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Race results

  1. smart-medigoron-2536 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 56 entrants
    1. 1st RyuuKane #3246 he / him more RyuuChatte but I finally won one ! GGs all ! (Nice effing baits tho) Finished 29
    2. 2nd incoherent #6156 he / him more I'd like to thank the 5 pack of bombchus for this PB Finished 41
    3. 3rd favio94 #9972 he / him more worst volvagia fight but happy with the rest overall Finished 24
    4. 4th Aranaut #5360 he / him more What a weird end KEKW Finished 24
    5. 5th Engel #2700 he / him Finished 94
    6. 6th actinide #9544 he / him more stupid 30 skulls hint Finished 49
    7. 7th Paraducks64 #0459 he / him Finished 139
    8. 8th KINGsamps0n #6056 he / him Finished 148
    9. 9th UofCWildcat #3071 he / him Finished 77
    10. 10th SizeSixteens #6108 he / him Finished 708
    11. 11th Tjongejonge_ #3520 he / him more so close to sub 2:30 PepeHands Finished 117
    12. 12th jojolmn #6493 he / him Finished 61
    13. 13th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more That sling in GC got me to go to Jabu :D Finished 223
    14. 14th Bossage #7760 he / him more Finished 5 dungeons in 1,5 hour. Went for 30 skulls to get str3, finding out no boomerang in GC. Took me more than an hour to find boomerang at fountain fairy. Finished 23
    15. 15th Allyoucaneat #5549 he / him more This was incredibly good for me, no business being this close to the top time or placement wise. Definitely my best routed seed ever (mediocre gameplay tho :)) Finished 480
    16. 16th SDGShawn #8194 he / him more Pepega Brain Take Over Finished 20
    17. 17th Cokotier #5325 he / him more Why always HB woth for Fire... Finished 33
    18. 18th ksinjah #5722 she / her Finished 111
    19. 19th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 43
    20. 20th Chuckles501 #5294 he / him Finished 19
    21. 21st nukkular_reaction #5655 she / her Finished 43
    22. 22nd MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished 10
    23. 23rd Chopthetank #0580 Finished 9
    24. 24th barbu #5807 he / him Finished 4
    25. 25th Alexis #1759 he / him Finished 21
    26. 26th tanjo3 he / him Finished 93
    27. 27th VenCorbin #0196 they / them Finished 43
    28. 28th Owningmatt93 #4195 he / him more new pb! yay the casino worked out this time! Finished 30
    29. 29th pwalks22 #9015 he / him more Sling WOTH Best WOTH Finished 203
    30. 30th Cyberion #5453 he / him more was searching too long for my go mode Finished 5
    31. 31st ketchuptheduck #4785 she / they more finished timer maybe 1 second too early Finished n/a
    32. 32nd jaxstronomy #7766 they / them more -gently hands back skull logic- thanks, I hate it Finished 26
    33. 33rd Cybrou #8097 he / him more That Ganon's Castle woth just killed me -_- Finished 45
    34. 34th Scrash__14 #6548 he / him more Forgot Free Grotto in Kak lol otherwise could have been better, but happy being 34th ! :D Finished 198
    35. 35th CANMaple #1272 more my dissapointment is immeasureable Finished 18
    36. 36th Jagger #2449 he / him Finished 160
    37. 37th Aranha #4263 he / him Finished 59
    38. 38th kr3z #4245 he / him more Shoulda rushed ice Finished 36
    39. 39th AgentKorralin #6742 she / her more How was this mess one of my better seeds lmao Finished 3
    40. 40th DarkDyllon #4459 more 2 item go mode 1 hour in ... hate these seeds Finished 29
    41. 41st Icola #8220 he / him more Nice espoir francais Finished 61
    42. 42nd renata #7226 Finished 18
    43. 43rd Damdayou #9554 he / him more My mistake was to find Str3 before Boomerang x) Nice bait. Finished 64
    44. 44th Twins Stars #7978 more GC WOTH KEKW Finished 191
    45. 45th CesarMartins12 #1994 he / him more after finish Forest Temple my power went uot and I lost a huge progress. I made it again and finished Finished 47
    46. 46th Eni Neily #8221 Finished 64
    47. Cola #5395 he / him DNF 77
    48. DareDevinX #1691 he / him DNF 58
    49. furlim #4509 he / him DNF 98
    50. Narcottic #4889 he / him DNF 555
    51. roguecopter #2546 he / him DNF 37
    52. IvaneroWorld #9917 more 1h 25min only boomerang left, 1h 48min only jabu left. Then all becomes pure RNG. Could've top10 but then it goes past top30... not worth it. DNF 25
    53. rollo #5737 he / him more logic got away from me DNF 50
