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Race results

  1. tasty-jason-9389 BoNES Big 20 - Race Day - Beat 20 goals Finished recorded 53 entrants
    1. 1st Pikapikapikachuuuu #6930 he / him Finished 744
    2. 2nd PeaJae #8784 Finished 639
    3. 3rd lackattack #9106 more Beast of a list. GG to Pika, PeaJae, Grayskull, and Arcus. Glad to be part of this legendary top 5! Finished 2,923
    4. 4th Grayskull83 #4982 Finished 713
    5. 5th Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 2,660
    6. 6th Packie619 #7035 he / him Finished 751
    7. 7th smartalec24 #1143 he / him more Deja Vu glitch screwed me over and Gimmick was bad, otherwise I'm thrilled about my performance! great event!! Finished 646
    8. 8th letcreate #8737 he / him more early-game disaster + wiped in orin cave + looking forward to weeks of therapy after dying to mother brain and running out of missiles Finished 2,349
    9. 9th k0zzx #6104 Finished 2,256
    10. 10th JackPro #6657 he / him more A lot of disaster for a one run, but still not that bad) Not the big fan of this list if being honest, i'm out for a long time, hope for shorter and funnier list Finished 1,821
    11. 11th Reeve42 #3739 he / him Finished 61
    12. 12th Demian_Neville #6078 he / him Finished 2,000
    13. 13th DarthClops #0679 he / him more Trolled really hard by NG3 Finished 1,918
    14. 14th Firebroth #2622 he / him more disaster on Strider and Legacy but also 4 PB's GG's!! Finished 37
    15. 15th Nateorious_ #5067 he / him more first big 20! Epic fail on CND2 and CV2 but overall pleased with performance. GG's all and thanks Best of NES! Finished 1,756
    16. 16th lordoflinal #5214 he / him more illness+malfunctioning controller+too big20 = 16 place Finished 275
    17. 17th brightshadow #3820 he / him more botched ice -> norfair clip makes ridley's hideout really miserable it turns out Finished 1,594
    18. 18th cytown #5626 he / him Finished 264
    19. 19th Turanin #9760 Finished 1,434
    20. 20th ZeroCounts #7634 Finished 127
    21. 21st tecolote1280 #3142 Finished 697
    22. 22nd ChillRuns #0110 Finished 1,195
    23. 23rd levelengine #1654 Finished 1,117
    24. 24th link_7777 #3734 Finished 474
    25. 25th mitch3a #1686 he / him Finished 470
    26. 26th Billick #2324 he / him more Up and down run, but overall I'm happy with this Finished 885
    27. 27th Jambon_Rodriguez #7382 Finished 93
    28. 28th Buhender #6418 Finished 158
    29. 29th Col #3259 more what a struggle, never ever again a big 20 with no serious practice Finished 623
    30. 30th CombustibleDan #8227 Finished 571
    31. 31st zeugman #2737 Finished 490
    32. 32nd McDoodle209 #0316 Finished 409
    33. 33rd Devilmike666 #5032 he / him Finished 12
    34. 34th reluctant_programmer #1254 Finished 244
    35. 35th Hero_82 #5125 Finished 258
    36. 36th GrandDesigns82 #6763 Finished 76
    37. 37th Vespervidya #6565 Finished 24
    38. 38th roopert83 #2255 more First Big20 in the books! Finished 93
    39. 39th Thumb Bros. #4951 Finished 180
    40. 40th rojo #9957 Finished 268
    41. 41st jdsilva #0323 Finished 359
    42. 42nd Mappyman #3555 he / him Finished 42
    43. 43rd FedePG52 #1209 Finished 99
    44. 44th Xarnax42 #5360 more Started exactly 3 hours late. Finished 19
    45. 45th AK_Potatoes #1314 Finished 737
    46. 46th BrotherKyle88 #7413 he / him Finished 833
    47. 47th Looking4Giants #3744 she / her more Best Big 20 Ever. Had an amazing time racing with y'all <3 Finished 833
    48. Veston #8300 DNF 254
    49. Random64 #5541 more terrible mario 2 and bad ninja gaiden, but can't platform in gimmick DNF n/a
    50. Cosmic64 #1366 he / him more Fuck SMB2 and whoever made it, worst game I've ever fucking played. Make the game fucking better. 2 continues without any checkpoints is fucking bullshit DNF 833
    51. EpY94 #4506 he / him DNF 833
