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  1. cunning-arctic-6615 BoNES Big 20 #17 - Beat 20 Goals Finished not recorded 82 entrants
    1. 1st lackattack #9106 more Never Give Up!!! Finished
    2. 2nd Darko #6892 more Vote for Donald Land - Most importantly, Super Marisa World!!!! Finished
    3. 3rd prisi #9592 he / him more 2:59 bald bull fight lol Finished
    4. 4th Overswarm #6255 more Super disappointed with my performance in this one. One of my worst full runs. GG to lack, the comback king, darko, prisi, sbdwolf, pika, arcus, jsr, and all! I hate gnats. Finished
    5. 5th SBDWolf #4931 Finished
    6. 6th Iceblue #5330 they / them more I'm gonna make sure Soda's career never takes off Finished
    7. 7th JSR_ #2176 he / him Finished
    8. 8th Pikapikapikachuuuu #6930 he / him more it's ok Kappa Finished
    9. 9th djeez #8086 more Vote for Donald Land Finished
    10. 10th PeaJae #8784 Finished
    11. 11th Grayskull83 #4982 Finished
    12. 12th TheMexicanRunner #2971 Finished
    13. 13th cytown #5626 he / him Finished
    14. 14th Arcus #1800 he / him Finished
    15. 15th RayeoTNJ #5173 he / him more Tough start - Owl spawned behind and made me swim. Honda and Bull were horrible. 2 top outs in Tetris level 5. Still Top 15 Finished
    16. 16th Packie619 #7035 he / him Finished
    17. 17th st4nzzz #4817 he / him Finished
    18. 18th Firebroth #2622 he / him more used too many bombs in reverse c room and 1 hp cookie monster death but we in there!!! GGs everyone Finished
    19. 19th TheAndySocialNetwork #0291 Finished
    20. 20th xChristine #3488 Finished
    21. 21st Turanin #9760 Finished
    22. 22nd JosephHTobinJr #8681 he / him Finished
    23. 23rd Fulgor_r #6193 more It was very hard Duck Tales and megaman 2 ruffled my nerves :) Finished
    24. 24th jodosutari #0057 he / him more thanks so much, I exceeded my target and it helped a lot to do two full runs beforehand! Finished
    25. 25th CynanMachae #2954 more 2 gameovers in SMB2 and MM2 :( No other disasters tho Finished
    26. 26th lordoflinal #5214 he / him more GG i lost sadge Finished
    27. 27th brightshadow #3820 he / him more forgot how to play tmnt and had to reset lol Finished
    28. 28th NotTheGoats #8274 he / him more Ninja Gaiden sucks, Mario sucks, I sucks. Finished
    29. 29th BluntBunny #5353 more Vote for Donaldland Finished
    30. 30th Hero_82 #5125 Finished
    31. 31st Demian_Neville #6078 he / him more GG! Finished
    32. 32nd Reeve42 #3739 he / him Finished
    33. 33rd Doctor Blue #2697 he / him more What a ride. No real disasters! Happy with my 4:13. Finished
    34. 34th ZeeGee #6057 he / him Finished
    35. 35th CombustibleDan #8227 Finished
    36. 36th JonnyLink #2756 he / him Finished
    37. 37th Derek MacIntyre #6356 he / him more Incredibly happy with this time. Gold splits all over the place, only one major mistake on Punchout. Amazing experience for my first Big 20. Finished
    38. 38th levelengine #1654 more dr mario and level 3 of castlevania killed me Finished
    39. 39th coconutED #6345 more Ow, my thumbs... Finished
    40. 40th oneup #6190 more dropped A inputs and pits, name a better combo Finished
    41. 41st Reidood #4542 he / him Finished
    42. 42nd Thumb Bros. #4951 Finished
    43. 43rd Cidermonkee #2556 more Really happy with that finish after a 6h 38min tim on #15 Finished
    44. 44th tecolote1280 #3142 Finished