    54. BleedingBlue11 #8607 he / him DNF 54
    55. jeffisfine #3712 he / him DNF n/a
    56. MelissaMGaming #3099 she / her DNF n/a
  2. virtual-saburo-7692 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 69 entrants
    1. 1st ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him more Best performance of my life! Almost a perfect route! Finished 72
    2. 2nd Icola #8220 he / him Finished 40
    3. 3rd Alexis #1759 he / him Finished 50
    4. 4th zhor2000 #2132 he / him Finished 61
    5. 5th SariasObject #3370 he / him Finished 54
    6. 6th Gorodine #7047 he / him Finished 45
    7. 7th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 18
    8. 8th incoherent #6156 he / him more bunny hood gang. almost dying to ganondorf gang. Finished 43
    9. 9th NewSoupVi #7303 they / them Finished 79
    10. 10th Bossage #7760 he / him more Execution could have been better, but happy with top 10! Finished 63
    11. 11th Jimbo more not finding that rang early killed me Finished 39
    12. 12th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more Nut. That. PIG! Also, F$%& that casino for rang. Finished 32
    13. 13th Physnix #3256 he / him more Didn't do many wrong decisions Finished 187
    14. 14th Markars #9224 Finished 149
    15. 15th VidyaJames he / him Finished 38
    16. 16th Jagger #2449 he / him more I was this close to going into spirit... no key on adult saved me lol Finished 103
    17. 17th rockchalk #3494 he / him more dumbass% complete Finished 16
    18. 18th kr3z #4245 he / him Finished 60
    19. 19th Chuckles501 #5294 he / him more BUNNY HOOD CLUB POGGERS Finished 101
    20. 20th Oneshot013 #7931 he / him Finished 6
    21. 21st Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 1
    22. 22nd jojolmn #6493 he / him Finished 61
    23. 23rd MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished 6
    24. 24th kariossa #1113 he / him Finished 14
    25. 25th furlim #4509 he / him more always full clear your woths wins Finished 20
    26. 26th Tjongejonge_ #3520 he / him more new PB lets gooooo Finished 94
    27. 27th Swift Pichu #2692 he / him Finished 342
    28. 28th Engel #2700 he / him more Actual 0 luck this week holy moly Finished 9
    29. 29th DeadlyThunder #9617 she / her more Got interrupted 3 times and lost about 10 minutes :( Finished 20
    30. 30th Rafa #9983 he / him more I am so dumb I skipped atz grotto >< This was free af and I waste it like this Finished 135
    31. 31st xenoh #9245 Finished 9
    32. 32nd Samwizest #8610 he / him Finished 14
    33. 33rd Worink #3355 he / him more BoomerCurse and reverse jebaited by the Well, but still sub 3ed, GG Finished 12
    34. 34th shaun1e #9391 he / they more Valley Foolish ending hopes of a good finish :kappa: Finished 21
    35. 35th CANMaple #1272 more Howd i get 35th???, also almost never had a child 2 and adult 2 till LA Finished 89
    36. 36th Menou #8446 more I did Bunnyhood, which is nice Finished 12
    37. 37th cheamo #8696 he / him Finished 35
    38. 38th Aranha #4263 he / him Finished 27
    39. 39th jaxstronomy #7766 they / them more guess who didn't do child lake until 30 minutes after Water Finished 20
    40. 40th Luiferns #2777 he / him more https://clips.twitch.tv/AgreeableBelovedFriesMikeHogu-8d_vHnu1tpQe6aC4 Finished 147
    41. 41st DarkxL1nk #4307 he / him more I was gonna be so happy when I did this sub 3 but "yOu'Ll NeVeR fInD mY aRrOwS iN tHe BoTtOm Of ThE wElL" Finished 14
    42. 42nd UofCWildcat #3071 he / him Finished 19
    43. 43rd CrustyKyler #1089 he / him Finished 15
    44. 44th IvaneroWorld #9917 more not too bad but sleepy and hungry, bad for rando races, lost like 20 min on stupidities! Finished 3
    45. 45th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him Finished 112
    46. 46th MILLEKA__ #8244 she / her Finished 46
    47. 47th tanjo3 he / him Finished 28
    48. 48th Allyoucaneat #5549 he / him more First taste of zootr racing, pretty happy with how I played actually Finished 473
    49. 49th ksinjah #5722 she / her Finished 53
    50. 50th JasonArilani he / him Finished 61
    51. 51st BleedingBlue11 #8607 he / him Finished 41
    52. 52nd TeaGrenadier #7927 Finished 49
    53. 53rd aston1988 #7539 Finished 42
    54. 54th SizeSixteens #6108 he / him Finished 9
    55. 55th Yace_Dante #4179 he / him Finished 38