    52. infinitemystery #9102 more legacy of the wizard soft locked at 33 plus hours DNF 833
    53. Macariuswrench #9728 he / him more ggs all, mighty final fight was too much for me DNF 833
  2. silly-darkwing-7145 BoNES Big 20 #18 - Beat 20 goals Finished recorded 65 entrants
    1. 1st prisi #9592 he / him more tecmo super bs D: Finished 3,626
    2. 2nd Pikapikapikachuuuu #6930 he / him more f13 :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Finished 3,447
    3. 3rd Overswarm #6255 more So many scary things happened Finished 3,308
    4. 4th NESCardinality #3310 Finished 3,189
    5. 5th karterfreak #1890 they / them Finished 3,081
    6. 6th Grayskull83 #4982 Finished 2,981
    7. 7th Firebroth #2622 he / him more Finally a clean Jason to secure the PB! Great race!! Finished 2,887
    8. 8th letcreate #8737 he / him more Slow start, but things mostly picked up after Millipede (despite an accidental extra 10 seconds of break on Faxanadu). Super happy with how I did on my very first Big 20. Finished 2,796
    9. 9th Reeve42 #3739 he / him Finished 2,709
    10. 10th oneup #6190 Finished 2,623
    11. 11th Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 2,540
    12. 12th brightshadow #3820 he / him more had like 4 massive disasters lol Finished 2,458
    13. 13th LynnCarius #1360 more when you nail your first game and bomb the game you have the record in XD lost almost 2 minutes in Jurassic Park Finished 2,378
    14. 14th Game_Overture #7709 Finished 2,298
    15. 15th ChillRuns #0110 Finished 2,220
    16. 16th Packie619 #7035 he / him Finished 2,142
    17. 17th StJoe #8300 Finished 2,066
    18. 18th cytown #5626 he / him Finished 1,989
    19. 19th zendoikaban #3310 he / him more I hate Friday 13th bug with Jason, but anyway, i play my best Finished 1,914
    20. 20th Demian_Neville #6078 he / him Finished 1,838
    21. 21st lordoflinal #5214 he / him Finished 1,763
    22. 22nd Moliman #3501 Finished 1,689
    23. 23rd xChristine #3488 Finished 1,615
    24. 24th Buhender #6418 more super mega fast :D super rad Finished 1,541
    25. 25th Col #3259 Finished 1,467
    26. 26th ANGEL_UNDEAD #6717 he / him Finished 1,394
    27. 27th LeKimFo #3650 Finished 1,320
    28. 28th Turanin #9760 Finished 1,247
    29. 29th coconutED #6345 Finished 1,174
    30. 30th Bogledowdee #3227 Finished 1,101
    31. 31st Hero_82 #5125 Finished 1,028
    32. 32nd McDoodle209 #0316 Finished 955
    33. 33rd Amad #7368 Finished 882
    34. 34th levelengine #1654 more ring man can go die in a fire Finished 809
    35. 35th MagicK #1661 he / him more Don't ever litter the litter Finished 736
    36. 36th Jambon_Rodriguez #7382 Finished 663
    37. 37th tecolote1280 #3142 Finished 590
    38. 38th CynanMachae #2954 more 4 Game overs in Indiana Jones D: Finished 517
    39. 39th SCARpupGaming #8951 Finished 444
    40. 40th NLeseul #2669 Finished 370
    41. 41st OMEGACOMA #8014 Finished 296
    42. 42nd Macariuswrench #9728 he / him more i lost 20 seconds needing to pee Finished 222
    43. 43rd ShinDigPig #3475 he / him more Missed the konami code, didn't realize it, and lost 4 mins on Life Force lol Finished 148
    44. 44th Devilmike666 #5032 he / him Finished 73
    45. 45th GoldenOgreGames #2121 more This was tough but fun!! GGs all and great job BoNes team Finished 2
    46. 46th treyvz #9139 Finished 77
    47. 47th BlazenBezza #2117 he / him more next to no practice and 5am gaming ill take it Finished 153
    48. 48th SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him Finished 230
    49. 49th ZeeGee #6057 he / him Finished 307
    50. 50th link_7777 #3734 more Considering my limited practice, that was decent Finished 385
    51. 51st MsGroke #4909 she / her more I'm happy I was able to finish, wohoo! First Big20 done! Finished 463
    52. 52nd Thumb Bros. #4951 Finished 543
