 20
    2. Jeruzelki #1329 he / him DNF 167
  4. lazy-greninja-1213 SMR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 30
    2. Jeruzelki #1329 he / him DNF 576
  5. prudent-togepi-2871 SMZ3 Beat the games Finished recorded 20 entrants
    1. 1st Alucard2004 #0271 he / him Finished 148
    2. 2nd Solski #8295 more The bait n switch - Never lucky Finished 71
    3. 3rd farfelu #1098 he / him more 1:30 / 1:11 / 198 Finished 35
    4. 4th Blandation #9472 he / him more 5 items within 10 minutes for go mode lmao Finished 74
    5. 5th Eykir #2885 he / him more 1:36 / 1:07 / 184 - New PB by 5 minutes, imagine what they would have been had I not taken a mistaken trip to TR without hammer Finished 49
    6. 6th hydrapower #4942 he / him more almost derped and thought i needed boots, but realized it a minute later Finished 52
    7. 7th omniflas #0422 he / him more Took the Maridia bait... again :p Finished 102
    8. 8th Error #2989 he / him more Maybe I should start checking pyramid ledge sooner... Finished 12
    9. 9th neatorific #0174 he / him more trolled myself again Finished 67
    10. 10th Freddyn3k #1873 he / him more 1:32 / 1:14 / 183 Finished 52
    11. 11th mm2nescartridge he / him more i am in spain without the s Finished 12
    12. 12th Dorkmaster Flek #0077 he / they more Lost the sub 3 and a place to fucking atrocious MS Ganon, I need to practice that fight... Finished 55
    13. 13th LesleyPro_04 #2687 more A Race PB by 3:40! Felt great about my routing despite a few unfortunate breaks Finished 86
    14. 14th DeviousRNG #7993 he / him Finished 26
    15. 15th sk00pula #7804 he / him Finished 38
    16. 16th Ralen Tankir #4377 he / him Finished 156
    17. 17th tonytyoung #8727 he / him more skipped cathedral lmao Finished 51
    18. 18th TreySpyre #7679 he / him more 45 min fire rod hunt KEKW Finished 173
    19. Truckerbuzz #5680 he / him DNF 278
    20. Avesneakz #8218 more Cats bumped my PC, crashed my emu and I lost 3 dungeons worth of progress. DNF 37
  6. elegant-map-0300 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Vilxs #0609 he / him Finished 116
    2. 2nd Vaalum #1634 Finished 559
    3. 3rd Kaede Rukawa #4676 he / him Finished 79
    4. 4th diegoarmando18792 #3459 he / him Finished 65
    5. 5th Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 2
    6. 6th Eolina #1009 Finished 98
    7. 7th Cougars #6529 he / him Finished 59
    8. 8th DiRamz #4721 he / him Finished 833
  7. vanilla-pyramid-6553 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 15 entrants
    1. 1st Hitsuyan1337 #4395 he / him more any daily farmers Finished 36
    2. 2nd wulfy #1470 he / him Finished 20
    3. 3rd tstew14 #8410 Finished 7
    4. 4th incoherent #6156 he / him more sorry wallkicks Finished 26
    5. 5th matt7898 #1275 Finished 2,904
    6. 6th Frostbite3030 #1956 more Imagine having racetime open at the end and not losing a minute Finished 9
    7. 7th jkoper #0895 he / him more zero deaths or fairy revivals. I guess starting with mirror and pearl helps Finished 11
    8. 8th Flipheal #4110 he / him Finished 2,440
    9. 9th cheamo #8696 he / him Finished 1
    10. 10th Orange #7624 he / him more That was a great hookshot though Finished 17
    11. 11th etium #9246 he / him more fucking garbage Finished 15
    12. 12th Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 14
    13. 13th codemann8 #1940 Finished 56
    14. WallKicks #2003 he / him DNF 49
    15. professorpixie #5909 she / her more this was sub 2? or even just over 2? IN WHAT UNIVERSE? i suspect other things going on. DNF 7
  8. silly-flippers-3131 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st ganonsgonewild #4489 more here lies hitsu, master of last locating Finished 33
    2. 2nd Slumber Jack #3831 he / they more Just gotta be more confident Finished 221
    3. 3rd FuriousMagic #0451 he / him more 143 If only my execution wasn't garbage Finished 71
    4. 4th Goomba #5087 he / him more just fake flipper loooool 4Head ecks dee Finished 16
    5. 5th SeanRhapsody #5116 Finished 52
    6. 6th Flipheal #4110 he / him Finished 2
    7. 7th homemadebeer #3479 he / him more 150/216, 23 BONKS Finished 27
    8. 8th PlasmaKappa #2065 he / him more send help Finished 25
    9. 9th Jesse_RS99 #2905 he / him more I should learn to splash delete Finished 3
    10. 10th Jawsomesauce #4426 he / him Finished 6
    11. 11th Immortal Koi #7174 he / him more "silly-flippers-3131" pretty much sums it up Finished 32
    12. 12th Logic #5451 he / him Finished 6
    13. 13th Freddyn3k #1873 he / him more Flipper Leess 146/216 Finished 6
    14. 14th jpnuar1 #8532 he / him more Still better than Hitsuyan. Who's the clown now! Finished 14
    15. Hitsuyan1337 #4395 he / him more sub 1hour if u have 20 rupees more DNF 57
    16. DJ_DarkwingD #0992 he / him more Gambled a thing, was the wrong thing, oh so very very wrong thing DNF 20
    17. Rhades138 #3907 he / him DNF 40
    18. sk00pula #7804 he / him more Ice rod on zora ledge, silly flippers indeed. DNF 23
  9. scruffy-magikarp-7177 SMR Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st mugick #2244 he / him Finished 1,256
    2. 2nd strotlog #7404 he / they Finished 37
    3. 3rd oldmansunshine #3039 they / them Finished 20
    4. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 16
  10. superb-bahamut-1556 SMR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st oldmansunshine #3039 they / them Finished 47
    2. 2nd Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 12