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Race results

  1. brainy-moldorm-6674 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 43 entrants
    1. 1st droois #6541 more 42 for my boy. Rest in peace Ratboy <3 Finished 32
    2. 2nd OpnoPoint #1070 he / him Finished 24
    3. 3rd shatty #8786 he / him more RIP champ Finished 24
    4. 4th BrewersFanJP #3858 he / him more 142 Large Secret, very appropriate Finished 35
    5. 5th Bogie #4670 Finished 15
    6. 6th jessandy8 #9443 she / her more gdi bogie Finished 17
    7. 7th DEM_Gaming #1304 he / him more lost probably 3-4 minutes in 9 because I never checked those 2 rooms west of start, you know, where zelda was? instead I decided to see almost every other room first Finished 89
    8. 8th Thirwolf #2795 he / him Finished 1
    9. 9th ravioli500 #6555 he / him Finished 30
    10. 10th YmustUhateME #3791 he / him more Very slow start unforunately, lots of backtracking. Otherwise good decisions made Finished 18
    11. 11th cdinprov #6527 she / her Finished 39
    12. 12th equations19 #4006 he / him more ladder at 42 minutes Finished 9
    13. 13th Mocco71 #8714 he / him Finished 2
    14. 14th RandoRunner #5917 Finished 14
    15. 15th Kingdahl #7620 he / him more Sending my condolences to the friends and family of RatBoy42 Finished 1
    16. 16th cUstOm #2730 he / him Finished 2
    17. 17th BBQdotgov #6060 he / him Finished 6
    18. 18th BlessedBe_ #3629 he / him more 2nd fastest finish for me. New PB in community. Thank you Ratboy42 for being a great member of the community. Finished 20
    19. 19th T3rr4cor3 #9486 Finished 329
    20. 20th Neononane #4666 he / him more RIP Ratboy Finished 33
    21. 21st latebit #1301 he / him more practice chevy ganon before winter tourney or this garbage will happen again lmao Finished 1
    22. 22nd potato_pony #5169 he / him more All love to Ratboy42 Finished 12
    23. 23rd PDXRex #1077 more RIP BUDDY! Finished 7
    24. 24th Stags28 #0096 he / him Finished 1,231
    25. 25th methinkso #7428 he / him Finished 1
    26. 26th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 4
    27. 27th dcoy4 #6718 more rip ratboy, u will b missed Finished 2
    28. 28th Oboe #8721 he / him Finished 224
    29. 29th specialk3782 #4459 he / him more RIP Ratboy. Finished 779
    30. 30th TheGobOne #3197 he / him Finished 17
    31. 31st MoonrisenPhoenix #5925 he / him Finished 27
    32. 32nd Alsoa #3560 he / him Finished 36
    33. 33rd OzzSolo #5933 Finished 668
    34. 34th violina23 #9631 she / her more Sunk WAY too much time into Level 8, and took an embarassing amount of time to find 4, but otherwise, it was a relatively kind seed. Finished 14
    35. 35th LesleyPro_04 #2687 more Full cleared save for two items. Ended on 42 rupees for Ratboy; we'll miss you bud. RIP Finished 35
    36. 36th Hyo24 #0831 he / him Finished 32
    37. 37th Bakuda #9012 he / him Finished 79
    38. 38th AceKingSpade #0358 Finished n/a
    39. 39th Catastrophe #8431 he / him more laptop crashed, had to do setup during the race Finished 218
    40. 40th VixRyder #1476 he / him Finished 161
    41. 41st Stevie-O #2574 he / him more lotta money in this seed Finished 174
    42. 42nd drjayphd #2478 he / him Finished 42
    43. ganondwa1rf #0850 he / him more 9 did 9 things DNF n/a
  2. overpowered-magicbombwall-1484 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 28 entrants
    1. 1st ta909 #7596 Finished 19
    2. 2nd OpnoPoint #1070 he / him Finished 32
    3. 3rd Angel FM #3750 he / him more Fred could really improvise the randomizer if he could find out how to speed up the text Finished 17