    53. 53rd theamericandweem #0182 he / him more Friday the 13th Rock % apparently. took way too long on last game. Finished 624
    54. 54th tool_23 #3529 more perfect triceratops stampede lets goooo Finished 706
    55. 55th Mappyman #3555 he / him Finished 790
    56. 56th spontanious #3587 more gg all Finished 833
    57. 57th Jeevan #8788 Finished 833
    58. 58th SalmonBuffalo #1437 more Had to take a massive break in the middle due to prior obligations; unofficial time is around a 6:14:50 Finished 833
    59. 59th FedePG52 #1209 more even with practice lmao Finished 833
    60. 60th BrotherKyle88 #7413 he / him Finished 833
    61. 61st Xarnax42 #5360 Finished 833
    62. infinitemystery #9102 more qbert 99 aka lolo 3. couldn't finish thanks for race DNF 833
    63. Random64 #5541 more game over on pizza pop DNF 833
    64. Skandranen #1872 he / him DNF 833
    65. songbirder #6643 he / they DNF 833
  3. cunning-arctic-6615 BoNES Big 20 #17 - Beat 20 Goals Finished not recorded 82 entrants
    1. 1st lackattack #9106 more Never Give Up!!! Finished
    2. 2nd Darko #6892 more Vote for Donald Land - Most importantly, Super Marisa World!!!! Finished
    3. 3rd prisi #9592 he / him more 2:59 bald bull fight lol Finished
    4. 4th Overswarm #6255 more Super disappointed with my performance in this one. One of my worst full runs. GG to lack, the comback king, darko, prisi, sbdwolf, pika, arcus, jsr, and all! I hate gnats. Finished
    5. 5th SBDWolf #4931 Finished
    6. 6th Iceblue #5330 they / them more I'm gonna make sure Soda's career never takes off Finished
    7. 7th JSR_ #2176 he / him Finished
    8. 8th Pikapikapikachuuuu #6930 he / him more it's ok Kappa Finished
    9. 9th djeez #8086 more Vote for Donald Land Finished
    10. 10th PeaJae #8784 Finished
    11. 11th Grayskull83 #4982 Finished
    12. 12th TheMexicanRunner #2971 Finished
    13. 13th cytown #5626 he / him Finished
    14. 14th Arcus #1800 he / him Finished
    15. 15th RayeoTNJ #5173 he / him more Tough start - Owl spawned behind and made me swim. Honda and Bull were horrible. 2 top outs in Tetris level 5. Still Top 15 Finished
    16. 16th Packie619 #7035 he / him Finished
    17. 17th st4nzzz #4817 he / him Finished
    18. 18th Firebroth #2622 he / him more used too many bombs in reverse c room and 1 hp cookie monster death but we in there!!! GGs everyone Finished
    19. 19th TheAndySocialNetwork #0291 Finished
    20. 20th xChristine #3488 Finished
    21. 21st Turanin #9760 Finished
    22. 22nd JosephHTobinJr #8681 he / him Finished
    23. 23rd Fulgor_r #6193 more It was very hard Duck Tales and megaman 2 ruffled my nerves :) Finished
    24. 24th jodosutari #0057 he / him more thanks so much, I exceeded my target and it helped a lot to do two full runs beforehand! Finished
    25. 25th CynanMachae #2954 more 2 gameovers in SMB2 and MM2 :( No other disasters tho Finished
    26. 26th lordoflinal #5214 he / him more GG i lost sadge Finished
    27. 27th brightshadow #3820 he / him more forgot how to play tmnt and had to reset lol Finished
    28. 28th NotTheGoats #8274 he / him more Ninja Gaiden sucks, Mario sucks, I sucks. Finished
    29. 29th BluntBunny #5353 more Vote for Donaldland Finished
    30. 30th Hero_82 #5125 Finished
    31. 31st Demian_Neville #6078 he / him more GG! Finished
    32. 32nd Reeve42 #3739 he / him Finished
    33. 33rd Doctor Blue #2697 he / him more What a ride. No real disasters! Happy with my 4:13. Finished
    34. 34th ZeeGee #6057 he / him Finished
    35. 35th CombustibleDan #8227 Finished
    36. 36th JonnyLink #2756 he / him Finished
    37. 37th Derek MacIntyre #6356 he / him more Incredibly happy with this time. Gold splits all over the place, only one major mistake on Punchout. Amazing experience for my first Big 20. Finished
    38. 38th levelengine #1654 more dr mario and level 3 of castlevania killed me Finished
