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Race results

  1. helpful-saria-9331 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 130 entrants
    1. 1st kariossa #1113 he / him Finished 89
    2. 2nd Sponge #2155 Finished 88
    3. 3rd Gavaroni #9139 he / him Finished 103
    4. 4th SeYsEy #2150 he / him Finished 97
    5. 5th Goomba #5087 he / him Finished 89
    6. 6th favio94 #9972 he / him Finished 80
    7. 7th juwk #1061 Finished 128
    8. 8th Aosuna #6959 he / him Finished 258
    9. 9th Zorro #9005 she / her more Top 10 ! Really Happy ! Finished 123
    10. 10th Martina #8380 Finished 2,533
    11. 11th sanzeau #6048 he / him Finished 874
    12. 12th Icola #8220 he / him more crash on Volvagia loose 10min Finished 64
    13. 13th Riley #6863 he / him Finished 69
    14. 14th Drooness he / they more 40 Finished 86
    15. 15th ArthurOudini #1948 Finished 75
    16. 16th Xef199221 #3025 he / him more That was a hell of a ride ! GGs everyone Finished 89
    17. 17th Exodus #5327 he / him more can we get one decent qual seed please? Finished 73
    18. 18th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 51
    19. 19th Braaks #4674 he / him Finished 74
    20. 20th FantaTanked #6752 he / him Finished 65
    21. 21st gsk8 #0424 he / him Finished 73
    22. 22nd Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 49
    23. 23rd Cokotier #5325 he / him more W T F is happening in S5 xD (Flouflouche d'où tu snipes ?) Finished 116
    24. 24th VidyaJames he / him more you know the seed is fucked up when I'm not angry after finishing Finished 73
    25. 25th Gogeta #1793 Finished 75
    26. 26th Tjongejonge_ #3520 he / him Finished 124
    27. 27th Engel #2700 he / him Finished 103
    28. 28th Ryuja #6053 more hammer time Finished 51
    29. 29th Melrose #4744 he / him Finished 44
    30. 30th CheckRaise #5639 he / him Finished 89
    31. 31st RyuuKane #3246 he / him more From insane start to last loc'ing RL, Hammer and Mirror. ReallyFuckingHappy Finished 36
    32. 32nd Nopons #4783 Finished 65
    33. 33rd Kirox #6033 he / him more this water meme must stop usedVERYMAD Finished 39
    34. 34th Sora #4486 he / him Finished 25
    35. 35th xenoh #9245 Finished 58
    36. 36th DgBarca #0570 he / him more A clear victory for me since I haven't put a single foot in IC Finished 52
    37. 37th Cloudike #9155 he / him Finished 183
    38. 38th alfalfa #3653 he / him Finished 35
    39. 39th barbu #5807 he / him more c'est de la merde Finished 58
    40. 40th DylanMeeble #9138 he / him Finished 31
    41. 41st emosoda they / them more bad news: threw away a 950; good news: this is a points fiesta Finished 33
    42. 42nd Chimpanreeve #9719 he / him more Domain giveth, Domain taketh away. Also I'm never doing GTG before HBA ever again Finished 80
    43. 43rd idunno #8594 Finished 448
    44. 44th Alaixo #9633 he / him Finished 52
    45. 45th DareDevinX #1691 he / him Finished 25
    46. 46th Alexis #1759 he / him more I'm just an idiot Finished 11
    47. 47th Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 15
    48. 48th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 77
    49. 49th NewSoupVi #7303 they / them Finished 31
    50. 50th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more 100% crew where you at?? Finished 9
    51. 51st Cybrou #8097 he / him Finished 44
    52. 52nd DoitiEtok #7450 he / him Finished 32
    53. 53rd BrotinderDose he / him Finished 16
    54. 54th Letsklay #4197 Finished 23
    55. 55th Cuphat #2212 he / him more Pretty good seed outside of basically last locationing a bunch of stuff mid-game. Finished 12
    56. 56th TheLightswoord #2757 he / him Finished 4
    57. 57th xHaii #2532 he / him more menouDeter menouDeter menouDeter Finished 52
    58. 58th Spikevegeta #8733 Finished 40
    59. 59th Gyraxo #1718 he / him more Forgot to do hba and wasted 25 min -.- Finished 8
    60. 60th Xuross #1161 more monkaS Finished 33
    61. 61st Challensois_ #7759 Finished 2,122
    62. 62nd Kiara_TV #7706 she / her Finished 75
    63. 63rd Jimbo more qutting zootr Finished 2
    64. 64th SDGShawn #8194 he / him more Child Domain can go fuck its self.... Finished 1
    65. 65th baelnog #5605 he / him Finished 10