    56. 56th Marreparres #1984 she / her Finished 98
    57. 57th Pizzariffic #5140 he / him Finished 288
    58. 58th Yoyocarina #2131 Finished 71
    59. 59th Goombill #1284 he / him more Had to fight Ganon with Nuts, first time for that. Finished n/a
    60. 60th MelissaMGaming #3099 she / her Finished n/a
    61. 61st rollo #5737 he / him more managed to skip lake as a child. not a good idea Finished 107
    62. 62nd VenCorbin #0196 they / them Finished 117
    63. 63rd Alextric #7847 Finished n/a
    64. 64th KamekoSkye #1360 she / her more That Feeling when you last location ATZ grotto... Finished 122
    65. 65th ScorpiosFinalGambit #2997 he / him more I hate sphere 0 casinos. Finished 68
    66. 66th AuroraPhoenix #7723 she / her Finished n/a
    67. KCNecro #5721 DNF 96
    68. Cokotier #5325 he / him more Crash and lost all saves... I would probably have finished in top 10... DNF 152
    69. Kaede Rukawa #4676 he / him DNF 228
  3. amused-ruto-9927 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 28 entrants
    1. 1st favio94 #9972 he / him Finished 18
    2. 2nd KINGsamps0n #6056 he / him Finished 205
    3. 3rd incoherent #6156 he / him more I love logic puzzles Finished 23
    4. 4th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 22
    5. 5th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him more Last locationed BOTW twice KEKW Finished 7
    6. 6th Luiferns #2777 he / him more I left BOTW after finding STR2 FeelsBadMan Finished 39
    7. 7th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 9
    8. 8th barbu #5807 he / him Finished 25
    9. 9th Icola #8220 he / him Finished 13
    10. 10th Ryuja #6053 more i will just dodge any race with ganon castel open lul Finished 4
    11. 11th Jimbo Finished 2
    12. 12th Koari #3085 he / him more Dipping out of so many dungeons at the end, dodging my progression as a result :( Finished 12
    13. 13th Arah_Masky #9960 she / her Finished 25
    14. 14th HaydeyPatatey #1406 he / him more I think you are the best <3 Finished 58
    15. 15th Soket #6198 he / him Finished 6
    16. 16th Tubamann #5428 he / him more I dipped well after finding str 2 thinking I was in know mode and about cried when I found those hovers Finished 35
    17. 17th kr3z #4245 he / him more Real funny, game. A+ trolling at the end Finished 5
    18. 18th Lefty #7499 he / him more I FUCCIN PEPEGA'D LONGSHOT Finished 14
    19. 19th Engel #2700 he / him more hard last locationed hovers because of leaving well with str2 to chase gtg woth. Never felt more unlucky lol Finished 120
    20. 20th Samwizest #8610 he / him Finished 11
    21. 21st Yace_Dante #4179 he / him Finished 5
    22. 22nd Afterlife121 #2825 he / him Finished 17
    23. 23rd Goombill #1284 he / him more That Ruto's Letter almost got me doing AD. Finished n/a
    24. 24th JasonArilani he / him Finished 55
    25. 25th AgentKorralin #6742 she / her Finished 16
    26. 26th Swift Pichu #2692 he / him Finished n/a
    27. 27th SizeSixteens #6108 he / him Finished 10
    28. mrmartin #9054 DNF 66
  4. pogtastic-shiro-8684 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 74 entrants
    1. 1st kariossa #1113 he / him Finished 42
    2. 2nd felixoide4 #9489 he / him more Arghhh, I'll get 1st place on one of these one day. :D Finished 46
    3. 3rd Engel #2700 he / him Finished 311
    4. 4th Icola #8220 he / him Finished 40
    5. 5th RyuuKane #3246 he / him more Early adult loses again PepeHands Finished 33
    6. 6th favio94 #9972 he / him Finished 37
    7. 7th Alexis #1759 he / him more It's ok :) Finished 45
    8. 8th Jimbo more screwed myself out of top 5. beyond frustrating Finished 52
    9. 9th Sonny #7662 they / them Finished 336
    10. 10th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 15
    11. 11th NewSoupVi #7303 they / them Finished 84
    12. 12th Tepedino #8824 he / him more Tim always beats me when I screw up Barinade Finished 61
    13. 13th PurpleRupees #9084 he / him Finished 36
    14. 14th Rafa #9983 he / him more So mad at the hookshot! But i'll take this 14th place. Finished 134
    15. 15th Chopthetank #0580 Finished 116
    16. 16th Aughoti #9108 he / him Finished 36
    17. 17th incoherent #6156 he / him more sure, let's bring out the jet seeds once I can attend a live qual Finished 28
    18. 18th actinide #9544 he / him Finished 45