    39. 39th coconutED #6345 more Ow, my thumbs... Finished
    40. 40th oneup #6190 more dropped A inputs and pits, name a better combo Finished
    41. 41st Reidood #4542 he / him Finished
    42. 42nd Thumb Bros. #4951 Finished
    43. 43rd Cidermonkee #2556 more Really happy with that finish after a 6h 38min tim on #15 Finished
    44. 44th tecolote1280 #3142 Finished
    45. 45th Amune138 #7348 more Thank You BoNES!!! Finished
    46. 46th GoldenOgreGames #2121 more So much fun! GGS all! Finished
    47. 47th ThorOfKenya #1536 more I was told there would be pizza Finished
    48. 48th homerjsmash #6175 he / him Finished
    49. 49th SCARpupGaming #8951 more GG to all runners Finished
    50. 50th arcticayeka #6223 more 1st ever Guitar Controller Hero BIg20 completion! (also argh SMB2U) Finished
    51. 51st NeoScyther #1841 he / him more Final split was 5:06:22.71 but racetime.gg was down and I couldn't "finish" for another two minutes. Finished
    52. 52nd drfurious #7514 Finished
    53. 53rd Jambon_Rodriguez #7382 Finished
    54. 54th Buhender #6418 more Good run! GG all Finished
    55. 55th Para #5578 she / her more lol I game overed TWICE in SMB2 world 7 Finished
    56. 56th cantaloupeme #7817 he / him more beer and run finished at the same time Finished
    57. 57th Entroper #6530 he / him more 6 PBs! Bad SMB2 but inches away from much worse. No resets! Finished
    58. 58th McDoodle209 #0316 Finished
    59. 59th ShinDigPig #3475 he / him more This was a really hard month of video game learning, but I know a lot of great titles now! And Duck Tales, too! Finished
    60. 60th WorldWideNooKling #6906 more these games were brutal, but it was a lot of fun. i cant wait for the next big20! lets goooooo GGs everyone Finished
    61. 61st tHiAgOcH #9175 Finished
    62. 62nd Joeymittens #7224 Finished
    63. 63rd SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him more My first an wont be my last this was a great time Finished
    64. 64th sascha-gaming #9446 he / him more My time without “Punch Out” would have been around 4h30min. This game is just stupid... or I'm so bad at it :D Finished
    65. 65th theamericandweem #0182 he / him more what an experience, next time, let's not game over so much. GG all! Finished
    66. 66th beeteas #6192 more Mike Tyson's Slugfest Finished
    67. 67th songbirder #6643 he / they more Punch Out, Metroid, Dracula, and Super C Area 4 caused some problems... also had dinner for like 25 mins. Finished
    68. 68th spontanious #3587 more GG @all Finished
    69. 69th Xyntri #2079 more was aiming for 7:11:11. spent so much timei n NG games Finished
    70. 70th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished
    71. 71st infinitemystery #9102 more fun race Finished
    72. 72nd Random64 #5541 more bad punchout, dr. mario, megaman 3, tmnt, and mario 2 but at least i finally finished one of these Finished
    73. 73rd FedePG52 #1209 more gg´s :) Finished
    74. Flaose #6552 he / him more Turns out I should have doubled my 6h estimate, haha. DNF
    75. lifereboot #7032 he / him DNF
    76. Macariuswrench #9728 he / him DNF
    77. Oopla #5028 he / him DNF
    78. RetroJayEsq #4817 DNF
    79. ScienceTeacherGaming #7820 DNF
    80. Skandranen #1872 he / him more Thunderbird and punchout can burn. DNF
    81. YmustUhateME #3791 he / him DNF
    82. zendoikaban #3310 he / him more Zelda 2 tilt me) DNF
  4. scruffy-surf-9260 BoNES Big 20 #16 - Beat 20 goals Finished recorded 45 entrants
    1. 1st Overswarm #6255 more Huge GGs to Lackattack, NESCardinality, cytown, Firebroth, Arcus, Brightshadow, Ferretdipity, Grayskull83, and Packie! I practiced Trog once every other day for 4 weeks, never again! Finished 3,089
    2. 2nd lackattack #9106 more Huge GGs to OS and NESCard for top 3! Never Trog Finished 2,891
    3. 3rd NESCardinality #3310 more Huge GGs to Overswarm and lackattack! Thanks to everyone who helped make my first Big20 an enjoyable one! Finished 2,737