    4. 4th jkoper #0895 he / him Finished 13
    5. 5th Mocco71 #8714 he / him more happy 9th Anniv - thank you Fred! Finished 17
    6. 6th Catastrophe #8431 he / him more happy birthday z1r! Finished 207
    7. 7th cytown #5626 he / him Finished 7
    8. 8th Ellendar #2124 he / him Finished 88
    9. 9th Cfalcon #0137 he / him Finished 14
    10. 10th adirondackrick #4468 he / him more Happy 9th Z1R, thanks for the fun, Fred! Should of turned left in Albuquerque Finished 5
    11. 11th Sigil711 #5203 more went wrong way in 9 Finished 9
    12. 12th dk9146 #8136 he / him Finished 7
    13. 13th jessandy8 #9443 she / her more much birthday, such wow! Finished 7
    14. 14th 2% Chungus #9070 more Level 5 is an unmitigated litany of treachery Finished 35
    15. 15th Ryin7 #7486 he / him Finished 1
    16. 16th violina23 #9631 she / her more Did anyone else take the walking tour of level 9? Just me? Finished 20
    17. 17th Para #5578 she / her more fuck you 9 lol Finished 39
    18. 18th Hyo24 #0831 he / him more That was fun Finished 121
    19. 19th drjayphd #2478 he / him more STOP WHINING GANON I KNOW I MISREAD MY TRACKER AND DUG 6 UNNECESSARILY. Finished 9
    20. 20th Stags28 #0096 he / him more started with candle. reset after 10 minutes to get the easy red candle. Finished 993
    21. 21st cdinprov #6527 she / her Finished 8
    22. 22nd NickHasAGame #8423 he / him Finished 8
    23. 23rd DEM_Gaming #1304 he / him Finished 10
    24. 24th specialk3782 #4459 he / him Finished 8
    25. 25th AlmightyBobino #8016 he / him Finished 31
    26. 26th LargeFatherV #5768 he / him more I wanted to find that tooter much sooner, and was also looking for Z without needing to find G, but that was not to be.. Finished 833
    27. 27th bedwablackburn #8172 he / him Finished 833
    28. 28th Stevie-O #2574 he / him Finished 255
  3. calm-keese-3979 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st OpnoPoint #1070 he / him Finished 60
    2. 2nd FurySK #0421 he / him more what left at albuqurque looks like Finished 7
    3. 3rd homerjsmash #6175 he / him Finished 3
    4. 4th Sigil711 #5203 more #beatjess Finished 2
    5. 5th PanzerDave #6328 he / him more #AlmostFullClear #MoreCivVWithFuryInstead Finished 3
    6. 6th jessandy8 #9443 she / her more M E A T S Finished 4
    7. 7th BrewersFanJP #3858 he / him more ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..... Finished 13
    8. 8th Stevie-O #2574 he / him more pulling off that pirouette in 4 and then immediately getting another locked door :chefskiss: Finished 107
    9. y_collin #4484 she / her more suck at every time XD DNF 33
  4. wonderful-magicboomerang-4084 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 22 entrants
    1. 1st Alsoa #3560 he / him more Nice 9 Finished 35
    2. 2nd fryteeth #6010 he / him Finished 44
    3. 3rd jkoper #0895 he / him more found all items except white sword Finished 25
    4. 4th Saver #8980 he / him more Happy 8th anniversary! Finished 42
    5. 5th Sigil711 #5203 more Happy Birthday Z1R!!!!! Happy Pi day! Finished 20
    6. 6th homerjsmash #6175 he / him more Thanks Fred! Finished 4
    7. 7th Diane #4917 she / her more happy bday Z1R Finished 11
    8. 8th Iceblue #5330 they / them more level 9 strikes again! Finished 68
    9. 9th Thirwolf #2795 he / him more happy bday z1r Finished 12
    10. 10th Cfalcon #0137 he / him more Would'ev won but I literally walked all around Silvers, oh well, so goes 9. Happy 8th Z1R!!!!! Finished 67
    11. 11th Para #5578 she / her Finished 52
    12. 12th Cha0sFinale #7998 he / him more Lucky gamble on silvers Finished 20