    19. 19th Top_diesel #5071 he / him Finished 552
    20. 20th Jagger #2449 he / him more Had to walk through all of forest for a BK I skipped. Had to walk through all of shadow since I died on bongo and forgot to set FW. Wasted at least 5 minutes on hookshotless GTG execution. Fuck man. Finished 109
    21. 21st jaxstronomy #7766 they / them more not bad for last-locationing that hookshot Finished 66
    22. 22nd barbu #5807 he / him Finished 40
    23. 23rd baelnog #5605 he / him more Ban Fire Temple Entry :Kappa: Finished 28
    24. 24th Troollax #7271 he / him Finished 72
    25. 25th Skolslink #5514 he / him Finished 49
    26. 26th Andols #0088 he / him Finished 74
    27. 27th Cokotier #5325 he / him more Lost 5 min and 11 PLACES!!! because my grandparents came :-| Finished 29
    28. 28th BrotinderDose he / him Finished 20
    29. 29th aston1988 #7539 Finished 7
    30. 30th Lefty #7499 he / him Finished 9
    31. 31st Cybrou #8097 he / him more hookshot go mode, damned fire. Finished 14
    32. 32nd MILLEKA__ #8244 she / her more Never skip stone Finished 24
    33. 33rd Pizzariffic #5140 he / him Finished 217
    34. 34th VenCorbin #0196 they / them more Thankful to be on restream. ill do better next time! Finished 64
    35. 35th Bossage #7760 he / him more Why didnt I do Fire earlier??? RIP time Finished 4
    36. 36th Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 33
    37. 37th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 18
    38. 38th kariookami #4991 Finished 22
    39. 39th DecoyTroy #5137 he / him more I'm just proud I was able to do hookshotless GTG. Finished 8
    40. 40th DeadlyThunder #9617 she / her more Thank you not so barren Spirit! Oh and Stone Fire too for gifting me the hookshot at like the hour mark :Pepega: Finished 8
    41. 41st IvaneroWorld #9917 more NUNCA HAGAS POLLOS Finished 6
    42. 42nd KeiperDontCare #8389 Finished 1
    43. 43rd jojolmn #6493 he / him Finished 33
    44. 44th ScorpiosFinalGambit #2997 he / him more Next time I roll to get a song from crater with hovers... Just gonna dip fire -.- Finished 12
    45. 45th pwalks22 #9015 he / him more Foolish spirit magic is best magic Finished 152
    46. 46th renata #7226 more So we can have qual seeds that aren't total trash after all Finished 7
    47. 47th kr3z #4245 he / him more A VC crash and last locationing the hookshot?! Perfect Seed! Finished 40
    48. 48th Twins Stars #7978 more piece of heart Finished 394
    49. 49th JasonArilani he / him more May or may not have last locationed my hookshot..... Oops Finished 66
    50. 50th Worink #3355 he / him Finished 33
    51. 51st CANMaple #1272 Finished 25
    52. 52nd Feenie #6029 Finished 35
    53. 53rd DarkDyllon #4459 more gotta love hookshot go mode being in fire temple... Finished 78
    54. 54th SizeSixteens #6108 he / him Finished 782
    55. 55th KamekoSkye #1360 she / her more Started strong, but had visual issues during the race so had to focus on that too Finished 64
    56. 56th CrustyKyler #1089 he / him Finished 49
    57. 57th MelissaMGaming #3099 she / her Finished n/a
    58. 58th Cyberion #5453 he / him more Lost some time due to pc crash 15 min in Finished 84
    59. 59th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more Hookshot was my go mode lmao Finished 49
    60. 60th rollo #5737 he / him more well, I did a lot more hookshotless tricks that I needed to Finished 107
    61. 61st Eni Neily #8221 Finished 200
    62. 62nd Sharky2107 #6867 he / him more The time where I should of listened to my gut, and went to Fire early, cost me a ton of time at the end. Finished 76
    63. 63rd JudgeLeedo #3522 Finished 73
    64. 64th Goombill #1284 he / him Finished n/a
    65. 65th tanjo3 he / him Finished 162
    66. 66th shaun1e #9391 he / they more Lock race rooms 5 minutes after start. Finished 111
    67. 67th DJGUAP0 #6592 Finished n/a
    68. 68th Alextric #7847 Finished n/a
    69. 69th ketchuptheduck #4785 she / they Finished n/a
    70. 70th picks #2164 he / him more hey pal, maybe im dying to king dodongo for charity, did you consider that? Finished 833
    71. 71st AuroraPhoenix #7723 she / her Finished 306
    72. Thojost #0089 DNF 169
    73. DarkxL1nk #4307 he / him more Missed Kokiri sword chest????? 1.5 hours wasted while retracing my steps DNF 117
    74. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF 140