    4. 4th cytown #5626 he / him Finished 2,605
    5. 5th Firebroth #2622 he / him more got DRAGON Warriored but stll had a blast GG's!! Finished 2,486
    6. 6th Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 2,375
    7. 7th brightshadow #3820 he / him more how did i get 7th oh my god Finished 2,271
    8. 8th FeRReTDiPiTY #1401 they / them more Lost 4+ minutes to save states being left on Battle Tank and 1 minute to my cat. These races are bad for my mental health and I'm probably retiring. Finished 2,171
    9. 9th Grayskull83 #4982 Finished 2,074
    10. 10th Packie619 #7035 he / him Finished 1,980
    11. 11th BluntBunny #5353 more I hate Tim Allen Finished 1,888
    12. 12th Emptyeye #1855 he / him more I mean, look, you PB by 10 minutes, you gotta be happy. Finished 1,798
    13. 13th GnarBlast #0565 Finished 1,710
    14. 14th xChristine #3488 Finished 1,622
    15. 15th beeteas #6192 more Arkista - No Arrow Upgrades Finished 1,536
    16. 16th MrPupG #3044 he / him more Unacceptable run Finished 1,450
    17. 17th WorldWideNooKling #6906 Finished 1,365
    18. 18th rojo #9957 more was a fun ride. Finished 1,280
    19. 19th coconutED #6345 Finished 1,196
    20. 20th AsmadiGames #4257 Finished 1,112
    21. 21st jdsilva #0323 more Thanks to all the BoNES folks for putting this on. Super happy with my time and I had a blast! Finished 1,028
    22. 22nd RyanVideoGamer #7459 Finished 945
    23. 23rd ShinDigPig #3475 he / him more Played out of my mind, 13 golds! Finished 861
    24. 24th link_7777 #3734 more good run, but DW didn't work, had to swap NES Finished 778
    25. 25th einderspel #5903 Finished 694
    26. 26th NESAtlas #0928 he / him more Very happy with how well I did for my 2nd time in a Big20! Finished 610
    27. 27th ThorOfKenya #1536 more Great list! Lets forget Trog exists XD Finished 525
    28. 28th levelengine #1654 Finished 440
    29. 29th Amune138 #7348 Finished 355
    30. 30th tecolote1280 #3142 Finished 269
    31. 31st Xarnax42 #5360 Finished 182
    32. 32nd GetimOliver #9388 more 7 golds :) but a death in Trog and crash in SW :( Finished 93
    33. 33rd sascha-gaming #9446 he / him more Trog Game Over on Level 49 Finished 4
    34. 34th Thumb Bros. #4951 Finished 87
    35. 35th Hero_82 #5125 Finished 180
    36. 36th Buhender #6418 Finished 276
    37. 37th color_theory #0054 more Needed more practice. Finished 375
    38. 38th spontanious #3587 more GG everyone Finished 477
    39. 39th ScottyK41 #4887 Finished 585
    40. 40th FedePG52 #1209 more Those 3 scenarios in star wars :( Finished 700
    41. 41st BrotherKyle88 #7413 he / him Finished 825
    42. infinitemystery #9102 more time contrants on star wars, couldn't finish DNF 833
    43. McDoodle209 #0316 DNF 833
    44. Random64 #5541 more multiple game overs on trog DNF 833
    45. tool_23 #3529 DQ 833
  5. secret-horsehead-0261 BoNES Big 20 #15 - Beat 20 goals Finished recorded 102 entrants
    1. 1st Pikapikapikachuuuu #6930 he / him more NG1 HB troll, MM1 panic jump xD, Samson troll spawn what i never saw before :D anyway still good other games, all runners the best, Lack and OS just PogChampions Finished 4,552
    2. 2nd Overswarm #6255 more Happy with my placement, but disappointed by personal performance. Pika and Lack did fantastic! Very great race, exciting the whole time. Finished 4,393
    3. 3rd lackattack #9106 more What a race! Congrats Pika, OS and all the other runners Finished 4,271
    4. 4th jay_cee #4319 more Game over mario 1, worst possible NG death, little samson death, entered 1-5 in mario 3 and completed it??? Why did I do that?? Finished 4,166
    5. 5th Iceblue #5330 they / them more We did it mom! Top 5! Finished 4,071