    45. 45th Amune138 #7348 more Thank You BoNES!!! Finished
    46. 46th GoldenOgreGames #2121 more So much fun! GGS all! Finished
    47. 47th ThorOfKenya #1536 more I was told there would be pizza Finished
    48. 48th homerjsmash #6175 he / him Finished
    49. 49th SCARpupGaming #8951 more GG to all runners Finished
    50. 50th arcticayeka #6223 more 1st ever Guitar Controller Hero BIg20 completion! (also argh SMB2U) Finished
    51. 51st NeoScyther #1841 he / him more Final split was 5:06:22.71 but racetime.gg was down and I couldn't "finish" for another two minutes. Finished
    52. 52nd drfurious #7514 Finished
    53. 53rd Jambon_Rodriguez #7382 Finished
    54. 54th Buhender #6418 more Good run! GG all Finished
    55. 55th Para #5578 she / her more lol I game overed TWICE in SMB2 world 7 Finished
    56. 56th cantaloupeme #7817 he / him more beer and run finished at the same time Finished
    57. 57th Entroper #6530 he / him more 6 PBs! Bad SMB2 but inches away from much worse. No resets! Finished
    58. 58th McDoodle209 #0316 Finished
    59. 59th ShinDigPig #3475 he / him more This was a really hard month of video game learning, but I know a lot of great titles now! And Duck Tales, too! Finished
    60. 60th WorldWideNooKling #6906 more these games were brutal, but it was a lot of fun. i cant wait for the next big20! lets goooooo GGs everyone Finished
    61. 61st tHiAgOcH #9175 Finished
    62. 62nd Joeymittens #7224 Finished
    63. 63rd SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him more My first an wont be my last this was a great time Finished
    64. 64th sascha-gaming #9446 he / him more My time without “Punch Out” would have been around 4h30min. This game is just stupid... or I'm so bad at it :D Finished
    65. 65th theamericandweem #0182 he / him more what an experience, next time, let's not game over so much. GG all! Finished
    66. 66th beeteas #6192 more Mike Tyson's Slugfest Finished
    67. 67th songbirder #6643 he / they more Punch Out, Metroid, Dracula, and Super C Area 4 caused some problems... also had dinner for like 25 mins. Finished
    68. 68th spontanious #3587 more GG @all Finished
    69. 69th Xyntri #2079 more was aiming for 7:11:11. spent so much timei n NG games Finished
    70. 70th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished
    71. 71st infinitemystery #9102 more fun race Finished
    72. 72nd Random64 #5541 more bad punchout, dr. mario, megaman 3, tmnt, and mario 2 but at least i finally finished one of these Finished
    73. 73rd FedePG52 #1209 more gg´s :) Finished
    74. Flaose #6552 he / him more Turns out I should have doubled my 6h estimate, haha. DNF
    75. lifereboot #7032 he / him DNF
    76. Macariuswrench #9728 he / him DNF
    77. Oopla #5028 he / him DNF
    78. RetroJayEsq #4817 DNF
    79. ScienceTeacherGaming #7820 DNF
    80. Skandranen #1872 he / him more Thunderbird and punchout can burn. DNF
    81. YmustUhateME #3791 he / him DNF
    82. zendoikaban #3310 he / him more Zelda 2 tilt me) DNF
  2. calm-turbo-3635 BoNES Big 20 #17 - Mini-goal race Finished not recorded 24 entrants
    1. 1st RayeoTNJ #5173 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd cytown #5626 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd JSR_ #2176 he / him Finished
    4. 4th SBDWolf #4931 Finished
    5. 5th ScienceTeacherGaming #7820 Finished
    6. 6th brightshadow #3820 he / him more it turns out i had completely forgotten zelda 2's map oops Finished