    66. 66th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 4
    67. 67th aston1988 #7539 Finished 6
    68. 68th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished 1
    69. 69th Bossage #7760 he / him more very bad execution Finished 12
    70. 70th FcS35 #2882 he / him Finished 13
    71. 71st jaxstronomy #7766 they / them Finished 14
    72. 72nd Chuckles501 #5294 he / him Finished 18
    73. 73rd huffpuff1337 #4259 he / him more fucking love playing well and placing garbage Finished 19
    74. 74th ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him Finished 18
    75. 75th tanjo3 he / him more my biggest mistake this seed was setting my alarm so I'd wake up on time Finished 15
    76. 76th BearKofca #7366 she / they Finished 62
    77. 77th Tepedino #8824 he / him Finished 31
    78. 78th Jagger #2449 he / him Finished 60
    79. 79th Aranha #4263 he / him Finished 43
    80. 80th ksinjah #5722 she / her Finished 30
    81. 81st TeaGrenadier #7927 Finished 20
    82. 82nd Staroid #7201 Finished 50
    83. 83rd PandaCerise #6591 she / her Finished 61
    84. 84th DubuDeccer #0242 he / him more How You Remind Me, Nickleback 3.5 Finished 47
    85. 85th DeadlyThunder #9617 she / her Finished 38
    86. 86th roguecopter #2546 he / him Finished 29
    87. 87th toburr #2847 he / him more lmao Finished n/a
    88. 88th Feenie #6029 Finished 40
    89. 89th UofCWildcat #3071 he / him Finished 61
    90. 90th Krokilex #1564 Finished 144
    91. 91st Samwizest #8610 he / him Finished 49
    92. 92nd Skolslink #5514 he / him Finished 295
    93. 93rd Squall27730 #2387 Finished 42
    94. 94th ScorpiosFinalGambit #2997 he / him more hesitated in late game; costed me 15 minutes. Finished 44
    95. 95th Blueseangfh2 #1828 he / they Finished 130
    96. 96th AeroRaiser #6469 he / him Finished 271
    97. 97th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more That hammer location sadKEK Finished 65
    98. 98th Crimsonae #0243 he / him Finished 347
    99. 99th Owningmatt93 #4195 he / him more should've just committed Finished 67
    100. 100th Damdayou #9554 he / him Finished 78
    101. 101st BruZZler #7185 he / him more Anyone Frogs 2? No? I guessed so :( Finished 448
    102. 102nd Machie #1863 he / him more i saw ZF barren, i wrote ZF barren, but understand ZD barren in in my head lul Finished n/a
    103. 103rd Redd #2380 he / him more Another easy seed that I skipped out on one location for a bottleneck Finished 62
    104. 104th ChelseyxLynn #2546 she / her more always rush botw Finished 569
    105. 105th CFlare #4556 they / them Finished 209
    106. 106th Linkpon #8526 he / him Finished 70
    107. 107th interloper #0934 he / him more hiking forever Finished n/a
    108. 108th BlueSoxSWJ #6781 he / him more Open world hunts for the mirror shield, yay fun. Finished 913
    109. 109th Rhaps93 #1779 more yikes Finished 314
    110. 110th Shadowanh #7972 Finished 327
    111. 111th Cyberion #5453 he / him more this seed was 99,99% bullshit Finished 116
    112. MasterAleks #1550 he / him more Was on a pace for a great finish, top5-10, then squirreled. Ended up "full clearing" the seed several times going back to all dungeons/skulls/checks for 1h25min. :( DNF 109
    113. PhilippeTitou #7354 he / him DNF 105
    114. prieR57 #0778 he / him DNF 191
    115. Menou #8446 more Well... well well DNF 114
    116. Tubamann #5428 he / him more Unequipping dins everytime in spirit now - super sad, was doing really well DNF 279
    117. Drachma_ #2581 he / him DNF 108
    118. Baringo #6516 DNF 131
    119. KeiperDontCare #8389 DNF 102
    120. purble #1465 he / him DNF 80
    121. Majarkin #2474 he / him DNF 107
    122. detrumi #3374 he / him DNF 267
    123. Yace_Dante #4179 he / him DNF 57
    124. Finalor #5218 he / him more Crash 2 times + dont know how to cross without lens :c DNF 513
    125. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF 54
    126. Bahamut #4832 he / him DNF 577
    127. Mafrucci #0879 DNF 194
    128. Goombill #1284 he / him more I did not learn 1500 HBA overnight... DNF n/a
    129. DJGUAP0 #6592 DNF n/a
    130. Doc BAM #8837 he / him more I wish I know how to cross wasteland without lence, tfacon MMR c'est mieu wesh ! DNF 833
  2. clumsy-pierre-0904 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 136 entrants