    6. 6th st4nzzz #4817 he / him more thank you all for this race, it was fun, congratulations to everyone, after 10 games I went downhill, but I'm still happy, it's difficult for me, there are too many games Finished 3,981
    7. 7th prisi #9592 he / him more 3-2 ninja gaiden, softlock in smb2, good stuff Finished 3,896
    8. 8th Oopla #5028 he / him more lost 7 minutes on kid icarus and Z1 but i don't care, awesome run Finished 3,815
    9. 9th Amad #7368 more Got the WORST snake RNG in startropics, GG:s! Finished 3,735
    10. 10th Grayskull83 #4982 Finished 3,657
    11. 11th djeez #8086 more Screw you covid, I did it anyway Finished 3,581
    12. 12th Firebroth #2622 he / him more woooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Finished 3,506
    13. 13th Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 3,433
    14. 14th RayeoTNJ #5173 he / him more Stage 14 and 15 cost me 5 minutes. *Flips table* Still Top 15 Finished 3,360
    15. 15th TheMexicanRunner #2971 more For the amount of time I put to learn these games (4 days), I think I did Amazing, still I hate Kid Icarus and Metroid "6/10" Finished 3,288
    16. 16th Emptyeye #1855 he / him more PB on race day, can't ask for much more. GGs all! Finished 3,216
    17. 17th Floatious #0903 Finished 3,145
    18. 18th evilelfo #8479 Finished 3,075
    19. 19th TheAndySocialNetwork #0291 Finished 3,005
    20. 20th FeRReTDiPiTY #1401 they / them more PB'd Full Run on Race Day, First Time Ever!! Finished 2,935
    21. 21st Schaaa #0227 he / him more I was hoping for top 20, got 21st... I'm happy with it Finished 2,866
    22. 22nd cytown #5626 he / him Finished 2,797
    23. 23rd deceax #3004 more Always super fun! Finished 2,729
    24. 24th xChristine #3488 Finished 2,661
    25. 25th smartalec24 #1143 he / him more don't mind me, just choking away 8 minutes on Wily 4 Finished 2,593
    26. 26th CynanMachae #2954 more 17/20 games went quite well, woopsies at Kid Icarus, Zelda1 and Chip n dale lol Finished 2,525
    27. 27th Perfect Fin #4648 Finished 2,457
    28. 28th Reidood #4542 he / him Finished 2,390
    29. 29th Death_Devil #7261 more that was a good big 20 list, after 5 years of my last big 20 i rly made a participation, showing my speedrun skills, and giving some impact to this event Finished 2,323
    30. 30th MrPupG #3044 he / him Finished 2,256
    31. 31st MegatronECS #8303 Finished 2,189
    32. 32nd BlazenBezza #2117 he / him more Not too bad for a 3am run Finished 2,122
    33. 33rd dnk_cafe #7446 Finished 2,055
    34. 34th DarthClops #0679 he / him more took a long time to screen wrap and a bad SMB 3 Finished 1,989
    35. 35th link_7777 #3734 more pandora and gleeok can bite me. fun race though Finished 1,922
    36. 36th PeaJae #8784 Finished 1,856
    37. 37th xJRigsx #1964 Finished 1,790
    38. 38th ScottyJ47 #9361 he / him Finished 1,724
    39. 39th Game_Overture #7709 Finished 1,657
    40. 40th squabbler #8253 more Shouldn't have played Z1 + Z2 safe; fell apart in SMB3 - lost my sub-4. GGs to all though! Finished 1,591
    41. 41st levelengine #1654 Finished 1,525
    42. 42nd Kaadzik #7393 more Got in the top 50%, dream come true Finished 1,459
    43. 43rd NLeseul #2669 Finished 1,393
    44. 44th JonnyLink #2756 he / him Finished 1,328
    45. 45th Amune138 #7348 Finished 1,262
    46. 46th CaptCaveman910 #7992 Finished 1,196
    47. 47th brightshadow #3820 he / him more i did it! i did the thing! top 50 is fine with me! YAY Finished 1,130
    48. 48th WhiteMonster #5134 more top 50 Pog Finished 1,064
    49. 49th JosephHTobinJr #8681 he / him Finished 999
    50. 50th stewy5632 #8506 Finished 933
    51. 51st Patton #0786 Finished 867
    52. 52nd stalwartturtle #0886 Finished 801
    53. 53rd sascha-gaming #9446 he / him Finished 735
    54. 54th NotTheGoats #8274 he / him Finished 670
    55. 55th homerjsmash #6175 he / him more Good early on, fell apart in the games I actually knew. Achieved my goal nonetheless, was fun. Kid Icarus still sucks Finished 604