    7. 7th color_theory #0054 Finished
    8. 8th tecolote1280 #3142 Finished
    9. 9th Hero_82 #5125 Finished
    10. 10th lifereboot #7032 he / him Finished
    11. 11th NLeseul #2669 Finished
    12. 12th Firebroth #2622 he / him Finished
    13. 13th songbirder #6643 he / they Finished
    14. 14th Cha0sFinale #7998 he / him Finished
    15. 15th ANGEL_UNDEAD #6717 he / him more Z1 and Z2 are awful games blind Finished
    16. 16th Raistlin212 #3731 he / him more Zelda 1+2 were 4 hours of the time... Finished
    17. 17th Buhender #6418 Finished
    18. 18th eni___ #5160 Finished
    19. Col #3259 DNF
    20. Nordic #7507 DNF
    21. prisi #9592 he / him DNF
    22. SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him DNF
    23. ThorOfKenya #1536 DNF
    24. Endy_Endy #8062 DQ
  3. scruffy-surf-9260 BoNES Big 20 #16 - Beat 20 goals Finished recorded 45 entrants
    1. 1st Overswarm #6255 more Huge GGs to Lackattack, NESCardinality, cytown, Firebroth, Arcus, Brightshadow, Ferretdipity, Grayskull83, and Packie! I practiced Trog once every other day for 4 weeks, never again! Finished 3,089
    2. 2nd lackattack #9106 more Huge GGs to OS and NESCard for top 3! Never Trog Finished 2,891
    3. 3rd NESCardinality #3310 more Huge GGs to Overswarm and lackattack! Thanks to everyone who helped make my first Big20 an enjoyable one! Finished 2,737
    4. 4th cytown #5626 he / him Finished 2,605
    5. 5th Firebroth #2622 he / him more got DRAGON Warriored but stll had a blast GG's!! Finished 2,486
    6. 6th Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 2,375
    7. 7th brightshadow #3820 he / him more how did i get 7th oh my god Finished 2,271
    8. 8th FeRReTDiPiTY #1401 they / them more Lost 4+ minutes to save states being left on Battle Tank and 1 minute to my cat. These races are bad for my mental health and I'm probably retiring. Finished 2,171
    9. 9th Grayskull83 #4982 Finished 2,074
    10. 10th Packie619 #7035 he / him Finished 1,980
    11. 11th BluntBunny #5353 more I hate Tim Allen Finished 1,888
    12. 12th Emptyeye #1855 he / him more I mean, look, you PB by 10 minutes, you gotta be happy. Finished 1,798
    13. 13th GnarBlast #0565 Finished 1,710
    14. 14th xChristine #3488 Finished 1,622
    15. 15th beeteas #6192 more Arkista - No Arrow Upgrades Finished 1,536
    16. 16th MrPupG #3044 he / him more Unacceptable run Finished 1,450
    17. 17th WorldWideNooKling #6906 Finished 1,365
    18. 18th rojo #9957 more was a fun ride. Finished 1,280
    19. 19th coconutED #6345 Finished 1,196
    20. 20th AsmadiGames #4257 Finished 1,112
    21. 21st jdsilva #0323 more Thanks to all the BoNES folks for putting this on. Super happy with my time and I had a blast! Finished 1,028
    22. 22nd RyanVideoGamer #7459 Finished 945
    23. 23rd ShinDigPig #3475 he / him more Played out of my mind, 13 golds! Finished 861
    24. 24th link_7777 #3734 more good run, but DW didn't work, had to swap NES Finished 778
    25. 25th einderspel #5903 Finished 694
    26. 26th NESAtlas #0928 he / him more Very happy with how well I did for my 2nd time in a Big20! Finished 610
    27. 27th ThorOfKenya #1536 more Great list! Lets forget Trog exists XD Finished 525
    28. 28th levelengine #1654 Finished 440
    29. 29th Amune138 #7348 Finished 355
    30. 30th tecolote1280 #3142 Finished 269
    31. 31st Xarnax42 #5360 Finished 182