    1. 1st Sora #4486 he / him more #vtubergang Finished 86
    2. 2nd Melrose #4744 he / him more Thank you Rahylia, Riley and Sponge for helping me enjoy playing rando again, I love you all. Finished 93
    3. 3rd Icola #8220 he / him Finished 80
    4. 4th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 92
    5. 5th JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 106
    6. 6th Kevin_818 #9130 he / him more would be really happy about this if I had played well Finished 89
    7. 7th Marco #4636 Finished 85
    8. 8th DubuDeccer #0242 he / him Finished 88
    9. 9th WoodenBarrel #8485 he / him Finished 174
    10. 10th rockchalk #3494 he / him more glad quals are going better for me so far this season Finished 81
    11. 11th YUSoEpic #1418 more Is it me or seeds are always jets-1? Finished 169
    12. 12th mrmartin #9054 Finished 71
    13. 13th Markars #9224 Finished 221
    14. 14th Flouche #5543 he / him more I think the game does not want me to god route Finished 61
    15. 15th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him more i didn't realize this until now... broccoli is just a bunch of small trees Finished 69
    16. 16th Yoyocarina #2131 Finished 70
    17. 17th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 78
    18. 18th Xef199221 #3025 he / him more Better mood, better race. Let's keep going ! Finished 82
    19. 19th Aughoti #9108 he / him more 2 quals, 2 dropped scores Finished 78
    20. 20th WeightyWords #1007 he / him Finished 689
    21. 21st Menou #8446 more Well ... Happy Menou is Happy Finished 100
    22. 22nd Cloudike #9155 he / him Finished 328
    23. 23rd DylanMeeble #9138 he / him Finished 68
    24. 24th Chimpanreeve #9719 he / him more Cow grotto OP Finished 180
    25. 25th Oneshot013 #7931 he / him Finished 53
    26. 26th Nopons #4783 Finished 86
    27. 27th Kiara_TV #7706 she / her Finished 704
    28. 28th PurpleRupees #9084 he / him Finished 55
    29. 29th Gogeta #1793 more My neighbour from below is god damn right Finished 61
    30. 30th RyuuKane #3246 he / him more Practice always goes well, quals always don't. I have no idea Finished 34
    31. 31st Spounsh #8786 Finished 197
    32. 32nd MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished 41
    33. 33rd TheLightswoord #2757 he / him more Note to self : avoid to die twice to bongo becasue you only have 4 hearts... Finished 43
    34. 34th MasterAleks #1550 he / him more I didn't look at the Collosus Arch - ooops. Finished 32
    35. 35th kariossa #1113 he / him Finished 20
    36. 36th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 30
    37. 37th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more Could gotten a 2:10 if I did HBA before doing gtg since Letter was my go mode. :C Finished 57
    38. 38th KINGsamps0n #6056 he / him Finished 60
    39. 39th xenoh #9245 Finished 48
    40. 40th tanjo3 he / him more dip fire and win; I, however, lost Finished 62
    41. 41st Keipi3 #8934 he / him Finished 469
    42. 42nd Engel #2700 he / him Finished 49
    43. 43rd Xuross #1161 more mouais Finished 88
    44. 44th juwk #1061 Finished 6
    45. 45th Bread-kun #7332 he / him Finished 244
    46. 46th Jimbo more i just cant. Finished 22
    47. 47th Aurelius #4633 he / him Finished 455
    48. 48th Drooness he / they Finished 11
    49. 49th ArthurOudini #1948 Finished 9
    50. 50th Rafa #9983 he / him more VC crash + clearing well and spirit, yaaayyy... Finished 25
    51. 51st XthDoctor #5294 Finished 128
    52. 52nd Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 2
    53. 53rd T-RIS #3918 he / him Finished 3
    54. 54th 2dos #0770 he / him more 1 check away from being a hilariously fast seed lmao Finished 203
    55. 55th Crimsonae #0243 he / him Finished 394
    56. 56th UofCWildcat #3071 he / him Finished 26
    57. 57th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 20
    58. 58th GGKillian #8283 he / him Finished 275
    59. 59th FcS35 #2882 he / him more J'vais rajouter colosse à ma vidéo Finished 9
    60. 60th Blueseangfh2 #1828 he / they Finished 7
    61. 61st Gorodine #7047 he / him Finished 12
    62. 62nd Audra Alexys #1222 she / they more who dies to bow stalfos??? Finished 1