    56. 56th pitpo #2601 more came here for a challenge, not having background in any nes game, and man, what a challenge it was, super fun month, might come back next time Finished 538
    57. 57th subtlewookie #3737 Finished 472
    58. 58th ZeeGee #6057 he / him Finished 406
    59. 59th tool_23 #3529 Finished 340
    60. 60th jodosutari #0057 he / him more loved it, first race for me, so very exciting! thanks for arranging!! Finished 274
    61. 61st JackPro #6657 he / him more =D Finished 208
    62. 62nd Tootoo #2661 more Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Plus a few other mishaps. But I had fun! GG everyone. Finished 142
    63. 63rd PhilsBasement #9479 more what do i do now? Finished 76
    64. 64th tecolote1280 #3142 more I heard about Big20 not long ago, so this being my first time, I had so much fun. Thanks for organizing this! Finished 9
    65. 65th NESAtlas #0928 he / him more Wow, that was so intense. So glad I was able to finish! Finished 57
    66. 66th WunUnknownPlayer #3232 more My first Big20... Mario games can go be nouns elsewhere. I like you, but I am glad I don't need to play you for a while. Finished 123
    67. 67th polsvoice #6084 Finished 190
    68. 68th lifereboot #7032 he / him Finished 257
    69. 69th spontanious #3587 more GG all! actual time: 5:34:30 Finished 323
    70. 70th Xarnax42 #5360 Finished 390
    71. 71st Pile #1356 Finished 457
    72. 72nd RetroJayEsq #4817 Finished 524
    73. 73rd SleepyTimeBeer #2723 Finished 592
    74. 74th kryptixx #7867 Finished 659
    75. 75th ThorOfKenya #1536 more What is Castlevania, but a game full of lies. Finished 727
    76. 76th TypicalFantasyX #8562 more I'm finished! Finished 795
    77. 77th tygor #4297 Finished 833
    78. 78th Thumb Bros. #4951 Finished 833
    79. 79th tHiAgOcH #9175 more I was doing well, Lost tons of time for Little sansom and Z2. Glad for finishing Finished 833
    80. 80th Cidermonkee #2556 Finished 833
    81. 81st infinitemystery #9102 more big 20 is over very sad Finished 833
    82. 82nd jkoper #0895 he / him more lost over an hour to Mario 2. everything else felt mostly ok Finished 833
    83. 83rd Joeymittens #7224 Finished 833
    84. 84th wag #6852 he / him Finished 833
    85. 85th Mappyman #3555 he / him Finished 833
    86. 86th MightySteiny #1027 he / him Finished 833
    87. 87th 1001gameslive #4251 Finished 833
    88. 88th cactus_frank #5908 Finished 833
    89. 89th FedePG52 #1209 Finished 833
    90. 90th thenesmaster #4501 more Legendary run Finished 833
    91. ArcadeRiot91 #9868 he / him DNF 833
    92. BruceIAm #8077 he / him more Got stuck on Boss in Area 3. Everytime I got there I was out of lives. Not bad for minimal practice. DNF 833
    93. CaptainGreen7 #4430 he / him DNF 833
    94. CrebleStar #3271 DNF 833
    95. dfx9 #2936 DNF 833
    96. KoolDoob #6720 he / him DNF 833
    97. MagicK #1661 he / him more CV killed me DNF 833
    98. MrMimixer #6004 DNF 833
    99. Random64 #5541 more gameover on mario 2 DNF 833
    100. Skandranen #1872 he / him DNF 833
    101. songbirder #6643 he / they DNF 833
    102. Xyntri #2079 DNF 833
  6. amazing-booyah-9888 NG1 Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 13
    2. 2nd knuckle_buster #5023 Finished 5
  7. wonderful-simon-9545 NG1 Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st knuckle_buster #5023 Finished 11
    2. 2nd Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 28
  8. intrepid-pipboy-0907 NG1 Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 12
    2. 2nd knuckle_buster #5023 Finished 5
  9. lurking-mudkip-6383 NG1 Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 14
    2. edo_87 #0724 DNF 5
  10. gentle-corrin-1701 NG1 Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st edo_87 #0724 Finished 13
    2. 2nd Arcus #1800 he / him Finished 28