    32. 32nd GetimOliver #9388 more 7 golds :) but a death in Trog and crash in SW :( Finished 93
    33. 33rd sascha-gaming #9446 he / him more Trog Game Over on Level 49 Finished 4
    34. 34th Thumb Bros. #4951 Finished 87
    35. 35th Hero_82 #5125 Finished 180
    36. 36th Buhender #6418 Finished 276
    37. 37th color_theory #0054 more Needed more practice. Finished 375
    38. 38th spontanious #3587 more GG everyone Finished 477
    39. 39th ScottyK41 #4887 Finished 585
    40. 40th FedePG52 #1209 more Those 3 scenarios in star wars :( Finished 700
    41. 41st BrotherKyle88 #7413 he / him Finished 825
    42. infinitemystery #9102 more time contrants on star wars, couldn't finish DNF 833
    43. McDoodle209 #0316 DNF 833
    44. Random64 #5541 more multiple game overs on trog DNF 833
    45. tool_23 #3529 DQ 833
  4. secret-horsehead-0261 BoNES Big 20 #15 - Beat 20 goals Finished recorded 102 entrants
    1. 1st Pikapikapikachuuuu #6930 he / him more NG1 HB troll, MM1 panic jump xD, Samson troll spawn what i never saw before :D anyway still good other games, all runners the best, Lack and OS just PogChampions Finished 4,552
    2. 2nd Overswarm #6255 more Happy with my placement, but disappointed by personal performance. Pika and Lack did fantastic! Very great race, exciting the whole time. Finished 4,393
    3. 3rd lackattack #9106 more What a race! Congrats Pika, OS and all the other runners Finished 4,271
    4. 4th jay_cee #4319 more Game over mario 1, worst possible NG death, little samson death, entered 1-5 in mario 3 and completed it??? Why did I do that?? Finished 4,166
    5. 5th Iceblue #5330 they / them more We did it mom! Top 5! Finished 4,071
    6. 6th st4nzzz #4817 he / him more thank you all for this race, it was fun, congratulations to everyone, after 10 games I went downhill, but I'm still happy, it's difficult for me, there are too many games Finished 3,981
    7. 7th prisi #9592 he / him more 3-2 ninja gaiden, softlock in smb2, good stuff Finished 3,896
    8. 8th Oopla #5028 he / him more lost 7 minutes on kid icarus and Z1 but i don't care, awesome run Finished 3,815
    9. 9th Amad #7368 more Got the WORST snake RNG in startropics, GG:s! Finished 3,735
    10. 10th Grayskull83 #4982 Finished 3,657
    11. 11th djeez #8086 more Screw you covid, I did it anyway Finished 3,581
    12. 12th Firebroth #2622 he / him more woooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Finished 3,506
    13. 13th Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 3,433
    14. 14th RayeoTNJ #5173 he / him more Stage 14 and 15 cost me 5 minutes. *Flips table* Still Top 15 Finished 3,360
    15. 15th TheMexicanRunner #2971 more For the amount of time I put to learn these games (4 days), I think I did Amazing, still I hate Kid Icarus and Metroid "6/10" Finished 3,288
    16. 16th Emptyeye #1855 he / him more PB on race day, can't ask for much more. GGs all! Finished 3,216
    17. 17th Floatious #0903 Finished 3,145
    18. 18th evilelfo #8479 Finished 3,075
    19. 19th TheAndySocialNetwork #0291 Finished 3,005
    20. 20th FeRReTDiPiTY #1401 they / them more PB'd Full Run on Race Day, First Time Ever!! Finished 2,935
    21. 21st Schaaa #0227 he / him more I was hoping for top 20, got 21st... I'm happy with it Finished 2,866
    22. 22nd cytown #5626 he / him Finished 2,797
    23. 23rd deceax #3004 more Always super fun! Finished 2,729
    24. 24th xChristine #3488 Finished 2,661
