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Race results

  1. fancy-ironknuckle-0542 OoTR Carrera Hispana 6 Finished not recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st iOliver #1400 he / him more cada vez más rancio Kappa Finished
    2. 2nd Nasho3D #2787 more i'm stupid facilmente era sub 3 Finished
    3. 3rd andres3456 #9754 more Grabé de forma local porque el internet andaba para la v. Avisen si quieren que lo suba Finished
    4. 4th Darker #0188 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Huevi-chan #5134 Finished
    6. IvaneroWorld #9917 DNF
  2. chaotic-wolfos-5287 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 82 entrants
    1. 1st WTHH #3353 he / him Finished 73
    2. 2nd kariossa #1113 he / him more crossing wastleland twice hurt Finished n/a
    3. 3rd Sora #4486 he / him more feels so good after how demoralized I was on Sunday lmao Finished 55
    4. 4th Marco #4636 Finished 37
    5. 5th MrMario7788 #4876 he / him Finished 49
    6. 6th juwk #1061 more played really well but cleared ow and all of early fire kek Finished 47
    7. 7th YUSoEpic #1418 Finished 58
    8. 8th rockchalk #3494 he / him more forgot to jump slash on ganon lmao Finished 51
    9. 9th Cfalcon #0137 he / him more Sorry Splitz, it was 30 required, not 50. Your prediction was slightly off =P Finished 35
    10. 10th tanjo3 he / him Finished 58
    11. 11th idunno #8594 Finished 50
    12. 12th Exodus #5327 he / him Finished 38
    13. 13th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him more too safe Finished 37
    14. 14th soli #9689 Finished 89
    15. 15th Yoyocarina #2131 Finished 45
    16. 16th Xacola #4488 he / him more sub 3 Pog Finished 54
    17. 17th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 40
    18. 18th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more Was in jet mode. Wasn't ready for non-jet mode. Finished 33
    19. 19th BearKofca #7366 she / they Finished 52
    20. 20th Natheirean #0847 he / him Finished 39
    21. 21st JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 17
    22. 22nd Engel #2700 he / him more would've been like 2:15 if not for some pesky spirit keys, yikes Finished 32
    23. 23rd Redd #2380 he / him more take cover snipers everywhere Finished 36
    24. 24th Icola #8220 he / him Finished 12
    25. 25th Synii #6419 more Had to salvage a shit situation where I had no explosives. I know str 2 is at market, just please give me a bomb bag so I can grab it Finished 27
    26. 26th Xopar he / him Finished 29
    27. 27th Blueseangfh2 #1828 he / they Finished 30
    28. 28th barbu #5807 he / him Finished 28
    29. 29th mrmartin #9054 Finished 9
    30. 30th favio94 #9972 he / him Finished 2,870
    31. 31st Koari #3085 he / him Finished 20
    32. 32nd VidyaJames he / him more I really wish I was playing dk64randomizer.com right now Finished 12
    33. 33rd 2dos #0770 he / him more anyone else run out to spirit temple twice? oops ad lol Finished 15
    34. 34th kr3z #4245 he / him Finished 11
    35. 35th Lefty #7499 he / him more Ice cavern and a double wasteland crossing cost most of my time Finished 13
    36. 36th Majarkin #2474 he / him more Traveling on foot to Spirit Temple twice takes a lot of time. who knew Finished 28
    37. 37th Machie #1863 he / him Finished 8
    38. 38th BéBé #0150 Finished 6
    39. 39th ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him Finished 8
    40. 40th SaigoGetsuga #0063 he / him more Had a mishap with livesplit/raceroom timer... lost about a minute but still not bad Finished 173
    41. 41st Nave #0951 more I knew it was AD and coped my way into an extra 10+ mins of timeloss trying to deny it LUL Finished 28
    42. 42nd vela #3180 she / her more wow :o Finished 1,950
    43. 43rd andres3456 #9754 Finished 9
    44. 44th Sawce_Bawss #0263 he / him Finished 1,761
    45. 45th kirkq #6141 Finished 57
    46. 46th Kickemman #5295 he / him more Of course my first Qual is an AD seed, lol Finished 297
    47. 47th Zinedine #7130 Finished 5
    48. 48th toburr #2847 he / him more skulls r hard Finished 3
    49. 49th devteam #7788 he / him Finished 51
    50. 50th Anvil #2440 he / him more That one was frustrating Finished 488