    13. 13th Mocco71 #8714 he / him more happy anniv, thanks Fred, and thanks lvl 9, glad I got to see the whole dungeon and all its stairs Finished 9
    14. 14th fcoughlin #7691 he / him Finished 45
    15. 15th Xarnax42 #5360 more Another rando race, another full clear Finished 18
    16. 16th Moogle King of Space #8074 he / they more ARGHLBLARGL. Finished 64
    17. 17th adirondackrick #4468 he / him more Ranged attacks are only as good as how well you use them. Finished 29
    18. 18th Kigalas #8111 he / him more Seems like I found things in the right order. Fun race Finished 17
    19. 19th AmazingAmpharos #6076 more 13 deaths in an early Red Ring seed, very rusty indeed Finished 309
    20. 20th Stevie-O #2574 he / him more ultimately, taking the candle instead of the wood sword was a good bet Finished 26
    21. 21st Stags28 #0096 he / him Finished 51
    22. 22nd Jaylow7 #0503 he / him Finished 237
  5. speedy-raft-9537 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 21 entrants
    1. 1st syscrusher #6529 he / him Finished 37
    2. 2nd beeteas #6192 Finished 188
    3. 3rd fcoughlin #7691 he / him Finished 63
    4. 4th Alsoa #3560 he / him Finished 38
    5. 5th JSR_ #2176 he / him Finished 87
    6. 6th fryteeth #6010 he / him Finished 53
    7. 7th adirondackrick #4468 he / him more Happy 7th Birthday Z1R!! Thanks Fred Finished 79
    8. 8th homerjsmash #6175 he / him Finished 1
    9. 9th Eatmysteel #6324 he / him Finished 6
    10. 10th chessjerk #2898 he / him Finished 27
    11. 11th MrDunlo #2713 he / him Finished 38
    12. 12th Ryin7 #7486 he / him Finished 11
    13. 13th cytown #5626 he / him more thanks fred for making something that makes me irrationally angry Finished 35
    14. 14th Eunos #9030 he / him Finished 47
    15. 15th Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 88
    16. 16th Para #5578 she / her Finished 100
    17. 17th MagicFriends #5876 he / him Finished 39
    18. 18th Malchior #3174 he / him more 25 minute 9...WTF that princess location! Finished 32
    19. 19th Xarnax42 #5360 more 20 minute sword and full clear 9 will not help your time Finished 145
    20. 20th thomjay #5571 Finished 93
    21. 21st Stevie-O #2574 he / him Finished 195
  6. shiny-oldwoman-5855 Z1R Beat the game Finished recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st homerjsmash #6175 he / him more better lucky than good.. Finished 45
    2. 2nd jkoper #0895 he / him Finished 68
    3. 3rd TruantGamer #3951 he / him more otterstrong Finished 46
    4. 4th ta909 #7596 Finished 45
    5. 5th adirondackrick #4468 he / him more RIP OPTLawyer 1981-2021. #OtterStrong Finished 331
    6. 6th cytown #5626 he / him more RIP Otter Finished 12
    7. 7th Kingdahl #7620 he / him more Objection! Gannon 4 hearts wood sword is not what I want.. Finished 73
    8. 8th PanzerDave #6328 he / him Finished 18
    9. 9th CaptainGreen7 #4430 he / him Finished 57
    10. 10th Eatmysteel #6324 he / him Finished 10
    11. 11th FurySK #0421 he / him more shatty'd pig to 7 lost places lol Finished 26
    12. 12th fryteeth #6010 he / him Finished 48
    13. 13th drjayphd #2478 he / him more Took some time to beef up and I'm not sure it helped? But DAAAAAAAAAAAMN homer. Finished 17
    14. 14th potato_pony #5169 he / him more #otterstrong Finished 10
    15. 15th cdinprov #6527 she / her Finished 1
    16. 16th Stevie-O #2574 he / him more I really, really suck at combat Finished 256
    17. 17th LesleyPro_04 #2687 more Between the rough Overworld and the combat troubles that was rough enough, but then I also had tracker troubles. Finished 532
    18. Jaylow7 #0503 he / him DNF 833