    63. 63rd rblopes #1420 he / him Finished 67
    64. 64th baelnog #5605 he / him more Casually lost 200+ qual points because I misrouted ToD once PepegaHands Finished 16
    65. 65th jkoper #0895 he / him Finished 5
    66. 66th BearKofca #7366 she / they Finished 33
    67. 67th Cybrou #8097 he / him Finished 10
    68. 68th Alaszun #5375 he / him Finished 63
    69. 69th IvaneroWorld #9917 more My super power of last locating everything failed this time. Go mode: Child for deku, adult for Requiem, child for bean, adult for boomerang, child for jabu, adult to finish. Thanks Prelude Finished 10
    70. 70th ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him Finished 14
    71. 71st Cubsrule21 #2508 he / they Finished 22
    72. 72nd Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished 18
    73. 73rd incoherent #6156 he / him more sometimes you just get randoed. also bongoed. Finished 28
    74. 74th DecoyTroy #5137 he / him more Nothing like switching between child and adult 4 times in a row to do Jabu. Finished 21
    75. 75th Shigatura #5562 Finished 19
    76. 76th SariasObject #3370 he / him Finished 32
    77. 77th Yace_Dante #4179 he / him Finished 12
    78. 78th Krokilex #1564 Finished 84
    79. 79th Rhaps93 #1779 Finished 519
    80. 80th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 32
    81. 81st VerdantAsh #1713 she / her more I guess the hint I missed was in fucking Valley? Sucks that I did the chicken and fucked up the chicken so I missed the hint and never went back Finished 48
    82. 82nd kzeldero #3550 he / him Finished 10
    83. 83rd Cuphat #2212 he / him more I hate this seed almost as much as I hate myself. Finished 36
    84. 84th CFlare #4556 they / them more !fire Finished 119
    85. 85th Hyper #8571 he / him more i died in shadow trying to get to the boss door OmegaLUL Finished 120
    86. 86th toburr #2847 he / him more i have so many desert-based regrets Finished 833
    87. 87th Nave #0951 more Even in jet seeds, I'm sick of having excellent times completely ruined by pepega casino modes Finished 100
    88. 88th MythicSelkie #2028 he / him Finished 57
    89. 89th Synii #6419 more I finished, but I'm still not convinced bows exist in this seed. Everything that could go wrong this seed, did go wrong. Really bad performance today Finished 93
    90. 90th Machie #1863 he / him more why did i forget archerie gerudo :/ Finished 19
    91. 91st Linkpon #8526 he / him Finished 49
    92. 92nd roguecopter #2546 he / him Finished 46
    93. 93rd JindaWuff #7297 they / them Finished 43
    94. 94th Shadowanh #7972 Finished 248
    95. 95th Sharky2107 #6867 he / him more Somehow I Dingused the Dins Fire <_< Finished 68
    96. 96th Kazuma Taichi #0387 other / ask! more I can't believe I managed to do my first 1500 horseback without slowdown, that was a clutch moment Finished n/a
    97. 97th Bouloche #5177 he / him Finished 405
    98. 98th LostThePirate #2940 she / her more That certainly was a seed... Finished 118
    99. 99th RicktheHusky #3516 they / them Finished 229
    100. 100th interloper #0934 he / him Finished 21
    101. 101st Redd #2380 he / him more Could have been an easy 3:15 - 3:30 Finished 327
    102. 102nd tlozsr #6500 he / him more I did every dungeon before archery :)))) Finished 263
    103. 103rd Jagger #2449 he / him Finished 215
    104. 104th beek #6694 more put off archery for like 2 hours Finished n/a
    105. 105th Darker #0188 he / him Finished 130
    106. 106th jenniebeez #5443 she / they more i made a decision early to not do 1500 lmao ruh roh Finished n/a
    107. 107th b-basaur #2426 she / her Finished n/a
    108. 108th Poisonworms #7119 he / him Finished 833
    109. Cfalcon #0137 he / him more I truly believe that butterflies are dead relatives saying hi DNF 128
    110. emosoda they / them more unable to find rang??? DNF 93
    111. Zorro #9005 she / her DNF 124
    112. RinakoVT #4932 he / him DNF 87
    113. Oximan #8883 he / him DNF 133
    114. Aranha #4263 he / him more RIP controller... DNF 126
    115. BalthyPluch #2903 more la flemme DNF 160
    116. Zemoo #4988 more bottlenecked on kokiri sword for over an hour, worst rules change imaginable DNF 84
    117. AeroRaiser #6469 he / him DNF 481
    118. Ch0c0 #3389 he / him DNF 79