    51. 51st Alaszun #5375 he / him Finished 55
    52. 52nd Zemoo #4988 Finished 11
    53. 53rd incoherent #6156 he / him more apparently my execution is in fact that bad Finished 28
    54. 54th HollowLogic #2254 he / him more I hate AD Requiem Finished 12
    55. 55th Rhaps93 #1779 Finished n/a
    56. 56th Skuby #3113 more Pozogod. Finished 19
    57. 57th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 24
    58. 58th NineWholeGrains #3201 he / him more In this house, we last location Dampe Digging Finished 36
    59. 59th PrimalKiwi #2849 Finished 17
    60. 60th methinkso #7428 he / him Finished 48
    61. 61st Alexis #1759 he / him more My life sucks Finished 59
    62. 62nd Moose Plural #4741 he / him Finished 37
    63. 63rd Feenie #6029 Finished 29
    64. 64th makkei #0420 he / him Finished 40
    65. 65th Wafo #2978 he / him Finished 43
    66. 66th HasCoffee #4863 he / him Finished 201
    67. 67th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 38
    68. 68th Blueguy #5937 he / him Finished 58
    69. 69th mracsys #1993 he / him Finished 89
    70. 70th skyygoro #0465 he / him Finished 32
    71. 71st Vodzilla #9485 more Would have been better with King Zora skip allowed. Finished 98
    72. 72nd TobiasG_91 he / him Finished 80
    73. 73rd Kyrie_Strombom #7498 he / him more kid locked spirit can bite me Finished 142
    74. 74th quatmaniac #3815 he / him Finished 188
    75. felixoide4 #9489 he / him DNF 101
    76. Pyra #2564 he / him DNF 76
    77. Ch0c0 #3389 he / him DNF 56
    78. Oximan #8883 he / him DNF 51
    79. iOliver #1400 he / him DNF 93
    80. detrumi #3374 he / him DNF 112
    81. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF 29
    82. PikaZaber #5230 he / him DNF 113
  3. mecha-darunia-3652 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st andres3456 #9754 Finished 11
    2. 2nd iOliver #1400 he / him Finished 5
    3. 3rd Luisito #0306 he / him Finished 26
    4. 4th Disweek #8984 he / him Finished 7
    5. 5th PikaZaber #5230 he / him Finished 35
  4. mega-talon-5428 OoTR Carrera Hispana 5 Finished not recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st Luisito #0306 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd iOliver #1400 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Nasho3D #2787 Finished
    4. 4th PikaZaber #5230 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Darker #0188 he / him Finished
    6. 6th Linkpon #8526 he / him Finished
    7. 7th andres3456 #9754 more Me hiciste perder la qualifier diamante! Finished
    8. Archerok #4193 he / him DNF
    9. Huevi-chan #5134 DNF
    10. IvaneroWorld #9917 more too much senderismo DNF
    11. mojopug #3947 they / them DNF
    12. ZerKirL #6182 DNF
  5. snug-saria-0677 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Skuby #3113 Finished 12
    2. 2nd iOliver #1400 he / him Finished 15
  6. comic-ingo-9886 OoTR Carrera Hispana 4 Finished not recorded 15 entrants
    1. 1st favio94 #9972 he / him more What a big head you have! x50 lol Finished
    2. 2nd iOliver #1400 he / him more cada check de Shadow me hizo decir vete a la vrg Finished
    3. 3rd Wafo #2978 he / him more Tenia 10 skulls cuando vi la hint de lights KEKW Finished
    4. 4th andres3456 #9754 more Cuando uno creía que ya terminaba xD Finished
    5. 5th Nasho3D #2787 more I'm stupid Finished
    6. 6th PikaZaber #5230 he / him Finished
    7. 7th Huevi-chan #5134 more Buena seed y mejor persona Finished
    8. 8th Thendofwar #0484 they / them more OMG 13 SEGUNDOS MENOS QUE LA SEGUNDA CARRERA ESTOY GIGACHAD Finished
    9. 9th Isaac2x #0389 he / him more Los llaveros Kreygasm Finished
    10. IvaneroWorld #9917 more Windows XP DNF
    11. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF
    12. mojopug #3947 they / them DNF
    13. mrmartin #9054 DNF
    14. Popês #4366 DNF
    15. vela #3180 she / her more x_x DNF
  7. crazy-twinrova-0017 OoTR Carrera Hispana 3 Finished not recorded 16 entrants
    1. 1st favio94 #9972 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd mrmartin #9054 Finished
    3. 3rd Wafo #2978 he / him Finished
    4. 4th iOliver #1400 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Luisito #0306 he / him more whit vc crash Pepega Finished