    25. 25th smartalec24 #1143 he / him more don't mind me, just choking away 8 minutes on Wily 4 Finished 2,593
    26. 26th CynanMachae #2954 more 17/20 games went quite well, woopsies at Kid Icarus, Zelda1 and Chip n dale lol Finished 2,525
    27. 27th Perfect Fin #4648 Finished 2,457
    28. 28th Reidood #4542 he / him Finished 2,390
    29. 29th Death_Devil #7261 more that was a good big 20 list, after 5 years of my last big 20 i rly made a participation, showing my speedrun skills, and giving some impact to this event Finished 2,323
    30. 30th MrPupG #3044 he / him Finished 2,256
    31. 31st MegatronECS #8303 Finished 2,189
    32. 32nd BlazenBezza #2117 he / him more Not too bad for a 3am run Finished 2,122
    33. 33rd dnk_cafe #7446 Finished 2,055
    34. 34th DarthClops #0679 he / him more took a long time to screen wrap and a bad SMB 3 Finished 1,989
    35. 35th link_7777 #3734 more pandora and gleeok can bite me. fun race though Finished 1,922
    36. 36th PeaJae #8784 Finished 1,856
    37. 37th xJRigsx #1964 Finished 1,790
    38. 38th ScottyJ47 #9361 he / him Finished 1,724
    39. 39th Game_Overture #7709 Finished 1,657
    40. 40th squabbler #8253 more Shouldn't have played Z1 + Z2 safe; fell apart in SMB3 - lost my sub-4. GGs to all though! Finished 1,591
    41. 41st levelengine #1654 Finished 1,525
    42. 42nd Kaadzik #7393 more Got in the top 50%, dream come true Finished 1,459
    43. 43rd NLeseul #2669 Finished 1,393
    44. 44th JonnyLink #2756 he / him Finished 1,328
    45. 45th Amune138 #7348 Finished 1,262
    46. 46th CaptCaveman910 #7992 Finished 1,196
    47. 47th brightshadow #3820 he / him more i did it! i did the thing! top 50 is fine with me! YAY Finished 1,130
    48. 48th WhiteMonster #5134 more top 50 Pog Finished 1,064
    49. 49th JosephHTobinJr #8681 he / him Finished 999
    50. 50th stewy5632 #8506 Finished 933
    51. 51st Patton #0786 Finished 867
    52. 52nd stalwartturtle #0886 Finished 801
    53. 53rd sascha-gaming #9446 he / him Finished 735
    54. 54th NotTheGoats #8274 he / him Finished 670
    55. 55th homerjsmash #6175 he / him more Good early on, fell apart in the games I actually knew. Achieved my goal nonetheless, was fun. Kid Icarus still sucks Finished 604
    56. 56th pitpo #2601 more came here for a challenge, not having background in any nes game, and man, what a challenge it was, super fun month, might come back next time Finished 538
    57. 57th subtlewookie #3737 Finished 472
    58. 58th ZeeGee #6057 he / him Finished 406
    59. 59th tool_23 #3529 Finished 340
    60. 60th jodosutari #0057 he / him more loved it, first race for me, so very exciting! thanks for arranging!! Finished 274
    61. 61st JackPro #6657 he / him more =D Finished 208
    62. 62nd Tootoo #2661 more Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Plus a few other mishaps. But I had fun! GG everyone. Finished 142
    63. 63rd PhilsBasement #9479 more what do i do now? Finished 76
    64. 64th tecolote1280 #3142 more I heard about Big20 not long ago, so this being my first time, I had so much fun. Thanks for organizing this! Finished 9
    65. 65th NESAtlas #0928 he / him more Wow, that was so intense. So glad I was able to finish! Finished 57
    66. 66th WunUnknownPlayer #3232 more My first Big20... Mario games can go be nouns elsewhere. I like you, but I am glad I don't need to play you for a while. Finished 123
    67. 67th polsvoice #6084 Finished 190