    119. Theumman #0440 he / him DNF 88
    120. KeiperDontCare #8389 DNF 96
    121. Majarkin #2474 he / him DNF 101
    122. Quirkie #5521 he / him DNF 91
    123. Pepe Argento #6479 he / him more take out the 1500 chek !!! DNF 51
    124. TeaGrenadier #7927 DNF 74
    125. Afterlife121 #2825 he / him more I’m as confused as a goat on AstroTurf DNF 69
    126. Suigh #9331 DNF 93
    127. NineWholeGrains #3201 he / him DNF 993
    128. Digitalhobo #5930 DNF 66
    129. eltiokamina #3856 he / him DNF 39
    130. Top_diesel #5071 he / him DNF 170
    131. Mafrucci #0879 DNF 308
    132. Alsoa #3560 he / him DNF 163
    133. Zenthrow #5772 he / him DNF 140
    134. Goombill #1284 he / him DNF 2
    135. solidbaku #8750 DNF n/a
    136. wyrm DQ 327
  3. crazy-saria-6210 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 116 entrants
    1. 1st MrMario7788 #4876 he / him Finished 85
    2. 2nd SariasObject #3370 he / him Finished 83
    3. 3rd Alexis #1759 he / him more :) Finished 71
    4. 4th Narcottic #4889 he / him Finished 132
    5. 5th Nopons #4783 Finished 140
    6. 6th gsk8 #0424 he / him Finished 94
    7. 7th sanzeau #6048 he / him Finished 1,629
    8. 8th Sora #4486 he / him Finished 57
    9. 9th Sponge #2155 Finished 54
    10. 10th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more What a meme. Thanks Jabu. Finished 63
    11. 11th DoitiEtok #7450 he / him more If I didnt die in GC, probably would have saved 2 minutes Finished 103
    12. 12th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 61
    13. 13th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 40
    14. 14th Xef199221 #3025 he / him more That's okay. At least the seed had some smoothness I enjoyed Finished 67
    15. 15th WoodenBarrel #8485 he / him Finished 138
    16. 16th Braaks #4674 he / him Finished 59
    17. 17th Cokotier #5325 he / him more Lezgoooo :) Finished 112
    18. 18th BrotinderDose he / him Finished 74
    19. 19th emosoda they / them Finished 49
    20. 20th FcS35 #2882 he / him more All S5 seeds and paths must be like that ! Marius est fier de moi ! Finished 89
    21. 21st RyuuKane #3246 he / him more Las Vegas went bankrupt Finished 31
    22. 22nd alfalfa #3653 he / him Finished 44
    23. 23rd UofCWildcat #3071 he / him more Probably the most linear S5 Seed ive played. Confusing at points for sure tho Finished 103
    24. 24th Readrim #6625 Finished 60
    25. 25th Lefty #7499 he / him more found my jet ticket, just a few minutes late... lol Finished 50
    26. 26th Blueseangfh2 #1828 he / they more should've went back to fire for that big chest, spent so long getting skulls for bow on 40. Also didnt really get the HF to Barinade path until late. Finished 103
    27. 27th Majarkin #2474 he / him Finished 119
    28. 28th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more Pretty good overall, probably could have been a bit more aggressive with Fire early on, but pretty good overall. Finished 57
    29. 29th BruZZler #7185 he / him Finished 388
    30. 30th Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 15
    31. 31st TheLightswoord #2757 he / him more If only there was no bow in trials , my fire bow would have been so good Finished 28
    32. 32nd DareDevinX #1691 he / him Finished 29
    33. 33rd LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him Finished 28
    34. 34th Riley #6863 he / him more oops Finished 11
    35. 35th VidyaJames he / him more "yOu PlAy FoR tHe HiNt!!!@!@#@!" Finished 27
    36. 36th Chopthetank #0580 Finished 43
    37. 37th MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished 12
    38. 38th Kirox #6033 he / him more *honk honk* Finished 7
    39. 39th Digdig #5090 Finished 45
    40. 40th Bossage #7760 he / him more Dipped well without explosives/strength, so got strenght 2 very late Finished 21
    41. 41st Jagger #2449 he / him Finished 41
    42. 42nd SDGShawn #8194 he / him Finished 19
    43. 43rd Cuphat #2212 he / him more I'll take it. Much more enjoyable seed compared to last night's. Finished 11
    44. 44th tanjo3 he / him more good thing I didn't skip jabu checks, holy Finished 32
    45. 45th DJGUAP0 #6592 more Not bad for a first S5 seed :) Finished 144
    46. 46th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 38