    6. 6th ZerKirL #6182 more thendo quiere ponga un comentario... kapap Finished
    7. 7th andres3456 #9754 more Casi 100% por el puto mirror Finished
    8. 8th Darker #0188 he / him Finished
    9. 9th PikaZaber #5230 he / him more nembre no puedo estar mas ciego con esas hover XD Finished
    10. Archerok #4193 he / him DNF
    11. Huevi-chan #5134 DNF
    12. Isaac2x #0389 he / him DNF
    13. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF
    14. mojopug #3947 they / them DNF
    15. Popês #4366 DNF
    16. Skuby #3113 DNF
  8. dapper-epona-1045 OoTR Carrera Hispana 2 Finished not recorded 14 entrants
    1. 1st Wafo #2978 he / him more Creo que pude haber encontrado esa fuerza y bajarle unos 15-20min. Favio me hubiera ganado :( Finished
    2. 2nd Kaede Rukawa #4676 he / him more Early fire pero me fui antes de subir, throw Finished
    3. 3rd Luisito #0306 he / him more Hintless xddd Finished
    4. 4th andres3456 #9754 more Por olvidar que no habia cerradura en la puerta, me ganaron el 3er lugar Finished
    5. 5th PikaZaber #5230 he / him Finished
    6. 6th Nasho3D #2787 more I'm stupid Finished
    7. 7th iOliver #1400 he / him Finished
    8. 8th Darker #0188 he / him Finished
    9. 9th Raiden D. Nat #5756 he / him more Maldito pozo de caca Finished
    10. 10th Thendofwar #0484 they / them Finished
    11. Archerok #4193 he / him DNF
    12. IvaneroWorld #9917 DNF
    13. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF
    14. Skuby #3113 more No recuerdo cómo conseguir mask of truth YEP me pasé toda la seed sin leer hints, 5 meds, light arrow y nunca encontré la magia DNF
  9. agreeable-ironknuckle-4909 OoTR RENDOM 🎲 Finished not recorded 19 entrants
    1. 1st Nasho3D #2787 Finished
    2. 2nd HyliaHale #6965 she / her Finished
    3. 3rd Linkpon #8526 he / him more te odio modloader Finished
    4. 4th Disweek #8984 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Luisito #0306 he / him more 3-4 crashes , thx modloader Finished
    6. 6th iOliver #1400 he / him Finished
    7. 7th Raidunila #6204 he / him Finished
    8. 8th Ethannoe7 #9562 he / him Finished
    9. 9th Empty_Thoughts #5256 Finished
    10. 10th melisussie #6564 she / her Finished
    11. 11th Lxght #7004 he / him more El tiempo al final fue de 3:24:27.84 solo que se me bugeo el racetime del Livesplit. Pero fue buena run. Gracias por invitar uwu Finished
    12. 12th VadamirZx #7459 he / him Finished
    13. 13th jottahale #0207 he / him Finished
    14. 14th TheRelay #6611 he / him Finished
    15. Argorok #3238 DNF
    16. Lazito #6542 DNF
    17. Masterlink #0629 DNF
    18. ShiroRinku #5114 DNF
    19. Zelda Fans Monterrey #1337 DNF
  10. quick-ironknuckle-5760 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 20 entrants
    1. 1st kariossa #1113 he / him more good seed j'ai juste envie de vomir quoi Kappa Finished 13
    2. 2nd Aranaut #5360 he / him more Not bad with a VC crash in Forest monkaS Finished 12
    3. 3rd Susato #2100 more Full clear, gg Finished 28
    4. 4th Wafo #2978 he / him more backtracking % Finished 18
    5. 5th Keipi3 #8934 he / him more Incinerate it Finished 9
    6. 6th DecoyTroy #5137 he / him more That was rough. I'm interested to see what the logic is. I assume your first bombs was supposed to be on 20 skulls Finished 10
    7. 7th Keepsake66 #6202 he / him Finished 7
    8. 8th Volc #1558 he / him more De la merde Finished 7
    9. 9th Cuphat #2212 he / him Finished 1
    10. 10th Machie #1863 he / him Finished 1,723
    11. 11th andres3456 #9754 more I deserve some points for not giving up with this trash seed LUL Finished 4
    12. 12th iOliver #1400 he / him Finished 4
    13. Exodus #5327 he / him DNF 34
    14. PurpleRupees #9084 he / him more Not in the mood dealing with this DNF 21
    15. MorceauLion64 #1909 DNF 16
    16. LiamSixx #5477 he / him DNF 9
    17. vela #3180 she / her more bad routing u.u DNF 9
    18. makkei #0420 he / him more internet not working today :( DNF 3
    19. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF 15
    20. YoshiChief #0466 he / him more Being on 3 medallions and no bow when the majority of participants finished really put a damper on my confidence in this. GG everyone though! DNF 80