    68. 68th lifereboot #7032 he / him Finished 257
    69. 69th spontanious #3587 more GG all! actual time: 5:34:30 Finished 323
    70. 70th Xarnax42 #5360 Finished 390
    71. 71st Pile #1356 Finished 457
    72. 72nd RetroJayEsq #4817 Finished 524
    73. 73rd SleepyTimeBeer #2723 Finished 592
    74. 74th kryptixx #7867 Finished 659
    75. 75th ThorOfKenya #1536 more What is Castlevania, but a game full of lies. Finished 727
    76. 76th TypicalFantasyX #8562 more I'm finished! Finished 795
    77. 77th tygor #4297 Finished 833
    78. 78th Thumb Bros. #4951 Finished 833
    79. 79th tHiAgOcH #9175 more I was doing well, Lost tons of time for Little sansom and Z2. Glad for finishing Finished 833
    80. 80th Cidermonkee #2556 Finished 833
    81. 81st infinitemystery #9102 more big 20 is over very sad Finished 833
    82. 82nd jkoper #0895 he / him more lost over an hour to Mario 2. everything else felt mostly ok Finished 833
    83. 83rd Joeymittens #7224 Finished 833
    84. 84th wag #6852 he / him Finished 833
    85. 85th Mappyman #3555 he / him Finished 833
    86. 86th MightySteiny #1027 he / him Finished 833
    87. 87th 1001gameslive #4251 Finished 833
    88. 88th cactus_frank #5908 Finished 833
    89. 89th FedePG52 #1209 Finished 833
    90. 90th thenesmaster #4501 more Legendary run Finished 833
    91. ArcadeRiot91 #9868 he / him DNF 833
    92. BruceIAm #8077 he / him more Got stuck on Boss in Area 3. Everytime I got there I was out of lives. Not bad for minimal practice. DNF 833
    93. CaptainGreen7 #4430 he / him DNF 833
    94. CrebleStar #3271 DNF 833
    95. dfx9 #2936 DNF 833
    96. KoolDoob #6720 he / him DNF 833
    97. MagicK #1661 he / him more CV killed me DNF 833
    98. MrMimixer #6004 DNF 833
    99. Random64 #5541 more gameover on mario 2 DNF 833
    100. Skandranen #1872 he / him DNF 833
    101. songbirder #6643 he / they DNF 833
    102. Xyntri #2079 DNF 833
  5. kind-garuda-7146 Misc Super 16 #6 https://speedgaming.org/super16 Finished not recorded 20 entrants
    1. 1st Le Hulk #9311 he / him more Ghoul Patrol sucks. There, I said it. Finished
    2. 2nd Zockerstu #6520 more better list next year pls Finished
    3. 3rd IrelandOfEndor #5489 he / him Finished
    4. 4th Mr Freet #0062 Finished
    5. 5th smartalec24 #1143 he / him Finished
    6. 6th Broedgeman #4534 he / him more The Clock Puzzle is the true boss Finished
    7. 7th Phoe #5171 she / her more fllllbbbbbbt Finished
    8. 8th fcoughlin #7691 he / him Finished
    9. 9th AaronDobbe #2657 he / him Finished
    10. 10th sYn #3244 more First Super 16 and what a great experience! Finished
    11. 11th Malchior #3174 he / him more Game over'd on Ghoul Patrol. Got several PB's outside of that. Really struggled on the Lightning and Scar in LK. Proud of everything else outside of those 2. Finished
    12. 12th SlimKirby #3225 he / him more Boss RNG was not in my favor today..... Finished
    13. 13th weldytime #4944 he / him Finished
    14. 14th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished
    15. 15th Mikan #6997 more glad i stuck it out Finished
    16. 16th FedePG52 #1209 more I don´t like Home Improvement Finished
    17. infinitemystery #9102 more time constrants, couldn't finish race DNF
    18. rayz #7518 more +30 Min to homeimprovment, died to vargas not saved... have to work in 5 hours DNF
    19. renegadeanon #4480 he / him DNF
    20. ThorOfKenya #1536 DNF