    47. 47th prieR57 #0778 he / him Finished 17
    48. 48th juwk #1061 more i need rando coaching SadgeBusiness Finished 64
    49. 49th Finalor #5218 he / him Finished 384
    50. 50th Fmz #9587 he / him more I always do bad on late zl seeds Finished 33
    51. 51st Crimsonae #0243 he / him Finished 708
    52. 52nd Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished 10
    53. 53rd incoherent #6156 he / him more the *one time* I don't fullclear jabu in glow mode costs me 30 minutes in a qual Finished 12
    54. 54th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 19
    55. 55th Squall27730 #2387 Finished 22
    56. 56th AeroRaiser #6469 he / him Finished 24
    57. 57th Jimbo more why Finished 14
    58. 58th huffpuff1337 #4259 he / him more how do i stop being garbage Finished 6
    59. 59th Oxido #6602 he / him Finished 7
    60. 60th baelnog #5605 he / him more for the love of god I need to stop metagaming myself out of the right play Finished 37
    61. 61st MasterAleks #1550 he / him more Guess who did the textbook mistake of skipping rang chest since what is the odds of that having lights right? It was worse. 1 hour looking for str3 :( Finished 41
    62. 62nd JLoYoshi #2752 he / him more happy with my play, those other guys are just odee Finished 26
    63. 63rd Cyberion #5453 he / him Finished 9
    64. 64th Kydams #2321 Finished 254
    65. 65th ChelseyxLynn #2546 she / her Finished 42
    66. 66th BalthyPluch #2903 Finished 72
    67. 67th Chuckles501 #5294 he / him more Never go modeing anything again Finished 42
    68. 68th kzeldero #3550 he / him more GG Finished 4
    69. 69th aston1988 #7539 Finished 35
    70. 70th jaxstronomy #7766 they / them more possessed by the spirit of pepega Finished 47
    71. 71st Goombill #1284 he / him Finished 2
    72. 72nd ACreativeUsername #3795 he / him Finished 42
    73. 73rd IvaneroWorld #9917 more full casino at the end for last item, and I lost :( +1 hour looking for rutto's letter Finished 21
    74. 74th KeiperDontCare #8389 Finished 55
    75. 75th Hellknight86 #4990 he / him Finished 42
    76. 76th Machie #1863 he / him more Barinade behind Hookshot is way to vadt, feelsbadmen Finished n/a
    77. 77th Feenie #6029 more Je suis un idiot mais tout va bien ! GG à tous ! Finished 45
    78. 78th Yace_Dante #4179 he / him Finished 38
    79. 79th CFlare #4556 they / them Finished 233
    80. 80th ALPHAMARIOX #7392 he / him more Made the most Pepega move and last locationed my letter in Spirit. Finished 111
    81. 81st WeightyWords #1007 he / him Finished 704
    82. 82nd interloper #0934 he / him more j'ai presque cru que je ferai un temps correct. Finished 175
    83. Gogeta #1793 more didn't see other big chest in GTG DNF 143
    84. Hamsda #9463 he / him DNF 97
    85. FantaTanked #6752 he / him DNF 86
    86. Gavaroni #9139 he / him DNF 75
    87. Letsklay #4197 DNF 404
    88. Aranaut #5360 he / him DNF 68
    89. Erwan #1047 he / him more Enough. Fuck S5. Every S5 seed is stupid, I'm done. DNF 293
    90. Ryuja #6053 more flemme DNF 58
    91. DubuDeccer #0242 he / him more head and throat are killing me rip str3 DNF 55
    92. Alaixo #9633 he / him DNF 102
    93. DgBarca #0570 he / him DNF 49
    94. Menou #8446 more Si Gogeta arrête, j'arrête DNF 60
    95. Theumman #0440 he / him DNF 51
    96. xHaii #2532 he / him more forgot to save before checking LA hint, back to beginning of Jabu, fuck this I'm out of S5 (not having fun at all, just like S4) DNF 107
    97. Baringo #6516 DNF 59
    98. barbu #5807 he / him DNF 33
    99. Cloudike #9155 he / him DNF 178
    100. CrustyKyler #1089 he / him more 3 VC crashes...i think my Wii hates me. DNF 30
    101. Samwizest #8610 he / him DNF 28
    102. Xuross #1161 more make woth great again DNF 37
    103. Dragon #4967 he / him DNF 19
    104. dowsey9027 #0331 he / him DNF 23
    105. Damdayou #9554 he / him more My first FF, it had to happen some day :3 DNF 22
    106. Quirkie #5521 he / him more Last locationed letter super hard, no clue where it is and no more time lol. DNF 23
    107. Pepe Argento #6479 he / him more My game was break!! :/ DNF 10
    108. DaLenz91 #3563 he / him DNF 25
    109. Minitoad #0133 he / him more 2h looking for RL, never found it.... DNF 41
    110. DarkxL1nk #4307 he / him DNF 5
    111. ketchuptheduck #4785 she / they DNF 6
    112. derpydragon15 #2410 DNF 5
    113. kariossa #1113 he / him DNF 85
    114. lyric251 #2829 he / him DNF 221
    115. The Hive #4879 he / they DNF 213
    116. Staroid #7201 more Fuck RL DQ 37
  4. epic-cucco-5601 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 65 entrants
    1. 1st Exodus #5327 he / him Finished 51
    2. 2nd Icola #8220 he / him more chus chus Finished 37
    3. 3rd Cola #5395 he / him Finished 30
    4. 4th alfalfa #3653 he / him more shoulda saved that kind of gameplay for next week Finished 48
    5. 5th PhilippeTitou #7354 he / him more Possible sync error. Refresh to continue. (lost 4th place to this) Finished 36
    6. 6th Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 30
    7. 7th Melrose #4744 he / him Finished 35
    8. 8th FantaTanked #6752 he / him Finished 31
    9. 9th kariossa #1113 he / him Finished 15
    10. 10th Sponge #2155 Finished 17
    11. 11th Goomba #5087 he / him Finished 17
    12. 12th Nopons #4783 Finished 47
    13. 13th Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 20
    14. 14th MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished 21
    15. 15th Aosuna #6959 he / him Finished 56
    16. 16th Fmz #9587 he / him Finished 3
    17. 17th Riley #6863 he / him Finished 7
    18. 18th Stuck_man #6906 Finished 18
    19. 19th Braaks #4674 he / him Finished 15
    20. 20th Skyward #4152 he / him Finished 2,794
    21. 21st Zorro #9005 she / her Finished 13
    22. 22nd Alexis #1759 he / him more Not for me XD Finished 1
    23. 23rd Ryuja #6053 Finished 3
    24. 24th juwk #1061 Finished 67
    25. 25th Bossage #7760 he / him Finished 11
    26. 26th Cuphat #2212 he / him Finished 5
    27. 27th Skolslink #5514 he / him Finished 28
    28. 28th KeiperDontCare #8389 more yay Finished 28
    29. 29th xenoh #9245 more fun seed Finished 6
    30. 30th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more Stayed in logic, bad. Last location bow, worse. Finished 13
    31. 31st jaxstronomy #7766 they / them more ok even "too cold to aim" doesn't hide that I have a LOT of work to do with skulls Finished 1
    32. 32nd Xuross #1161 more DMC path bongo for HB nice shit Finished 16
    33. 33rd DoitiEtok #7450 he / him Finished 7
    34. 34th DeadlyThunder #9617 she / her Finished 3
    35. 35th SDGShawn #8194 he / him more > Gets Path Of KD Hint. > Doesnt find bomb bag. SMILERS Finished 10
    36. 36th gsk8 #0424 he / him Finished 45
    37. 37th huffpuff1337 #4259 he / him more who even needs a bomb bag :^) Finished 9
    38. 38th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished 13
    39. 39th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more Probably should have pushed harder into dungeons early on. Though the dins location was just awful. Finished 9
    40. 40th ALPHAMARIOX #7392 he / him Finished 3
    41. 41st ScorpiosFinalGambit #2997 he / him more THAT SEED WAS BRUTAL. Finished 10
    42. 42nd Squall27730 #2387 Finished 1
    43. RyuuKane #3246 he / him more Figure out the logic, get skulls outside of that area rendered useless. Get rekt for it, nice. DNF 53
    44. Sora #4486 he / him DNF 48
    45. Kevin_818 #9130 he / him more mistook mirror shield for a deku shield DNF 39
    46. papy_grant #8513 he / him DNF 35
    47. Narcottic #4889 he / him DNF 48
    48. VidyaJames he / him DNF 31
    49. Yoshizor #4830 he / him DNF 43
    50. Jimbo DNF 20
    51. Readrim #6625 DNF 20
    52. FcS35 #2882 he / him DNF 24
    53. kr3z #4245 he / him DNF 15
    54. Baringo #6516 DNF 18
    55. UofCWildcat #3071 he / him more So close but IRL situation popped up T_T DNF 9
    56. Cloudike #9155 he / him DNF 68
    57. dowsey9027 #0331 he / him DNF 3
    58. Quirkie #5521 he / him more Dont have time for 50 skulls :/ DNF 2
    59. Yace_Dante #4179 he / him more Forest know i hate you <3 DNF 1,290
    60. Majarkin #2474 he / him DNF 1,272
    61. Pepe Argento #6479 he / him DNF 1,271
    62. detrumi #3374 he / him DNF 1,224
    63. kzeldero #3550 he / him DNF 27
    64. interloper #0934 he / him DNF 254
    65. SariasObject #3370 he / him DNF 18
  5. grumpy-zora-1518 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st Kevin_818 #9130 he / him Finished 18
    2. 2nd Sponge #2155 Finished 2,918
    3. 3rd Exodus #5327 he / him Finished 9
    4. 4th DeadlyThunder #9617 she / her more Finishing 11 minutes behind Sponge, feeling pretty good ^^ Finished 18
    5. 5th Jimbo more valley lake = win Finished 2
    6. 6th Yace_Dante #4179 he / him Finished 15
    7. 7th KeiperDontCare #8389 more got BB and HS in Valley in the first 10 minutes... without the hint. never got the hint either. Sadge. Finished 7
    8. 8th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more Really should have followed up the stuff locked by letter. Finished 1
    9. DareDevinX #1691 he / him DNF 21
    10. Lefty #7499 he / him DNF 15
    11. CANMaple #1272 DNF 21
    12. SariasObject #3370 he / him DNF 17
  6. intrepid-epona-6076 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 19 entrants
    1. 1st mrmartin #9054 Finished 21
    2. 2nd Cola #5395 he / him Finished 4
    3. 3rd RyuuKane #3246 he / him more I ain't ever hitting jackpot I guess Finished 1
    4. 4th kr3z #4245 he / him more Apparently the weekly and SGL qual are coordinating Finished 24
    5. 5th Lefty #7499 he / him more always rush gtg and miss the hover boots that you don't need but need. nice Finished 18
    6. 6th DecoyTroy #5137 he / him more Anyone else get baited into turning in the eyedrops? Finished 20
    7. 7th incoherent #6156 he / him more you'd think I wouldn't have restream nerves anymore Finished 1
    8. 8th Icola #8220 he / him more RL go mode.. Finished 16
    9. 9th Jimbo Finished 3
    10. 10th Nave #0951 more I choked 3 higher places because I suck at combat omegalul Finished 107
    11. 11th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 7
    12. 12th KeiperDontCare #8389 more fuck lake hylia Finished 7
    13. 13th Linkpon #8526 he / him Finished 4
    14. 14th JindaWuff #7297 they / them more stop closing the Deku Tree >:C Finished 1,297
    15. 15th SDGShawn #8194 he / him more not a good performance. Even with the clocks going back during I still would be 4th LUL Finished 19
    16. 16th GravityBeatle #4704 he / him more got scared i'd have to do stones for SoS. LI: mirror shield Finished 20
    17. 17th Lego #3077 he / him more blown out by going to gtg before str 2 Finished 34
    18. Campo #7429 he / him DNF 36
    19. Digitalhobo #5930 DNF 18
  7. mega-zelda-7298 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished not recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st ALPHAMARIOX #7392 he / him more Who needs nuts or a hammer? Finished 961
    2. 2nd AlexanderHD #8749 he / him Finished 1,259
    3. Lefty #7499 he / him DNF 1,846
    4. KeiperDontCare #8389 DNF 1,436
  8. dynamax-meg-2842 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st WTHH #3353 he / him Finished 2
    2. 2nd KeiperDontCare #8389 Finished 4
    3. 3rd ksinjah #5722 she / her Finished 5
    4. Lefty #7499 he / him DNF 2
  9. zany-saburo-5257 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Narcottic #4889 he / him Finished 29
    2. 2nd ketchuptheduck #4785 she / they Finished 168
    3. 3rd MrBeknacktoman #4139 more PB! But just barely... Finished 111
    4. KeiperDontCare #8389 more nope. no thank you DNF 39
  10. kind-fado-6014 OoTR Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st RyuuKane #3246 he / him more insert Pepega + OMEGALULiguess emote Finished 2
    2. 2nd KeiperDontCare #8389 more pretty sure dipping Domain cost me first Pepega Finished 46
    3. 3rd HaydeyPatatey #1406 he / him more Good work everyone :) Finished 23
    4. 4th LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him more One incorrect choice made all the difference Finished 5
    5. 5th kr3z #4245 he / him more Left GTG immediately after getting silvers. So of course that's where all the items were Finished 3
    6. 6th CesarMartins12 #1994 he / him Finished 4
    7. 7th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more Could have been worse, tbh. Finished 35
    8. 8th Owningmatt93 #4195 he / him more GTG never fails to make me sad :( Finished 3
    9. 9th Kurose #0543 they / them Finished 124
    10. 10th MrBeknacktoman #4139 more Finally! Finished 458
    11. Lefty #7499 he / him DNF 37
    12. jeffisfine #3712 he / him DNF 41